Centering Prayer Retreat will be in June

February 2008
Praesidium visits have been set
The District Praesidium accreditation visit will be April 28th to 30th. Details will be forthcoming, but sites
to be visited include the De La Salle and St. Patrick communities in Chicago, De La Salle-Minneapolis
and Miguel House communities in the Twin Cities, and CBHS Community in Memphis. Praesidium staff
may add other communities, and they would be informed in advance. On February 4th to 7th Brothers
Frank Carr and Larry Schatz attended the CMSM conference on revising the accreditation standards,
which have been in place since 2003. The revised standards will commence in September 2008.
Triduum Retreat will be in March
This year’s Holy Week Retreat will begin on Holy Thursday, March 20th at dinner and end after the Easter
Vigil Service on Holy Saturday, March 22nd at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, IL.
This year FSC Affiliate, Father Raymond Webb, will speak at the retreat and lead the Holy Week
services. Ray joins the Brothers annually in Bethlehem every summer to teach and to serve as their
chaplain. He is Vice President and Academic Dean at St. Mary of the Lake.
Registrations for retreat are due in March
Brother Larry Schatz announced that registration forms for the Triduum Retreat have been sent to each
community Director. Cost is $220. Completed registrations with payment are due back to the Provincial
Office by March 3rd. Specifics on the retreat were sent earlier in the month via e-mail and U.S. mail to
those without e-mail. A subsequent memo will solicit volunteers for various parts of the retreat, including
readers and schola members.
Not to be missed – in your mailbox soon
The Documents of the General Chapter and a helpful guide for working through them should be mailed to
you soon. Our Brothers Congress asked the administration to prepare a DVD/video presentation to
introduce the Chapter process, and we have asked Tom Johnson to do a second presentation on the hopes
and expectations of the Superior General and the Council in regard to Chapter implementation. We hope to
have everything ready to send in the next 7-10 days, at which time we will ask Directors to set up a plan for
prayer and discussion on the Chapter proposals.
Centering Prayer Retreat will be in June
The Centering Prayer Retreat will once again take place at La Salle Retreat Center in Wildwood (Glencoe),
MO, from June 1st June 7th. Several spaces are still available. Contact: Brother Norman McCarthy,
Bishop Kelley High School, 3905 So. Hudson Ave., Tulsa, OK 74135. (918) 627-3390, ext.131 – School.
(918) 627-4789 – Residence.
Complete works of the Founder now online
The Christian Brothers Conference Office has announced that the complete works of the Founder are now
available online for download in PDF format. While many people will not want to print out entire books,
one of the advantages of this resource is that all the books are “word searchable” for those who are
interested in specific texts or references. This will be helpful to those presenting talks or preparing articles
for publication. Check the CBC web page: .
Chief Administrators will meet in New Orleans
Forty-three Midwest District administrators will meet in New Orleans on February 26th. These include
Presidents, Principals, and Board Members from fourteen District secondary schools. The focus of the
meeting will be to discuss issues of interest for the future of the high schools. This the first time so many
school board chairpersons and board members will be included. Speakers will include Brother William
Mann, President-elect of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, and a panel made up of a President, Dick
Engler of Cretin-Derham Hall; a Principal, Maryann O’Neill of Montini Catholic High School; a Board
Chair, Mary Doherty of Totino-Grace; and Brother John Casey, Irish Christian Brother working in New
Orleans, who will give the perspective from outside the Lasallian community. Brother Joseph Saurbier,
Director of Finance, will update the administrators on the viability of the Midwest District regarding the
financing of Lasallian Formation programs now and in the future. This meeting will be followed by three
days with chief administrators of the entire U.S. Toronto Region.
The Bishops document is available
Those who would like to read the U.S. Bishops’ document, “Faithful Citizenship,” can find it available at
the USCCB website: . Issued in mid-November 2007, the letter is
a reflection on Catholic teaching and political life.
Brother James Miller Fund grants were awarded
The committee members of the Brother James Miller Social Justice Fund met on January 9th to review
twenty-three applications for funding. The committee selected thirteen projects to fund for a total of
$12,100. The following are the grant recipients: Growing with Neighbors Program at DLS Middle School
in St. Louis, MO; Lasallian Teacher Immersion Program for the Midwest District; Agricultural Training at
St. La Salle Puthumanam School in Tamil Nadu, India; Candle-Making Project for Commission on Service
in Bulacan, Philippines; Audio-Visual Material for ISFA at Lasallian Resource Center in Sri Lanka;
Healthy Snack Program at De La Salle Blackfeet School in Browning, MT; Library Provisions at LaSalle
Arpana Nivas Novitiate in Karnataka, India; Summer Camp Program at Dunrovin Retreat Center in Marine
St. Croix, MN; New Sewing Shop at Centro Comunitario in Higuey, Dominican Republic; Preventing Deaf
Abuse at Catholic Ministry to Deaf in the Philippines; Helping Hands Program for TASSC International in
Washington, DC; Girls' Restrooms at St. Joseph's Higher Secondary School in Tamil Nadu, India; Art for
Understanding Program at Brother David Darst Center in Chicago, IL. The committee members include
Sister Marlene Schemmel, CSJ, Mrs. Lori Dressel, and Brothers Charles Kelly, Kevin Convey,
William Clarey, and Thomas Hetland.
