UMKC L AW FACULTY CUMULATIVE SCHOLARSHIP 2001 - PRESENT Jasmine Abdel-khalik Territoriality, Dilution, and Unfair Competition: The Premature Death of Niche Geographic Fame, (in progress). Is a Rose by Any Other Image Still a Rose? Disconnecting Dilution's Similarity Test from Traditional Trademark Concepts, 39 U. TOL. L. REV. 591 (2008). To Live In In-“Fame”-Y: Reconceiving Scandalous Marks as Analogous to Famous Marks, 25 CARDOZO ARTS & ENT. L.J. 173 (2007). Prescriptive Treaties in Global Warming: Applying the Factors Leading to the Montreal Protocol, 22 MICH. J. INT’L L. 489 (2001). David Jacks Achtenberg The Surety Protection Provisions of Magna Carta Chapter Nine: Some Thoughts About Their Genesis, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE SURETY CLAIMS INSTITUTE (2007). Venue in Missouri After Tort Reform, 75 UMKC L. REV. ___ (2007). Venue Under Tort Reform, MISSOURI ORGANIZATION OF DEFENSE LAWYERS ANNUAL MEETING COURSE MATERIALS (2006). Taking History Seriously: Municipal Liability Under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and the Debate Over Respondeat Superior, 73 FORDHAM L. REV. 2183 (2005). Missouri Civil Procedure, in MISSOURI BAR-BRI (2003-2006). Mark Berger Self-Incrimination and the European Court of Human Rights: Procedural Issues in the Enforcement of the Right to Silence, 5 EUR. HUM. RTS. L. REV. 514 (2007). Compelled Self-Reporting and the Principle Against Compelled Self-Incrimination: Some Comparative Perspectives, 1 EUR. HUM. RTS. L. REV. 25 (2006). Europeanizing Self-Incrimination: The Right to Remain Silent in the European Court of Human Rights, 12 COLUM. J. EUR. L. 487 (2006). Arbitration and Arbitrability: Toward an Expectation Model, 56 BAYLOR L. REV. 753 (2004). American Perspectives on Self-Incrimination and the Compelled Production of Evidence, 6 INT’L J. EV. & PROOF 218 (2002). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 1 Rethinking the Legal Oversight of Benefit Program Exclusions, 32 RUTGERS L.J. 227 (2002). Arbitration’s Grand Slam Victory in the Supreme Court’s 2000-2001 Term, 72 PA. B. ASS’N Q. 175 (2001). Jeffrey B. Berman The Trial of Samuel Chase (2006), available at SSRN: THE STORY OF A CIVIL SUIT: DOMINGUEZ V. SCOTT’S FOOD STORE (3d ed. 2002)(with David Crump). William K. Black Trust but Verify in MELTDOWN ( Katrina Vanden Heuvel, ed., Nation Books:2009). (with James K. Galbraith). "Cette finance frauduleuse que l'on ne veut pas voir." L'Économie politique. n° 42 –2009/2: 5258. (published in France). Those Who Forget the Regulatory Successes of the Past Are Condemned to Failure, XLIV ECONOMIC & POLITICAL WEEKLY 80 (March 28, 2009) (published in India). The U.S. Banking Industry in Transition in REAL WORLD BANKING 5th ed. (Dan Fireside & Amy Gluckman eds., reprinted from Dollars & Sense, 2008). (Mis)understanding a Banking Industry in Transition, DOLLARS & SENSE No. 273 (Nov./Dec. 2007). When Fragile Become Friable: Endemic Control Fraud as a Cause of Economic Stagnation and Collapse, in WHITE COLLAR CRIMES: A DEBATE (K. Naga Srivalli ed., Icfai University Press: 2007). Corruption Kills in INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF WHITE-COLLAR CRIME (Henry Pontell & G. Geis eds., Springer 2007). Control Fraud v. The Protocols. 45 CRIME, L. & SOC. CHANGE 241(2006). THE BEST WAY TO ROB A BANK IS TO OWN ONE: HOW CORPORATE EXECUTIVES AND POLITICIANS LOOTED THE S&L INDUSTRY (Univ. of Texas Press 2005). “Control Frauds” as Financial Super-Predators: How “Pathogens” Make Financial Markets Inefficient, 34 J. SOC.-ECON., 734 (2005). Control Fraud as an Explanation for White-Collar Crime Waves: The Case of the Savings & Loan Debacle, 43 CRIME, L. & SOC. CHANGE 1 (2005). The Dango Tango: Why Corruption Blocks Real Reform, 14 BUS. ETHICS Q. 602 (2004). Translated into Japanese and reprinted in three volumes, Nos. 43-45, of BUS. ETHICS (Japan) (2005-2006); and as a chapter in DANGO, (Saito, Akira ed., Nikkan Kensetsu Kogyo Shimbun). The Imperium Strikes Back: The Need to Teach Socioeconomics to Law Students. 41 SAN DIEGO L. REV. 231 (2004). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 2 Why Doesn’t the SEC Have a “Chief Criminologist”? The lead article in 29 THE CRIMINOLOGIST 1 (Nov./Dec. 2004). Corporate Super-predators. Open Democracy (May 5, 2003). (2900 word “Featured Article” in a highly respected international e journal for civilized, serious debate.) Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts: Enron Uses Its High Tech Information System to Defraud. CISIC 2003 Conference Symposium edition (McGraw-Hill 2003). Re-examining the Law & Economics Theory of Corporate Governance. 46 CHALLENGE 22 (Mar./Apr. 2003). A Tale of Two Crises, KRAVIS LEADERSHIP INST. LEADERSHIP REV (2002). Why do the Non-Heathens Rage? 8 J. CRIM. JUST. & POP. CULT. 225 (2001). Paul D. Callister Inside the Minds in THE CHANGING ROLE OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP (Aspatore Books : forthcoming 2009). Books above the Throne: Geopolitical and Technological Factors Exalting Textual Authority in Seventeenth-Century England (under submission). Books above the Throne: Institutional and Cognitive Factors Exalting Textual Authority in SeventeenthCentury England (in progress). Law and Heidegger’s Question Concerning Technology: A Prolegomenon to Future Law Librarianship, 99 LAW LIB. J. 285-305 (2007). Public Access to Presidential Records and Claims of Executive Privilege, 25 AALL ISSUE BRIEF 2007-1 (March, 2007). Identity and Market for Loyalties Theories: The Case for Free Information Flow in Insurgent Iraq, 25 ST. LOUIS U. PUB. L. REV. 123 (2006). Law’s Box: Law, Jurisprudence and the Information Ecosphere, 74 UMKC L. REV. 263 (2005). Майбутнє Бібліотек, Бібліотечниѝ Фору України, no. 2 (8), 46 (Nadezhda Strishenets, trans., National Library of Ukraine, 2005) from The Question Concerning Libraries, a previously unpublished work. Getting Your Research Bearings - Dead Reckoning v. the Sextant, 92 ILL. B.J. 49 (Jan. 2004). Beyond Training: Law Librarianship’s Quest for the Pedagogy of Legal Research Education, 95 LAW LIBR. J. 7-45 (2003). Digital Content Licensing, in 2 ENCY. LIB. & INFO. SCI. 2d. 873 (2003) (3rd. ed. revised with Kathleen Hall). The "Science" of Citation Analysis?, 91 ILL. B.J. 473 (Sept. 2003). