N.Z. Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated Minutes of the Executive Committee of the New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children Inc Date Saturday 10 May 2014 Venue Moana Court Motel, 554 Tay Street, Invercargill Meeting opened at 10.05am Present Kate Whale, Jill Taylor, Catherine Trowbridge, Andrea Craig, Kelly Davy, Kirstin Johnson-Coombs Apologies Janet Baillie Additions to General Business Previous Minutes 10 May 2014 - FCEI Conference AGM Procedures List for after AGM SENCO’s Norton Subscription Publicity/Successful running of NFP organisation DIAS Parents Hui Beacon Complaints Combined Board Human Rights Donation for pre-school for tomorrow’s Parent’s meeting Bathing Cap progress IHC MOTION: That the minutes of the meeting 23 February 2014 be correct. MOVED: KATE SECONDED: KELLY dated Sunday CARRIED Page 1 of 16 Matters Arising Actions from Matters Arising President’s Report (See Report) - - - - - - - 10 May 2014 Huge amount of contact face to face which has been busy for Kate, but great. Contacts include Ministry of Education, Deaf Community, Deaf Aotearoa, lots of enquiries, wanting to sign up, new families, registrations, etc. Good conversations with people working on good initiatives. Kate has had 5 meetings with the Ministry, who have been very supportive in allowing Kate to bring the kids to some meetings. Sarah Freer is who Kate is doing Parents Hui stuff with – Adele and Carolyn (Complaints Person) also working with them. Mark Berry has an internship at the Ministry. Family Hui – in Auckland in October holidays this year at BLENZ which has a great new facility. Under 5’s – families with deaf and hearing impaired kids – different options for communication for the young kids. Blendz have some accommodation – this needs to be funded for travel and accommodation for families to be able to make it. Manurewa East School, just down road has offered accommodation at their place. They have old boarding facilities. We need a rep there from NZFDC and possibly have a stall there. Ideally an NZFDC rep like Kirstin with a child under 5 and a rep with a child who can reassure other families, things do get better. Kate to find out details of registration, etc. Kate has spoken to Adele and is getting a summary of SAG meetings so we can put up on our website. WEBSITE A number of resources on IEP – collaboration for success from ministry. Kate has lots of information to share. Andrea to put up on our www under resources. ADVISORS Heard nothing back from Mark Douglas re database of advisors for us to pass out information in the regions. COMBINED BOARD Kate attending combined board meeting on the 24 th May. Barbara O’Neil now new President of Board. Next meeting is on 30 June in Wellington which Kate cannot attend. Our AGM is 27-28-29 June in Wellington. Someone to stay on and sit in at that meeting on the Monday, all day at the airport. FCEI CONFERENCE Brian Coffey agreed to cover any extra costs that we can’t fundraise for. Definite no from Pub Charities as it is an overseas conference. Definite yes from Medel of $1000. Clarification from Lotteries Commission – waiting to hear back. Page 2 of 16 - No response from NFD. BEACON No-one is sure where information is. Alan has got the cheque book. How many meetings did they have? No-one knows. So far feedback from some trustees is that they think NZFDC should take it on. Kate’s suggestion is to draft a letter to the five Trustees on the Board who are legally responsible for the Trust, as to what they need to do to close it down and their expectations and a timeframe. It will need to be closed down, as the NZFDC will not be running it; it’s not a viable proposition, there are few parents interested and we have many other projects to work on. What the trustees have to do legally is have a meeting where they formally close Beacon down; Alan is happy to act as a facilitator of this meeting. NZFDC needs to find out where the funding came from as BEACON will need to return this when they close down. No-one knows where minutes are so this needs to be put in the letter. Alan, Julie and Jan have signing authority. We can’t access the funds but we are liable for it should anything happen. It may come to the point of involving lawyers. Email a draft copy of the letter to Robyn Daglesh (Andrea) of the letter to Beacon Trustees to check. Kirstin to email Andrea – Andrea to email solicitor. At the end of June, by AGM if we haven’t heard anything back from Beacon Trustees to follow-up by resending/reposting with a new date on it. MOTION: That the President’s report be received/accepted. MOVED: KATE SECONDED: ANDREA CARRIED Actions from President’s report - 10 May 2014 Kate to get minutes and reports from December and February meetings to Andrea. Email signed minutes from July and September meetings to Andrea. Andrea to look after Federation phone for the week Kate is in Austria – 7-15/06/2014. Kate to go into Telecom on Monday and cancel un-used mobile phones. Kate to contact ******* regarding