Back-End SLIM-O Capacitated Loading LP Formulation Indices r demand class, r=1,…,R. r is the number of demand classes. Note that demands are cumulative over demand classes, i.e., demand input of demand class r includes all demands of demand classes r-1,r-2,…,1. g finished goods (FG) type, g Gr. Gr is the set of all finished goods types which appear in demand class r. i route ID, i Ir. Ir is the set of all routes associated with the FG demands of demand class r. l step of a route. li is the last step number of route i. k resource (machine or labor) type, k Kr. Kr is the set of all resources required to carry out the production associated with demand class r. t planning period, t=1,...,T. T is the last period of the planning horizon. y index of epoch when mass conservation is checked. yg is the last checking epoch of FG type g in the planning horizon. yi is the last checking epoch of Route i in the planning horizon. c index of combo type, a combo type represents a set of resources which are required to perform at a step together. Note: i g denotes the set of all routes that process (only) FG type g. i k denotes the set of all routes that consume resource k. k (i,l) denotes the set of all machines able to perform step l on route i; a k denotes the set of DUV groups which includes resource k. XALL denotes the set of all types of routes; AS denotes assembly route; BI denotes burn-in route; TE denotes test route; BN denotes bin route; PA denotes package route. Parameters ailkt average machine-hours of machine type k used to process one unit at step l of route i in period t. bit average out (yield rate) on route i in period t per unit of route start, where “start” and “out” are defined according to its following variable, e.g., in the expression of bit Iatiit-L, bit is the yield rate from start of AS (a) route i to the output of TE (t) route i. biy average out (yield rate) on route i at epoch y per unit of route start, where “start” and “out” are defined according to its following variable, e.g., in the expression of biy Iatiiy-L, biy is the yield rate from start of AS (a) route i to the output of TE (t) route i. bilt yield rate from start to step l for a unit processed at step l in period t, where “start” and “step l” are defined according to its following variable, e.g., in the expression of bilt Iatiit-L, bilt is the yield rate from start of AS (a) route i to step l of TE (t) route i. billy yield rate from step l to step l for a unit processed at step l in period t, where “step l” and “step l” are defined according to its following variable, e.g., in the expression of billy Watiil,y-L, biloy is the yield rate from step l of AS (a) route i to step l of TE (t) route i. biloy yield rate from step l to out for a unit of output in period t, where “step l” and “output” are defined according to its following variable, e.g., in the expression of biloy Watiil,y-L, biloy is the yield rate from step l of AS (a) route i to output of TE (t) route i. XQtil total number of WIP arriving at step l on X route i in period t which are from initial WIP at minor steps between major step l-1 and l (including step l), where X = AS: AS routes; X = BI: BI routes; X = TE: TE routes; X = BN: BN routes; X = PA: PA routes. BSQi initial inventory of bin store i. r d gy net demand for FG type g in demand class r between epoch y-1 and y. cit material cost per unit of start of AS route i in period t. ckt estimated hours of resource type k available in period t. egy backorder cost per unit of FG type g in demand class r at epoch y. hgy holding cost per unit of FG type g in demand class r at epoch y. PXilt credit added to the objective function for each unit of initial WIP released from step l on X route i in period t, where X = AS: AS routes; X = BI: BI routes; X = TE: TE routes; X = BN: BN routes; X = PA: PA routes. Pasit credit added to the objective function for each unit of output on AS route i in period t. Ppaiy credit added to the objective function for each unit of output on PA route i between epoch y-1 and epoch y. wit number of working days for route i in period t. Working calendars may vary from route to route. Wit cumulative number of working days for route i from time 0 to end of period t. Wy cumulative number of calendar days from time 0 to epoch y. ddr daily discount rate GRDi grade of bin store I, e.g., grade 1 is superior to grade 2, grade 2 is superior to grade 3, etc. GRD yi GRD i /(1 ddr ) Lit Wy expected number of working days from start to out for a unit of