MS Word

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Professor Krems,
Assembled is an original corporate communication plan for a joint endeavor by a
corporation and non-profit organization. We have decided to partner NIKE with the Los
Angeles Unified School Districts. The benefits are twofold. By building a relationship
between an international athletic powerhouse and a largely visible underprivileged
community, we will raise awareness, revenue and positive recognition.
The NIKE organization is still experiencing the backlash from the negative media
attention they received regarding their less-than-acceptable overseas working conditions.
Activist groups, established organizations and independent unions exposed NIKE’s
alleged utilization of sweatshops in underdeveloped areas of China and India in 2006.
Though NIKE has made substantial efforts to provide for appropriate working conditions
and compensations, the company’s reputation is still at considerable stake.
The Los Angeles Unified School Districts are at perpetual mental and physical risk.
According to the Los Angeles City Almanac, the LAUSD dropout count has skyrocketed
over the last decade, with a record 15, 919 high school dropouts in the last year.
Additionally, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation study, the average
adolescent spends four hours a day engaged in some media related activity (TVwatching, video gaming, instant messaging, etc) without balancing it out with adequate
physical activity. Physical education requirements in Los Angeles middle schools and
high school has dropped from 42% to 29% in the past several years thus disengaging the
correlation between physical activity and healthy living.
NIKE firmly believes “in the power of sport to unleash potential.” Our campaign team
aims to achieve two major goals for our client and our non-profit partner. We aim to
manage and fix NIKE’s reputation through visible charity work and participation through
a Los Angeles city- wide charity event for the underprivileged community of Los
Angeles students. For the LAUSD and general public, we aim to promote health and
physical activity through active sports, which has been proven to increase academic and
personal motivation.
We followed the general format of the example you provided while incorporating some
of our own material to strengthen our campaign.
Chris, Janice, Katelyn, Sarissa
Table of Contents
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………….p. 1
Backgrounder………………………………………………………………………...…p. 2
Problem Statement………………………………………………………………….…..p. 3
Situation Analysis….……………………………………………………….…………..p. 4
Goals……………………………………………………………………………………p. 5
Objectives………………………………………………………………………………p. 6
Key Messages………………………………………………………………………..…p. 7
Target Audiences……………………………………………………………….………p. 8
Strategies………………………………………………………………………………..p. 9
Tactics………………………………………………………………….………….…..p. 10
Timeline……………………………………………………………………………….p. 11
Evaluation………………………………………………………………………..……p. 12
Campaign Team……………………………………………………………………….p. 13
Anticipated Budget……………………………………………………………………p. 16
Supplemental Materials (Press Releases, Public Service Announcement)………..…..p. 17
Executive Summary
Problem Statement: NIKE, Inc. is still feeling the effects of controversies of years past
regarding their involvement in the international exploitation of workers. Hit with negative
press, NIKE must regain the trust of their consumers and its country. On another side, the
Los Angeles School District has seen a tremendous increase in their middle school and
high school drop out rates in conjunction with adolescents’ disinterest in physical activity
due to the accessibility and appeal of new media.
Goal: To regain the trust of the NIKE buyer and increase awareness and change
behaviors of students and non-students alike regarding the value of physical activity,
Target Audiences: Los Angeles Unified School District students, athletes, parents/
caretakers, Southern California residents, general public.
Objectives: Increase awareness, promote healthy living, reputation management.
Key Messages: NIKE is working towards providing adequate and fair working conditions
for its employees, NIKE supports and encourages healthy living and NIKE will continue
to work with the LAUSD because it believes in the potential of this generation.
Major Strategy: Use brand logo to generate interest and awareness about the campaign,
utilize mainstream and local media outlets and sponsors.
Anticipated Budget: $1.2 million
Some believe that NIKE’s unique origination has indirectly contributed to the success of
the organization. Tracing Greek mythology back to the reign of Zeus, NIKE, pronounced
Ni-Key, was the winged goddess of victory who sat alongside Zeus, the ruler of the
Olympic pantheon. Nike presided over battles and competitions. Greeks would attribute,
“When we go to battle and we win, we say it is Nike.”
Gathering inspiration from the mystical presence, the founders of NIKE found reason to
build an athletic empire on the idea.