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 3 Legal Research and the Ballad of John Henry, 91 ILL. B.J. 261 (May 2003). Working the Problem, 91 ILL. B.J. 43 (Jan. 2003). Beyond Training: Law Librarianship’s Quest for the Pedagogy of Legal Research Education, 95 LAW LIBR. J. 7 (Winter 2003). The Internet, Regulation and the Market for Loyalties: An Economic Analysis of Transborder Information Flow, 2002 J.L. TECH. & POL’Y 59 (Spring 2002). Special Report: A Framework for Conducting State Tax Research on the Internet, 11 J. MULTISTATE TAX’N 26 (Oct. 2001). June Carbone RED FAMILIES v. BLUE FAMILIES (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2009)(with Naomi Cahn). Age Matters: Class, Family Formation and Inequality, _____SANTA CLARA L. Rev. _____(2008). If I Say ‘Yes’ to Regulation Today, Will You Still Respect Me in the Morning, _____GEO. WASH. L. REV. _____(2008). From Partners to Parents Revisited: How Will Ideas of Partnership Influence the Emerging Definition of California Parenthood? 7 WHITTIER J. CHILD & FAM. ADV. 3 (2008). Behavioral Biology, the Rational Actor Model and the New Feminist Agenda, in LAW AND ECONOMICS: TOWARD SOCIAL JUSTICE, Elsevier book series RESEARCH IN LAW AND ECONOMICS (2008) (with Naomi Cahn). “Ethics within Markets or a Market for Ethics: Can Disclosure of Sperm Donor Identity Be Effectively Mandated?” in BABY MARKETS (2008) (with Paige Gottheim). Family Law Armageddon: The Story of Morgan v. Foretich, in FAMILY LAW STORIES, Carol Sanger, ed. (Foundation Press, 2008)(with Leslie Joan Harris). “Assisted Reproduction” in CHICAGO COMPANION TO THE CHILD (2007). Autonomy to Choose What Constitute Family: Oxymoron or Basic Right? in AUTONOMY IN THE LAW, Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice 1 (Spring, 2007). Deep Purple: Religious Shades of Family Law, 110 W. VA. L. REV. 459 (2007) (with Naomi Cahn) . Is Fertility the Unspoken Issue in the Debate Between Liberal and Conservative Family Values? 3 LAW & SOC. INQUIRY 809–839 (Summer 2007)(review essay). The Role of Adoption in Winning Recognition for Adult Partnerships, 35 CAPITAL L. REV. 341 (2007). Review of The Family Transformed: Religion, Values and Society in American Life, Steven T. Tipton and John Witte, Jr., eds., 22 J. L. & RELIGION 101 (2007). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 4 "Back To The Future: The Perils And Promise Of A Backward Looking Family Law Jurisprudence," in RECONCEIVING THE FAMILY: CRITIQUE OF THE AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE'S PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF FAMILY DISSOLUTION, Robin Wilson, ed. (Cambridge University Press, 2006). Examining The Biological Bases Of Family Law: Lessons To Be Learned For The Evolutionary Analysis Of Law, 2 INT’L J. L. IN CONTEXT 277 (2006) (with Naomi Cahn). The Legal Definition of Parenthood: Uncertainty at the Core of Family Identity, 65 LA. L. REV. 1295 (2005). FAMILY LAW, 3rd ed. (Aspen, 2005) (with Leslie J. Harris and Lee E. Teitelbaum). TEACHER’S MANUAL, FAMILY LAW, 3rd ed. (Aspen, 2005) (with Leslie J. Harris). “What Do Women Really Want? Feminism, Justice and the Market for Intimate Relationships,” in FEMINISM CONFRONTS ECONOMIC MAN, Martha Fineman and Terence Dougherty, eds. (Cornell University Press, 2005). Markets, Subsidies, Regulation And Trust: Building Ethical Understandings Into The Market For Fertility Services, 9 J. GENDER, RACE & JUST. 509 (2005) (with Paige Gottheim). Law, Politics, Religion and the Creation of Norms for Market Transactions: A Review of The Birth of Surrogacy in Israel by D. Kelly Weisberg, 39 FAM. L.Q. 789 ( 2005). The Biological Basis of Commitment: Does One Size Fit All? (keynote address), 25 WOMEN’S RTS. L. REP. 223 (2004) (with Naomi Cahn). Introduction: Teaching Socio-Economics Symposium, 41 SAN DIEGO L. REV. 1 (2004). Toward a More Communitarian Future? The Governance of Biotechnology, 4 STS NEXUS 21 (2004). Which Ties Bind: Redefining the Parent-Child Relationship in an Age of Genetic Certainty, 11 WM. & MARY BILL RTS J. 1011 (2003) (with Naomi Cahn). Between Private Ordering and Public Fiat: A New Paradigm For Family Law Decision-Making, 5 J. L. & FAM. STUD. 1 (2003) (with Howard Fink) . Toward a More Communitarian Future? Fukuyama as the Fundamentalist Secular Humanist, 101 MICH. L. REV. 1906 (2003). Ethics, Patents and the Sustainability of the Biotech Business Model, 17 INTL. REV. L., COMPUTERS & TECH. 203 (2003). Will Lawyers Become the High Priests of Biotechnology? ET AL. MAG. (Winter/Spring 2002-03). The Futility of Coherence: The ALI Principles for Family Dissolution, Compensatory Spousal Payments, Symposium on the ALI, 4 J. L. & FAM. STUD. 43 (2002). Back to the Future: Intellectual Property and the Rediscovery of Property Rights – and Wrongs, Symposium on Teaching Property, 46 ST. LOUIS U. L. J. 629 (2002). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 5 Is the Gender Divide Unbridgeable? The Implications for Social Equality, 5 J. GENDER, RACE & JUST. 31 (2001). Access to Global Markets and The Creation of Trust: The Future of Genetically Modified Foods, 20 BUS. & PROF. ETHICS J. 79 (2001) (with Margaret McLean) . The Postdivorce Family: Children, Parenting and Society, 46 Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books 17 (2001). Julie M. Cheslik MISSOURI LEGAL RESEARCH WORKBOOK (Carolina Acad. Press, 2008) (with Wanda Temm). MISSOURI LEGAL RESEARCH (Carolina Acad. Press, 2007) (with Wanda Temm). Supreme Court Report 2006-2007: Closing of the Courthouse Doors? 39 URB. LAW. 739 (2007). The Supreme Court Report 2005-06, 38 URB. LAW. 737 (2006). The Supreme Court Report 2004-05: The End of the Rehnquist Era, 37 URB. LAW. 715 (2005). THE UMKC LEGAL RESEARCH GUIDE, (Kansas City: UMKC School of Law, 2001 - 2006) (with Wanda Temm). The Battle Over Citation Form Brings Notice to LRW Faculty: Will Power Follow? 