coming onto the committee. Email a draft copy of the letter to Robyn Daglesh (Andrea) of the letter to Beacon Trustees to check. Kirstin to email Andrea – Andrea to email solicitor. At the end of June, by AGM if we haven’t heard anything back from Beacon Trustees to follow-up by resending/reposting with a new date on it. Page 3 of 16 Secretary’s Report (See Report) - - Very busy for Andrea – 482 emails this period. Telecom and Yellow Pages registered online so now going direct to Jill. Andrea started a sign-in and password document so it is recorded and available for all to access. Anyone who has sign in details please forward these to Andrea. Andrea purchased a new hard drive to back up her laptop and keep off site. Lauren Taylor – Margaret Cooper trophy winner – Andrea read her thank you letter. MOTION: To move from paper statements to electronic statements. MOVED: JILL SECONDED: ANDREA CARRIED MOTION: That the Secretary's report be received/accepted. MOVED: ANDREA SECONDED: KATE CARRIED Actions from Secretary’s report - Andrea started a sign-in and password document so it is recorded and available for all to access. Anyone who has sign in details please forward these to Andrea. Treasurer’s Report (See report) - Jill to show us how Banklink works. She wants to set the email up on the Federation laptop and not on her personal email. Tech guy had a look at the “gremlins” in Jill’s computer – 6 bugs in it. Has been cleaned out. Accounts paid from February meeting are outlined in Bank Report attached. Please include petrol receipt on your expense claim form. Suggested donations for daycare centre include monetary donation, sign language resources, baby sign DVD, donation. Talked through the NFD report from their last meeting. Copy attached to minutes. The remark in last minutes for Lotteries Commission report from 2009 has been completed. - MOTION: Those payments made since February have been ratified. MOVED: ANDREA SECONDED: KATE CARRIED MOTION: That all expenses from the weekend in Invercargill are moved. MOVED: JILL SECONDED: KIRSTIN CARRIED 10 May 2014 Page 4 of 16 MOTION: That the food for the Parents Gathering and donation to the Southland Learning Centre is to come from DEANZ. MOVED: JILL SECONDED: KIRSTIN CARRIED MOTION: That the Treasurer’s report be received/accepted MOVED: JILL SECONDED: KELLY CARRIED Actions from Treasurer’s report Vice President (See report) - - - - - - 10 May 2014 Kelly does hold some of the pre-historic reports; she thinks Alan may have some of them? Great response to the Invercargill Parents Group meeting with NZFDC for Sunday 11 May – we are expecting approximately 10 families. We will pass a contact list round at the Parents Group meeting and see which families are the “strong” families and get in contact with them via email after the event, to discuss starting a parents group. Kelly has had a look at the Constitution regarding Individuals joining up – see Kelly’s report. ILS (formally DIAS) – re-sent report as they hadn’t received it. Reminder to Committee members on what to include on their quarterly reports. Kelly will match up old versus new ILS (DIAS) contract. Kelly to find out whether we have to reapply for funding or whether it rolls over. AGM Venue confirmed. Dates confirmed. Kelly to contact Janet regarding PO Box – has this changed. Registrations, etc sent out by post and email – all through the NZFDC email address, as per what is stated in the Constitution. Kelly to find out whether $43 per day per delegate is including or excluding GST. Kate to look into shuttle for hireage over the weekend to save on taxis. Once registrations come in, Kelly will make up a template with flight arrivals, etc and contact people to see if they want transport from airport. Kate to contact Carolyn/Adele and Brian Coffey regarding speaking at the AGM. Kelly to contact Barbara O’Neil the Combined Board chairperson regarding talking about the Combined Board. Page 5 of 16 - - Kelly to contact MP Nicky Kaye Special Ed regarding speaking at our AGM. Get her to talk about her vision, etc. Interpreters – Kate to get in touch with Shannon at Deaf Aotearoa? Or a couple of other private contacts she has regarding Interpreting for us. CHARITIES Kelly has now updated Charities Commission & Inc Societies website. Figures from 1 July 2013 to date of AGM – each Committee member to write a report to be included in handout. MOTION: That the Vice President’s report be received/accepted. MOVED: KELLY SECONDED: KIRSTIN CARRIED Actions from Vice President’s Report - - - - 10 May 2014 Kelly will match up old versus new ILS (DIAS) contract. Kelly to find out whether we have to reapply for funding or whether it rolls over. Kelly to contact Janet regarding PO Box – has this changed. Kelly to find out whether $43 per day per delegate is including or excluding GST. Kate to look into shuttle for hireage over the weekend to save on taxis. Once registrations come in, Kelly will make up a template with flight arrivals, etc and contact people to see if they want