UAB Nurse Anesthesia Program School of Health Related Professions Patient Post-Anesthetic Evaluation Form Name of Nurse Anesthesia Resident : Date of Post-Anesthetic Visit: Month I Year : Eval Form # 1 Postoperative Day Patient Visited: 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 (Circle one) Date and Type of Surgical Procedure Performed: Age: Sex: Height: Weight: ASA PS: Allergies: Medications: Anesthetic Drugs Used Nonanesthetic Drugs Used by Anesthesia Provider (eg, labetalol) Lab Drawn Intraop or in PACU (include results) Labsdrawn: Yes No Overall Assessment of Vital Signs Postop Stable: Yes No Evidence of Recall: Abnormal (list values -date & time) Nausea postop : Yes No Emesis postop : Yes No Yes No If present -comment : Overall Assessment of Postoperative Visit Uneventful anesthetic without complications (with exception of possible NN) : Yes No Other- please elaborate (eg, airway problems, hemodynamic instability) : The above form is to be used by resident nurse anesthetist (RNA) to provide documentation of having done post-anesthetic visits on 5 patients they have anesthetized each month. RNA are to submit their forms (all five at one time and stapled together) as part of the monthly package of forms (see monthly checklist). Completion of these forms is not optional, and must be turned in by the 15th of the following month (eg, April forms should be received no later than May 15). Please continue to make post- anesthetic rounds whenever possible on each anesthetic you administer. Failure to submit these forms will lead to suspension of clinical privileges. If handwritten, you must print. 08/16/01