Tuesday 20th November 2012
Ordsall Neighbourhood Building, 2 Robert Hall Street,
Ordsall, M5 3LT
Apologies for absence
Minutes from last meeting (04.09.12) and matters arising (10 mins)
Budget Sub-Group Recommendations (5 mins)
Community Committee priorities - Ross Spanner, Neighbourhood
Manager (10 mins)
Changes to roads around Shopping City - Lee Evans, Strategic
Transportation, Office of the Chief Executive SCC (15 mins)
TV Salford in your area – Tom O’Neill, TV Salford (10 mins)
General crime update - Insp. Steve Gerrard, GMP (15 mins)
Middlewood Locks - update on consultation – Mike Ralph, Scarborough
Group (15 mins)
Salix options appraisal - Sue Sutton/Joe Willis, Salix Homes (20 mins)
Devolved Highways Budget - Ross Spanner, Neighbourhood Manager
(5 mins)
Information Exchange – tell the committee about your project or
community activity (10 mins)
Any Other Business
Date, Time & Venue of Next Meeting – 8th January 2013, 6.45pm at
Emmanuel Centre, Langworthy Road, Salford, M6 5PN.
Ordsall & Langworthy Budget Sub Group Details
Ordsall & Langworthy Community Committee
4th September 2012
Ordsall Neighbourhood Building
Roy Marsh
Hessel F de Boer
Ian Stewart
Cllr. Alan Clague
Cllr. Paul Dennett
Cllr. Gina Reynolds
Cllr. John Warmisham
Tina Race
Marie Fennel
Sallie Ackroyd
Edward Down
Barbara Hill
Sylvia Sharples
Tom McMullen
Gail Robinson
Ruth McAuley
A Moore
Jenny Sowerby
Doreen Temple
J Williams
P Healey
P Heaton
K Howell
J Chapman
I Woolearn
Alan Ward
Royce Gambles
Kevin O’Neill
David Betts
Ross Spanner
Insp. Dave Henthorne
Mark Wainwright
David Greenfield
Jean Thompson
Lee Lacking
Kaye Mahoney
Mel Sirotkin
Jonathan Drake
Derek Wunderley
Chair of O & L Community Committee
Deputy Chair of O & L Community Committee
The City Mayor
Ward Councillor
Ward Councillor
Ward Councillor
Ward Councillor
Local Resident - south Clarendon
Local Resident – south Clarendon
Local Resident – south Ordsall
Local Resident/TCARA
Local Resident – south Ordsall
Local Resident – New Barracks
Local Resident – south Ordsall
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident – In Bloom
Local Resident – In Bloom
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident - TIETARA
Local Resident - TIETARA
Local Resident – TIETARA
Local Landlord
Neighbourhood Manager
Salford City Council
Salford City Council
Together Housing
Urban Vision
Urban Vision
NHS Salford
Stacey Adams
John Wooderson
Jeanette Coward
Health Improvement Team
Salford City Council
Admin Officer, Ordsall & Langworthy (note taker)
Cllr. Mashiter
Cllr. Dobbs
Liz McNabb
Carol Kunicki
David Gough
Sue Bowen
2. Minutes from previous meeting and matters arising
Minutes from Ordsall & Langworthy Community Committee held on 3rd July
2012 were read as a true record.
RESOLVED: that minutes approved as a correct record.
Salford Second Hand Goods Market
No updates at present.
RESOLVED: that Cllr. Clague will update when he has any
Seedley & Langworthy Community Forum
Seedley & Langworthy Regeneration Team communication plan to be brought
to the next Ordsall & Langworthy community committee.
RESOLVED: that the communication plan will be presented at the
next meeting.
Update on Middlewood Locks
Consultation now completed outcomes to be presented at Ordsall Community
Forum on 18th September 2012 and Ordsall & Langworthy Community
Committee on 20th November 2012.
