ISQS 5341 Exam Review 1 I. Topic Based Outline Organization (Chapter 1-2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Definition of organization. Why organize? Divisions in organization. Divisionized organization Anthony and Minztberg’s organization models Silos in organization Flows in an organization Process (Chapter 2-4) 1. 2. 3. 4. Definition of process Composition of organization units: Grouping by function, grouping by process What is a cross-functional process? What is Business process reengineering (BPR)? Information technology and information systems (Chapter 1, 5, 6) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What is an information system? IT advances (Chapter 2) Networking: LAN, WAN, Internet/intranet/extranet Distribution and control: Connectivity, availability and performance OLTP vs. OLAP Client-server architecture, thin/thick client, middleware, multi-tier architecture Data, information, and knowledge (definitions see Chapter 1, 5) Data architecture, Database models: flat file, hierarchical model, network model, relational model, and object model Data modeling: Normalization, Entity-relationship modeling Database vs. DBMS Data administration What is SQL? Enterprise System Integration (Chapter 3-4) 1. 2. 3. 4. Definition of Integration (Chapter 1) Why do we need the integration of organization? Why could information systems be as “islands of automation” What is Enterprise Resource Planning? What is SAP? Enterprise System Architecture (Chapter 7) 1. Logical architecture vs. physical architecture 2. System landscape II. More detailed concepts: Definition of Terms: Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) Online Analytical Processing Database, Database Management System (DBMS) Relation, Tuple, Attribute Purpose for a data warehouse within the layers of the enterprise system architecture The relationship between application servers and work processes Three-tiered enterprise system architecture Work processes Change management issues Distinguish Between the Following: Organizing by function and organizing by process Reciprocal activity and simultaneous interactions IS integration and process integration Grouping based on functional area and grouping based on business processes Thin clients and fat clients LAN and WAN 2-tier client server environment and 3-tier client server environment Presentation tier, business logic tier, and data tier in 3 tier C/S environmentAdvantages and Disadvantages of a DBMS Enterprise system logical architecture and physical architecture Presentation, application, and database layers of enterprise systems One, two, and three system landscapes Explain the Fundamental Aspects of the Following: ERP systems Business processes Enterprise integration Obstacles to enterprise integration Function-based Silos The basis for coordination and control Categories of information systems Fundamental components of an organization Coordinating mechanisms The consequences of failing to integrate Mintzberg’s model of the parts of an Organization Benefits of integration Typical types of business processes Cross-functional processes Hammer’s reengineering principles The client/server environment and building blocks Fault-tolerant System Security Strategy Specifications Attributes of data Advantages of DBMS Normalization Characteristics of Relational model Data modeling III. Questions: 1. Why do organizations need enterprise systems? 2. What is the nature of organization from the angle of enterprise system implementation? 3. If you are in charge of an ERP project, how would you work it out? 4. What is new in IT/IS? 5. Why data management is the core of an ERP project? 6. What is system landscape? What are advantages and disadvantages of one-, twoand three-tiered landscape? IV. Programming: 1. The concept of computer, the basic architecture of computer system 2. Software: application software, system software 3. Execution of programs: complied, interpreted, and Java virtual machine ( 4. How to use ssh to access your linux account. How to access your Windows 2000 account. 5. How to use Linux. Commands: ll, ls, pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir, mv, cp, rm, chmod; editor: pico 6. Linux file access privileges: rwx. What does it mean? How to change it? 7. How to read the information about files after issuing “ll” in a dirctory. 8. Basic HTML scripting. 9. What is CGI? Why do we use CGI? How does it work? 10. How to publish you html and cgi scripts?