12th grade quotations “cheat” sheet12th grade quotations “cheat” sheet This is a list of poems and authors from which quotation questions MAY be appearing on your final exam. Good luck guys. As you look up the poems and plays, be aware that a quote from that piece of literature may be used on the exam by asking such questions as: “Who said?” “What was meant by …?” or “From what poem does this quote come?” Author Shakespeare Duncan Piece of writing MacBeth --Banquo, Witches, MacBeth, Ldy MacBeth, Hamlet -- Hamlet, Q Gertrude, Polonius, Ophelia P. Shelley Lord Byron R. Burns Keats E. Browning Milton Herrick Blake Housman Donne “Sonnet 116” “Ozymandias” “She Walks in Beauty” “Mouse” “Louse” “Ode on a Grecian Urn” “Sonnet 43” “When I consider How my Light is Spent” Pardise Lost “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” “Tiger” “To an Athlete Dying Young” “Holy Sonnet 10”