ENG IV AP Lit Final Exam REVIEW Spring 2014 Macbeth& Hamlet How does the theme of appearance vs. reality apply to both Hamlet and Macbeth? What purpose is the motif of ghosts/apparitions used in both Hamlet and Macbeth? How could either play be viewed as a psychological study of degeneration of the mind? Who is more to blame? Macbeth, the three weird sisters or Lady Macbeth? What is Hamlet’s greatest weakness? Pride & Prejudice Know the names of the homes and who lived in each. Know the first line of the novel and why it is significant. Know what an entailment is, and how Longbourne is entailed. Know the character traits of each of the major characters, and plot points of the novel. Know which characters are static, stock, flat and dynamic. Know the following literary terms and their definitions (be able to identify/apply an example or definition of each): anachronism elegy soliloquy archetype enjambment (English or Shakespearean) sonnet bildungsroman end-stopped line stock character caesura hubris synecdoche carpe diem hyperbole theme cliché litotes tragedy connotative meaning motif comic relief editorial omniscient narrator denotative meaning limited omniscient narrator didactic paradox