RECOVERY ROOM CHECKLIST The student will utilize the Recovery Room Checklist while assessing the post-operative patient. POST ANESTHESIA RECOVERY SCORE ADM. ACTIVITY Moves 4 Limbs-Voluntary or Command Moves 2 Limbs-Voluntary or Command Moves 0 Limbs-Voluntary or Command RESPIRATION Deep Breathe & Cough Freely Shallow Breathing, Dyspnea, Splinting Apnea (No spontaneous Resp. Effort) CIRCULATION B/P 20% Preanesthetic Level B/P 20-50% Preanesthetic Level B/P 50% Preanesthetic Level CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL Full Alertness with Ability to Answer Question Verbally Arousable By Calling Name Auditory Stimuli Fail to Illicit Any Response COLOR Obviously Normal Skin color Any Alteration From the Normal: Pale, Dusky Blotchy, Jaundiced Cyanotic Nailbed, Lips, Skin TOTAL SCORE +2 +1 0 +2 +1 0 +2 +1 0 +2 +1 0 +2 +1 0 DISCH. RESULTS OF POST-ANESTHETIC SCORE 1. OPTIMUM SCORE – 10. Patient may be discharged from R.R. with scores of 8,9, or 10. Nursing judgment must be utilized. 2. Patients scoring less than 8 during the post-operative state require more constant observation and may need a specialized nursing care area. 3. Chronically debilitated, senile, or paralyzed patients may never receive an optimum score. Each patient must be treated individually. 4. There are variables which may influence the patients emergency from anesthesia and thus his score – these include: a. Type of anesthetic agents used. b. Use of paralyzing drugs and/or narcotics during surgery. c. Type of surgery performed. d. Duration of surgery and anesthesia. SCORING SYSTEM ACTIVITY: The muscular activity is assessed by observing the ability of the patient to move his limbs either spontaneously or on command. RESPIRATION: Observed without complicated apparatus or sophisticated physical tests. CIRCULATION: This is the most difficult sign to evaluate by a simple method. Changes in the arterial B/P from the pre-anesthetic level were chosen because it is reliable, it is monitored throughout the anesthetic period, and it is one of the first signs taken on arrival to the R.R. **NOTE** Great differences in diastolic B/P should be noted. CONSCIOUSNESS: Ability of patients to answer simple questions and follow verbal commands. Only verbal stimulus is to be used. COLOR: Patient scored on their color, whether this skin color was present prior to surgery or not. (Example: Jaundiced pre-operatively and post-operatively.) **NOTE** Check patient oral mucosa if any questions. N/Fresh/Spring/RNSG 2504 Recover Room Cklist Reviewed 10/08 Reviewed 11/11 Reviewed 03/13