RESOLVED: that the above outcomes will be presented at the
above meetings
Percy Drive
Complaint has been dealt with any further issues contact Derek Wunderely
RESOLVED: that any further issues report direct to Derek
Salford Quays
Residents are concerned that water activities at the Quays are for elite sports
only and residents feel excluded. Ross to contact Urban Vision to clarify who
installed the new ‘No Fishing’ signs at various locations at the Quays.
Ross informed the committee that Tim Field attends a senior management
meeting on how to better co-ordinate management at the Quays.
RESOLVED: that Ross Spanner contact Urban Vision and report
back at next meeting.
Budget Sub-Group Recommendations
The recommendations made by the budget sub-group held on 28th August
2012 were approved.
RESOLVED: that recommendations for budget sub-group were
City Mayor Ian Stewart
The City Mayor, Ian Stewart introduced himself and gave a brief background
of how he moved from Glasgow to Salford and how he would like to bring
some stability to Salford.
The City Mayor explained the new public consultation ‘Connecting Salford’
that is to be launched for people who live, work or have an interest in Salford,
to create a shared vision for the city which will be the basis of a city plan
ready for the upturn in the economic climate.
‘Connecting Salford’ is being sent out to every household and business to
create an open discussion with local people. Copies are also being sent to
local organisations and groups and will be open until Friday 7th December
2012. The City Mayor and would like as many people, of all ages, to play an
active part and get connected with Salford City Council. The document is
available online with the electronic consultation form at
www.salford.gov.uk/connectingsalford.htm If you feel you would like more
information on any specific issue in order to play a part then please email
policy.improvement@salford.gov.uk or telephone 0161 909 6551.
The City Mayor, The Mayoral Team, Senior Council Officers and
representatives from Greater Manchester Police, the University of Salford and
Salford City College are also visiting and engaging with local organisations,
groups and communities to listen to their views and priorities for the city.
Tom McMullan suggested that Salford people have stopped believing what
Salford City Council say/promise as they have been let down in the past.
Ian said he does not make any promises especially if he cannot keep them.
Reclaim Youth Project
Kat Howell introduced herself and outlined what the Reclaim Project is and
how it was set up in 2007.
Reclaim Youth Project has received a 3-year funding from the Lottery to work
in Salford with girls aged 12 to 13 and boys aged 13 to 14 whereby each
young person will get a mentor from their area. Criteria for this project are
that the young person shows leadership potential but faces barriers.
Voluntary adult mentors are required and will be trained with expenses
The project will begin with the boys in November working out of school 4 days
per week then weekends with a graduation at the end. Girl’s project will begin
in November 2013.
Cllr. Warmshisam asked if Kat had contacted faith groups and Salford
Foundation as he thinks a co-ordinated approach with no over lapping of work
would be appropriate. Salford Foundation have adult mentors so could
possibly link with Reclaim.
Kat informed Cllr. Warmsiham she has already met with Salford Foundation to
discuss adult mentors.
Insp. Henthorne asked how many young people they aim to work with.
Kat informed Insp. Henthorne that they are hopefully be working with 25/30
young people.
Tom McMullan asked if mentors will have the appropriate CRB checks.
Kat stated yes.
Friends of Peel Park
David Greenfield, Office of the Chief Executive, asked residents to consider
being involved with a Friends of Peel Park group and outlined the benefits of
doing so.
Consultation has taken place of what the community would like and some
funding has been allocated to do some improvements.
With a friends group applications for funding can be submitted to the Heritage
Fund for park improvements.
For more information contact david.greenfeild@salford.gov.uk or ring 01706
Together Housing Update
Jean Thompson, Together Housing, outlined proposals for the PFI scheme.
She gave the committee a breakdown of employment and apprenticeships to
be offered locally.
There will be an ongoing consultation for the community giving the option for
50% of the workforce will be employed locally. There is a working group to
ensure that what is written in PFI contract is adhered to or face
Derek Wunderly to send details to Jeanette Coward of ratio of social housing
figures to go out with notes.
