NOVEMBER 2014 Under the Bell Tower No More Ordinary November always puts the brakes on the long march of Ordinary Time. It’s especially so this year. Ordinary Time is the short sequence of Sundays after Epiphany and the long period of Sundays after Pentecost in the Christian Calendar (it began June 22 this year). The other weeks in our Christian year are focused on holy days and festivals commemorating the life of Jesus, like Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. All told, over half the year comprises Ordinary Time. But November brings a break. Ordinary Time is interrupted, then concluded this month. The first Sunday of November we’ll celebrate All Saints Sunday, a special day to recall that communion in Christ includes all those who have gone before us and will come after us. Death does not close the door on life in Christ. Instead, it opens the windows of life to the fullness we share in communion with God and one another. Then, three short weeks away, on the twenty-third, we celebrate the Reign of Christ Sunday (always the last Sunday after Pentecost). The last word of our ordinary time is that Christ is Lord. Finally, the last Sunday of November is the first Sunday of Advent. We begin our anticipation and hope for the coming of Christ. In the build-up to Christmas with all its excitement and splendor, we are reminded of Christ’s promise that God’s reign of peace, justice, and love is coming. November is a special month this year. It invites us to ponder how extraordinary life is for us, just ordinary people. Being ordinary can seem dull and not very special; humdrum and even boring. But if we stop and think about our ordinary lives in the context of what we face this month then the light dawns. God’s extraordinary grace is always shown most brilliantly through ordinary people. God’s extraordinary love is always found in ordinary homes and churches. God’s extraordinary future is always revealed in ordinary times. Peace, Doug STEWARDSHIP REPORT THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2014 Annual Church Budgeted Income $208,676 Income Weekly 4,013 Income Received Income members Transferred from Investment savings Expenses to Date Net Difference Budgeted 126,331.70 45,000.00 -174,287.10 - 2,955.40 Actual 89,288.03 68,000.00 - 158,867.58 -1,579.55 Difference 37,043.67 -23,000.00 -15,419.52 -1,375.85 ATTENDANCE FOR OCTOBER 2013 10/06 10/13 10/20 92 81 90 10/27 103 366 11/02 11/07 11/07 11/07 11/11 11/20 11/23 11/23 11/25 11/30 2014 10/05 89 10/12 74 10/19 82 SAVINGS 10/26 85 330 offerings 3,217.50 2,156.00 2,794.00 18,000.00 1,841.46 $28,008.96 NOVEMBER Birthdays Luan (Lori) RICE Hannah LINDSEY-SCHUMAN Wendy RIDGEWAY Caroline RIDGEWAY Cordell ALLBEE Terry WARFIELD Patricia DiANTONIA Thelma LEWIS Sandra YURGA Ava RUDIS 11/03 11/07 11/07 11/08 11/15 11/22 11/23 11/25 11/28 11/30 Elisabeth TOMLINSON Marian DePUE Cameron RIDGEWAY Mary JOHNS Sally CHILDEARS Victor PIERCE Sue Harris-HUNT Jennifer DOWNS Angela DOWNS Patricia THOMPSON If we missed anyone, please notify the church office to get your name on the list. The Prayer List for Members & Friends of the Church The list is kept current. For a copy please call the church office: 674-4177; PRAYERS FOR MEMBERS Louise Ferguson – in Capitol Rehab, room 225-B. Daisy Hill—at home with son recuperating Sylvia Latourette – at home being cared for by her daughter Ann Lewis – at Silver Lake in room #231 for therapy after heart surgery Thelma Lewis – in the Alzheimer’s unit at State Street, still a happy and welcoming lady William Muntz – recuperating at home after surgery Connor Rumbley – recuperating at home after surgery Mary Reed – in rehab at Westminster Village following hospitalization Betty Tomlinson – Westminster Health Center Adolf Weissenfluh – home, dealing with advancing Parkinson’s disease PRAYERS FOR FAMILY MEMBERS Harriet Griggs – : in VCU Medical Center for recurrence of infection. Jacqueline Lenox – Jim Miller’s aunt - broken pelvis, shoulder/neck pain Samuel Lenox – Jim Miller’s Uncle - extreme back pain Keith Nicolls – Fred Hotchkiss’ uncle - kidney failure Jean Tilley – Billie Boehmer’s mother in PA - Parkinson’s disease and age dementia