73 UMKC L. REV. 237 (2004). Robert C. Downs From Petticoats to Briefs: A History of Women at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, 72 UMKC L. REV. 1011 (2004). William G. Eckhardt THIRTY YEARS OF MILITARY LAWYERING - AN ORAL HISTORY, (Charlottesville, Va.: U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School, 2006)(intended to be filed with U.S. Army Military History Institute, Carlisle, Pa.). [As part of the Oral History Program this is a compilation of tapes, papers, speeches and other materials documenting Prof. Eckhardt's role as Chief Prosecutor in the My Lai Cases, as an active litigator of military constitutional issues in the federal courts, as the Army's Chief Appellate Defender, as Legal Advisor to Wartime Theater Commanders, as an advocate for soldiers in the Supreme Court, and as author/editor of the first textbook on National Security Law and a Supreme Court Practice Handbook. See generally] Lawyering for Uncle Sam When He Draws His Sword, 4 CHI. J. INT’L L. 431 (2003). Reprinted in THE REAL LESSONS OF VIETNAM: REFLECTIONS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AFTER THE FALL OF SAIGON (Carolina Academic Press: John Norton Moore & Robert F. Turner eds., 2002). Kenneth D. Ferguson UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 6 Academic Reform and the NCAA: Emancipation or Subjugation? (in progress). The Intersection of Race and Gender at the Crossroads of Title IX (in progress). Blurring The Boundary Lines Between Amateur and Professional Sports, 76 UMKC L. REV. 643 (2008). Introduction: Emerging Legal Issues Affecting Amateur & Professional Sports, 76 UMKC L. REV. __ (forthcoming 2008). Barbara Glesner Fines Ethical Issues in Collaborative Lawyering, (in progress). Fundamental Principles and Challenges of Humanizing Legal Education, 47 WASH. L. REV. 313 (2008). Providing Legal Services to Survivors of Domestic Violence: Comparing Approaches in the United States and Ireland, in FAMILY LAW: BALANCING INTERESTS AND PURSUING PRIORITIEs 344 (Lynn Wardle & Camille Williams, eds. 2007). Caring Too Little, Caring Too Much: Competence and the Family Law Attorney, 75 UMKC L. REV. 965 (2007)(with Cathy Madsen). Constitutionality of the Bankruptcy Reform Act, in ATTORNEY LIABILITY IN BANKRUPTCY (Chicago: A.B.A., 2006) (with Erwin Chemerinsky). Clients as Teachers, 2005 Ross Essay Contest, 91 A.B.A. J. 54 (2005). Making Room at the Table: Reconceptualizing the Legal System’s Use of Child Custody Evaluation, 43 FAM. CT. REV. 229 (2005) (with Mary Kay Kisthardt). The Ten Most Common Ethical Rainmaking Mistakes Lawyers Make, in HOW TO CAPTURE AND KEEP CLIENTS: MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR LAWYERS (Chicago: A.B.A., 2005) (Jennifer Rose ed.), Techniques for Teaching Family Law, in TEACHING THE LAW SCHOOL CURRICULUM (Steven Friedland & Gerald Hess eds., 2004). Almost Pro Bono: Judicial Appointments of Attorneys in Juvenile and Child Dependency Actions, 72 UMKC L. REV. 337 (2003). The Impact of Expectations on Teaching and Learning Law, 38 GONZAGA L. REV. 89 (2002/03). Remittitur and Additur, DAMAGES DESKBOOK (Mo. Bar 2001) Recent Electronic Publications FAMILY LAW PROF BLOG (with Robert E. Oliphant & Nancy Ver Steegh eds. 2006). Researching Professional Responsibility, Web article at UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 7 Course Pages for Professional Responsibility, Remedies, Civil Procedure & Family Law Teaching and Learning Law -- A Resource Compendium on Legal Education Pedagogy Computer Assisted Instruction Programs: Published and distributed through the Center for Computer Assisted Legal Education catalogue at Confidentiality and Attorney-Client Privilege (2007). Fees (2002). Contempt (2001). Choosing and Withdrawing from Representation (2001). Name that Client! (2001). Francis M. Hanna Trust Code and Law Manual, 4C MISSOURI PRACTICE (rev’d. ed. 2005). Probate Code Manual, 4 MISSOURI PRACTICE (2d ed., 2000-2006 Supps.). Christopher M. Holman The Perils of Taking Property Too Far, 2009 STAN. J.L. SCI. & POL’Y. 46 (with Christopher Heaney, Julia Carbone, Richard Gold, Tania Bubela, Alessandra Colainanni, Tracy Lewis, and Robert Cook-Deegan). Learning from Litigation: What Can Lawsuits Teach Us About the Role of Human Gene Patents in Research and Innovation?, 18 KAN. J.L. & PUB. POL’Y. 215 (2009). The Impact of Human Gene Patents on Innovation and Access: A Survey of Human Gene Patent Litigation, 76 UMKC L. REV. 295 (2007). Patent Border Wars: Defining the Boundary Between Scientific Discoveries and Patentable Inventions, 25 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 539 (2007). Is Lilly Written Description a Paper Tiger?: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Impact of Eli Lilly and Its Progeny in the Courts and PTO, 17 ALB. L.J. SCI. & TECH. 1 (2007). Do Reverse Payment Settlements Violate The Antitrust Laws?, 23 SANTA CLARA COMPUTER & HIGH TECH. L.J. 489 (2007). Biotechnology’s Prescription for Patent Reform, 5 J. MARSHALL REV. INTELL. PROP. L. 318 (2006). Clearing a Path through the Patent Thicket, 125 CELL: 629-633 (2006). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 8 Protein Similarity Score: A Simplified Version of the BLAST Score as a Superior Alternative to Percent Identity for Claiming Genuses of Related Protein Sequences, 21 SANTA CLARA COMPUTER & HIGH TECH. L.J. 55 (2004). Edwin T. Hood FEDERAL TAXATION OF CLOSE CORPORATIONS (Deerfield, IL: Clark, Boardman, Callaghan, 1990, 1991-2003 Supps.) (with John Mylans). CLOSELY HELD BUSINESSES IN ESTATE PLANNING 2D. ED, (New York: Aspen Law & Business, 1999-2007, Supps.) (with John Mylans & Timothy O’Sullivan). Christopher R. Hoyt Charitable IRA Gifts in 2007, 21 PROB. & PROP. 16 (Aug. 2007). Family and Charitable Estate Planning With Retirement Plan Accounts, ALI-ABA CHARITABLE GIVING TECHNIQUES COURSE (2007). Gifts From Subchapter S Corporations and Their Shareholders, ALI-ABA CHARITABLE GIVING TECHNIQUES COURSE (2007). Family and Charitable Estate Planning With Retirement Plan Accounts, ALI-ABA CHARITABLE GIVING TECHNIQUES COURSE (2006). Charitable Gifts by Subchapter S Corporations and by Shareholders of Stock, ALI-ABA