Phil Knight, an accounting professor at Portland State University, dreamt of making an
honorable living without sacrificing his love for athletics. So, he started a small
distributing outfit from the truck of his car. Bill Bowerman, a track coach at the
University of Oregon sought to create lighter, more durable racing shoes for his runners.
Both desires influenced the search for a marketing strategy.
Several years and trials later, Knight pitched his idea to Tiger, a Japanese running shoe
manufacturer. Tiger executives bit and bought the idea. By 1964, Knight had sold $8,000
of Tigers. By the late 1970’s, the company was officially trademarked as NIKE with its
logo and the $10 million organization became a $270 million dollar sports powerhouse.
Within the decade, the organization saw nearly $7 billion in sales and continues to remain
on top of its business game, catering its products to all ages and all demographics.
The internationally recognizable swoosh logo, originally created in 1971 by the graphic
designer Caroline Davidson to represent the wing of the Greek Goddess, was awarded in
1996 as the Marketer of the Year, citing the “ubiquitous swoosh was more recognizable
and coveted by consumers than any other sports brand—arguably any brand.”
NIKE Responsibility
NIKE Responsibility is the philanthropic sector of the internationally acclaimed athletic
company. Donating a minimum of over $315 million through 2011 in grants, product
donations and in-kind support, NIKE Responsibility believes in the power of sports to
unleash potential.
Giving excluded youth greater access to sports, NIKE Responsibility’s individual mission
statement exposes the warmth of the company.
“These impacts come as we’ve evolved how we frame, define and approach corporate
responsibility. We see corporate responsibility as an integral part of how we can use the
power of out brand, the energy and passion of our people, and the scale of our business to
create meaningful change. So we’ve set aggressive business targets that embed our
corporate responsibility goals into the company’s long-term growth and innovation
strategies because we believe there’s no better way to achieve them than to tie them
directly to our business.”
Problem Statement
Since the 1980’s, NIKE has been receiving negative press for the unacceptable working
conditions for its overseas workers. NIKE was exposed as to contracted workers in
severely underdeveloped areas in countries such as Indonesia, China, India and Vietnam.
The news, NIKE’s below-minimum-wage pay, inadequate ventilation in factories, child
labor and other health and safety concerns, hit home for many American consumers and
international retailers and stock-holders. Though NIKE has made a solid effort in
bettering working conditions, even the best PR can’t erase truth.
On the Western side of the world, things are not much better. Los Angeles, infamous for
being the city of angels, the city of dreams and nicknamed as the “melting pot of the
world,” does not have much to show for itself. The Los Angeles Unified School District
has seen record highs of junior high and high school dropouts, all while these adolescents
have been investing their newfound free time in video games, television shows, and
computer gaming. Football, soccer and dance teams have been ruled out for instant
messaging, reality shows and XBOX360.
On the surface, a partnership between the two seems unusual, even impractical. However,
both crises can be bridged with the proper public relations campaign and a strategic plan.
LAUSD needs academic, mental and physical motivation. Children need to stay in school
and stay active. NIKE’s own mission statement rests on their belief that sport breeds
potential in youths. Thus, a partnership is created.
Primary Goal
To convince the American public that their trusted NIKE organization has every right to
remain the respected, successful organization that it has been.
Secondary Goals
To promote health and fitness among the American youth, particularly Los Angeles
Unified School District Students and Southern California residents.
To reinstate the value of staying active, regardless of demographic categorization.
The core of our campaign rests on the implementation of a NIKE sponsored event in the
city of Los Angeles. It will take place at the Coliseum with a target attendance of 50,000
Southern California Residents. The event will have a give-a-way by NIKE, donating
20,000 pairs of running shoes to selected attendees, various food vendors, basketball and
football workshops, sports “camps” hosted by NIKE-endorsed professional athletes
(Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Los Angeles Lakers), and the USC football team.
1.) To increase awareness of the NIKE sponsored camps to the Los Angeles Unified
School District.
2.) To promote healthy living and active lifestyles to young people by having NIKE and
NIKE endorsed athletes sponsor camps and health promotion campaign.
3.) To promote the new image of NIKE and portray them in a positive light in the
Key Messages
The core messages NIKE wants to generate to the public, employees, and charitable
1. NIKE will continue to promote healthy living and active lifestyles to young
people across the country.