Verna James – The Hufnal’s aunt: reoccurrence of Breast Cancer and other health issues due to aging Donald Olliver - The Hufnal’s uncle has Lateral Sclerosis and Heart concerns. PRAYERS FOR CANCER PATIENTS Wanda Bacon – Phyllis Simpkins’ niece - breast cancer Willard Irwin – Lyn Arnold’s colleague Mrs. Carla McNatt – friend of Phyllis Simpkins - Pancreas Lillian Schrantz – Cleah Muntz’s sister-in-law David Simpkins – Larry Simpkins’ brother, cancer Stephanie Stegmaier – Phyllis Tarburton’s daughter - breast cancer CAREGIVERS The next meeting to coordinate will be November 12th at 10:30 AM at the church. We would love to have others join us. Shirley Hawkins MEN'S BREAKFAST The next Men's Breakfast will be Tuesday, November 18th at 8 a.m. in the Country Eatery on N State St. Men, if you are reading this announcement you are welcome and encouraged to join us! We enjoy an hour of fellowship and food at the beginning of the day every third Tuesday of the month. Why not mark that on your calendar and plan to join us for a good time? CHURCH VAN MINISTRY If you or someone you know is interested in riding to worship and back home each Sunday in the church van, OR if you would like to volunteer as a van driver for this ministry, please call the church office and let us know. The Van Ministry is ready to respond to your call. The list is kept current. For a copy please call the church office: 674-4177; SATURDAY BREAKFAST & WORK-DAY FOR WOMEN & MEN Saturday November 15th: 7:30 AM – Church Dining Room Full service Breakfast at 8 AM – 8:45 AM then get-er-done from 8:45 AM to 11:00 AM. See you there. WISH LIST It is getting along to the end of the year and the church is needing a few things to get to the New Year! Ice melt Copy paper (white or colored) Stamps Rolls of paper towels What’s Happening In the Interim Time? " The Pastor Search Committee continues to meet weekly. We have received fifteen ministerial profiles to review and have a couple of prospects we are considering. The candidates vary widely from single to married, with families and without, men and women, and from all over the country including Hawaii. We will continue to receive profiles for at least another couple of months, but will soon be checking references and proceeding with phone interviews on some of the ones we have reviewed. Please be patient with us as we prayerfully consider these candidates, review the 15-18 pages of each one's information and respond appropriately." Flowers 11/02 11/09 11/16 11/23 11/30 VOLUNTEERS Barbara VanSant B J & Dave VanKavelaar Eileen Lockwood & Cheryl Goldsmith Eileen Lockwood & Cheryl Goldsmith Judy & Jeff Reed Sunday Lessons 11/02 Liturgist 11/02 Glenn Hitchens 11/09 Joe Zingaro 11/16 Lester Gallihue 11/23 Richard Merriwether 11/30 Bill Hufnal Ushers 11/02 Phyllis Simpkins Jackie Niehorster Richard Merriwether 11/09 Cheryl Goldsmith Phyllis Simpkins Vicky Healey Bill Hufnal All Saints Sunday Holy Communion Revelation 7:9-17; Matthew 5:1-12 11/09 Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st. Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13 11/16 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st. Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30 11/23 Reign of Christ Sunday Ephesians 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46 11/30: First Sunday of Advent Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; Mark 13:24-37 11/16 Jackie Niehorster Jim Caldwell 11/23 Cheryl Goldsmith Jennifer Childears Sally Childears Bill Hufnal 11/30 BOARD OF DIACONATE " As the new year approaches the Diaconate will have two vacancies to fill for the 2015-2017 term (3 yrs). The Diaconate supports and formulates policy for worship at Peoples church. From supplying the ushers, acolytes, liturgists, and even the occasional substitute preacher, to adorning and dressing the Altar each week. The Diaconate supports the choir director, the organists, and the pastor. It helps administer Holy communion and manages a monetary fund used to help those in need in our community, as well as, members of our congregation. The Diaconate meets once a month for about an hour after worship and is made up of twelve members total. While