output on route i at working time epoch Wit. (Lit is the "cycle time" for route i.), where “start” and “out” are defined according to its variable, e.g., in the expression of Iatiit-L, Lit is the cycle time from start of AS (a) route i to output of TE (t) route i. Liy expected number of working days from start to out for a unit of output on route i at time epoch Wy . (Liy is the "cycle time" for route i.), where “start” and “out” are defined according to its variable, e.g., in the expression of Iatiiy-L, Liy is the cycle time from start of AS (a) route i to output of TE (t) route i. Lilt expected number of working days from route start to step l on route i for a unit processed at step l at working time epoch Wit. (the "cycle time" for route i up to step l.) where “start” and “step l” are defined according to its variable, e.g., in the expression of Iatiit-L, Lilt is the cycle time from start of AS (a) route i to step l of TE (t) route i. Lillt expected number of working days from start of step l to start of step l on route i for a unit processed at step l at working time epoch Wit. (the "cycle time" for route i from step l to step l. l = o means the end of the route), where “step l” and “step l” are defined according to its variable, e.g., in the expression of Watiil,t-L, Lillt is the cycle time from step l of AS (a) route i to step l of TE (t) route i. Liloy expected number of working days from step l to out on route i for a unit of output at working time epoch Wiy. (the "cycle time" for route i from step l to out.), where “step l” and “out” are defined according to its variable, e.g., in the expression of Watiil,y-L, Liloy is the cycle time from step l of AS (a) route i to out of TE (t) route i. Brgy upper bound on backorder level of FG type g at epoch y in the LP for demand class r, defined for each r = 2,3,...,R; its value is the optimal value of Bgy (see below) of the LP for demand class r - 1 plus the quantity y d t 1 y d gtr 1 r gt t 1 LAit lateness cost for each unit under the pre-specified lower bound on AS starts of route i in period t. ASIit pre-specified lower bound on starts of AS route i in period t ASIit pre-specified upper bound on starts of AS route i in period t ABNiiy* the optimal value of ABNiiy in the LP for the last demand class R Iabiit* the optimal solution of Iabiit in the LP for the WIP-flush class ASOit* the optimal solution of ASOit in the LP for the WIP-flush class PAOiy* the optimal solution of PAOiy in the LP for the WIP-flush class Variables IXYiit number of starts of X route i in period t, which is allocated to Y route i, where (X,Y) =(a,b): AS route to BI route; (X,Y) = (a,t): AS route to TE route; (X,Y) = (b,p): BN route to PA route. WXYiijt number of initial WIP released from step j on X route i in period t, which is allocated to Y route i, where (X,Y) =(a,b): AS route to BI route; (X,Y) = (a,t): AS route to TE route; (X,Y) = (b,p): BN route to PA route. WXijt number of initial WIP released from step j on X route i in period t, where X = tt: TE routes; X = pp: PA routes. XOiy total number of outs from X route i between epoch y-1 and y, X = BI: BI routes; X = TE: TE routes; X = BN: BN routes; X = PA: PA routes. ASOit XIit total number of outs from AS route i in period t total number of starts from X route i in peiord t, where X = AS: AS routes; X = BI: BI routes; X = TE: TE routes; X = BN: BN routes; X = PA: PA routes. LDXilct number of starts of x route i, step l on combo c in period t, where X = as: AS routes; X = bi: BI routes; X = te: TE routes; X = bn: BN routes; X = pa: PA routes. BSIiiy number of TE outs on route i which are allocated to BS store i between epoch y-1 and epoch y. Aasiit number of dies type i which are allocated to AS route i in period t. ii Abn y AFGigy Igy Bgy ASPit number of BS outs on store i which are allocated to BN route i between epoch y-1 and epoch y. number of PA outs on route i which are allocated to FG type g between epoch y-1 and epoch y. inventory of wafer from wafer type g at epoch y. backorder level of wafer from wafer type g at epoch y. difference between the actual starts and the lower bound on starts on AS route i in period t. Expression for Xit-Lt Let []+i denote the smallest index t such that Wit > . Case 1: [ Wit-1 – Lt-1 , Wit – Lt ] is contained in some open interval between two consecutive time grid points. Let + t = [ Wit – Lt ] +i. Then X ti Lt (Wt i Lt ) (Wt i1 Lt 1 ) i Xt Wt i Wt i 1 Case 2: [ Wit-1 – Lt-1 , Wit – Lt ] contains one or more epochs defining