Advanced Placement Biology

Advanced Placement Biology
Course Outline
Fall /Spring 2014-2015
Instructor: Mrs. Mann Room 114
School Phone: 410-758-0500 Ext. 182 Email:
Planning Period: 1st
Time Available: After school by appointment
Course Description
The Advanced Placement Program provides an opportunity for high school students to pursue and receive credit
for college-level course work. AP Biology offers students the ability to participate in an internationally
recognized program whose standards are widely known and highly regarded. Students can measure themselves
against a challenging national collegiate standard and possibly receive college credit and/or advanced standing
for their work. Even if credit is not awarded, admission offices recognize the rigor of AP courses on a transcript
and may factor them in when determining college acceptance. AP students are also well prepared and confident
about handling advanced work because they have already been performing at that level. Enrollment in AP
classes is recognized as one of the best predictors of college success.
Two main goals of AP Biology are to develop a conceptual framework for modern biology and emphasize
science as a process, rather than an accumulation of facts. AP students will reach these goals through
demonstrating their learning of the knowledge and skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing
biological sciences, through the use of the seven science practices outlined in the curriculum framework. A
third main goal of this course is to gain experience with and appreciation of the field of biology through
emphasizing four big ideas that will be prevalent throughout each unit. These ideas are:
1. The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
2. Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to
maintain dynamic homeostasis.
3. Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.
4. Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.
Specific topics covered in this course include: organic molecules, cellular structure and function, biochemistry
of respiration and photosynthesis, mechanics of cell division, Mendelian and molecular genetics, evolution,
homeostasis of plant and animal systems, and ecology. Emphasis will be placed on connecting these topics to
social and environmental concerns. These topics will be covered through a lecture and laboratory format,
supplemented with student-directed inquiry-based activities that meet the learning styles of a diversity of
students. The student should expect to spend at least 25% of the allotted course time preparing for and
performing laboratory investigations. Keep in mind that this class meets every day for a 90 minute time period
for the entire school year.
Many colleges and universities require students to stay informed about current events, advancements,
innovations, and technologies in the field that they are pursuing. This requires research. As a part of this course,
students will be required to submit 4 current articles (past 5 years) (2 per semester) relating to a biological field.
They must provide a one page summary and a critical reaction for each article. This assignment is to be
completed in APA format. Due dates will be announced.
Unit 1: Biochemistry
Unit 2: The Cell
Unit 3: Genetics
Unit 4: Evolution
6-7, 9-11
MIDYEAR EXAM (Cumulative): January 23rd
Unit 5: Phylogeny
Unit 6: Homeostasis
Unit 7: Ecology
36, 37, 39, 43, 45, 48
50, 51, 55
AP EXAM: May 2015
FINAL EXAM (Cumulative from both semesters): May 2015 (1 week prior to AP Exam)
*Post AP Exam will be devoted to a cat dissection (funding-permitting) or an alternative investigation.
There will be approximately one test per unit described on the course planner. In addition to this, there will be a
cumulative midterm exam at the conclusion of the first semester. Each assessment will be modeled after the AP Exam, so
will consist of multiple choice, data analysis, and free response questions. Students will also receive timed essays
throughout the year to practice for the free response portion of the AP exam. Students will take the AP Biology Exam in
May 2014. If money is an issue, please speak to Mrs. Mann and she will find the money for you. Other sources of
assessment throughout the year will include pre-lesson readings and outlines, laboratory reports and quizzes, and
Long Term Assignments
1. Reviews (Summary + Reaction) of four recent scientific articles pertaining to units covered. Due dates TBA.
AP Biology is a college level course with college level expectations. To succeed it will be necessary
for the student to spend at least 30 minutes per evening reading in addition to any time needed to complete
homework assignments. Homework assignments will be given 3 or 4 times per week as necessary to
accomplish one of the following: prepare for upcoming lessons, synthesize new information with previous
knowledge, sequence data, finish laboratory exercises, and/or practice skills acquired in class. Work outside of
class is fundamental to success.
3 Ring Binder with notebook paper
Thumb Drive
Textbook: Campbell’s Biology 7th Edition
Pens and Pencils
Policies and Procedures
Absence and Late Work
It is important that the student be present every day possible for a successful semester. This class is very
fast paced and it will be easy to get behind, especially if absent.
1. All assignments are to be turned in on time; 50% will be deducted for any assignments turned in after the
end of the school day on the due date.
2. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain make up work following an absence. If you are absent one
day, you have one day to make up work, if you are absent two days, you have two days to make up work,
3. Laboratory activities cannot be made up, due to the perishable nature of most materials and the complexity
of the lab setup. However, the student must see Mrs. Mann for an explanation of the laboratory purpose and
procedure. Then, the student must conference with their lab partner to obtain the data set for their report,
which will be due on a date agreed upon by the student and Mrs. Mann.
Formative Assessment
*Lab reports, classwork assignments, article reviews
Summative Assessment
*Unit exams, essays, other announced by teacher before due date
*Chapter questions
Midterm and Final Exam
Mobile Learning Devices
Mobile Learning Devices will be permitted for use by the student when given verbal permission directly
from Mrs. Mann. These tools can be very advantageous to the learning environment, and will be used only in
an educational capacity. Should a student be using the MLD without permission from Mrs. Mann, they will be
asked to turn it off and put it away. Should the student refuse, they will be given a detention and referred to the
Assistant Principal’s office.
Note to Parents and Guardians:
I am excited to have the opportunity to teach your child this semester. I have an open door policy with
students as well as their parents. Should you have any concerns or questions regarding content of the class, or
your child’s progress, please feel free to call, email, or arrange an appointment. I want to see your child
SUCCEED, and with your support I am sure it will be a successful year!
Mrs. Gretchen Mann
410-758-0500 Ext. 182
I have read and understand the contents of the AP Biology course syllabus, and agree to meet the
expectations set forth by it…
I, _______________________________________ and
(Student print name)
_________________________________________ have reviewed, discussed, and
(Parent/Guardian print name)
understand the syllabus for AP Biology, and understand Mrs. Mann’s expectations in terms of policies and
Student signature
Parent/Guardian signature
Parent/Guardian preferred email: __________________________________________
Parent/Guardian preferred phone number:_____________________________________