EST. PLAN. COURSE MATERIALS J. (2006). Stretch This: Strategies for Employees at Companies that Liquidate Retirement Accounts at Death, 145 TR. & EST. 50 (2006). Funding Bypass and QTIP Trusts in the Crossfire of Conflicting Estate Tax, Income Tax and ERISA Laws, in UNIVERSITY OF MIAMi HECKERLING INSTITUTE ON ESTATE PLANNING (LEXIS/NEXIS Publishers, 2005). Why Not to Invest in Non-Deductible IRAs, 144 TR. & EST. 70 (2005). Funding Bypass Trusts with Retirement Assets, 18 PROB. & PROP.10 (May/June 2004). Sometimes It’s Better to Avoid Stretch IRAs, 143 TR. & EST. 38 (Mar. 2003). Charitable Gifts By Subchapter S Corporations and by Shareholders in UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW SCHOOL TAX INSTITUTE (Matthew Bender: 2002). Solutions for Estates Overloaded with Retirement Plan Accounts: The Credit Shelter CRUT, 141 TR. & EST. 21 (May 2002). The Family Wins When IRD Is Used for Charitable Bequests – How To Do It, in UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF LAW HECKERLING INSTITUTE ON ESTATE PLANNING (Matthew Bender, 2002). When the Estate is the IRA Beneficiary, 141 TR. & EST. 17 (Nov. 2002). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 9 The 800-lb. Gorilla, 141 TR. & EST. 14 (Oct. 2002). How the New IRA Distribution Regulations Affect Charitable Gift Planning, 5 J. GIFT PLANNING 5 (2nd Quarter 2001). Patrick D. Kelly (2001 – 2007) Facts of Liability, vol. 2-5, BLASHFIELD AUTOMOBILE LAW AND PRACTICE, Rev. 2003 (West Group). Mary Kay Kisthardt Re-thinking Alimony: The AAML’s Considerations for Calculating Alimony, Spousal Support or Maintenance, 21 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 61 (2008). Modifying Child Support, NATL. L.J., Mar. 31, 2008, at 13 (with Barbara Handschu). Antenuptial Agreements, NATL. L.J., Jan. 21, 2008, at 13 (with Barbara Handschu). Disaffirming Paternity, NATL. L.J., Aug. 13, 2007, at 13 (with Barbara Handschu). Looking at Paternity, NATL. L.J., May. 28, 2008, at 13 (with Barbara Handschu). Unwed Fathers, NATL. L.J., Mar. 19, 2007, at 13 (with Barbara Handschu). Child Abuse Statement, NATL. L.J., Jan. 8, 2007, at 9 (with Barbara Handschu). Working in the Best Interest of Children: Facilitating the Collaboration of Lawyers and Social Workers in Abuse and Neglect Cases, 30 RUTGERS L. REC. 1 (2006). Making a Place at the Table: Reconceptualizing the Role of the Custody Evaluator in Child Custody Disputes, 43 FAM. CT. REV. 229 (2005) (with Barbara Glesner Fines). Enlightening Clients, NATL. L.J., June 19, 2006, at 15 (with Barbara Handschu). Alimony Guidelines, NATL. L.J., Apr. 17, 2006, at 12 (with Barbara Handschu). Property Division, NATL. L.J., Feb. 13, 2006, at 12 (with Barbara Handschu). Tips on Mediation, NATL. L.J., Dec., 5, 2005, at 20 (with Barbara Handschu). Parenting Plans, NATL. L.J., Oct. 3, 2005, at 21 (with Barbara Handschu). A Look Into the Future, NATL. L.J., Aug. 1, 2005, at 12 (with Barbara Handschu). Grievance Issues, NATL. L.J., May 30, 2005, at 11 (with Barbara Handschu). Marital Tort Actions, NATL. L., J., Mar. 28, 2005, at 12 (with Barbara Handschu). Jurisdictional Issues, NATL. L.J., Jan. 24, 2005, at 12 (with Barbara Handschu). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 10 The AAML Model for a Parenting Plan, 19 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 223 (2005). Techniques for Teaching Family Law, in TEACHING THE LAW SCHOOL CURRICULUM (Steven Friedland & Gerald Hess eds., 2004). Professional Goodwill in Marital Dissolution Cases, in VALUING PROFESSIONAL LICENSES AND PRACTICES (Aspen Publishers 2004) (Ronald L. Brown ed). Should “Legal Punishment” Be Part of a Divorce Proceeding?, 4 N.Y. FAM. L. MONTHLY 1 (Apr. 2003)(with Barbara Handschu). Overcoming the Barriers to Homosexuals’ Child Custody and Visitation Rights, 20 MATRIM. STRATEGIST 4 (Nov. 2002)(with Barbara Handschu)(reprinted in N.Y. FAM. L. MONTHLY 1, Dec. 2002). Setting Alimony: Prevailing Theories, Factors Courts Consider, Tips for Addressing the Issue, 20 MATRIM. STRATEGIST 4 (Aug. 2002). Defining-and Imputing-Income for Purposes of Determining a Presumed Guideline Amount, 19 MATRIM. STRATEGIST 4 (Jan. 2002). High Income/High Asset Divorce: An Annotated Bibliography, 17 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 441 (2001)(with Nancy Levit). Considerations That May Help Avoid the Need for Costly Child Support Proceedings, 19 MATRIM. STRATEGIST 1 (July 2001). The Policy Behind Joint Custody Arrangements and Tips for Making Them Work, 19 MATRIM. STRATEGIST 5 (Mar. 2001). Kris W. Kobach Immigration, Amnesty, and the Rule of Law, 36 HOFSTRA L. REV. 1323 (2008). Attrition Through Enforcement: A Rational Approach to Illegal Immigration, 15 TULSA J. COMP. & INT’L L. 153 (2008). Reinforcing the Rule of Law: What States Can and Should do to Reduce Illegal Immigration, 22 GEO. IMMIGR. L. J. 459 (2008). Immigration Nullification: In-State Tuition and Lawmakers Who Disregard the Law, 10 N.Y.U. J. LEGIS. & PUB. POL’Y 473 (2007). The Quintessential Force Multiplier: The Inherent Authority of Local Police to Make Immigration Arrests, 69 ALB. L. REV. 179 (2005). Referendums and Plebiscites, in GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD: A GLOBAL GUIDE TO CITIZENS' RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (Farmington Hills, MI.: Thomson Gale, 2005). State and Local Authority to Enforce Immigration Law: A Unified Approach for Stopping Terrorists, CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES BACKGROUNDER, Washington D.C. (June 2004). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 11 Taking Shelter Behind the First Amendment: The Defense of the Popular Initiative, in REGULATING THE INITIATIVE PROCESS (Carolina Academic Press, 2001) (M. Dane Waters ed.). Lessons Learned in the Participation Game, in DIRECT DEMOCRACY: THE EASTERN EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE (Ashgate Pub, Ltd., 2001) (Andreas Auer ed.). Recent Electronic Publications A Sleeper Amnesty: Time to Wake up From the DREAM Act, The Heritage Foundation (2007). The Senate Immigration Bill: A National Security Nightmare, The Heritage Foundation (2007). Rewarding Illegal Aliens: Senate Bill Undermines the Rule of Law, The Heritage Foundation (2007). The Senate Amnesty Bill” A Muddled Legal Morass, The Heritage Foundation (2007). Courting Chaos: Senate Proposal Undermines Immigration Law, The Heritage Foundation (2006). Terrorist Loophole: Senate Bill Disarms Law Enforcement, The Heritage Foundation (2006). The Senate Immigration Bill Rewards Lawbreaking: Why the DREAM Act is a Nightmare, The Heritage Foundation (2006). Senate Immigration Law Would Disarm Law Enforcement, Testimony Before the House Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation Hearing on Border Vulnerabilities and International Terrorism , July 5, 2006, Serial No. 109-203 State and Local Authority to Enforce Immigration Law: A Unified Approach for Stopping Terrorists, CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES BACKGROUNDER (2004). Professor Kobach also writes opinion pieces regularly for major national publications--most frequently the New York Post and Human Events. He also writes for local publications like the Kansas City Star. He has written more than a dozen such pieces in the last five years, usually on constitutional law or immigration law subjects. For a listing and links to Professor Kobach's opinion pieces see: . Nancy Levit THE HAPPY LAWYER: MAKING A GOOD LIFE IN THE LAW (with Douglas O. Linder) (forthcoming Oxford University Press 2010). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 12 Theorizing and Litigating the Rights of Sexual Minorities, 18 COLUM. J. GENDER & L. ___ (forthcoming 2009). Expository Writing Across the Curriculum—Legal Storytelling: The Theory and the Practice, 15 LEGAL WRITING: JOURNAL OF THE LEGAL WRITING INSTITUTE 253 (2009). The Stories of American Law, in ON PHILOSOPHY AND LAW (Francis J. Mootz, III, ed. Cambridge Univ. Press 2009) (with Robert L. Hayman, Jr.). Cohabitation, Domestic Partnerships, and Nontraditional Families Annotated Bibliography, 22 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 169 (2009). Race and Sex Segregation in Schools Fifty Years After Brown, in CHOOSING EQUALITY: ESSAYS AND NARRATIVES ON THE DESEGREGATION EXPERIENCE (Robert L. Hayman, Jr. & Leland Ware, eds. Penn State Univ. Press 2009). Happy Law Students, Happy Lawyers, 58 SYRACUSE L. REV. 351 (2008) (with Douglas O. Linder) (symposium on Happiness). Information For Submitting Articles to Law Reviews and Journals, (updated June 2009) (with Allen Rostron) Mega-Cases, Diversity, and the Elusive Goal of Workplace Reform, 49 B.C.L. REV. 367 (2008). Family Law in the Twenty-First Century, 22 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 271 (2008). Calling for Stories, 75 UMKC L. REV. 1127 (2007)(with Allen Rostron). Scholarship Advice for New Law Professors in the Electronic Age, 16 WIDENER L.J. 947 (2007). Federalization of Family Law: A Supplemental Annotated Bibliography, 2001-2006, 20 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 351 (2007). Confronting Conventional Thinking: The Heuristics Problem in Feminist Legal Theory, 28 CARDOZO L. REV. 101 (2006). Unique Property: A Supplemental Annotated Bibliography, 20 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW 401 (2006). FEMINIST LEGAL THEORY: A PRIMER (N.Y. Univ. Press: 2006) (with Robert R.M. Verchick). Embracing Segregation: The Jurisprudence of Choice and Diversity in Race and Sex Separatism in Schools, 2005 U. ILL. L. REV. 455. Dismantling Hierarchies in Legal Education, 73 UMKC L. REV. 231 (2004) (Coordination of Symposium). Matrimonial Torts and Crimes: An Annotated Bibliography, 19 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 117 (2004). Unique Property Annotated Bibliography, 18 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 589 (2004)(with Robert R.M. Verchick). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 13 JURISPRUDENCE—CLASSICAL AND CONTEMPORARY: FROM NATURAL LAW TO POSTMODERNISM (West Publishing Co. 1994; 2d. ed. West Group 2002)(with Robert L. Hayman, Jr. & Richard Delgado). TEACHER’S MANUAL FOR JURISPRUDENCE—CLASSICAL AND CONTEMPORARY: FROM NATURAL LAW TO POSTMODERNISM (West Group 2002)(with Robert L. Hayman, Jr. & Richard Delgado). Un-Natural Things: Constructions of Race, Gender, and Disability, chapter in CROSSROADS, DIRECTIONS, AND A NEW CRITICAL RACE THEORY (Francisco Valdes et al. eds. 2002) (with Robert L. Hayman, Jr.). Introduction: Theorizing the Connections Among Systems of Subordination, 71 UMKC L. REV. 227 (2002). Un-Natural Things: Constructions of Race, Gender, and Disability, chapter in CROSSROADS, DIRECTIONS, AND A NEW CRITICAL RACE THEORY (Francisco Valides et al. eds. 2002)(with Robert L. Hayman, Jr.). High Income/High Asset Divorce: An Annotated Bibliography, 17 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 441 (2001) (with Mary K. Kisthardt). Family Privacy: Family Privacy Bibliography, 17 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 183 (2001). Male Prisoners: Privacy, Suffering, and the Legal Construction of Masculinity, in MEN IN PRISON (Don Sabo & Terry Kupers eds., Temple Univ. Press 2001). Keeping Feminism in Its Place: Sex Segregation and the Domestication of Female Academics, 49 U. KAN. L. REV. 775 (2001)(Feminist Theory symposium). The Kindness of Strangers: Interdisciplinary Foundations of a Duty to Act, 40 WASHBURN L. REV. 463 (2001). Male Prisoners: Privacy, Suffering, and the Legal Construction of Masculinity, in MEN IN PRISON (Don Sabo & Terry Kupers eds. Temple Univ. Press 2001). Recent Electronic Publications Recent Faculty Scholarship, Electronic Publications, and Professional Activity, (with Colin Picker). Douglas O. Linder THE HAPPY LAWYER: MAKING A GOOD LIFE IN THE LAW (with Nancy Levit) (forthcoming Oxford University Press 2010). Happy Law Students, Happy Lawyers, 58 SYRACUSE L. REV. 351 (2008) (with Nancy Levit) (symposium on Happiness). "The Trial of John Peter Zenger and the Birth of Press Freedom", in HISTORIANS ON AMERICA: DECISIONS THAT MADE A DIFFERENCE (U.S. Department of State)(2007). Bending Toward Justice: John Doar and the “Mississippi Burning” Trial, 72 MISS. L. J. 1 (2003). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 14 The Dakota Conflicts Trial and Sheriff Shipp Trial, in GREAT AMERICAN TRIALS (Edward Knappman ed., Thomson Gale Pub., 2d ed. 2001). Recent Electronic Publications Famous Trials Website (1997 to present) [The Famous American Trials Website is the Web's largest and most visited collection of original essays, images, and primary materials pertaining to famous trials. The site averages approximately 8,000,000 page requests per month and has been reviewed in publications such as the New York Times and USA Today.] Trial Editor (supplying monthly essays on famous trials), The Jurist Exploring First Amendment Law (an electronic casebook on First Amendment law)(2001) Searching for Law’s Heroes (2001) . Bending Toward Justice: Heroes in Great Trials Involving the Rights of Black Americans [A collection of profiles of trial heroes including Lewis Tappan (Amistad trial), Clarence Darrow (Sweet trials), Judge James Horton (Scottsboro Boys trial), Charles Hamilton Houston (Gaines trial), and John Doar ("Mississippi Burning" trial)] (2001). Anthony J. Luppino A Little of This, A Little of That: Potential Effects on Entrepreneurship of the McCain and Obama Tax Proposals, 31 W. NEW ENG. L. REV. 717 (2009). Can Do: Training Lawyers to be Effective Counselors to Entrepreneurs, Report to Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (Nov. 15, 2007, Revised Jan. 30, 2008). Minding More Than Our Own Business: Educating Entrepreneurial Lawyers Through Law School-Business School Collaborations, 30 W. NEW ENG. L. REV. 151 (2007). Multidisciplinary Business Planning Firms: Expanding the Regulatory Tent Without Creating a Circus, 35 SETON. HALL. L. REV. 109 (2004). Stopping the Enron End-Runs and Other Trick Plays: The Book-Tax Accounting Conformity Defense, 2003 COLUM. BUS. L. REV. 35. Sean D. O’Brien (teaching since 2005) When Life Depends on It: Supplementary Guidelines for the Mitigation Function of Defense Teams In Death Penalty Cases, 36 HOFSTRA L. REV. 693 (2008). Capital Defense Lawyers: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, 105 MICH. L. REV. 1067 (2007). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 15 Kansas v. Marsh: Putting the Guesswork Back Into Capital Sentencing, 105 MICH. L. REV. FIRST IMPRESSIONS 90 (2006), firstimpressions/vol105/obrien.pdf. Finding Redemption, 92 ABA J. 59 (August, 2006) (Winner, American Bar Association Ross Essay Contest). Mary Kay O'Malley Jurisdiction, Venue and Limitations, 12 MO. PRAC. (West Group 2d.ed. Supp.2003, with John R. O’Malley). The Juvenile Office, in MISSOURI JUVENILE LAW (The Missouri Bar 2d. ed. 1999 & Supp. 2003). Colin Picker GLOBAL DIMENSIONS: ABORTION REGULATION ACROSS BORDERS (Aspen) (forthcoming 2009). LAW IN A NUTSHELL: COMPARATIVE LEGAL TRADITIONS (with Mary Ann Glendon and Paolo G. Carozza) (West) (2008). International Law’s Mixed Heritage: A Common/Civil Law Jurisdiction, 41 VANDERBILT J. TRANS. L. 1083 (2008). Beyond the Usual Suspects: Application of the Mixed Jurisdiction Jurisprudence To International Law and Beyond, 3 J. COMP. L. 160 (2008). The State and Future of International Economic Law (with Isabella D. Bunn), in INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW - THE STATE & FUTURE OF THE DISCIPLINE (Colin B. Picker, Isabella D. Bunn & Douglas Arner eds.) (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2008). INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW - THE STATE & FUTURE OF THE DISCIPLINE (co-editor with Isabella D. Bunn & Douglas Arner) (Oxford: Hart Publishing) (2008). Mary Ann Glendon, Paolo G. Carozza and Colin B. Picker, COMPARATIVE LEGAL TRADITIONS: TEXTS, MATERIALS AND CASES ON WESTERN LAW, 3rd Edition (American Casebook Series) (Thomson West Publishing 2007). A Tale of Two Reputations: A Comparative Analysis of the International Trade Actions of the United States and Canada, in TRENDS IN WORLD TRADE: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF SYLVIA OSTRY (Alan S. Alexandroff, ed) (Carolina Academic Press 2007). The Top 10 Reasons Why International, Comparative and Foreign Law Are Vital to a Kansas City Attorney, THE KCCOUNSELOR (Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association) (May 2007). TRADE AS THE GUARANTOR OF PEACE, LIBERTY, AND SECURITY? CRITICAL, HISTORICAL, AND EMPIRICAL PERSPECTIVES, (Wash. D.C.: Am. Soc’y Int’l L., 2006) (with Padideh Ala’i & Tomer Broude eds.). Trade & Security: Empiricism, Change, Emotion & Relevance, in TRADE AS THE GUARANTOR OF PEACE, LIBERTY AND SECURITY? CRITICAL, HISTORICAL AND EMPIRICAL PERSPECTIVES (Wash. D.C.: Am. Soc’y Int’l L., 2006) (with Padideh Ala’i & Tomer Broude eds.). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 16 International Trade as a Tool for Peace: Empiricism, Change, Passion, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, in THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN THE PROMOTION OF REGIONAL PEACE, (Jerusulem: Davis Inst. Int’l Rel., 2006) (Tomer Broude & Arie Kacowicz eds.). Regional Trade Agreements v. the WTO: A Proposal for Reform of Article XXIV to Counter this Institutional Threat, 26 U. PA. J. INT'L ECON. L. 267 (2005). Reputational Fallacies In International Law: A Comparative Review of United States and Canadian Trade Actions, 30 BROOK. J. INT’L L. 67 (2004). Neither Here Nor There—Countries that Fall Between the Developed and the Developing World in the WTO, 36 GEO. WASH. INT’L L. REV. 147 (2004). “A Light Unto the Nations” —The New British Federalism, the Scottish Parliament, & Constitutional Lessons for Multi-Ethnic States, 77 TUL. L. REV. 1 (2002). A View from 40,000 Feet: International Law and the Invisible Hand of Technology, 23 CARDOZO L. REV. 149 (2001). Introduction: The Pacific Salmon Dispute, 27 CAN.