Ch - USHistoryIIMacKay

Ch. 18.3 Acquiring New Lands
Section Objectives:
1. Describe U.S. involvement in Puerto Rico and in Cuba.
2. Identify causes and effects of the Philippine-American War.
3. Explain the purpose of the Open Door Policy in China.
4. Summarize the views regarding U.S. imperialism.
One American’s Story
-Who was Luis Munoz Rivera?
-What did many Puerto Ricans fear?
1. Ruling Puerto Rico
-What were Puerto Ricans divided over?
A. Military Rule
-Who was controlling Puerto Rico during the Spanish-American War?
-What was the military there to protect?
B. Return To Civil Government
-Why was the U.S. interested in Puerto Rico?
-What was the Foraker Act?
-What did the Foraker Act call for?
1. Cuba and the United States
-What did the Teller Amendment do?
A. American Soldiers
-What did Marti fear?
-How did the American military government help Cuba?
B. Platt Amendment
-What was the Platt Amendment?
-What is a protectorate?
C. Protecting American Business Interests
-Why did the United States wish to attain a strong influence in Cuba?
2. Filipinos Rebel
-Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?
A. Philippine-American War
-What did the U.S. do to Filipinos during the war?
-How long did it take the U.S. to put down the rebellion? How many Filipinos and Americans died?
B. Aftermath of the War
-How was the Filipino government set up after the rebellion?
-When did the Philippines become an independent republic?
3. Foreign Influence in China
-Why was the U.S. interested in China?
-What nations had spheres of influence in China?
A. John Hay’s Open Door Notes
-Who was John Hay?
-What were the Open Door notes?
B. The Boxer Rebellion in China
-What was the Boxer Rebellion?
-What were the causes and consequences of the Boxer Rebellion?
C. Protecting American Rights
-What did the Open Door Policy show about American beliefs?
4. The Impact of U.S. Territorial Gains
-What did the reelection of William McKinley seem to indicate about the American public’s view of
-What view of imperialism did supporters of the Anti-Imperialism League take?