transport from airport. Kate to contact Carolyn/Adele and Brian Coffey regarding speaking at the AGM. Kelly to contact Barbara O’Neil the Combined Board chairperson regarding talking about the Combined Board. Kelly to contact MP Nicky Kaye Special Ed regarding speaking at our AGM. Get her to talk about her vision, etc. Interpreters – Kate to get in touch with Shannon at Deaf Aotearoa? Or a couple of other private contacts she has regarding Interpreting for us. Figures from 1 July 2013 to date of AGM – each Committee member to write a report to be included in handout. Page 6 of 16 Portfolio Reports Services (See report) - Received 1 scholarship application from March to May. Kate to write letter and send to Jill who will attach cheque and send to Georgia Mackay. MOTION: That Georgia Mackay should receive the John and Betty Rose scholarship award. MOVED: ANDREA SECONDED: KATE CARRIED MOTION: That the Service's report be received/accepted. MOVED: ANDREA SECONDED: KATE CARRIED Actions from Services Report - Kate to write a letter and send to Jill who will attach cheque and send to Georgia Mackay. Family Kits (See Report) - 6 kits sent out since last meeting. Catherine asked for form to be changed from Iwi information with Gender information? At moment where Gender information they are not filling it in. Andrea has changed it to Date of Birth and Gender and 1 person has registered and they have used new form and completed correctly. Let’s see how it goes before we change it more if necessary. Catherine to chase Auckland Parents Group re not responding to email sent regarding website. - MOTION: That the Family Kits report be received/accepted. MOVED: CATHERINE SECONDED: KATE CARRIED Actions from Family Kits - 10 May 2014 Catherine to chase Auckland Parents Group re not responding to email sent regarding website. Catherine to email Carolyn Grace regarding letter from Ministry of Education regarding changes to her sons care. Page 7 of 16 Communications/ Newsletter (See reports) - Newsletter done. Came back from printer folded wrong so Maddy and Kelly had to refold, label and stamp over 900 newsletters. Next newsletter in August. Kelly to contact Printer re invoice and get it to Jill ASAP. MOTION: Maddy Davy is gifted $50 for her volunteering her help in labeling and folding the newsletters. MOVED: KELLY SECONDED: KATE CARRIED MOTION: That the Communication’s report be received/accepted. MOVED: KELLY SECONDED: JILL CARRIED Actions from Communications - Kelly to contact Printer re invoice and get it to Jill ASAP. Website and Facebook Page - Quite a lot of activity. Kirstin updated Jack’s blog onto the website. Query from a lady in Palmerston North regarding tips to keep hearing aids on kids. Andrea will create a page on the website for hints & tips. Kelly asked the question regarding NCEA tips – can she put this on the blog. Support kids get in their exams for hearing impaired kids. Added an AGM/Conference page on the home page of the website. - - MOTION: That the Communication’s report be received/accepted. MOVED: ANDREA SECONDED: KIRSTIN CARRIED Actions from Website and Facebook Page 10 May 2014 - Query from a lady in Palmerston North regarding tips to keep hearing aids on kids. Andrea will create a page on the website for hints & tips. Page 8 of 16 Fundraising - - - - Not much to report on fundraising this round. Kirstin will follow up with The Warehouse in 6 months regarding “please add $1 to your bill to support NZFDC”. Kate remembered seeing an article in the Airpoints magazine in the plane – Kirstin to get a copy of the magazine when she returns home and investigate article. PARENTS GROUP We are on the home straight. Constitution is now back from the lawyer. We will be having a parents meeting in next few weeks to sign off. ROLE Kirstin offered to help out more where she can as she doesn’t feel as though she is putting in enough effort and wants to help out more. MOTION: That the Fundraising report be received/accepted. MOVED: KIRSTIN SECONDED: KATE CARRIED Actions from Fundraising - Kirstin to send tips to Andrea on keeping hearing aids on a toddler. Kirstin will follow up with The Warehouse in 6 months regarding “please add $1 to your bill to support NZFDC”. Kirstin to get a copy of the Air NZ magazine when she returns home and investigate article. NFD Meeting Dates General Business 10 May 2014 - Procedures List for after AGM List done – anything else to add? Kelly has additional information which she will forward on to Andrea for post and pre AGM list. - SENCO’s Andrea had an interesting conversation with a lady about deaf counselling for her Year 7/8 child. She was at one of the AK intermediates – she wanted help finding source for specific counselling for deaf. Didn’t know about Deaf Aotearoa, NZFDC. Our questions are how do SENCO’s get their role? Some used to be teachers; some have worked for special education kids, but a lot don’t have experience with deaf kids. SENCOs are employed by school, so if we are to give correct information out to SENCO’s, we need