2. NIKE will continue to provide adequate working conditions and compensations
for their employees.
3. NIKE is a strong supporter of active living and will continue to sponsor camps for
underprivileged neighborhoods.
4. NIKE will continue to partner with the Los Angeles Unified School District to
support active lifestyles of students and get them involved in after school
Target Audiences
The primary audience of this campaign is the students of the Los Angeles Unified School
District. This campaign will try to get the students of the LAUSD more involved with
after school activities and encourage them to participate in healthy living.
The students of the LAUSD are the primary audience because they are the future and it is
important for all children and young adults to be active and healthy.
The secondary audience is the collegiate and professional athletes of Los Angeles. This
campaign will get these athletes more involved with the community of Los Angeles.
They are the secondary audience because these athletes are going to have a huge
influence on the students. They are going to promote the NIKE camps as well as healthy
living and active lifestyles to the students.
Another secondary audience would be the general public. It is important for the general
public to know about this event because NIKE may hold other events like this in other
cities across the country.
The tertiary audience is the parents, teachers, and community of the Los Angeles Unified
School District. It is important to involve all these people because they are the ones who
encourage, support, and raise the children. They need to be involved with the lives of the
students so it is important for them to learn about healthy and active lifestyles as well.
The second tertiary audience would be NIKE employees. NIKE employees are going to
promote and run the event. This campaign’s goal is to promote health and active living
as well as establishing NIKE’s credibility again and the employees are a key audience to
do this.
The strategies used to recreate a strong faith in both NIKE and the LAUSD will have a
long-lasting effect. In restoring faith in both the school district, and NIKE, we will create
a positive fiscal, mental, emotional and physical impact.
Strategy #1: Use the highly recognizable NIKE brand logo, name, and image to create
national interest in the campaign.
Strategy #2: Establish connections with local and national media to gain as much
coverage as possible for the campaign and all elements involved.
Strategy #3: Reestablish trust in the NIKE brand and the inner workings at NIKE
Strategy #4: Use the LAUSD connection to rebuild surround communities and show how
important education and activity are to both LAUSD and NIKE.
I. Strategy #1
A. Make sure the logo/branding is visible on every piece of collateral handed out
at each event. All flyers, giveaways, and other materials must have NIKE logo printed in
clear view on the front.
II. Strategy #2
A. Press releases are to be sent out. We will contact local media (ABC, NBC,
FOX, and CBS affiliates) in Los Angeles County locations. VNRs (video-news releases)
will also be created, and we will have a representative from both NIKE and LAUSD onhand for comments and questions.
III. Strategy #3
A. We will launch a website that will give consumers an inside look at the inner
workings of NIKE product factories across the world. In partnership with the LAUSD,
we will launch a secondary “Keep Kids Healthy” campaign featuring wristbands similar
to the LIVESTRONG campaign. In America, the campaign will address the issue of
childhood obesity. Overseas, it will address the issue of child labor, as well as physical
IV. Strategy #4
A. Los Angeles County is one of the largest in all of California, but the school
district is suffering due to budget cutbacks, lack of viable candidate for employment, and
overcrowding. NIKE and LAUSD will come together to offer up to 50 different
scholarships for tutoring and educational after-school programs for disadvantaged, innercity kids.
The tactics that have been listed are crucial for many reasons. Although NIKE is no
longer in the heat of the factory worker scandal, people still recall a time with there was a
highly negative image associated with the brand. NIKE must work to maintain its
positive standing by seeking to work against what it once participated in.
Although we do not intend to make any direct mention of the sweatshops on our side, we
expect the media to ask questions related to the scandal. We will be prepared will
research, statistics, and a statement regarding the current working conditions of NIKE
factories. We will address our wrongdoing in ever allowing those things to happen, and
we will be sincere and heartfelt in those apologies. We will go on to state that we have
taken a committed stance against child labor and exploitation, and we are working to
eradicate the existence of such in the countries where our factories are located.
Regarding our connection with LAUSD and the local communities, we seek to assist with
the rebuilding of the school district and their mission by stressing the importance of
education and physical health to the people who are awarded our scholarships. We hope
that our efforts will have a domino effect and instill a sense of community in people, as
well as shine a light on the LAUSD and the needs of the educational organization.
