5245Su2011_Syllabus_(tentative).rtf Tentative Syllabus NORTH

Tentative Syllabus
COURSE TITLE: 5245 (SS I) Health Sciences Resources and Services
SEMESTER: Summer 2011
COURSE TIME & LOCATION: Online Mondays, 6PM via elluminate
Links to elluminate sessions will be provided on a weekly basis
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Gabriel Peterson
TELEPHONE NUMBER: 919-530-6746
E-MAIL: gpeterson@nccu.edu
OFFICE: 323 Shepard Library
OFFICE HOURS: Call or e-mail anytime.
The course is designed to provide students the knowledge necessary to use information
sources in the health sciences to meet the information needs of users. The course
covers user types and information needs, information sources in the health sciences,
health sciences vocabulary, searching in health sciences databases, support or
evidence based practice, overview of the health science environment and professional
practice issues.
Upon completing LSIS 5245, students will be able to:
Demonstrate familiarity with traditional and modern health science informations courses
Demonstrate adequate search strategies using health science information sources
Apply subject knowledge in information retrieval by using thesauri, subject headings and
other related guides
Manage the knowledge of a typical consumer health environment
Integrate user needs, resources and context in the search process.
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This class is held online in weekly live sessions via elluminate. (www.elluminate.com)
Participation in these weekly sessions is mandatory and constitutes your class
participation grade. Attendance will be taken in each class session; University
attendance policies apply. Do to the abbreviated timeline of this course, you MUST be
available for every class at the appointed time.
-You must have the following installed and operational by first class session.
Hardware: A computer with a microphone and Internet access
Software: Java - To install the latest edition of Java, follow this link: http://java.com/en/
Elluminate is web/Java based, so you will not need to install elluminate software.
Instead you will access elluminate by directing your Java-enabled browser to
elluminate.com. If you are not familiar with elluminate, please follow the link below for
installation of Java and orientation in the use of the elluminate system.
The student will:
1. Participate in all online sessions
2. Read, interpret & discuss readings relating to each week’s topic.
3. Complete all assignments and exams. No late assignments will be accepted without
the instructor’s prior permission.
Introduction to Reference Sources in the Health Sciences, Fifth Edition, by Huber,
Boorkman & Blackwell
ISBN-10: 1555706363
Read & be prepared to discuss the assigned material in the weekly online sessions.
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Participation in online sessions is an important part of your class participation grade.
Complete all assignments & exams by their due date.
The final grade will be determined as follows:
1. Quizzes –40%
2. Final Exam – 30%
3. Assignments & Class Participation – 20%
4. Class presentation – 10%
SLIS 5475 Summer 2011 Course Schedule:
May 23: Class at 6PM via elluminate
Chapters 1, & Ch. 7
Terminology, periodicals, databases
Search assignment #1: MESH & NLM Guides, MEDLINE, MEDLINEPlus, PubMed
May 30: Class at 6PM via elluminate
Chapters 2, 3, 4 & 5
Monographs, Handbooks & reports
Quiz #1
June 6: Class at 6PM via elluminate
Ch 6, 8 & 9
Website evaluation assignment distributed
June 13: Class at 6PM via elluminate
Ch 10, 11 & 12
Quiz #2
June 20: Class at 6PM via elluminate
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Website evaluation assignment due
Ch 13 & 14, Appendix 11-2
June 20: Final Exam Distributed
June 24: Final Exam Due
Assignment #1: Housekeeping (Due May 27, 2011)
1a) Join the SLIS students Yahoo! group listserv. (Get credit by posting via the list)
1b) Login to Blackboard, post alternate email on Alt. email forum, submit academic
integrity statement to Digital Dropbox on Blackboard.
Assignment #2: Search exercises
Assignment #3: Website/database evaluation
Each student will select a web source of health science information and evaluate the
content and usability of the system.
Assignment #4: Chapter presentation & discussion
Each student will present a chapter from the text and lead a class discussion. Students
will have the opportunity to sign up for a chapter; after the first week, students will be
assigned chapters at random.
The presentation and discussion will include a review of the chapter contents and a
presentation/demonstration of the resources presented in their chapter.
This presentation represents 10% of your grade, so prepare thoroughly!
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I have a zero tolerance policy regarding academic dishonesty. If you represent the work
of another person as your own, you will receive a grade of 0 on the entire assignment or
exam in question. This policy applies to cheating and to plagiarism, as defined in
NCCU’s Academic Integrity Statement, found below and at the following
URL: http://www.nccu.edu/academics/liberalarts/history/gradhandbook.cfm
Plagiarism is the unattributed use of another’s work and includes the representation as
your own of material copied from online sources, such as the Wikipedia.
Cutting and pasting material from online resources is not acceptable behavior at any
academic level and will not be tolerated.
Because we use Blackboard, your work is done on your own and the instructor depends
on your honesty and integrity to do all the work assigned alone (unless a team is
designated). You are promising that you did the work without assistance from another
student and without assisting any other student. You can use notes and textbooks, you
can study with others, but you must alone answer questions.
North Carolina Central University is dedicated to instilling in its students the highest
principles of integrity and responsibility. In this regard, students are expected to
demonstrate respect for these principles in the performance of their academic activities.
Academic dishonesty, which is a violation of academic integrity, will be dealt with
according to the provisions of the Student Code of Academic Integrity.
Academic dishonesty is defined as any conduct which is intended by the student to
obtain for him/her or for others an unfair or false evaluation in connection with any
examination or other work for academic credit. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and
complicity are examples of conduct which is academically dishonest.
Cheating is the unauthorized use of materials in connection with an examination or
other work for academic credit, including, but not limited to (1) the use of books, notes,
outlines, etc. during an examination where the instructor has not authorized use of such
materials or information; (2)seeking unauthorized materials or information from others in
connection with an examination; (3) giving or attempting to give unauthorized
assistance to a person in connection with an examination; (4) obtaining or attempting to
obtain unauthorized copies of examinations; (5) bringing to an examination, or
attempting to use during an examination, unauthorized answers which have been
prepared before the examination period; (6) copying or attempting to copy from the work
of another student during an examination; and (7) submitting for evaluation in a course,
part or the whole of a work for which credit has been given previously.
Fabrication is the intentional invention, counterfeiting and/or alteration of quotations,
data, procedures, experiments, sources or other information for which the student
claims authorship in an exercise which he or she submits with the expectation of
receiving academic credit.
Plagiarism is the intentional use of the ideas, words, or work of another without
attribution, when the information they provide is not common knowledge, either in
content or form, and includes, but is not limited to (1) quoting from the published or
unpublished work of another without appropriate attribution; (2) paraphrasing or
summarizing in one’s own work any portion of the published or unpublished materials of
another without attribution; and (3) borrowing from another’s work information which is
not in the domain of common knowledge.
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Complicity is the intentional giving of assistance or the attempt to give assistance to
another for the purpose of perpetrating academic dishonesty.
Other Policies:
Student Support Services for Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities (physical, psychological, learning disability, etc.) who would
like to request accommodations need to register with the Office of Student Support
Services in Suite G20 in the Student Services Building or by contacting Kesha Lee,
Director at (919)530-6325 or klee@nccu.edu. If you are already registered in the office,
you will need to return to the office each semester to review your information and
receive updated accommodations.
Incomplete grades:
The grade of "I" will be given only in unusual cases and must be resolved within a time
frame agreed upon by instructor and student prior to assignation
Late Assignments: Late homework will be penalized at the rate of 5 points (half a letter
grade) per day of lateness.
Late exams will be penalized at the rate of 10 points per day of lateness.
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