the boundaries of planning periods. Let t+ = [ Wit – Lt ] +i and let t- = [ Wit-1 – Lt -1 ] +i.. Then X Wt i (Wt i1 Lt 1 ) i t Lt Wt Wt 1 i i X i t t 1 X i (Wt i Lt ) Wt i 1 Wt Wt 1 i t 1 i X ti Note: To simplify the LP formulation, The following model does not consider AS inventory. For the case with AS inventory, readers can easily add inventory release variables (similar to AS WIP start variables) into the formulation. Formulation (for each demand class, starting from r = 1) Objective (To Be Maximized) Phase 1: Forecast or Orderboard Demand Class yg T cit ASI h i t iI r t 1 gG r y 1 I gy gy yg e gG r y 1 T gy Bgy LAit ASPit iI r t 1 Phase 2: WIP-Flush Class T T T T Pas Wab Pbi Wbt Pte Wtt Pbn Wbp ii lt il t t 1 iI r ii li t 1 iI r ii li il t ii lt t 1 iI r li T PpatilWpplti t 1 iI r li Phase 3: BS WIP Releases based on BS grades (Optional) yi GRD i y 1 i y BSO yi Phase 4: Area Capacity (Optional) yg T P t 1 iI t r as ASO Pypa PAOyi i t y 1 iI r Constraints (1) Bounds on WIP Start at Each Step il t i lt t 1 iI r ii li il t ii lt t t Wablii ASQil , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T 1 ii 1 t t Wbt lii BIQil , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T 1 ii 1 t t Wttlii TEQil , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T 1 ii 1 t t Wbplii BNQil , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T 1 ii 1 t t Wpplii PAQil , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T 1 ii 1 (2) Allocation Constraints on AS WIP Start Variables Wablti i Wat lti i , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T ii (3) Allocation Constraints on AS New Start Variables Iabti i Iat ti i , i I r , t 1,..., T ii (4) Resource Allocation Constraints c( i ,l ) LDbi c( i ,l ) l LDas bilt Iab il ct ii t Lilt ii bi llt Wabli,it Li , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T l 1 llt ii l bilt Iabtii Li bi lltWablii,t Li bi llt Wbt li,it Li , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T il ct lt ii llt ii li l 1 llt ii l LDtectil bilt Iat tii Li bi lltWat lii,t Li bi lltWbt lii,t Li bi llt Wtt li,it Li , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T LDbn ctil bilt Ibp tii Li bi llt Wbp li,it Li , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T c( i ,l ) c( i ,l ) lt ii llt ii li llt ii li l 1 ii llt l lt ii LDpa c( i , l ) il ct bilt Ibp ii t Lilt ii l 1 llt ii bi lltWbp ii l , t Lillt ii li l bi llt Wppli,it Li , (i, l ) I r , t 1,..., T l 1 ii (5) Resource Capacity Constraints a X ALL ( i ,l ,c )k ilkt LDX ctil c kt , k K r , t 1,..., T (6) Output ASOti bit Iabtii Li bilotWabli,it Li , i I r , t 1,..., T ii t ii l i lot llt li TEO yi biy Iat iyi Li biloyWat lii, y Li biloyWbt lii, y Li bi loyWtt li, y Li , i I r , y 1,..., y g y ii y BSO k 1 ii li loy ii li loy l 1 loy y BSQ BSI kii , i I r , y 1,..., y i i k i ii k 1 li PAOyi biy Ibp iyi Li biloyWbp lii, y Li bi loyWpp li, y Li , i I r , y 1,..., y g y ii ii li loy l 1 loy (7) Die Allocation Constraints Aastii Iabti i , (i, i) I r , t 1,..., T ii (8) Test-out Allocation Constraints TEO yi BSI yi i , (i, i) I r , y 1,..., y i ii (9) Bin-Store Allocation Constraints BSO yi ABN yi i , i I r , y 1,..., y i ii (10) BN starts ABN Ibp iyi , i I r , y 1,..., y i ii y ii ii (11) PA Outs Allocation Constraints PAOyi AFGyig , i I r , y 1,..., y i gi (12) FG Inventory Balance Equations AFG ig ig y r B g , y 1 B gy I g , y 1 I gy d gy , g G r , y 1,..., y g (13) Upper Bounds on Back Orders of Wafers Bgy B gy , g G r , y 1,..., y g (r 2) r (14) Pre-specified Upper Bounds on AS Starts Iab ii ii t ASI it , i I r , t 1,..., T (15) Pre-specified Lower Bounds on AS Starts Iab ii t ii ASPit ASI it , i I r , t 1,..., T (16) Upper Bounds on BN Ins (Only for Phase 2: WIP-Flush Class with the option of allowing BS inventory and Phase 3) ABN i i ii y ABN yi i *, i I R , y 1,..., y i i i (17) Upper Bounds on AS Ins (Only for Phase 3) Iabti i Iabti i *, i I R , i i , t 1,..., T (18) Lower Bounds on AS and PA outputs (Only for Phase 4) ASOti ASOti *, i I R , t 1,..., T PAOyi PAOyi *, i I R , y 1,..., y g (19) Fixed Product Output Mix (Only for Phase 4) T T ASO 0. 9 t 1 T i t ASO t 1 R i t * * T T ASO ASO t 1 i t t 1 i t 1.1 ASO t 1 T i t * ASO t 1 i t T ASO , i I * t 1 i t R and i i, i I is the first index of AS route with positive output in Phase 3 yg PAO 0.9 y 1 i y yg * yg PAO y 1 R i y * yg yg PAO PAO y 1 i y y 1 i y 1.1 PAO y 1 i y * yg PAO y 1 i y * yg PAO , i I y 1 i y i I is the first index of PA route with positive output in Phase 3 R and i i,