May 2008:
Focus is created. VNRs created and distributed, press releases, all PSAs and other forms
of media communication are created and rotations are planned.
June 2008:
Begin giveaways to create interest and awareness. It is still too soon before the event; we
run the risk of losing interest by the time the actual event occurs, but we want to create
awareness in the community. Appear at “End of School Year” assemblies at LAUSD
elementary, jr. high, and high schools to announce the event and collect information (emails) for distribution lists. We would also set up a specific, direct website that people
could type in to learn about the event or volunteer to help with us.
July 2008:
Distribute all media communication. Press releases will be distributed to Los Angeles
Times. VNRs will be distributed to local news affiliates, and we will compile an
announcement to send to those who have signed up for our e-mails. We will also reach
out to LA-centered blogs (,, Los Angeles communities on the
internet) and establish ourselves as an event occurring in August so that they will write
about us in their weekly event roll call.
August 2008:
This is the month of our event. A meet & greet, sports camp for kids at LA Coliseum.
Targeted attendance is 50,000, including non-affiliated volunteers. It will have a “fair”
set-up where people can walk around, participant in exhibits i.e. healthy eating and how
to have fun exercising for 30 minutes a day. The event will last over a 3 week period.
September 2008:
Follow up with surveys and evaluations regarding: the opinion of NIKE, the opinion of
LAUSD, and the overall experience at the event.
To determine if the goal of this campaign was met, a very intensive series of surveys
will be completed by one of the following: AC Nielsen, Burke, Datamonitor, Dun and
Bradstreet, Information Resources, Millward Brown, The NPD Group, or Opinion
Research Corporation. Accompanying the surveys NIKE will determine if their quarterly
revenues increased. The Los Angeles Unified School District will also conduct an
investigation to see if the children’s health and fitness has increased. Pieces from
newspapers and magazines will be collected by a clip agency to see if NIKE’s reputation
has improved, as well as to see if the LAUSD’s image has improved with increased
health and fitness of its student body..
Only after the stated evaluations are completed can NIKE and Los Angeles Unified
School District determine if their goals were met.
Campaign Team
Account Coordinator has a salary of $55 per hour. During the 5 month period the
account coordinator will work a total of 185 hours on this campaign. The total hours
were calculated as follows: 5 hours a day at 15 days in May and June, 2 hours a day at 5
days for the months of July and August. 30 minutes a day at 30 days per month for
September. The account coordinator will:
Assist in: phone calls and emails from the public and press.
Direct calls to the appropriate person
Research and create lists of possible media outlets that NIKE Executives can
give interviews to
Research and create lists of possible media outlets that LAUSD top management
can give interviews to
Schedule appointments with media
Assistant Account Executive has a salary of $62 per hour. During the 5 month period the
account coordinator will work a total of 185 hours on this campaign. The total hours
were calculated as follows: 5 hours a day at 15 days in May and June, 2 hours a day at 5
days for the months of July and August. 30 minutes a day at 30 days per month for
September. The account coordinator will:
Assist in phone calls and emails from the public and press.
Review press release which will be written by the account Executive, double
checking grammar, and punctuation of the press release
Research and create lists of possible media outlets that NIKE Executives can
give interviews to
Research and create lists of possible media outlets that LAUSD top management
can give interviews to
Research and create lists of possible media outlets that NIKE can give interviews
Research and create lists of possible media outlets that LAUSD can give
interviews to
Contact and schedule NIKE endorsed professional athletes and teams
Send press release to those media outlets approved by the Senior Account
Reserve Coliseum for event use
Coordinate with Coliseum for security and food/beverage vendors
Account Executive has a salary of $75 per hour. During the 5 month period the account
coordinator will work a total of 185 hours on this campaign. The total hours were
as follows: 5 hours a day at 15 days in May and June, 2 hours a day at 5 days for the
months of July and August. 30 minutes a day at 30 days per month for September. The
account coordinator will:
Write the press release which will be sent out to select media outlets
Assist in research for NIKE and LAUSD
Research and determine the survey company
Consult with NIKE management and LAUSD management on main points of the
Senior Account Executive has a salary of $83.50 per hour. During the 5 month period the
account coordinator will work a total of 185 hours on this campaign. The total hours
were calculated as follows: 5 hours a day at 15 days in May and June, 2 hours a day at 5
days for the months of July and August. 30 minutes a day at 30 days per month for
September. The account coordinator will:
Conduct interviews and answer questions from newsworthy sources
Assist in research and press releases for NIKE and LAUSD
Assist in sports “camps” design and implementation
Sign off on Coliseum, security and food/beverage choices
Sign off on the survey company
Account Supervisor has a salary of $95 an hour. During the 5 month period the account
coordinator will work a total of 185 hours on this campaign. The total hours were
calculated as follows: 5 hours a day at 15 days in May and June, 2 hours a day at 5 days
for the months of July and August. 30 minutes a day at 30 days per month for
September. The account coordinator will:
Supervise over Senior Account Executive, Account Executive, Assistant Account
Executive and Account Coordinator
Assist in press releases and interviews
Management Supervisor has a salary of $150 an hour. During the 5 month period the
account coordinator will work a total of 230 hours on this campaign. The total hours
were calculated as follows: 5 hours a day at 6 days in the months of May and June, 5
hours a day at 15 days for months July and August. 2 hours a day for 10 days for
September The account coordinator will:
Assist in research for NIKE and LAUSD
Brainstorm for ideas for the NIKE and LAUSD campaign.