we do meet the most frequently, the work is not hard and the camaraderie is pleasing. So please, if you are looking for a way the support your church more please consider donating your time and talent by joining the Board of Diaconate." Jerry Rice "In keeping with a past tradition at Peoples Church anyone who would like to come to the altar rail during the Morning Prayer/Lord's Prayer to offer up their prayer and petition is more than welcome." Our Church's Website Have you looked at our church's website lately? Special thanks to Elinor Baker for all the work she puts into her job as our webmaster. BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION We are off to a great start, with activities, classes, and events for everyone in our church family. Our board, guided by our dedicated interim pastor, Doug, offers the following opportunities: "Twenty-after"--- a twenty minute discussion, each Sunday, of the lectionaries scriptures and the sermon, led by Reverend Griffin Praying the Bible---4:00 pm, the first Sunday of each month, led by Reverend Griffin Faith In Life---4:00 pm, the second Sunday of each month, facilitated by Reverend Griffin Advent Book Review, beginning Tuesday, November 18, at 7:00pm, each week. Hayride for children and parents: 1:00pm Saturday, November 15, leaving from the home of John and Judy Downs Advent Workshop for all Sunday School students, on Sunday, November 30, during Sunday School time Parents Time Out, for all children 2-12, December 7, 1:00-4:00pm, at the church. Movie, games, and great fun for kids. SPAGHETTI DINNER, Sunday, November 16, 4:30-6:30 pm, sponsored by CE and the Sunday School, with tips going to youth activities. Tickets are 7:00 adult and 4:00 children under ten, purchased in advance. They are available now from the office, after worship, or from a board member or Sunday School student. There are several mission projects for youth this fall: Stop Hunger Now,, November 9, 4:00pm, at Wesley United Methodist Church, for older youth Christmas cookie making, for Church Women United's prison ministry project and for our own Cookie Walk Angel Tree gift wrapping The next meeting of the board will be November 23. Jean Hitchens, chairperson Advent Book Study and New Group Begin in November A new opportunity will be offered on the second Sunday of the month, beginning November 9 at 4 p.m., entitled “Faith In Life.” Have you ever felt like your prayers didn’t go higher than the ceiling and wondered if you’re the only Christian who feels that way? Have you gone through an experience that has left you profoundly aware of God’s intimate presence with you, but don’t feel talking about it with coworkers? Have you just wished that just once conversations about issues of the day, like political campaigns, war in the Middle East, or the Ebola threat, could focus on how our faith in God can effect how we face these issues? These are the kinds of questions that Faith In Life will address. The “agenda” will emerge from the questions or concerns that participants bring to it. The goal is not to find answers or to have everyone in agreement, but to share the spiritual connection that flows from prayerful fellowship. Rev. Griffin will facilitate an Advent book study on five consecutive Tuesday evenings, beginning November 18 at 7 p.m. in the Dining Room. The book is, The First Christmas by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan. Because Advent is so short and life gets so hectic right before Christmas we will begin the study two weeks before Advent. In The First Christmas Marcus Borg and Crossan—top Jesus scholars and authors of The Last Week—help us see the real Christmas story buried in the familiar Bible accounts. Basing their interpretations on the two nativity narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Borg and Crossan show how each story is unique and different from the other but how the inner truth of each presents a clear and uplifting message of hope and peace. With The First Christmas readers get a fresh, deep, and new understanding of the nativity story, enabling us to better appreciate the powerful message of the Gospels. Books can be purchased for $11 at the