-U.S. L. J. 257 (2001). John W. Ragsdale, Jr. The Existentialist and the River: An Essay in the Memory of Robert Popper, Dean of the UMKC School of Law, 75 UMKC L. REV. 3 (2007). The Wakarusa Wave: An Essay on Life, Law, and Urban Kayaking, 21 J. ENERGY NAT. RESOURCES & ENVTL. L. 1 (2006-2007). The Chiricahua Apaches and the Assimilation Movement,1865-1886: A Historical Examination, 30 AM. INDIAN L. REV. 291 (2006). Individual Aboriginal Rights, 9 MICH. J. RACE & L. 323 (2004). Treaty-Based Exclusions from the Boundaries and Jurisdiction of the States, 71 UMKC L. REV. 763 (2003). Alternative Communities for the High Plains, 34 URB. LAW 73 (2002). Tinkering With the Past, NATL. L.J., Feb. 11, 2002, at 20. Some Philosophical, Political and Legal Implications for American Archeological and Anthropological Theory, 70 UMKC L. REV. 1 (2001). Patrick A. Randolph MORTGAGEE’S REMEDIES FOR WASTE (PLI Commercial Real Estate Financing, 2008) 548 PLI/REAL 577 . The New Chinese Property Law, 21 PROB. & PROP. 14 (Oct., 2007). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 17 QUARTERLY REPORT ON CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN REAL ESTATE LAW (PLI Commercial Real Estate Financing, 2007) 536 PLI/REAL 379. QUARTERLY REPORT ON CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN REAL ESTATE LAW (PLI Commercial Real Estate Financing, 2006) 524 PLI/REAL 535. ABA QUARTERLY REPORT ON CURRENT DECISIONS IN REAL ESTATE (editor 1989-present ). RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN MORTGAGE FINANCE LAW (PLI.: 2006). THE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY LEASE VOL. II (Chicago : A.B.A., 2005). FRIEDMAN ON LEASES (5TH ED. RANDOLPH EDITION) (PLI.: 2004, 2005 Supp.). FRIEDMAN ON LEASES (4TH ED.) (PLI 1999)(2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Supp.). PROPERTY: CASES AND STATUTES, (Carolina Acad. Press: 2005) (with Roger Bernhardt & Joyce Palomar). The Current Status of the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act, XXV THE FEE SIMPLE (Newsletter of the Virginia State Bar Real Property Section) (June 2004). Mortgage Modification and Alteration of Priorities between Junior and Senior Lienholders, REAL PROP. PROB & TRUST J. (Fall 2004). RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN MORTGAGE FINANCE LAW (with Bernhardt & Whitman)(PLI Commercial Real Estate Financing, 2003). MODIFICATION AND REPLACEMENT OF MORTGAGES (PLI Advanced Real Estate Transactions, 2003). Mortgage Modification and Alteration of Priorities Between Junior and Senior Lienholders, 492 PLI/Real 393 (May 2003). Does a Shopping Center Landlord Have an Implied Operating Duty? 17 PROB. & PROP. 26 (Mar. – Apr. 2003). Commercial Real Estate Financing, 490 PLI/Real 464 (Feb. 2003)(with Roger Bernhardt & Dale A. Whitman). Commercial Real Estate Financing: What Borrowers and Lenders Need to Know Now 2002, U.S. v. Harris, 2001 WL 321215 (6th Cir. Apr. 4, 2001), 478 PLI/Real 549 (Feb. 2002)(with Dale A. Whitman). The Uniform Environmental Servitudes Act Project, XXII THE FEE SIMPLE (Newsletter of the Virginia State Bar Real Property Section) 137 (May 2002). Environmental Law - Wetlands, XXII THE FEE SIMPLE (Newsletter of the Virginia State Bar Real Property Section) 140 (May 2002). Some Comments on the 2002 Draft of the Basic Law on Rights in Rem - 6 J. TSINGHUA U. 71 (2002) (Based upon remarks delivered at the Tsinghua/Temple University Law Forum on the Basic Law of Rights in Rem, Beijing, China, 2002.). (Translated into Chinese) (reprinted as one of the year's outstanding commercial law articles by Renmin University Journal of Social Science and Law, 2004). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 18 Current Issues Concerning Mortgage Prepayment, 478 PLI/Real 871 (Feb. 2002). Impact of ESign on County Recorders, ABA/CLE (Spring – Summer 2001). Current Issues Concerning Mortgage Prepayment, 469 PLI/Real 43 (May 2001). Randolph’s Top Ten Little Known Real Estate Develpoments, 469 PLI/Real 309 (May 2001). Has E-Sign Murdered the Statute of Frauds? 15 PROB. & PROP. 23 (July-Aug. 2001). Recent Electronic Publications Options - Right of Refusal: Enforceability, 2005, Editor of DIRT, the internet list for real estate professionals. A Daily Development has been published each business day for the past six years. There are approximately 2500 Daily Developments on the DIRT website. URBAN RENEWAL IN CHINA - (in English) monograph widely circulated on the internet and used as program materials and teaching materials at Yale University and included in record of proceedings of Joint Congressional Committee on Rule of Law in China on this issue. Allen Rostron Right to Life Movement and Jehovah’s Witnesses in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES (Gale Publishing: 2008). Incrementalism, Comprehensive Rationality, and the Future of Gun Control, 67 MD. L. REV. 511 (2008). Calling for Stories, 75 UMKC L. REV. 1127 (2007) (with Nancy Levit). Lawyers, Guns & Money: The Rise and Fall of Tort Litigation Against the Firearms Industry, 46 SANTA CLARA L. REV. 481 (2006). Dodging the Bullet: Tort Immunity for Gun Makers, JURIST, Nov. 3, 2005 (reprinted in Issues That Concern You: Gun Violence, from Greenhaven Press, Dec. 2006). High-Powered Controversy: Gun Control, Terrorism, and the Fight Over .50 Caliber Rifles, 73 U. CIN. L. REV. 1415 (2005). Shooting Stories: The Creation of Narrative and Melodrama in Real and Fictional Litigation Against the Gun Industry, 73 UMKC L. REV. 1047 (2005). Beyond Market Share Liability: A Theory of Proportional Share Liability for Non-Fungible Products, 52 UCLA L. REV. 151 (2004). Demythologizing the Legal History of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the First Amendment, 22 QUINNIPPIAC L. REV. 493 (2004). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 19 The Supreme Court, The Gun Industry, and The Misguided Revival of Strict Territorial Limits on the Reach of State Law, 2003 L. REV. MICH. ST. U. DET. C. L. 115. Litigating Against the Firearms Industry, 84 AMJUR TRIALS 109 (2003). How the Board of Tax Appeals Changes Hollywood History,. 