RCMAR II Directors Core Conference Call August 10, 2005, 3 – 4 p.m. EST Attendees: Marvella Ford, Jack Goldberg, Rafael Lantigua, Carol Mangione, Eliseo Pérez-Stable, Sid Stahl, Anita Stewart, Barbara Tilley Absent: James Jackson, Peter Lichtenberg, Spero Manson Chair: Janet Frank Approved Minutes Old Business I. Review and approval of outstanding minutes The outstanding minutes are still not approved. Janet reminded everyone again to please review the minutes online and email your approval to Pam. II. Michigan Media Conference The purpose of the media conference is to disseminate information. It will be used as a vehicle to inform the media about RCMAR activities. Detroit will be the pilot site and will be used as basis to determine what works or what needs to be done differently in the future. Sid asked that the CC invite NIA Public Information Officer Vicky Cahan to the conference. In reviewing the National Press Foundation’s announcement, an error was found in the wording of the second to the last paragraph, second sentence. It should read, “This small, interactive training session is limited to...” III. 2006 Annual Meeting – San Francisco The CC has received responses from 7 members and 2 are still outstanding. Janet requested everyone continue to hold the following dates: April 5th, 7th, 24th, and May 1st. The final date will be provided within the next few weeks so that the Core can move forward in planning the content of the meeting. IV. No External Review Sid stated that he was not successful in getting funds for the external review of RCMAR. He stated that it was not a reflection on RCMAR, but that the ’05 monies were already allocated and used. Although Sid stated that he could not make any promises, he will try to obtain funding. Investigator Development Core Issues Jack stated that they have selected a new group of Native Investigators, and 2 of the 5 have accepted. Janet reminded everyone that as they finalize their candidates, they should submit an abstract or short description, and biosketch to the CC. Sid agreed and reiterated that this is an essential step, as it is a new rule that the NIA officers need to approve all pilot studies. Please send the materials to Pamela Jackson-McCall who will forward to Sid. - Barbara stated that MUCS had a new investigator. - Carol reported that CHIME is working on finalizing two Scholars, and are proposing a third person. - Rafael reported that CALME had two investigators there. One has accepted, and one is still pending. New Business I. Semi-annual report due – October 14 Janet reminded everyone that the semi-annual report due date is October 14, 2005. Those Centers requiring assistance with their online reporting should submit a requested ahead of time. II. Announcements GSA 2005 The RCMAR Scholar Follow-Up Survey abstract submitted to GSA by Steve Wallace, has been accepted as a poster. Anita reported that one of their scholar’s abstract was accepted as a presentation. Marvella stated that one of their abstracts had also been accepted Sid sent information to Pam regarding a new NIA program: F-30 to be added to the RCMAR website. This program gives the opportunity to MD’s who wish to obtain their PhD in social behavioral sciences by offering fellowship and/or salary support. Save the Date: RCMAR pre-GSA dinner – location TBD – Thursday, November 17 Pamela is working on securing a restaurant for the pre-GSA dinner. GSA pre-conference workshop – Friday, November 18 This was a reminder for all to add the Pre-Conference Workshop to their calendar – November 18, 2005, from 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. The CC will send marketing materials to each center so they may distribute to faculty attending the meetings. Janet also mentioned that the CC was working on the Schedule of Minority Sessions booklet as well. Anita mentioned that the Measurement Core would need assistance in planning the preconference workshop. They want to be sure that they present the methods and challenges that people used, and how they overcame issues. They also want to ensure that the workshop is ½ qualitative, and ½ quantitative. All agreed to assist with the workshop. Rafael will not be able to attend the conference or GSA meeting because he will be in Argentina presenting data to the American Cancer Society. Carol mentioned that she had a conflict with the conference and will not be able to attend. GSA conflicts with the Clinical Scholar’s Meeting, and she is one of the directors. Next Conference Call Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3-4 EST