introduction - Airman and Family Readiness Center

Office of the Staff Judge Advocate
92d Air Refueling Wing
1. E. Bong Street, Suite 103
Fairchild AFB WA 99011
Listed below are the telephone numbers and points of contact for organizations on
Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington that may be of some assistance to you. Please see
the information contained in this Handbook for a description of the services they provide.
Emergency Medical Services
Spokane County Police
Life Skills Management
(Mental Health)
Airman and Family Readiness Center
247-2246 (Mr. Chris Marble)
Air Force Office of
Special Investigations
247-2591 (SA Jamie Rychecky)
Base Legal Office
247-4090 (TSgt Amber Martin)
247-2264 (Chaplain, Lt Col James Glass)
Security Forces
247-5868 (Detective Timothy McShane)
Equal Opportunity
If you are not sure whom to call or if you have any questions, please contact TSgt Martin or
at (509) 247-4090.
You have been assigned a Victim and Witness Liaison for Fairchild Air Force Base,
Washington which works in the Fairchild Air Force Base Legal Office, Located at 1. E.
Bong Street, Ste 103. You can reach your liaison at (509) 247-2838/4090. Their primary
duty is to ensure that all victims and witnesses’ rights are asserted properly and help is given
when requested. If you have any questions regarding any of the information contained in
this packet or any other aspect of the Victim and Witness Assistance Program (VWAP),
please contact them.
The information in the first part of this packet describes your rights as a victim or witness.
The second part provides a brief description of the services that are available to victims and
witnesses at Fairchild AFB. We encourage you to contact any of the organizations that may
be helpful. Nevertheless, remember that a victim and witness liaison is always available to
help you obtain the services you need.
The third part of this packet briefly describes the court-martial process. A Court-Marital is
similar to a civilian court. If there is to be a court-martial, a person known as the trial
counsel will be assigned. The trial counsel, usually an officer from Fairchild’s Legal Office,
will prosecute the accused. A VWAP liaison will then share the responsibility of keeping
you informed and assisting you during the court-martial process.
Part I: Your Rights and Privileges
As a victim or witness of crime, you have certain rights that are briefly described below.
More detailed information regarding these rights, including the names and telephone
numbers of the persons who can assist you in obtaining the help that you need, is provided
in this information packet.
1. You have the right to be treated with fairness and respect for your dignity and
privacy - You have the right to a private waiting area during all legal proceedings.
2. You have the right to reasonable protection from a suspect or the accused - You
have the right to be free from intimidation or any other form of harassment by the
accused or their family.
3. You have the right to notification of all court-martial proceedings - During any
court-martial proceedings, trial counsel will keep you informed of all developments.
If you desire, arrangements can be made to keep you informed of events and
proceedings that take place after the court-martial, this is called a DD Form 2704.
4. You have the right to be present at all public court-martial proceedings, unless the
military judge determines your testimony would be materially affected if you heard
other testimony - If you desire, the trial counsel will assist in making arrangements
for you to be present at court-martial proceedings whenever possible.
5. You have the right to confer with trial counsel in the case - If you desire, trial
counsel will keep you informed of all material developments in the court-martial.
6. You have the right to appropriate restitution, when available – Members of the
Fairchild Claims Office, 247-2832, can assist you when relief is available. This
service is used only if your personal property was confiscated as evidence by a
military official. You may also apply for Washington State compensation if needed.
7. You have a right to information about the accused’s conviction, sentencing,
confinement and release - If you desire, the trial counsel will assist you in obtaining
this information, by having you initials the reverse side of the DD Form 2407.
8. Return of Personal Property – Sometimes it is necessary for Security Forces
Investigations Office to temporarily take various items of personal property for use
as evidence in the case. Such items may include clothing, bedding, personal
photographs, etc. These items are your personal property and, when possible, will
be returned to you shortly after trial. Should the loss of this property, although
temporary cause you any hardship, please notify the trial counsel. Also, notify the
trial counsel if you do not want any of the property returned to you.