Welcome Back, Brother Neil
The members of the Midwest District welcome Brother Neil Kieffe who will be visiting for one month. He
will be in the country from February 18th to March 16th to visit family and Brothers. Welcome home!
FSC Foundation grants were awarded
The FSC Foundation ended 2007 with a round of issuing ninety-seven grants totaling $261,300 out of a
total of two hundred and nine submissions. Forty-five of the grants were funded in the U.S., and fifty-two
others were for overseas programs. Four grants were awarded to ministries in the Midwest District: San
Miguel Middle School - Tulsa ($2,500), Instituto Fe y Vida ($3,000), San Juan Diego Middle School Racine ($3,000), and Brother David Darst Center – Chicago ($3,000).
Loyola University offers new MA program
The Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University Chicago is introducing a new MA in Pastoral Care
and Counseling that offers a mix of internship work, online study, and summers in Rome, Italy. The
program is ideal for theologically experienced lay persons, priests, brothers and sisters looking to provide
therapeutic services. Students will gain the following: A transforming educational experience that
incorporates theory, community building, and focused reflection; summer study and residence at Loyola’s
John Felice Rome Center, one of the oldest study abroad programs in Italy; a deeper understanding of
pastoral care, as it relates to local and international populations. The program runs for three summers, six
and a half weeks each summer, and will include a two-year supervised internship experience back in one’s
own home setting. Information: (312) 915-6956.
Directory Changes
Brother Jeff Gros - St. John's University, Collegeville, MN, 52631. Phone: (320) 363-3358.
Brother Michael Schain is now the District Twinning Coordinator.
Health Updates
Brother Basil Rothweiler has moved to Little Sisters of the Poor Holy Family Residence, 330
Exchange Street S., Saint Paul MN, 55102-2397. Phone – (651) 224-2382.
Brother Patrick Craine has moved to Callista Court, 1455 W Broadway, Apt. 204, Winona, MN
55987. Phone: (507) 457-3880.
Brother Eamon Gavin had surgery to replace the temporary feeding tube with another one. He has
returned to Resurrection Life Center - Room 154
Brother Peter Dannecker is in Room 321 at Resurrection Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 1001
North Greenwood Avenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068. Phone number for his room is (847) 518-2864.
Ruth McVann, mother of Brother Mark, had failed hip surgery some months ago and has been
confined to bed. Recently, she was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery on a tear in the
colon and now has a permanent colostomy.
Sheila Hallman, Chicago Health Care Coordinator, will have a hysterectomy on February 22nd at
St. Alexius Hospital in Hoffman Estates, IL. She will be in the hospital approximately three days
followed by recovery at home for four to six weeks. Her home address is 840 Valley View Drive,
Downers Grove, IL 60516. Phone: (630) 324-6850.
Brother Leo Gilskey was admitted to Resurrection Medical Center Hospital on February 9th with
pneumonia in one lung. His room is 364-02 for those who may be able to visit him.
Brother Martin Grimm has returned to Resurrection Life Center after a few days in the hospital
for tests.
Brothers Mark Gault, Joseph Wilhelm, Richard Gerlach and Richard Brady who are listed in
the District Directory would also appreciate prayers, cards and visits.
Rest in Peace
Brother Martin (Lawrence Martin) Michuda, 85, died on February 2 at Lutheran General
Hospital in Park Ridge, IL. A De La Salle Christian Brother for 68 years, he was born Thomas
Francis Michuda in Chicago, the son of August and Hermina (Buday) Michuda. He attended De La
Salle Institute in Chicago but graduated from La Salle Institute in Glencoe, MO. He entered the
novitiate of the Brothers in 1940, made his first vows the following year and his final vows in 1947.
In 1944 Brother Martin earned a B.S. from Saint Mary’s College (now University) in Winona, MN,
and an M.A. in 1953 from De Paul University in Chicago. During his years as an educator he was
principal at Montini H.S. in Lombard from 1968 to 1974. In St. Louis Park, MN, he served as
Director at Benilde H.S. He also taught in Kansas City and St. Joseph, MO, and served as principal
in Muskegon, MI. He was the director of the Brothers’ communities in Minnesota, Missouri and
Illinois. From 1976 to 1984 he was the Director of Development for the Chicago District and
Director of the St. De La Salle Auxiliary. From 1984 to 2000 he worked with the alumni of St. Mel
and St George. Survivors include his sister Virginia Harar, and his brothers Edward, Alfred, Gerald,
and Augustine. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. Philip the Apostle Church in
Addison, IL, on February 7th. Interment was at Resurrection Cemetery in Romeoville, IL, the
following day.