to start at the specific school that our kids attend. Perhaps some information that would be good to get out to our families? Resource on the website? - Norton Subscription Page 9 of 16 Generic email that has come through to remind Andrea to purchase software. Just ignore no need to update as we have two years worth which was purchased last year at the AGM. 10 May 2014 - Insurance Andrea did asset register to see whether it is worth doing insurance. To be honest, no its not – we don’t hold that much stock. - Professional Indemnity Insurance You can’t just buy professional liability only. Gone to two brokers. Just working out what level of cover we want if we want to get this. The biggest risk is Beacon at the moment which is $32k. Andrea to contact Robyn along with Beacon letter and ask the question regarding that we are concerned this is going to have repercussions on NZFDC – do you think the trustees liability will cover our backs. - Invitation from Deaf Aotearoa Setting up in Canterbury something called Signpost. It is a strengthen communication connections webpage – supporting deaf community groups. Would we like to join? Raise our profile, who we are, showcasing organisation. If we do it now, they will do the video for free. Yes – a good idea – Kirstin to register. - Complaints Kate needs to have a chat with Carolyn to confirm but Carolyn is 100% happy for us to put her email address up on our Facebook page for families to go direct to her with complaints. It will be completely confidential. - IHC/Human Rights Kate happy to put a note up on Facebook re IHC letter about complaint laid to the Human Rights Commission regarding schools discriminating against disabled children. - Publicity/Successful Running of NFP Organisation Asked by a parent how we promote ourselves and why we don’t. Deaf Aotearoa does and why don’t we do it as well as them. Funding. There are a number of free websites we can access. There are a lot of groups out there that help out NFP groups. Kate thinks we need something like this. Could Kelly flick an email to Kate regarding the organisation that helps to promote and share information with NFP organisations. - Bathing Cap Progress – Catherine Page 10 of 16 Got approval for sign to be used on cap. Hearing association wouldn’t take on the business end on taking up business. Went to Venture Taranaki to set up a business. Catherine has now contacted deaf group who has not contacted her. Deaf adults to pick and pack who can’t get work. Looking at running it by the end of the year. Looking for Deaf kids to run the business. Any thoughts on a name for the business would be greatly appreciated. - Portfolios for Next Year Kelly wants ideas on positions and who is happy in them and who wants to change. Kate happy to be president for another year. Kelly happy to be vice-president. Andrea happy to be community liaison. Kirstin happy to do Minutes, Fundraising and Services. Jill happy to be Treasurer for one more year. Does anyone know of any other representatives to come onto the committee? - Honorarium MOTION: That the President receives $1,500, the Treasurer receives $1,000 and the remaining 5 Committee members receive $500 each. MOVED: KELLY SECONDED: ANDREA CARRIED Meeting Closed 5.41pm Next Meeting Saturday 28 June, Wellington, 9-12pm ________________________________ Chairperson’s signature 10 May 2014 28.06.2014 ___________________________________ Date Page 11 of 16 N.Z. Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT President Period this report covers: February 2014 – May 2014 Contacts Email 153 Item UPDATES ACTIONS (From ‘To-do’ list) POINTS OF DISCUSSION FOR EXEC Ministry of Education Phone 92 COMPLETED BY: Kate Whale Date: 7th May, 2014 Other 48 Attention required - Add onto the website regarding what to expect at IEP’s. - Look at quotes for getting Resource Kit commercially printed. - Link to be added onto website for IEP form in MoE website. - Get a contact list of all advisors in the country (Mark Douglas). - I have had five meetings since February with various people from the ministry of education. Two Sector Advisory Group meetings have centered around services for the 60+ children who use NZSL to access their education. As of Wednesday, I have been somewhat unimpressed with Van Asch’s responses to the questions and the tasks they have been given to complete in these meetings. I will update the executive at the meeting regarding what happened at the meeting on Thursday the 8th May, as I have every intention of getting some definitive answers to questions. Update; have kicked up a stink in the meeting regarding services to these children, which has resulted in follow-ups from the Ministry regarding competency of TA’s etc. Some awesome stuff will hopefully be coming out in the next few weeks, which we have had some input into. It’s all a start. Family Hui – looks to be held in Auckland now, and it will be during the October holidays. I have been working with Sarah Freer at the MinEd to get this rolling, and it will be based