9. For Personal Injury Reimbursement or Property Loss – Should you suffer from
personal injury or property damage or loss, you may be able to receive restitution.
Call 247-2838, Base Claims office can assist you in filling out the proper forms.
We will make every effort to afford the services listed below, upon request, to any
person who has suffered direct physical or emotional harm, or any other damage, as a
result of an offense investigated or prosecuted by U.S. Air Force Authorities.
If you are a military member and you or a member of your family have been the
victims of a crime and have suffered an injury, you are entitled to medical assistance.
This assistance includes not just treatment for physical injuries, and any psychological
injuries you may have experienced. The following is a list of telephone numbers you
can use to obtain medical treatment on Fairchild Air Force Base.
Emergency Medical Care: 911
Family Care Clinic: 247-5661 or 247-2361
Counseling Services: 247-2731
SARC: 347-9906
Restitution or other relief: 247-4090 (TSgt Amber Martin)
Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents
Many times victims of domestic abuse will not report the crime or cooperate with law
enforcement authorities because the abuser is frequently the family’s sole source of
income. Going to jail or being discharged from the Air Force cuts that income,
creating further hardship on the abused dependent.
In order to remedy this situation, the Department of Defense has created the
Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents Program. The program is
designed to put money into the hands of the abused dependent so that they will have
the means to start a new life.
In order to receive money, the abuser must be discharged from the Air Force either by
a court-martial or admin procedure. The reason for the discharge must be for the
abuse of a dependent. Additionally, the abused dependent may not continue to live
with the abuser or share a bank account with the abuser, because the point of the
program is to enable abused to start a new life away from the abuser.
Victims may receive up to $769.00 per month. In some circumstances, payments may
be made for up to three years. Abused spouses may also receive additional amounts if
they have children. Applications are made through the legal office, contact 247-2838.
If you are a civilian not affiliated with the Armed Forces and have suffered an injury
due to a military member’s actions; you are entitled to medical assistance at no cost.
This assistance includes but is not limited to the following: treatment for physical
injuries, psychological injury, and prescription medication needed due to injury
suffered, etc. Fairchild AFB will compensate you if you a true victim of crime. The
following is a list of telephone numbers you can use to obtain medical treatment in the
civilian community.
Emergency Medical Care: 911
Deaconess Medical Center: 458-7100 / 458-5800
Holy Family Medical Center: 482-2460
Poison Control Center: 1-800-572-0638
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services: 458-7000
Child Abuse Hotline: 456-4451 (after hours): 911
Domestic Violence Project: 327-9534 (hotline): 1-800-562-6025
Community Mental Health Center: 838-4651
Sexual Assault Center: 624-7273
Casey Family Partners: 473-4810 (Children only)
SAFeT Response Center: 747-8224 – (Sexual Assault Victims)
The military justice system is designed to promote good order and discipline in the
Armed Forces. It provides a system for the just disposition of criminal offenders,
provides an accused a fair trial, prevents the commission of further crime, and
appropriately punishes and rehabilitate those persons who’s guilt has been proven
beyond a reasonable doubt. In order to accomplish these goals, your cooperation with
law enforcement and other military authorities is extremely important. There is the a
tendency for victims to want to withdraw from the criminal justice process, perhaps
because of fear, frustration, or simply the desire to get as far away from the incident as
possible. Should you share any of these similar feelings, it is certainly understandable.
If you experience any of these feelings, please discuss your concerns with the assigned
Trial Counsel.
The following is a brief description of the court-martial process and your role in it as a
victim or witness. The trial counsel handling your case will provide you with more
detailed information and will be able to answer your questions at each stage of the
1. The Crime – The entire process starts when a crime has been committed
YOUR ROLE: Report the crime when it occurs!! Numerous agencies are
available to assist you. The Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI)
or civilian law enforcement will investigate. The hospitals, mental health,
family advocacy, family support center, chaplains, military equal
opportunity are also available to help.