Helen B. Friedel, 69, of Florissant, MO, died on February 5th. She was a Catholic educator,
administrator and counselor at many schools in the North St. Louis County area and capped her
career at C.B.C. High School and as a volunteer at De La Salle Middle School at St. Matthew's. She
received the Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award. Survivors include her sons Vincent (Brenda)
of Perryville, MO, and Rev. John Friedel of Joplin, MO. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated
on February 8th at Most Sacred Heart Church with interment following at St. Mary's Church
Mary Ann Sheehan, wife of Dennis Sheehan of De La Salle Institute, died on January 16th. Mass
of Christian Burial was celebrated on January 19th at Queen of Martyrs Church in Evergreen Park,
IL. Interment was private.
Eunice Rose, 88, step-mother of Brother Raimond, died in New Iberia, LA, on January 21st. Her
funeral was on January 25th at St. Edward Church with interment in the church cemetery.
Father Gaudenzio Langol, who was the central community chaplain for several years at the
Generalate in Rome was involved in an automobile accident in Uganda, his native country on the
weekend of February 2-3. He was in a coma for five days before he died.
LTIP II completes the first phase of the semester immersion
On February 10th the five young men participating in the Lasallian Teacher Immersion Program completed
the first phase of the semester. The emphasis the first five weeks has been in theology—in both a Catholic
Social Teaching class and in the Theology Field Exploration/Clinicals. When they gather again after the
break on February 17th, the concentration will shift to the education courses, teacher observations, and
classroom apprenticeship.
In addition, each young man completed well over 45 hours of student-teacher contact time in the
classroom, read the equivalent of four books, wrote several journal entries, and prepared a Power Point
presentation for students at Bishop Kelley High School in Tulsa, OK. He also completed three writing
assignments: one on spirituality, one on Catholic Social Teaching, and one on his service experiences
outside the classroom.
Finally, it is interesting to note that all five young men participating in the Lasallian Teacher Immersion
Program this semester graduated from Lasallian High Schools. T.J. Buckley (Bishop Kelley, Tulsa); Tony
Elfering (Roncalli, Manitowoc); Jose Gonzalez (De La Salle Institute, Chicago); Christopher Hueg (De
La Salle, Minneapolis); and Joe Ossell (Totino-Grace, Fridley).
Front row (left to right): T. J. Buckley (CBU),
Brother Francis Carr (Visitor), José Gonzalez (LU)
Back row: Chris Hueg (LU), Joe Ossell (SMU), Tony Elfering (SMU)
Healthy News Notes
Have you ever wished for a quick remedy that would help you feel better, be affordable, good for your
organ systems, and without side effects? Wish no more. The remedy is exercise. Now that we have
moved past that chilly, gray, snowy, blustery month of January where staying in is more desirable than
moving our bodies anywhere, February brings a renewed zest for movement or exercise.
Simply taking the time to move your body in a moderately strenuous way for about 30 minutes on most
days can lead to enormous benefits in terms of your mood, health, weight, and ability to feel good about
taking care of our bodies.
Simply walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes or more on most days can lead to significant health benefits.
Add some simple strengthening exercises two or three times a week, and the benefits are even greater. At
the heart of any plan to become more active is aerobic conditioning. This includes just about any activity
that increases your breathing and heart rate for a sustained period.
I mentioned organ systems in the first paragraph. This month I was ready to write to you about heart health
because the American Heart Association celebrates heart month in February. I decided to write on my
favorite topic, exercise, because our hearts benefit from making it a priority in our daily lives. I’m hoping
that after you read my article, you wake up every morning thinking how you can creatively put movement
in your day to attain organ system health.
Some of the benefits of exercise include:
 Lowers blood pressure
 Improves cholesterol
 Weight management
 Helps to prevent osteoporosis
 Strengthens the immune system
 Maintains mental well-being
 Increases energy and stamina
Source: Mayo Clinic Health Letter, January 2008.
For some new information on exercise routines and computer driven fitness coaching, check out the Q
section of the Chicago Tribune from Sunday, January 27, 2008.
Sheila Hallmann,
Schedule of Community Visits –– Second Semester
Brother Francis Carr, Visitor, Midwest
St. Patrick Community/School Visit
Provincialate: AMP Board (conference call)
Travel to Jacksonville, FL
Ash Wednesday; LCRC Board Meeting/To Chicago
SMUMN Board Meeting; Lewis University Board Planning
SMUMN Board Meeting; Lewis University Board Planning
Team Meeting
Travel to Memphis – Christian Brothers University Board
Travel to Chicago
Travel to Phoenix
Travel to Tucson
Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) Board
Meeting – Tucson, TX
Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) Board
Meeting – Tucson, TX ; President’s Day
Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) Board
Meeting – Tucson, TX
Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) Board
Meeting – Tucson, TX
Travel to Chicago
Celebration of Consecrated Life
25 Travel to New Orleans, LA; Midwest District H.S.
Administrators Meeting – New Orleans, LA
Tues 26 Midwest District H.S. Administrators Meeting – New
Orleans, LA
Wed 27 Regional H.S. Administrators Meeting
Thurs 28 Travel to Chicago; Travel to Washington, DC
29 Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) Exec. Mtg.