RESOLVED: that Derek Wunderley will send the ratio of social
housing figures to Jeanette Coward go out with
Seedley & Langworthy Regeneration Team Update
Ross Spanner explained that the team is led by Cllr. Warmisham. The team
are keen to build on investment in the Seedley & Langworthy area. Its main
objectives are:
maintain momentum of regeneration in the area.
best use/impact for the area
revisit how to deliver improvements quickly.
John Wooderson described schemes that are currently ongoing in the area:
improvements to the footbath, around Willow Tree school.
car parking to the back of Langworthy Road shops. Proposals
for car parking are now with planning and if approved work
should be completed for Christmas.
Langworthy Hotel site – In-bloom using site temporary. Great
Places to negotiate and consult with residents on proposed site.
Chimney Pot Park – progress ongoing
Emmanuel Church – support to complete building.
Southern Street – owner of one property lives overseas – it is
hoped this site will be demolished shortly.
Empty properties scheme – the city have secured funding for
south of the area with SALT securing £450k to assist in the
Grounds maintenance during budget savings
Mark Wainwright outlined proposals for grounds maintenance due to cuts of
their budget.
Contact 0161 909 6500 or email suggestions to
Tom McMullen informed the committee that when the grass is being cut all the
cuttings are left behind and it looks un-kempt and can cause an accident
when cutting go on the pavements. Mark to look into cost of picking up grass
cuttings after being cut.
RESOLVED: that Mark Wainwright would get costings for picking
up cut grass.
Discussion took place over Japanese knotweed in Salford. It was agreed if
residents saw Japanese knotweed to report it direct to 0161 909 6500
RESOLVED: that residents would report Japanese knotweed
Members of community committee would like to thank Environment Services
for all their hard work in clearing up at Salford Quays, Islington Park, In-Bloom
in Langworthy and New Barracks In- Bloom.
The Salfordian
Roy Marsh informed the committee that there is funding for Ordsall &
Langworthy residents to stay at the Salfordian. For more information or
reserve a place contact Ross 0161 603 4090.
RESOLVED: that residents would contact Ross Spanner for
information or reserve a place at the Salfordian.
Devolved Highways Budget
See attached budget statement.
£10k left is for cosmetic work on Liverpool Street i.e. line painting and cycle
Urban Vision would like local schemes submitted for next year to be submitted
by end of September 2012. Proposals to Ross for community committee
approval in November 2012 so Urban Vision would be ready to deliver on 1 st
April 2012.
Committee stated that 26 days notice to submit proposed schemes for 2013
was un-realistic but could try this new approach for 2014.
RESOLVED: that Urban Vision consider postponing the highways
spending procedure until 2014.
Any Other Business
Ordsall Allotment Society
Tom McMullen informed the committee that the original allotment site on St
Clements former school land has been refused as the land has to stay
available for use by any nearby academy.
Ordsall Allotment Society has now been offered site on Tatton Street (Old
library/PO site). Salford City Council and Urban Vision are working hard to
push relevant testing to meet the funding deadline.
South Ordsall
South Ordsall residents passed on a rumour that Peel Holdings had
purchased land in South Ordsall. Cllr Clague to investigate and report back.
RESOLVED: that Cllr. Clague would investigate if any land has
been sold in south Ordsall to Peel Holdings.
Welfare Reforms
Residents raised concerns that no information/communication has been made
about the new welfare reforms in April 2013.
Crime in Ordsall & Langworthy
Insp. Henthorne was asked to report on crime in Ordsall & Langworthy at the
next community committee.
RESOLVED: that Crime in Ordsall & Langworthy will be an agenda
item next meeting.
Date, Time & Venue of Next Meeting
20th November 2012, 6.45pm at Ordsall Neighbourhood Building, 2 Robert
Hall Street, Ordsall, M5 3LT
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