Pretrial Confinement – Upon request, an accused commander may place
him/her in pre-trial confinement. There is no bail or bond procedure
within the military. A hearing will be held, and if a determination is made
that the accused is likely to flee or commit another serious offense, then the
accused will be kept in confinement. Accused individuals are jailed on
Fairchild Air Force Base.
YOUR ROLE: Tell the investigators or trial counsel immediately if you
know of anything indicating the accused will flee or if you fear further harm
or violence by the accused. You will be informed of the accused release or
non-release from pre-trial confinement.
2. The Investigation – The investigation begins immediately after a crime has been
committed. Generally, agents of the Security Forces or OSI will conduct the
investigation. If the crime occurred off base, civilian authorities usually take the
lead role in the investigation with OSI or Security Forces closely monitoring the
YOUR ROLE: Do your absolute best to cooperate fully and truthfully with
all investigators. Each, whether military or civilian is trained in the
particular type of case in which you are involved. Their questions are not
intended to embarrass you but are designed to determine the critical facts in
the case. Keep an open line of communication with the investigators
through all stages of the process including trial and after trial.
3. Preferral of Charges – At this point a person, usually the accused’s commander,
will formally read the charges against the person. This is the first step in going
to trial. The accused at this time, may request to be allowed to resign from the
Air Force rather than face court-martial. This decision is up to the Wing
Commander aka the Base Commander.
YOUR ROLE: You will be informed by trial counsel as to the date of
preferral and nature of the charges against the accused. Additionally the
defense counsel may submit an offer to resign from the Air Force rather
than face a court-martial. The trial counsel will confer with you.
4. Article 32 Hearing – This occurs after the preferral and is similar to a grand
jury investigation. Guilt or Innocence of the accused is not judged at this point.
Here, a person known as an Investigation Officer will determine whether there
is enough evidence to warrant a court-martial. The hearing is conducted much
like a trial; you may be called in to testify.
YOUR ROLE: You may have to appear and testify under oath regarding
what you know about the crime. The trial counsel will already by this time
spoken with you several times, and he/she will prepare you for questions
during the court hearing. The defense counsel also has the right to question
you both before and during the Article 32 Hearing. You as a victim or
witness have the absolute right to have a VWAP representative sit with you
during your interview with both trial and defense counsel. Please try to
remain calm and truthful with all your responses. If you have any questions
or concerns, bring them to the attention of the trial counsel as soon as
possible. The Investigating Office will draft a written statement from your
testimony and ask you to come in a few days later to review and sign it.
5. Referral of Charges by the Convening Authority – When a case is referred to a
court-martial that means the convening authority has determined enough
evidence exists to warrant a trial by court-martial. A convening authority is an
Air Force Officer who has the authority to formally initiate a court martial. Two
types of court-martials exist. General Court-Martial is held for the most serious
crimes. A Special Court-Martial is held for less serious crimes. The difference
between the two types of courts is the degree of punishment that can be
imposed if a person is found guilty of a crime.
YOUR ROLE: Like preferral, your role is limited, but you will be
informed by the trial counsel of what charges were referred to trial by courtmartial, in the alternative which charges have been dismissed. You will also
be informed of the trial date.
6. Court-Martial – THIS IS THE ACTUAL TRIAL. There are two parts. In the
first part the members aka jurors determine the guilt or innocence of the
accused. In The second part the members determines the punishment. The
accused does have the right to be tried by judge alone. In that case the judge
will determine guilt or innocence and the sentence.
Guilt or Innocence Phase – If the accused pleads not guilty to any or all of
the charges, then the trial counsel will attempt to prove guilt beyond a
reasonable doubt. Trial counsel will do this by presenting evidence. This
evidence may include the testimony or witnesses, victims, and documents.
The defense counsel will have the same opportunity to show their evidence.