Conduct the evaluation of the campaign to discover results
Gather information from the survey company
Vice President has a salary of $200 an hour. During the 5 month period the account
coordinator will work a total of 230 hours on this campaign. The total hours were
calculated as follows: 5 hours a day at 6 days in the months of May and June, 5 hours a
day at 15 days for months July and August. 2 hours a day for 10 days for September The
account coordinator will:
Brainstorm for ideas for the NIKE and LAUSD campaign.
Conduct the evaluation of the campaign to discover results
Gather information from the survey company
Senior Vice President has a salary of $260 an hour. During the 5 month period the
account coordinator will work a total of 230 hours on this campaign. The total hours
were calculated as follows: 5 hours a day at 6 days in the months of May and June, 5
hours a day at 15 days for months July and August. 2 hours a day for 10 days for
September The account coordinator will:
Brainstorm for ideas for the NIKE and LAUSD campaign.
Conduct the evaluation of the campaign to discover results
Gather information from the survey company
Rehearse interviews for NIKE executives and LAUSD top management
Consult with NIKE executives and LAUSD top management
Executive Vice President has a salary of $320 an hour. During the 5 month period the
account coordinator will work a total of 230 hours on this campaign. The total hours
were calculated as follows: 5 hours a day at 6 days in the months of May and June, 5
hours a day at 15 days for months July and August. 2 hours a day for 10 days for
September The account coordinator will:
Brainstorm for ideas for the NIKE and LAUSD campaign.
Conduct the evaluation of the campaign to assure everything is correct and inplace
Rehearse interviews for NIKE executives and LAUSD top management
Consult with NIKE executives and LAUSD top management
This Campaign has a budget of approximately $1,241,046.50, which is determined by:
$ 282,442 for the campaign team
$4,360 for 5 round trip, first class airline tickets for the NIKE executives ($872
per ticket)
$5,250 for 5 suites at a 4 star hotel ($1,050 per room.)
$22,500 for the survey company
$10,000 for 6 months of work by the clip agency
$300,000 for the shoe give-away ($15 per pair of shoes, at 20,000 pairs)
$500,000 for the scholarship give-away ($10,000 per scholarship, at 50 possible
$100,000 for the Coliseum (Includes security, food and beverages)
$10,000 for the website
$1,500 for Misc. items (transportation for NIKE and LAUSD, food, etc.)
The out of pocket expenses for this campaign are approximately $4,994.00
$1,744 for 2 round trip, first class airline tickets for the Executive Vice President
and the Senior Vice President ($872 per ticket, the campaign team needs to be in
close contact with the NIKE executives and LAUSD top management for
preparation purposes.)
$2,100 for the campaign teams suites at a 4 star hotel ($1,050 per room, the
campaign team needs to be in close contact with the NIKE executives and
LAUSD top management for preparation purposes.)
$2150 for Misc items ((transportation for campaign team, food, etc.)
