Dersimizde dönem boyunca sorumlu olacağınız chapter ve
içerikleri aşağıda verilmiştir.
Palme’deki kitapta asağıdaki
chapterlar yer almaktadır.
Midterm 1’de asağıdaki ilk dört chapterdan sorumlu olacağınızı
hatırlatır, başarılar dilerim.
CHAPTER 1- Making sense of customer relationship management
Strategic CRM
Operational CRM
Analytical CRM
Misunderstandings about CRM
What is a relationship?
Why companies want relationships with customers?
Customer satisfaction, loyalty and business performance
But, do customers want relationship with companies?
CRM constituencies
Why do companies implement CRM?
Contexts of CRM
Defining CRM
CHAPTER 2- The CRM value chain
The goal of CRM
The primary stages of the CRM value chain
The supporting conditions of the CRM value chain
CHAPTER 3- Information Technology for CRM
Origins of CRM technology
The CRM marketplace
CRM architecture
CRM applications
Technology fort he CRM value chain
CHAPTER 4- Customer Portfolio Analysis
What is a portfolio?
What is a customer?
Market segmentation
Data minig for market segmentation
Customer portfolio analysis tools
Sales forecasting
Customer portfolio toolkit
Activity based costing
Lifetime value
Strategically significant customers
Customer portfolio strategies
CHAPTER 5- Customer Intimacy
Building a customer database
Data integration
Data warehousing
Data marts
Data minig
Privacy issues
CHAPTER 6- Creating and managing Networks
What is a network?
Principles of network management
Not all relationships are alike
Activity links, resource ties and actor bonds
From dyad to network
Network position
Network management and CRM
Supplier relationships
Trends in customer-supplier relationships
Not all customers want relationships with suppliers
Owner/investor relationships
Partner relationships
CHAPTER 7- Creating value for customers
Understanding value
Sources of customer value
Value from products
Value from service
Value from processes
Value from people
Value from physical evidence
Value from customer communication
Value from channels
Customer experience
CHAPTER 8- Managing the customer lifecycle: customer acquisition
What is a new customer?
Customer value estimates
Key performance indicators of customer acqusition programmes
Using customer data to guide customer acquisition
Making the right offer
CAPTER 9- Managing the customer lifecycle: customer retention and
What is customer retention?
Economics of customer retention
Which customers to retain?
Strategies for customer retention
Context makes a difference
Key performance indicators of customer retention programmes
The role of research
Strategies for customer development
Strategies for sacking customers
CHAPTER 10- Organizing for CRM
Strategic goals of CRM
Conventional customer management structures
Network and virtual organizations
Person – to – person contact
Key account management
Team selling