US Media 1 The US Media The Open Market Very little government control •The Federal Communications Commission •Acts passed by Congress •State and federal laws Public opinion •The "Moral majority" •The "ratings" -- Nielsen Media Research •Special interest groups Trends-- the market dictates •Creating demand--technology •Growth of cable TV- CNN •Home PCs-- interactive media •Technical quality High Definition Screen size "Surround-sound" What can we expect? •More choice -- more cost •Grey zone: news or entertaiment? •More "interaction" •More "couch potatoes" US Media 2 Newspapers Freedom of the press The Constitution 1791-- 1st Ammendment (Bill of Rights) freedom of worship, speech, press Still the best way to keep informed? The "screen" vs. the "page" Long traditions Knowledge is power 1st newspaper-- Pennsylvania 1783 1800 -- 20 dailies, 1000 weeklies 1900 -- 2,226 dailies -- peak 1990 -- 1,611 dailies Consolidation Media empires 20 newspaper chains-- 80% of market Circulation: 60 million National newspapers USA Today 1984-- satellite communication 1.3m Easy to read The Wall Street Journal A second newspaper 1.8m US media 3 The Dailies Generally home-delivered High standard of journalism Important forum for advertising Large Sunday edition "Aftenposten" format A few of the most important: Los Angeles Times 1.2m New York Times 1.1m New York Daily News 1m Washington Post .8m Chicago Tribune .7m Detroit Free Press .6m San Francisco Chronicle .5m Boston Globe .5m Political affiliation No "party" newspapers More issue-oriented Equal-coverage New agencies AP (Associated Press) UPI (United Press International) Investigative journalism The "fourth pillar of government" "Watergate"-- Bernstein,Woodward and the Washington Post Bill Clinton's personal life -- where do you draw the line? US Media 4 Magazines Large market top sellers subscriptions up, single-copy sales down 1. Modern Maturity 22m 2. NRTA/AARP Bulletin 22m 3. Reader's Digest 16m 4. TV Guide 15m 5. National Geographic 10m 6. Better Homes and Gardens 8m 7. Family Circle 5m 8. Good Housekeeping 5m 9. McCall's 5m 10. Ladies' Home Journal 5m 11. Woman's Day 4.8m 12. Time 4m 13. Redbook 3.9m 14. National Enquirer 3.8m 15. Playboy 3.5m 16. Star 3.4m 17. Sports Illustrated 3.2m 18. Newsweek 3.2m 19. People Weekly 3.2m 20. Prevention 3m Women! 1960 -- 30.5% working 1990 -- 55% Trends and priorities Who makes them? US Media 5 Advertising You pay for space "Time Magazine": 12th in circulation, 1st in revenues 25% of advertising money goes to newspapers 23% of this goes to "locals" 5% of this goes to magazines You pay for time 22% of advertising money goes to television 7% goes to radio You pay for the experts 6,000 ad agencies create the ads and commercials: MADISON AVENUE Who is paying? 1. 2. 3. 4. Philip Morris Companies Procter and Gamble & Co. Sears, Roebuck & Co. General Motors Corp. 5. Grand Metropolitan PLC 6. Pepsico Inc. 7. McDonald's Corp. 8. Eastman Kodak Co. 9. RJR Nabisco 10. Kellogg Co. US Media 6 Television Significant influence "Total access" "Immediate gratification" No effort required No time to wait for a result The market: supply and demand The Networks 1,200 television stations 70% get their programs from the big 4: ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox Competing with cable-TV Discovery, ESPN,TBS (Turner),CNN,USA,MTV,Disney,etc. NEWS Entertainment Fast-paced Anchormen and anchorwomen "Talking heads" SPORTS Contracts for major sport events The Super Bowl, the World Series, NBA the Olympic Games TV SHOWS Entertainment and trends Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Oprah Winfrey US Media 7 PBS- the alternative largest network of stations 280 non-profit stations No commercials Voluntary membership fees and grants Freedom from the market The Ratings Nielsen Media Research Nielsen People Meter Average Audience Estimates The "Tinkerbell Ratings" 4,000 households: statistical sample One "point" for 920,00 households Weekly viewing 30 hours a week average Women over 55: 42 hours Children: 27 hours- television as baby-sitter television as "background music" television as "company" Commercials Few restrictions