Church office. Get your book and read the first two chapters prior to the first session on November 18 at 7 p.m. The other sessions are November, 25, December 2, 9, and 16. In addition to these new opportunities, last month we introduced a spiritual formation program entitled, “Praying the Bible.” Ten individuals participated. They were introduced to a fifteen-minute process for reading a selected passage of Scripture and letting it inform and guide their prayer. Each participant also received a calendar of Bible readings for each day of the month with instructions on how to use it for daily prayer. Praying the Bible continues on Sunday, November 2. Newcomers are welcome, since there is nothing to “make up” or catch-up to. Attendees from last month will be able to raise questions or problems they had and to learn from one another. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOARD OF MISSION & OUTREACH NEIGHBORS IN NEED The NEIGHBORS IN NEED offering received $254.00. Thanks you for all your donations. FOOD BANK The First Baptist Church Food Bank gives out Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner food baskets. Until December 14, we will focus our food drive on helping to fill these baskets for those who would otherwise not have a special dinner. Items needed are instant mashed potatoes, instant stuffing, canned sweet potatoes, green beans and corn. Money can also be donated for turkeys and pies. Food Bank envelopes are in the hymnal rack; make checks payable to People's Church. Collected in October were 42 items and $10 taken to the Holy Cross Food Bank. Just a reminder - expired items are not accepted by the Food Banks. Thanks!! Women’s Fellowship At our last meeting, October 12th, 18 women enjoyed our speaker, Karen Kirstender, the marketing director of Westminster Village. attended. We learned about the various levels of care and that WV is a not-for profit organization. Phyllis Simpkins still has Family Thanks bags to collect change. These will be dedicated after Thanksgiving. ½ of the proceeds will benefit the Diaconate Fund and the other ½ will be split between Caring Hearts Helping Hands and the Stockley Auxiliary. Nearly 100 shawls/quilts/blankets have been given to friends and family members since we started in 2010. The ladies approved the nominations for 2015 officers: President – Ruth Gallihue Devotional Life – Jane Kent 1st VP – Shirley Hawkins Program Chair – Robin Hinderer nd 2 VP- Robin Hinderer Material Aids – Shirley Hawkins Secretary – BJ Van Kavelaar Hospitality – Marian DePue Treasurer – Phyllis Tarburton House – Jane Zink Parliamentarian – Phyllis Simpkins Publicity – Pat Thompson Key Woman – Mary Johns Family Thank Offering – Phyllis Simpkins Advisor – Jean Hitchens Nominating Committee – Shirley Hawkins Phyllis Simpkins will purchase supplies for the craft for the Nov. meeting. We will make wind chimes to bring to our shut-ins with 1” clay flower pots. Ladies can donate $1-2 for supplies. Our next meeting will be Sunday, Nov. 9th at 11:20am. We will be making cranberry relish to sell and crafts for our shut-ins. Phyllis Tarburton will purchase the cranberries; ladies volunteered to bring sugar, apples and oranges. CARING HEARTS HELPING HANDS (phone 698-1900) The Christmas program is gearing up. We are currently looking for wish-grantors and volunteer shoppers. The members and volunteers at Caring Hearts Helping Hands are cleaning out the summer clothes and hanging fall and winter clothes in our warehouse. We are accepting gently used and new children’s clothing, furniture, small appliances, kitchen items, linens, toys and board games (with all the pieces included) and always need cleaning supplies, paper products, personal hygiene items, and gifts for teen birthdays. Our office hours are every Tuesday, 10 am - 2 pm; the first Wednesday evening of each month, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm and the first and third Saturday of each month, 10 am - 12 pm. Please feel free to come by any time, email us at or check out our website: “”. If you shop at Redner’s and use your “pump perks” card, please send us your grocery receipts as Redner’s gives 1% of those tapes to