Unit 7 Reading Guide - Madison County Schools

APHG Reading Guide
Chapter 9, Part II
KQ: Where are cities located and why? (273 -276)
According to you text, what things have to be understood to explain why cities are distributed across
space the manner they are? ___________________________________________________________
2. Every city has a town or area which it serves or dominates with its influence; this is known as its
3. Rank-Size Rule: ________________________________________________________________________
4. So in a country where the largest city has 20 million people, the 2nd largest city would have
______________, the 3rd largest would have ____________________, and the 4th __________________.
5. Does the Rank-Size rule always work? ______ Why? __________________________________________
6. Christaller’s theory which predicted how and where central places would be found: _________________
What are the assumptions upon which Christaller’s theory is based? a.) __________________________
b.) ___________________________________, c.) __________________________________________,
d.) ___________________________________, and e.) ________________________________________
8. Why did Christaller support the use of hexagons rather than circles in his spatial plan? _______________
KQ: How are cities organized, and how do they function? (p. 276 – 282)
9. Functional zonation: ___________________________________________________________________
10. How do geographers create models of urbanization? __________________________________________
11. Define each part of a city:
a. CBD: __________________________________________________________________________
b. Suburb: ________________________________________________________________________
c. Central City: ____________________________________________________________________
12. The process by which areas that were previously outside the urban zone that is now urban is known as
13. According to P.O. Muller, suburbs today have become ________________________________________
14. What is the current trend in American urban life? ____________________________________________
Briefly describe each of the following Urban Development Models:
15. Concentric Zone Model (Burgess): _________________________________________________________
APHG Reading Guide
Chapter 9, Part II
16. Sector Model (Hoyt): ___________________________________________________________________
17. Multiple Nuclei (Harris / Ullman): _________________________________________________________
18. Urban Realms: ________________________________________________________________________
19. Latin American Model (Griffin / Ford): ______________________________________________________
a. Disamenity Sector: _______________________________________________________________
b. What is life like in the barrios or favelas? _____________________________________________
20. The model of African cities is greatly influenced by the legacy of ___________________, which often
moved economic activities and important governmental functions away from the traditional center.
21. How is the Colonial CBD different from the Traditional one? ___________________________________
22. South East Asian City (McGee): ___________________________________________________________
a. What is the focus of a SE Asian city? _______________________________________________
23. Do models show us how or why the cities are organized the way they are? ________________________
KQ: How do people make cities? (p. 282 – 294)
24. Who plays a role in making cities? ________________________________________________________
25. What are some markers you could see in a neighborhood that would tell you about that area? _______
26. Why are many of the world’s most populated cities found in the periphery? _______________________
27. Shantytowns: _________________________________________________________________________
28. How do zoning laws impact the cultural landscape? ___________________________________________
29. What role did realtors play in the making of a city? ___________________________________________
30. Redlining: ____________________________________________________________________________
31. Blockbusting: _________________________________________________________________________
32. Commercialization: _____________________________________________________________________
33. Gentrification: _________________________________________________________________________
34. How do governments influence the making of a city? __________________________________________
35. “tear-downs”: _________________________________________________________________________
APHG Reading Guide
Chapter 9, Part II
36. McMansions: _________________________________________________________________________
37. The process of moving to ever further suburbs lead increasingly to a concept known as
38. What invention allowed urban sprawl to occur? __________________________
39. Which area of the US experienced the most urban sprawl from the 1960’s to the 1990’s? ____________
40. New Urbanism: ________________________________________________________________________
41. What are the goals of the new cities planned using new urbanism? ______________________________
42. What are your thoughts on “manufactured cities” such as Celebration, FL? ________________________
43. Gated Communities: ____________________________________________________________________
44. What are the advantages / disadvantages of a gated community? _______________________________
45. How were many of the ethnic neighborhoods in Europe developed? _____________________________
46. Why are European cities typically more compact than American cities? ___________________________
47. How is Calcutta different from many cities in the periphery? ____________________________________
48. How do people living in the slums surrounding cities in the periphery survive? _____________________
49. Informal Economy: _____________________________________________________________________
KQ: What role do cities play in globalization? (p. 295 – 298)
50. World Cities: __________________________________________________________________________
a. Give three examples of world cities: _________________________________________________
51. Primate City: __________________________________________________________________________
52. Spaces of Consumption: _________________________________________________________________
53. How has Times Square been transformed as a space of consumption? ____________________________
54. Prior to the revitalization of Times Square, it was home to illicit activities, today it is home to several
large corporations and businesses, list some of these: _________________________________________
APHG Reading Guide
Chapter 9, Part II