around communication with deaf/ hearing impaired babies and toddlers. We are currently in the logistics stage, with finding where to put families up for the night, how to get them to the venue, how to fund food etc for them, childcare etc. I have spoken to Adele Carpenter and requested a summary of the information from the SAG meetings for us to put on our website. I would like to have more transparency to the families, and have let them know this. 10 May 2014 Page 12 of 16 Website I have managed to find a number of resources on IEP’s and how to get things set up, but I have also been in contact with the Ministry of Education to see what their take on the IEP is, and what the legal requirements are. Hoping to get this all together into a useful format when I have a spare moment. (Which doesn’t look good for the next few months, but I’ll do my best!) I haven’t had the chance to get on to the resource for newly diagnosed families, but will be talking to Bridget Fergusson, who is now in a new role with Deaf Aotearoa, contracting to the Ministry, to assist families with little ones to learn some NZSL in the home, as well as helping with issues that arise. Hopefully we can work together on both the resource and the role. Advisors I have been in contact with both Mark Douglas and with Carolyn Grace regarding getting a data base of AoDC’s for us to pass out information in the regions etc. I haven’t heard back yet. I would like to get up on the facebook page a note to parents regarding their children loosing AoDC services before the age of 18. I have had one family here in wellington get in touch regarding receiving a 2 line email stating that their 11 year old son won’t be getting any services from their AoDC anymore. As far as I was aware, the AoDC/ RTD change in roles hasn’t happened yet save in a few regions as a trial. It definitely hasn’t happened here in Wellington. I have advised the family to send a complaint directly to Carolyn Grace, and CC us in on this. Note- this is a standard request for families making a complaint, be it to Carolyn Grace at the ministry (Carolyn.grace@minedu.govt.nz) or to the DEC’s, to CC us in on it, and let us know what, if anything, the reply has been. I think it’s getting to be important that we all have a paper trail, as yet more things are vanishing into the ether, and the services are doing exactly what they want. DEC’s I have had a complaint come in from a family, please see emails printed. Will talk about at the meeting. Combined Board I will be going to the combined board meeting on the 24 th May here in Wellington. I think we need to have a presence at these meeting is possible. Barbara O’Niel is the new chairperson for the board, and I hope that there will be a bit of a stir up thanks to this. Family Centered Early Intervention Conference Fantastic news with Brian Coffey agreeing to underwrite any costs that we can’t get through grants for the FCEI conference. They have also agreed help fund Bridget Fergusson to go as part of the Deaf Aotearoa initiative, and I’m trying to convince them to send a Ministry representative as well. David Foster is going as a principle of Kelston, so I think it will be good to have a wide range of people there representing NZ. Really thrilled. I have agreed to present a written report back to the MinEd, and do 10 May 2014 Page 13 of 16 a short presentation on the information in one of the SAG meetings. Considering I was asking to be allowed to do this already, I’m feeling magnanimous enough to agree to the conditions! I would really like to take some time in the afternoon conference part of our AGM to talk through the information that comes back from this, including best practice in early childhood stuff for deaf/ hearing impaired kids, and how to ensure that our government takes the information seriously. Could we book this in? Beacon I would like the exec to draft a letter to those on the committee of Beacon telling them what they will need to do to close it down. I have been talking to Alan about it, and after some conversations, it seems that some of the executive of Beacon believe that it is NZFDC’s role to get it up and running again. I think it’s important that we let them know that it is not our responsibility, that they are legally still responsible for Beacon, and that we just haven’t had the interest from families to make running it worthwhile. I don’t know if we have had any more information in regarding where their funding has come from, and what they have to do with it. I’m worried that this will bite us in the bum and we’ll end up well stuck unless it’s sorted. Human Rights Commission complaint See information from Andrea regarding the complaint going to the Human Rights Commission. SIGNED POSITION 10 May 2014 Kate Whale President Page 14 of 16 N.Z. Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated EXECUTIVE MEETING REPORT RESPONABILITY : Treasurer COMPLETED BY: Jill Taylor Date: 06/05/2014 Period- March to May Item Comments Communications Type Postal Email Telephone General Number of contacts for the period 17 76 13 Banklink up and running. Some teething troubles. Had Computer tech guy check NZFDC laptop, 6 different nasties on it. Need someone to talk me thru how to set up email on NZFDC laptop. Procedures leading up to NZFDC AGM, with right budget. Accounts are at the accountants, hopefully to the auditor soon. Meetings attended. NFD council meeting March 8th (report emailed will bring hard copy to meeting. Ratify accounts paid since last meeting. Approve those to be paid on the meeting day. Westpac bank stmts. Alan’s name has been deleted. Rest NZFDC happy to stop paper stmts, treasurer to print out. RECOMMENDATIO NS SIGNED POSITION 10 May 2014 Jill Taylor Treasurer. Page 15 of 16 N.Z. Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated EXECUTIVE MEETING REPORT Responsibilities: Secretary/Community Liaison Period this report covers: COMPLETED BY: Andrea Craig Date: 17th February – 3rd May 2014 Item Comments Communications Type Postal Email Received Email Sent Telephone Incoming/Outgoing Mail PO Box Incoming via email deafchildren@xtra.co.nz Number of contacts for the period 482 180 3 See Andrea Craig’s Report attached Please note: Any responses to email that are forwarded to Committee Members to reply to – copy in deafchildren@xtra.co.nz so they are recorded on the email list for each meeting. 1.Westpac Bank Account Statements – currently we are receiving them fortnightly. As Jill is not getting them until each meeting, can we reduce the frequency and also remove Alan’s name off the address? 2.Have registered with Telecom and Yellow Pages to have accounts sent via email and have access to our account over the internet rather than paper mail. Email to all Executive – 4 March 2014 Request approval for purchase of an External Hard drive to Back up Laptop with all of NZFDC Community Liaison work/emails etc on. Purchase Price $93.13 for 1TB USB incl postage. Approved. Please note in Minutes. 10 May 2014 Page 16 of 16 N.Z. Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated EXECUTIVE MEETING REPORT Responsibility: Vice President AGM/Conference Co-ordinater Date of meeting: 10th May 2014 Item Communications To do list from February meeting 2014 Comments Type Postal Email (in) Email (sent) Telephone COMPLETED BY: Kelly Davy Number of contacts for the period 3 358 165 20 Kelly and Kate to compile the missing reports as mentioned in president’s report. Mark Douglas updated Wilson Report – Kelly to double check it. Kelly to have a look at constitution to see whether people can join NZFDC direct and not go through a parents group. Kelly to do a Communication’s report and send to Andrea. Correspondence As listed below Southland/ Invercargill Gathering 2014 Sunday 11th May 2014 Have organised accommodation for committee. 554 Moana Court Motel- 3 bedroom apartment. Flights been booked by Andrea. Agenda drawn up and emailed to NZFDC committee. Flyer emailed to Rebekah Zwies, Judi Devine, Vivienne Lines, they will distribute to their contacts. Reminder sent this week. Judi has confirmed she will be speaking at gathering. Vivienne will bring a projector & screen, to remind via cell number. Have produced a NZFDC presentation & a PODC Taranaki Inc Kelly to have a look at NZFDC constitution to see whether people can join NZFDC direct and not go through a parents group. NZFDC constitution states that membership as seen below: Members of the Federation shall be incorporated societies under the Act whose objects or functions fall within the objects of the Federation. Application for membership must be made in writing to the Secretary and shall be submitted to the Executive Committee, which may accept, decline or defer the application for further consideration. Any person or body may be appointed or removed as an Associate member by a majority vote of the Executive committee. Associate members may attend any General Meeting of the Federation but shall not have voting rights. Speaking and other rights of Associate members shall be at the discretion of the Chair. The/my understanding is that you have to be an Inc Societies group under the act, but that any person or body can be an Associated 10 May 2014 Page 17 of 16 member by a vote by the committee. ILS (formally DIAS) Quartly report NZFDC reporting for ILS 1st January - 31st March 2014 Completed and forwarded onto Karen Beard-Greer on Friday, 4 April 2014 There was a concern from Joanne regarding not receiving our report/invoice so I resent the email to Joanne that I sent to Karen on the 4th April explaining that it had been sent and reattached files, cc deaf children into the email. (see below cut & paste) Hello Joanne, I have been contacted from NZFDC president & deaf children email regarding our invoice for June I have forward you our reports/invoice emailed on the 4th April 2014 as below Hope you find everything is in order Important for NZFDC committee members to have details on their meeting reports: Phone calls Mail/Post Email In/Sent Face to Face As these details are required