charities. We have already collected over $40,000 in receipts and received checks for over $400 which pays for Christmas gifts for four children. If you are interested in helping or know of any teens or college students who need hours of community service, we would be happy to have their help as well. If you like to shop but are not able to sponsor a family for Christmas, we are also looking for shoppers. Thanks again for all your support. BJ Van Kavelaar Secretary/Director NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 1 PM C.O.D.A All Saints Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All Saints Sunday 10:00 am worship Holy Communion Sunday 11:00 Coffee 12:15 pm NA & 7:00 pm NA meetings 7:00 pm AA meeting 9:30 amGenesis part-1 12:30 PM F.A.I.R. 1 PM C.O.D.A. Election Day 10:30 AM Care Givers meeting 12:15 am NA & 7:00 pm AA meetings 11:20 am – 20 After 7:00 PM Choir Practice Chesapeake Assoc. Fall Meeting, Catonsville 12:15 pm NA meeting 4:00 pm – Praying the Bible in Fellowship room Daylight Savings Time Ends 9 10:00 am worship 11:15 LuncheonTrustees & Finance 11:10 am W F Make Cranberry Relish 10 11 12 13 14 15 12:15 pm NA & 7:00 pm NA meetings 7:00 pm AA meeting 12:15 pm NA Meeting 12:30 PM F.A.I.R. 9:30 am Bible Study-Genesispart 1 7:30 AM Breakfast & Work Day Veterans Day OFFICE CLOSED 12:15 pm NA & 7:00 pm AA meetings 7:00 PM Choir Practice 11:15 Board of Management meeting 10:30 am Caregivers meeting 11:20 am-20 After Redners Food Drive 1 PM C.O.D.A. 1:00 pm Hayride – John Downs farm 4:00 pm-Faith in Life, Fellowship Room 16 10:00 worship 11:00 am coffee 4:30 pm Spaghetti Dinner Dining room Silent Auction 17 12:15 pm NA & 7:00 pm NA meetings 18 19 20 21 22 8:00 AM Men’s BreakfastCountry Eatery 12:15 pm NA meeting 12:30 PM F.A.I.R. 1 PM C.O.D.A. 11:30 am – K E M lunch & meeting 9:30 Bible Study-Genesis part 1 7:00 PM Choir Practice 12:15 pm NA & 7:00 pm AA meetings 7:00 pm AA meeting 6:00 pm PFLAG mtg. – Dover Public Library 11:30 am UCC Interim Minister Group Redners Food Drive 23 Thanksgiving Sunday 10:00 am worshipReign of Christ Sunday 24 25 26 27 28 29 12:15 pm NA & 7:00 pm NA meetings 7:00 pm AA meeting 12:15 pm NA meeting 12:30 PM F.A.I.R. OFFICE CLOSED 1 pm C.O.D.A. 7:00 pm Advent book study 9:30 Bible study-Genesis part 1 OFFICE CLOSED 2 3 4 5 6 12:15 pm NA & 7:00 pm AA meetings 1 PM C.O.D.A. 11:00 am coffee 11:15 Trustees Meeting 11:10 am. Bd. of Christian Ed 7:00 pm Community Thanksgiving Service 30 1ST. Sunday of Advent DEC. 9:00 Trustees Meeting 10:00 Worship 11:20 am – 20 After 1 12:15 pm NA & 7:00 pm NA meetings 7:00 pm AA meeting 12:15 am NA meeting 12:30 PM F.A.I.R. 7:00 PM Choir Practice THE PURPOSE / MISSION STATEMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S CHURCH OF DOVER UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST The purpose of this church shall be to worship God who embraces all people; to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as our Revealer, Lord and Savior; to celebrate the sacraments; to facilitate spiritual growth; to practice Christian fellowship and unity within this church and the Church Universal; to proclaim the Bible as the story of our faith and to educate and nourish that faith among all ages; to render loving service towards humankind; to be faithful in our stewardship responsibilities with our time, talent and treasures; and to strive for righteousness, justice, and peace. Church Office – 302-674-4177, Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Email address: WebPage: Rev. Douglas Griffin, Interim Pastor (302) 857-0177, Email: office 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 M-Th Worship Service 10:00 AM Philip S. Betts Organist Kathy Hanebutt Assist. Organist Robin Hinderer Treasurer Cynthia Hotchkiss Adm. Assist. Dr. Paul Hanebutt Randal Revay R. Jefferson Reed Choir Director Sexton Head Usher Board Chairpersons John Downs, Sr. - Moderator Sue Hunt - Mission and Outreach Gerald Rice - Diaconate Jean Hitchens - Christian Education Keith Kreisher & Robin Hinderer - Co-chairs Management John Downs, Jr. - Finance **DEADLINE FOR DECEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER IS NOVEMBER 20, 2014**