55 THE TAX L. 951 (2002). “No War, No Hate, No Propaganda” – Promoting Films About European War and Fascism During the Period of American Isolationism, 30 J. POP. FILM & TELEVISION 85 (2002). Gunning for Justice, 37 TRIAL 26 (2001). Recent Electronic Publications Middle Ground: The Supreme Court's Opportunity in DC v. Heller, Jurist, 2008, Dodging the Bullet: Tort Immunity for Gun Makers, Jurist, 2005, Ellen Y. Suni Conflicts of Interest, 22 GP SOLO 38, Oct./Nov, 2005. Search and Seizure, in MISSOURI CRIMINAL PRACTICE (4TH ED.) (Jefferson City: The Mo. Bar, 2005). Academic Support at the Crossroads: From Minority Retention to Bar Prep and Beyond - Will Academic Support Change Legal Education or Itself Be Fundamentally Changed?, 73 UMKC L. REV. 497 (2004). Techniques for Teaching Criminal Law, in TEACHING THE LAW SCHOOL CURRICULUM (Steven Friedland & Gerald Hess eds., 2004). Techniques for Teaching Professional Responsibility, in TEACHING THE LAW SCHOOL CURRICULUM (Steven Friedland & Gerald Hess eds., 2004). Issues of Science, Evidence and Innocence, 70 UMKC L. REV. 797 (2002). Ethical Issues for Innocence Projects: An Initial Primer, 70 UMKC L. REV. 921 (2002). Wanda Temm MISSOURI LEGAL RESEARCH WORKBOOK (Carolina Acad. Press, 2008) (with Julie Cheslik). MISSOURI LEGAL RESEARCH (Carolina Acad. Press, 2007) (with Julie Cheslik). THE UMKC LEGAL RESEARCH GUIDE (Kansas City: UMKC School of Law, 2001 - 2006) (with Julie Cheslik). New Kid on the Block: The ALWD Citation Manual, 59 J. MO. B. 16 (Jan.- Feb., 2003). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 20 Jeffrey E. Thomas Ambiguity and Insurance Policy Interpretation (work in progress). Mandatory Automobile Insurance: Fifty Years Later (work in progress). HARRY POTTER & THE LAW, EDITOR (WITH FRANKLIN SNYDER) (Carolina Academic Press, 2010). Terrorism Insurance: Issues of Policy, Regulation and Coverage in NEW APPLEMAN ON INSURANCE, CURRENT CRITICAL ISSUES IN INSURANCE LAW (monograph) (2008). Terrorism Insurance: What is the Government’s Role? (co-authored with Thomas Russell and to be presented at the Searle Center Research Symposium on Insurance Markets and Regulation at Northwestern University Law School on April 15, 2008). The US Model for Terrorism Insurance: an Analysis, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND COUNTERACTING TERRORISM CONFERENCE (Lomonosov Moscow State 2007) Insurance for Terrorism: Analyzing the US Model, ELEVENTH ANNUAL APRIA CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association 2007). Spotting Issues in Particular Practice Areas, Chapter 29 in Vol. 3, NEW APPLEMAN INSURANCE LAW PRACTICE GUIDE, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 (LexisNexis/Matthew Bender & Co.: Newark) (2007). 2007 Supplement, Volumes 1-3, UNINSURED AND UNDERINSURED MOTORIST INSURANCE, by ALAN I. WIDISS & JEFFREY E. THOMAS (Lexis Nexis Matthew Bender & Co.: San Francisco, Rev. 3d ed.). The Scope of the Obligation to Pay Claim Expenses in NEW APPLEMAN ON INSURANCE, CURRENT CRITICAL ISSUES IN INSURANCE LAW (monograph) (2007). NEW APPLEMAN INSURANCE LAW PRACTICE GUIDE, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 (LexisNexis/Matthew Bender & Co.: Newark) (2007) (Editor-in-Chief). Ambiguity and Insurance Policy Interpretation in NEW APPLEMAN ON INSURANCE, CURRENT CRITICAL ISSUES IN INSURANCE LAW (monograph) (2006) UNINSURED AND UNDERINSURED MOTORIST INSURANCE (3d ed. Lexis Nexis/Matthew Bender & Co., 2005, with Alan I. Widiss, 2002-2006 Supps.). White Paper on Renewal of TRIA (Terrorism Risk Insurance Act), Reporter, American Bar Association Tort & Insurance Practice Section Task Force on Federal Involvement in Insurance Regulation Modernization, 2006. The Indemnity Principle: Evolution from a Financial to a Functional Paradigm, 10 J. RISK MGMT. & INS. 30 (2005) (with Brad Wilson). Harry Potter and the Law, 12 TEX. WESLEYAN L. REV. 427 (2005). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 21 Exclusion of Terrorist-Related Harms from Insurance Coverage: Do the Costs Justify the Benefits?, 36 IND. L. REV. 397 (2003). Crisci v. Sentry Insurance Company: Unfulfilled Promise of Tort Damages for Bad Faith, 2 NEV. L.J. 415 (2002). Insurance Implications of September 11 and Possible Responses, 34 URB LAW. 727 (2002). The Role and Powers of the Chinese Insurance Regulatory Commission in the Administration of Insurance Law in China, 27 GENEVA PAPERS ON RISK & INS. 413 (2002). Legal Culture and “The Practice”: A Postmodern Depiction of Rule of Law in America 48 UCLA L. REV. 1495 (2001). Chinese Insurance Law and the WTO, in CREATING A COMPETITIVE EDGE IN INSURANCE FOR THE EMERGING ECONOMY (APRIA 2001). Access to the Chinese Insurance Market, in THE INSURANCE REVOLUTION: NEW FRONTIERS IN THE CONVERGENCE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES, Seminar Proceedings (IIS 2001). Recent Electronic Publications Blinded by Personal Expectations, at ( (Roundtable on "The Practice," Season Premiere, Sept. 23, 2001). Mikah Thompson (teaching since 2005) Methinks The Lady Doth Protest Too Little: Reassessing the Probative Value of Silence (in progress). To Speak or Not to Speak: Navigating the Treacherous Waters of Parallel Proceedings Following the Amendment of Federal Rule of Evidence 408, 76 U. CIN. L. REV. 939 (2008). Twenty-First Century Pillow-Talk: Applicability of the Marital Communications Privilege to Electronic Mail, 58 S.C. L. REV. 275 (2006). Daniel Weddle OUR PROMISE: ACHIEVING EDUCATIONAL EQUITY FOR AMERICA’S CHILDREN (Maurice Dyson & Daniel B. Weddle, eds.) (Carolina Acad. Press, 2009). Brutality and Blindness: Bullying in Schools and Negligent Supervision by School Officials, in OUR PROMISE: ACHIEVING EDUCATIONAL EQUITY FOR AMERICA’S CHILDREN (Maurice Dyson & Daniel B. Weddle, eds.) (Carolina Acad. Press , 2009). Holding Schools Accountable When Children Bully Children, in VIEWPOINT: UNDERSTANDING THE ISSUES THAT SHAPE EDUCATION TODAY (James V. Freemyer & Nancy Saunders, eds.) (Prentice Hall, forthcoming Spring 2008). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 22 Bullying in Schools: The Disconnect Between Empirical Research and Constitutional, Statutory and Tort Duties to Supervise, 77 TEMPLE L. REV. 641 (2004). Dangerous Games: Student Hazing and Negligent Supervision, 187 EDUC. L. REP. 373 (2004). Putting Out Matches, Not Forest Fires: Making Schools Take Bullying Seriously, 39 TRIAL 18 (2003). UMKC L AW F ACULTY Cumulative Current Scholarship page 23