on the report submitted to ILS NZFDC AGM 2014 Reminder to parent groups Confirm at meeting? Confirm at meeting? Have confirmed venue in Wellington city, Abel Tasman Hotel also paid a deposit via cheque $2000. Notice of AGM/Conference, registrations, nominations, remits, and draft programme all drawn up and emailed to Andrea-secretary to send to parent groups, others, on Facebook and NZFDC website, as this is in our rules for AGM to go via secretary. Also posted out via mail to parent groups. Need to confirm with parents groups a update of details after NZFDC agm 2014 Yet to confirm 2 interpreters? I can book through Connect or Isign? But are costly would be good if there are 2 people based in Wellington able to do for a cost. Guest speakers Have contacted WADC via email regarding the option to do a presentation from the parent group or a family from Wellington, awaiting reply.. Kate can do a presentation/talk from the FCIEN conference half hour bracket Someone from the MOE? Sym Gardiner Wellington: 2 cochlear implants for under 6 update 10 May 2014 Page 18 of 16 NZFDC Update of details on the Charities Commission & Inc Societies websites I have finally updated the Charities Commission & Inc Societies websites with NZFDC details of committee members, financial audit reports back dating to 2009. Forwarded Andrea a copy of all the login/password details for safe keeping. Recommendation To update the Incorporation societies with NZFDC correct constitution (the same as on our website) NZFDC will need the minutes of the agm that changed the constitution of quorum? Other NZFDC Newsletter Managed to work my way through the newsletter for the 1st time, had a few minor hiccups and timing slightly out but was finally able to post out NZFDC newsletter by 6th May 2014. Thanks to Madison for helping with the stamps, labels, folding. Kelly Davy POSITION 10 May 2014 Vice President Page 19 of 16 N.Z. Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated EXECUTIVE MEETING REPORT Responsibilites: Website and Facebook Page Date: February 2014 – May 2014 Item Communications Comments Type Facebook Views COMPLETED BY: Andrea Craig 3rd May 2014 Number of contacts for the period Between 38 and 176 per item UPDATES - ACTIONS Previous Meetings Lots of action on the Facebook and Website this last couple of months. Been actively looking for items to put on our Facebook page 2 - 3 times a week. Trying to vary it with items from other organisations in all areas of NZ. Updated Registration request as not all information coming through that Catherine needs. Loaded up a lovely updated Blog from Kirstin on Jack’s and her family’s progress through the cochlear path. General RECOMMENDATION S Items for Facebook or Website – Come to my attention that an “IEP Survival” page and a “Tips for Keeping Hearing Aids/Cochlear Coils on Toddlers” page also on the website would be useful for parents. Need input from Committee. Propose to put up a request on Facebook for feedback also. Propose to talk with an AODC and Teacher of the Deaf for input. Committee to advise anything of interest that they would like to see as they come across anything. . Signed 10 May 2014 Andrea Craig Page 20 of 16 N.Z. Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated EXECUTIVE MEETING REPORT RESPONSIBILITY : Fundraising Date: May 2014 Item Communications Kirstin COMPLETED BY: Kirstin Johnson-Coombs Comments Type Postal Email Emails received Emails sent - - - - General The Warehouse Oticon My role 10 May 2014 Number of contacts for the period 0 Contacted new Registration Juliet Gladwin 123 61 Cut and paste your checklist from the previous meeting(s) and put on new portfolio report – Kate doesn’t expect it to be all completed, but this way we can forward them on to the next month’s checklist. Glossary started by Andrea of common deaf terms used. Please let Andrea know of other terms you want added/deleted/changed. Email any helpful apps to Andrea or Kate to put on the website. Everyone to please CC deafchildren@xtra.co.nz whenever they reply to anything for NZFDC. Look at Breakout (access via internet), stuff.co.nz (set up an alert). Oticon do fundraising grants – KJ-C to explore. Please ensure you add any emails to the table at top of report. This is added to statistics page in Contract. Even between NZFDC committee members. Text, phone, face to face, emails. Need to show them that we are communicating. Kirstin to type up Janet’s report and email to Kate and Andrea. All to send photos of awards / trophies that have been given out to kids to be sent to Kelly. Will investigate The Warehouse – when you purchase products at The Warehouse, ask to donate $1 to NZFDC. See what the conditions are? Contacted The Warehouse on 11 March 2014, and had a quick response pretty much saying as you can imagine they have lots of requests like this, but best to go to your local store. Went to Customer Services at our local Warehouse and they would be happy to look at it again in 6 months time. So I will follow up in September. Contacted Oticon on 11 March 2014 also, no response so emailed again a month later. Still no response. Will keep persevering. I don’t feel I am contributing enough in my role on the Committee so if you could think about other ways I could help out on top of trying to get fundraising that would be appreciated! Page 21 of 16 Tauranga Parents Group The draft constitution has been reviewed by the lawyer. The constitution now needs to be signed off by the committee, and then the association can be incorporated. The parents group will be meeting within the next few weeks so that this can happen. SIGNED KIRSTIN JOHNSON-COOMBS POSITION FUNDRAISING 10 May 2014 Page 22 of 16 N.Z. Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT POSITION:Awards COMPLETED BY: Janet Baillie Period this report covers: March to May Date: 7 May 2014 Contacts Email Phone ******* spoke about declining Tutor Support Application Face to Face Item y/n Attention required UPDATES - ACTIONS (Cut and paste from ‘To-do’ list) Y POINTS OF DISCUSSION FOR EXEC y Topic Scholarship SIGNED POSITION 10 May 2014 Other ******** have received Tutor Support Application but no receipts or other information came in with it. Will have to wait for receipts to come in. ********* Summary Decide if she should receive the award John and Betty Rose scholarship award. I have emailed everyone the information about *******. I think she should receive the award. Janet Baillie Page 23 of 16 N.Z. Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT Newsletter and Database MONTH: May 10th 2014 COMPLETED BY: Kelly Davy Date: 04.05.14 Item Attention required Communications Type Postal Email Telephone Number of contacts for the period 10 (in) Newsletter 40 10 MONTH’S ACHIEVEMENTS/INITIATIVES/DISAPPOINTMENTS Newsletter Printed 1,050 copies April Newsletter and forward Invoice to Jill Taylor (Treasurer). Kingsland Print has changed details and are now called Fuzed Physical address is 4 Western Springs Road Kingsland Auckland PO Box 26 302 Epsom 1344 Auckland. Phone 09 8497100 or 0800 FUZED www.fuzed.co.nz I have been dealing with Jeffrey Tang for the newsletter. Emailed Kirsty Thomas from Deaf Aotearoa, NZFDC PDF newsletter to distribute to staff and clients. I was slow of the mark for the April newsletter had a view minor hiccups and multiple tasks to do for NZFDC and couldn’t work the labels out but eventually did, the April Newsletter didn’t go out until the 6thf May 2014. I have had Madi (daughter) help me fold newsletters as Fuzed folded them the wrong way, stick on labels and stamps, very time consuming, over 3 days. Can NZFDC consider funds to my daughter to help with labels stamps cellotape etc please, pocket money? Same as Sue and Lena have done in the past? Database Families 1397 Other SIGNED POSITION 10 May 2014 Professionals 98 TOTAL= 1495 7 new families and 1 update, 1 already registered – 1 deleted due to return to sender. 30 old registrations placed/checked on database from Catherine. On registration form, maybe another space to fill in if change of address (suggested by Jill). Kelly Davy Page 24 of 16 N.Z. Federation for Deaf Children Incorporated EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT POSITION: Family Kit Coordinator COMPLETED BY: Catherine Trowbridge Date: 12 May 2014 Period this report covers: 24 February to 12 May Contacts Email 195 Phone 3 Face to Face Destinations the Kits were sent to Areas Kits to date: 93 + 6 Raglan Tauranga Christchurch Dunedin Hastings Item - - POINTS OF DISCUSSION FOR EXEC Fastways Van Asch Kelston Database General chase Fastway re paperwork to confirm contract. Jill to email Catherine with All Books details Kate to send Catherine the new template for her report. Does Catherine have permission to buy catalogue books @$15 each? Contact van Asch to see if we get discount on bulk buying. Can we replace space for Iwi information with Gender information on the website registration form please. Not many parents are putting the gender in and it is hard to decide which they are by name alone. Summary Entered 3 acknowledgement forms from Feb meeting onto database Updated Acknowledge Receipt and Cover letter Received receipt for A3 bags. Confirmation letter from Fastways was only a signed copy of the receipt of A3 bags Ordered supplies and invoice forwarded to Jill for payment Ordered 30x storytime DVD’s $12.50. Invoice forwarded to Jill for payment. Also received free catalogues. Entered 30 names given from lists from Lena that were registered in 2012. Forwarded them on to Kelly to enter on Newsletter database. 10 May 2014 2 y/n Attention required UPDATES - ACTIONS) Topic Kits Other Received a registration but they had already registered 15 Aug 2005. Stock take done. Form created to keep check of stock, when orders placed and where stock is ordered from. Received email from Jill to enter Scholastic competition and to be Page 25 of 16 added to their mailing list. Have entered the competition etc. SIGNED POSITION 10 May 2014 Catherine Trowbridge Family Kit Co-ordinator Page 26 of 16