YOUR ROLE: Whether you are a victim or witness, you will probably be
called to testify. This means being available the day you are to testify.
When you testify you will be placed under oath and asked questions by
both the defense and prosecution. Most people are understandably
apprehensive or afraid of the unknown at first. By the time you are called
to testify, both the defense and trial counsels will have questioned you
several times before. If you a re a civilian victim or witness of crime, the Air
Force will compensate you for your appearing in court. You will receive
$40.00 witness fee. If you are a resident in the local area, you will be
compensated for any meals, miles traveled, and gas used. If you are an out
of state resident, the Air Force will purchase an airline ticket for you to
travel, pay for your hotel, and meals. You will be required to pay for these
expenses up front and you will be reimbursed at a later time. You will be
required to complete a travel voucher. Please save all receipt of purchases
during your travel to Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington.
Sentencing Phase – During this phase the member or the military judge will
determine the proper amount of punishment. This procedure is similar to
the guilt or innocence phase. The trial counsel may call witness to show
aggravating factors concerning the crimes, such as the impact the offenses
have had on the victim or on the Air Force. Also, trial counsel may call
witnesses to characterize the accused’s performance with the military. The
defense may call witnesses to lessen or mitigate punishment.
YOUR ROLE: You may have to return to the witness stand and testify as
to how the offenses have affected you; particularly if you are the victim.
Frequently, such testimony will have a great bearing upon the sentence the
accused receives. Again, if you have any concerns, please discuss them fully
with the trial counsel.
7. Imposition of punishment – The punishment can include reduction in grade,
formal reprimand, fines, imprisonment, and discharge from the Air Force. If
the punishment includes confinement, that will start immediately after the trial
YOUR ROLE: You will be presented with a DD Form 2704. This form is
used to keep victim and witnesses informed of a confinee’s imprisonment.
You will have to make the decision as to if you want to be informed of the
confinee’s imprisonment.
8. Action by The Convening Authority – After the trial, the convening authority
will review the results of the trial and any clemency petition submitted by the
accused. A clemency petition is a request by the accused asking that the
punishment be lessen for some reason. The convening authority may cancel a
guilty verdict, may reduce a guilty verdict to a lesser offense, or lessen the
punishment. Additionally, the convening authority may reduce or entirely
dismiss any portion of the adjudged sentence, but he may not increase the
9. Appeal by the Accused – The accused may appeal the guilty verdict, the
punishment, or both. The case is first appealed to the Air Force Court of
Criminal Appeals. During the appeals process the accused will still be serving
his/her sentence.
appeal within the Air Force. This court is composed of several active duty
judges who will hear and decide appeals from trial court decisions.
may appeal a decision of the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals to this
court. It is comprised of five civilian judges. It is the highest level of appeal
within the military. Decisions of the court are binding upon all services.
Accused may appeal from this court to the United States Supreme Court.
UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT – This is the next and highest
level of appeal. All decision from this court is final.
YOUR ROLE: Trial counsel or Victim and Witness liaison will keep you
informed of all stages of the appeal if you wish.
10. Release from Confinement – Whether released by an appellate court, the
convening authority, parole board, or at the natural termination of the period of
confinement, eventually the accused will be released unless a life sentence is
YOUR ROLE: Should the accused try to contact you by phone, letter, third person, or
any other manner while undergoing punishment, notify the VWAP liaison or the trial
counsel immediately. The content and purpose of the accused’s message could affect their
parole. Additionally, should you desire to know when the accused is released from
confinement and any other pertinent information about his/her release, e.g. his/her parole
officer’s name and address, the trial counsel can provide you with a point of contact.
The Victim and Witness Assistance program is here to help you. We work and represent
only the victims and witnesses of crime. We will ensure that you will be afforded all your
rights under Federal Law. We are your guides through the sometimes-confusing military
justice system. If you require assistance feel free to give us a call (247-5234).