Technology Timeline Year 3000 B.C. 1617 1642 1674 1854 1804 1835 Type of Technology Description Abacas Machine Book keeping machine that allowed user to manipulate data. It tracks numbers and place values using wooded beads. John Napier – Machine used for Napier’s Rod’s and multiplying. Bones Blaise Pascal – Machine allowed Pascaline user to add and subtract. Gottfried Leibniz – Performed adding, Stepped Reckoner subtracting, multiplication, and division. Marked the beginning of Binary Numbers (0,1) George Boole – Algebra system of Boolean Algebra logic based on the binary system. Joseph Jacquard – Patterns on fabric Punched Card Loom woven into a loom. (keypunch machine) Charles Babbage – Solved differential Analytical Engine equations. Performed error proof calculations. 1887 1937 Herman Hollerith Tabulating Machine Atanasoff and Berry Ada – first program Punch card machine based off of the analytical engine. Founder of IBM. First Electronic Digital Computer (ABC) 1937 Aiken Automated Calculating Machine – Mark I More modern version of the analytical engine. 1943 1951 Alan Turleg 1952 Grace Hopper 1953 IBM 1957 John Badcus 1958 Second Generation 1959 IBM 1960 Grace Hopper 1964 Third Generation UNIVAC first commercial computer created Wrote a paper on how to program a computer with symbolic notations reusable software. IBM Series 700 model put them on the market. Core memory evolved. Magnetic disk for external storage. Fortran program language. Second Generation – Transistor s took over. Introduces two smaller desk size computers – IBM 1401 and IBM 1520 for business and science. IBM 1520 aka CADET (can’t add doesn’t even try). COBOL, a high level business application language. Controlling circuitry stored on silicon chips. 18,000 computers were out for private industry. IBM combined their 1965 John Kemeny 1968 Alan Shugart 1969 IBM 1970 Forth Generation 1971 Ted Hoff 1975 MITS, Inc 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak 1979 Bob Fankston 1980 Alan Shugart Bill Gates 1981 IBM business and science computers into one. BASIC programming evolved -- created for personal computers. Digital Equipment Corp introduces mini computer. 8-inch Floppy disk was created (magnetic storage media). Computer Science Corp becomes the first software company listed on the NY Stock Exchange. IBM unbundled its software separate from its hardware. Arpanet is established (basic internet). LSI chips arrive (Large-scale integration). Develops a microprocessor – Intel 4004. Advertise first microcomputer, the Altair. The first Apple computer, Apple II. Adopted for the general public to use. VistiCalc, spreadsheet program Winchester hard drive created. MSDOS operating system introduced. IBM PC (personal 1982 Hayes 1983 Lotus Development Corp 1983 TIME magazine 1984 IBM 1984 Apple 1987 1988 Microsoft 1989 Time Bemers-Lee 1989 International computer) is introduced Introduced the 300 bps smart modem. IBM controlling the computer market. Compaq, Inc founded and market IBM compatible PC. Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet program combined spreadsheets, graphics, and database programs into one package. Recognizes the computer of the year recognize its impact on society. Introduces a personal computer PC AT that used the Intel 80286 microprocessor. HP introduces the LaserJet printer. Introduces the Mac which had a graphical interface. More computers using Intel 80286 processor Surpasses Lotus Development Corp to become the world’s top software vendor. Invents an internetbased hypermedia for information sharing (World Wide Web) Mission 1991 Society of Technolgoy and education ISTE AskEric 1992 Microsoft 1993 Intel 1993 ISTE 1993 Marc Anderson 1994 Marc Anderson 1995 Microsoft 1995 Sun Microsystems 1996 Searchable database for documents Releases Windows 3.1. Pentium processor replaces 480 processor. Introduces technology standards for teachers, containing 13 indictors. Created Mosaic first graphical browser Launch Netscape navigator 1.0. Clinton Administration signs TIIAP grant which supplies grants to public institutions to fund the installation of advance communications. Introduces Windows 95 Launches Java an object orientated programming language that allows users to write one application for a variety of computer platforms. Clinton launches a Technology Literacy Challenge – program designed to use technology to educate children to succeed in the next century. 1996 1997 Intel 1997 FCC 1998 Microsoft Apple 1999 Intel Microsoft 1999 2000 Shawn Fanning 2000 ISTE 2000 Intel 2001 Microsoft Apple Summer Olympics makes extensive use of computer technology. Introduced Pentium II processor which introduced MMX technology. Approves the ERate program which provides discounted telecommunications services to K-12 schools. Introduces Windows 98. Apple Introduces the iMac, which abandoned the floppy disk drive. Released Pentium III processor. Microsoft released MS Office 2000, offering new tools to create content and save it directly to a Web Site. Y2K bug scare. Develop software that allows computer users to swap music files – Napster. Releases NETS for students. Pentium IV chip released. E-commerce achieve mainstream acceptance. companies go out of business. Released MS Office 2001 for the Mac. Apple releases Mac 2001 AOL Microsoft 2001 Microsoft 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 Intel 2003 Microsoft OS X. Telemedicine uses satellite technology and videoconferencing to broadcast consultations and to perform distant surgeries. More than 25 million computer users subscribe to AOL. Microsoft releases Windows XP. Release XP Professional which introduced voice recognition. Wireless technology gains interest. E-books are introduced. Digital text read on compact computer screens. No Child Left Behind Act. DVD RW replaces CD RW. Digital Video cameras, DVD writers, editing software allow people to create Hollywood like movies Handheld cell phones offered all in one. Releases Centrino mobile technology. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is introduced. Releases the class server Learning 2003 ISTE 2003 Microsoft Apple 2004 2004 2004 2005 Microsoft 2005 2005 Mozilla Management Platform. Introduces OneNote 2003. Announce that 48 states will adopt, adapt, and align with their standards. Tablet PC is introduced as the next generation mobile PC. Release MS Office Student and Teacher software. Apple introduces the Power Mac G5 processor – the first 64 bit processor Other companies try to get into online music business. Flat Panels introduced. USB Flash Drives. Apple introduces iMacG5. Boardband internet access. RFID bar codes Unveils XP Media Center Ed 2005. Offers Service Pack 2. Spam, spyware, phishing, splam, and spit take center stage along with virus. Predicts that it’s FireFox browser will have 10 percent of the browser market due to IE problems. Smart phone is 2005 Apple IBM 2006 E-Rate introduced. Introduces the Mac mini. IBM introduces the cell chip. All U.S. students will have internet access in schools