Ohio Grade 5 Achievement Test for Science – May 2008 Annotated Item 23 Standard and Benchmark Assessed: Standard: Scientific Inquiry Benchmark: A. Use appropriate instruments safely to observe, measure and collect data when conducting a scientific investigation. Multiple Choice Question: 23. Which property of air does a barometer measure? A. B. C. D. speed pressure humidity temperature Commentary: This multiple choice question asks students to identify which property of air a barometer measures. A barometer measures air pressure making answer choice B correct. Answer choice A is incorrect because air speed is measured by an anemometer. Answer choice C is incorrect because humidity is measured by a hygrometer. Answer choice D is incorrect because air temperature is measured by a thermometer. The question is classified Recalling/Identifying Accurate Science because the task requires students to correctly recall the functions of weather instruments and that a barometer measures air pressure. Performance Data: The percent of public school students selecting answer choice B for questions 23 on the May 2008 Ohio Grade 5 Achievement Test for Science was 58%. Keywords: barometer, air pressure Source: Ohio Department of Education July 08