AP Government Reading Assignments

AP Government 1st Semester Ongoing Assignments
Chapter Summaries: You are to read all assigned readings and take notes on each. Each person will be
assigned chapter summaries to complete for a grade. This summary should include an outline of the reading and
a summary of key ideas and important vocabulary. These summaries will be shared with the class and are to be
another perspective on the reading- NOT a substitution for your reading! These summaries will also serve as a
quick reference before the AP test.
Schedule for Semester 1:
Andy, Brittany, Clifford
Felipe, Jon, Katelyn
Maggie, Mikey, Travis
Courtney, Crystal, Eric
Katie, Kelsey, Mac
Chapter summary will be extra credit for
anyone who desires
Current Event Articles: The great thing about our government is that is always doing
something. You need to be aware of the world around you to gain a full understanding of how
class topics and discussions relate to the world outside GCHS. You will need to find at least
five current events article for each of the six We the People units. For each article, you need to
provide the citation (properly formatted), a brief summary of the article, how the article relates
to the unit, and your response based on what you learned in class and from the readings on the
topics. These will be collected and graded at various points throughout the semester. DO NOT
PUT THESE OFF! Each article is worth five points.
AP Government 1st Semester Ongoing Assignments
Chapter Summaries: You are to read all assigned readings and take notes on each. Each person will be
assigned chapter summaries to complete for a grade. This summary should include an outline of the reading and
a summary of key ideas and important vocabulary. These summaries will be shared with the class and are to be
another perspective on the reading- NOT a substitution for your reading! These summaries will also serve as a
quick reference before the AP test.
Schedule for Semester 1:
Andy, Brittany, Clifford
Felipe, Jon, Katelyn
Maggie, Mikey, Travis
Courtney, Crystal, Eric
Katie, Kelsey, Mac
Chapter summary will be extra credit for
anyone who desires
Current Event Articles: The great thing about our government is that is always doing something.
You need to be aware of the world around you to gain a full understanding of how class topics
and discussions relate to the world outside GCHS. You will need to find at least five current
events article for each of the six We the People units. For each article, you need to provide the
citation (properly formatted), a brief summary of the article, how the article relates to the unit,
and your response based on what you learned in class and from the readings on the topics. These
will be collected and graded at various points throughout the semester. DO NOT PUT THESE
OFF! Each article is worth five points.