Computer History Timeline Project - yogi-kms

Computer History Timeline Project Sheet
Essential Question
How has technology changed our society?
Explain that science, technology, and society are interrelated
SC.6.2.1 Explain how technology has an impact on society
Project Description
For this project, you will work in a team to research and create a timeline of computer history
over the past ~50 years. Because there are so many things you could include, your task is to
display what you feel are the most notable events, in chronological order.
A graphic organizer will be provided for your first draft. When your draft is complete, you will
use Microsoft Word drawing tools to create an electronic version of your timeline.
1. Working in teams of 3, divide yourselves into the following roles (job descriptions on page 3)
Student “A”: Head Researcher
Student “B”: Graphic Designer
Student “C”: Data Manager:
2. Group product: a one-page electronic timeline, with graphics and text/captions,
representing a general history of computers over the past 50 years. You do NOT need to
include every innovation…this will be too time consuming. Just try to capture the “essence” of
the events for your timeline.
3. Create a title, include all team members’ names, and with your team, fill out the selfassessment rubric, revising your final product until you all feel it meets the standard.
4. Individual product: a 150 word response (keep it between 125-150 words) to this
question: How has technology had an impact on (changed) our society in some way? Choose
a specific example from your timeline and explain with supporting details. Type your response,
save under the title, “Technology’s Impact on Society”, and print one copy to hand in by the
due date.
Group product: Due by
Oct. 2, 2009
Individual product: Due by: Oct. 2, 2009
*See attached rubric, self-evaluation, and graphic organizers
NAME: _______________ Student #: _____ Date: _________ Period: _____
Students fill in the Self-Assessments. Teacher fills in Rubric.
Group members/#s: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Group Self-Assessment:
Group members…
□ Carried out their responsibilities to help complete the
□ Followed our class rules/student bill of rights to help
produce a quality product
□ Kept on task and helped each other meet deadlines
Individual Self-Assessment:
During this project, I…
□ Listened to the ideas of my team members
□ Helped my team by completing my tasks in a
timely manner
□ Maintained a professional work ethic/attitude
Group Project Rubric:
Exceeds - 4
Meets - 3
Approaches -2
Well Below - 1
Timeline includes accurate,
significant events in the history of
computers. Title, graphics and
text portray a well-designed
product that is informative and
organized. All sources are cited.
Timeline includes many
significant events in computer
Title, graphics, text portray an
informative product that is
somewhat organized. Some
information is cited.
Timeline includes some
significant events, but lacks clear
organization. There may be
some missing elements/spelling
errors, which detract from the
overall message. Information not
Timeline events are not
chronologically ordered, may
seem random, or have
inaccurate information. Missing
pieces (i.e. title, graphics, some
text) contributes to lack of
organization or poor planning.
Exceeds - 4
Meets - 3
Approaches - 2
Well Below - 1
Writes a clear, organized
response to the prompt, using
specific, relevant, and
appropriate examples
Writes an organized response to
the prompt, using relevant
evidence of technology’s impact
Attempts to explain, but
cannot/does not provide
examples of how technology has
impacted society
More information is needed to
form a clear, relevant response
to the prompt
Individual Product Rubric:
Web Resources:
Web Friends:
A timeline starting in 3000 BC and traveling through the 21st century.
The Computer Museam History Center:
A museum focused exclusively on the history of computing. Features a detailed timeline of computer
history from 1945 to 1990.
Ask the Computer Tech:
Learn computer history from the 1600s – 2000.
Triumph of the Nerds: A History of the Computer:
A computing timeline, presented by the makers of the “Triumph of the Nerds” video series.
Head Researcher:
o Browse through the websites given and take notes using the graphic organizer provided
o Organize important events by decade (1960s, 1970s, etc.)
o Don’t include EVERYTHING, but if in doubt, jot it down – your team can always decide
to leave it out later.
o Make sure the Graphic Designer knows what you are researching, so you can suggest
which images to include
Graphic Designer:
o Browse the websites you were given and try to locate relevant images
o Save images to a new folder you create on your desktop
o You’ll need more than enough at first, and your team can select the ones to include later.
o If you finish your job early, assist the Data Manager
Data Manager:
o Using MS Word, follow the sample (Jurassic Period timeline) to create a draft of your
o Working with the Head Researcher, design the placement of each event on the page, so it
is visually appealing.
o Include dates, and captions. Use WordArt for your title.
o Go to View/Headers and Footers and inside the footer, cite your sources (provide the
websites you got your information from – to make it fit you may need to decrease the
font size).
Computer Timeline Project: “To Do” List…
Read the job descriptions, decide on team roles, and divide up the duties
Work together, helping each other until you have a completed project
Fill out the Team Self-Assessment
Work on your INDIVIDUAL TASK (#4 on the Project Intructions)
Fill out the Individual Self-Assessment
HAND IN ONE GROUP OF PAPERS, which looks like this:
Group Timeline on top, with all team members’ names on the back
Individual paragraphs for each team member
Rubric for each team member
Clipped together (ask me for a paper clip when you are ready)
Most Notable Events in the History of Computers,
1950s through 2000s
1050s & 1960s
Invention of the computer, by Charles Babbage