News Releases
NIKE World Headquarters
1 Bowerman Drive
Beaverton, OR 97005
(503) 671-6453
Sarissa Gale, Campaign Committee
Office: 626. 755. 5711
Cell: 626. 755. 5211
Los Angeles – May 30, 2008 – NIKE, in conjunction with the Los Angeles Unified
school district, will be sponsoring a three-week sports camp, to start August 4, 2008. The
camp will invite local youth and their parents to meet well-known athletes and participate
in healthy eating and activity exhibitions. NIKE Camp will also feature giveaways,
including up to 50 $10,000 scholarships to local students.
Los Angeles Lakers player and 2008 NBA MVP, Kobe Bryant said of NIKE Camp, “It’s
long been said that we need to focus on kids getting healthy, mentally and physically, but
it’s harder for families to maintain that balance these days. I’m excited to step in and do
what I can with what I’ve been given to make success possible for someone else.”
For more information, please contact Sarissa Gale at, or visit
NIKE, Inc. based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's leading designer, marketer and distributor of
authentic athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness
activities. Wholly owned Nike subsidiaries include Converse Inc., which designs, markets and distributes
athletic footwear, apparel and accessories; Cole Haan Holdings Incorporated, which designs, markets and
distributes luxury shoes, handbags, accessories and coats; Umbro Ltd., a leading United Kingdom-based
global football (soccer) brand; and Hurley International LLC, which designs, markets and distributes action
sports and youth lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories. For more information, visit
NIKE World Headquarters
1 Bowerman Drive
Beaverton, OR 97005
(503) 671-6453
Katelyn Gill, Campaign Committee
Office: 626. 755. 5711
Cell: 626. 755. 5211
LOS ANGELES—May 27, 2008—NIKE announced today that it has partnered with the
Los Angeles Unified School to host a free event at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum
on August 4, 2008. NIKE will be giving away free merchandise as well as hosting a
sports camp with several local athletes. Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods will be hosting
the event as well as players from the Los Angeles Lakers and athletes from the University
of Southern California.
NIKE has launched a new campaign to promote healthy living and active lifestyles
amongst America’s youth, especially those in underprivileged communities. NIKE plans
to go out into the community and get children in the Los Angeles Unified School District
to be thinking about healthy living and getting involved in after school activities.
“We want the students of not only of Los Angeles but also across America to be involved
with physical activities and healthy living, and we believe that by launching this
campaign we will be able to help those students.” Mark Parker, CEO, NIKE, Inc. “We
are thrilled to have so many athletes from teams in Los Angeles come out and support our
The different camps that will be put on by NIKE will feature athletes from several teams
in Los Angeles. The basketball camp will be hosted by several players from the Los
Angeles Lakers. The football camp will be hosted by players and coaches from the USC
Trojans football team. The event is free and open to all students and their families in the
Los Angeles Unified School District.
-EndNIKE, Inc. based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic athletic footwear,
apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Wholly owned Nike subsidiaries include
Converse Inc., which designs, markets and distributes athletic footwear, apparel and accessories; Cole Haan Holdings Incorporated,
which designs, markets and distributes luxury shoes, handbags, accessories and coats; Umbro Ltd., a leading United Kingdom-based
global football (soccer) brand; and Hurley International LLC, which designs, markets and distributes action sports and youth lifestyle
footwear, apparel and accessories. For more information, visit
Public Service Announcement
NIKE World Headquarters
1 Bowerman Drive
Beaverton, OR 97005
(503) 671-6453
Janice Lee, Campaign Committee
Office: 626. 755. 5711
Cell: 626. 755. 5211
45-Second spot
Speaker: Michael Jordan
Did you know that in just the last year alone, over 15,000 teens dropped out of
school? Instead of participating in academics and school football teams and dance
squads, students have been playing video games and watching TV. You may be
wondering, why is Michael Jordan talking to me about school? In Los Angeles, one in
three high school students cannot spell the word “exercise,” something we are all
forgetting to do more frequently than ever.
With dropout rates and child obesity on the rise, NIKE and I would like to invite
you to a free youth sports event at the Los Angeles Coliseum on Saturday, August 30
from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. along with your favorite local sports teams the USC Trojans and
Los Angeles Lakers along with many more. Studies have shown that increased physical
activity motivates academic achievement and physical wellbeing. Join my friends at
NIKE and me to jumpstart your new healthy lifestyle. Let’s E-X-E-R-C-I-S-E our right to
stay alive.