Request for Proposal Federated Transportation Services of the Bluegrass, Inc. Documented Categorical Exclusions and a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment For Capital Transit Facility Purchase, Building Rehab and Bus Wash PROCUREMENT by: Federated Transportation Services of the Bluegrass, Inc. (FTSB) CONTACT: Pam Shepherd, Executive Director 2308 Frankfort Ct., Lexington, KY 40510 Ph. 859-233-0066, Fax: 859-233-1668 IMPORTANT DATES: Issued: Bids Due: 4/18/2011 5/2/2011 – 2 PM EST PROPOSED PROJECT The intent of this RFP is to solicit bids for an Documented Categorical Exclusion and a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for Capital Transit Facility, Building Rehab and Bus Wash Federated Transportation Services of the Bluegrass, Inc. (FTSB) is seeking funding through a Section 5309 Discretionary Capital Facilities Grant from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to purchase a Transit Facility, Building Rehab and Bus Wash. FTSB purposed Transit Facility is located at 2308 Frankfort Ct., Lexington, KY 40510, which is owned by Mulloy and Rosenberg Partnership, LLC. FTSB is currently located at this facility and leasing the property. The real property of approximately 2.27 acres and the current transit facility is approximately a 10,000 square foot building on said property. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has reviewed FTSB’s scope of work for the purchase of a transit facility and building rehab/bus wash. FTA has determined and recommended that FTSB acquire a Documented Categorical Exclusion and a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment in order to proceed. In regards to Categorical Exclusion (23 C.F.R. 771.117): Categorical Exclusion (CE’s) is granted for actions that do not individually or cumulatively involve significant social, economic or environmental impacts. The projects listed in 23 C.F.R. 771.117 involved little or no construction and involve minimal or no effects of-site. The regulation gives a list of the types of projects that are categorically excluded. Once FTA has determined that a CE applies, it may act on the application for financial assistance. A Documented CE involves additional documentation for suitability. The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment involves a site visit and document review of the surrounding area to determine if further investigation is advised from an environmental standpoint. A Phase 1 inspection is a review of local governmental documents regarding the site to determine what the past usage of the site was along with extensive document review of the surrounding area. It also entails a very involved and detailed site visit by a qualified professional. The reasons for producing environmental documentation for this project are to provide due diligence in protecting the natural and human environment, to effectively explain the process utilized to reach the recommended project alternative, and to ensure the proper utilization of public funds. This project is in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPTA) because of the use of Federal Funding. SCOPE OF WORK Confidential and Proprietary FTSB RFP Page 2 of 4 The scope of work will include in the Documented Categorical Exclusion in the initial screening level effort to identify any potential environmental issues that may pose available records and/or databases of local, state and federal environmental agencies. This will include the following: √ Initial coordination letters to federal, state, and local environmental agencies to obtain information within the area of potential effect. √ The known or potential locations of important ecological components such as threatened or endangered species, wetlands, or bodies of surface water. √ A review of readily available historical documents of architectural/and archaeological overview. √ Traffic impacts and related noise and air quality impacts. T Y P E O F C O N T R AC T All services will be on the cost reimbursement basis. A standard fee schedule including hourly billing rates, inclusive of all customary and statutory benefits, and overhead shall be included with the proposal. C O N S U LTA N T R E Q U I R E M E N T S The consultant shall be prequalified to perform NEPA work for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Furthermore, the consultant shall provide past experience with environmental documentation and should identify the professional personnel to be utilized to fulfill the environmental documentation requirements of the project. C R I T E R I A F O R E VA L U AT I O N O F INTERESTED FIRMS: Proposal Review Committee A Proposal Review Committee (“Committee”) will be appointed to evaluate the Proposals. The Committee will be comprised of three FTSB employees and one FTSB board member. The proposal for consultant services shall be prepared in accordance with the evaluation criteria as outlined below: Confidential and Proprietary FTSB RFP Page 3 of 4 35 Points Qualifications Qualifications and performance on projects of similar type. (Include at least one sheet for each member of your consultant team who will be working on this project; which will include all their qualifications needed to perform this project.) 35 Points Experience Relative experience and familiarity of Consultant Personnel assigned to the project with comparable environmental documents for federal, state, local or other governmental agencies (Include at least one sheet per project in the Proposal for up to three projects of similar type.) 30 Points Meet time and budget requirements Meeting time and budget requirements on projects of similar type. (List at least one sheet per project showing your ability to meet the time constraints outlined and maintaining the budget outlined in the contract for up to three projects of similar type.) S U B M I T TA L I N S T R U C T I O N S The Proposal shall meet the above requirements. The Proposal is to be submitted by mail to: Pam Shepherd, Executive Director Federated Transportation Services of the Bluegrass, Inc. 2308 Frankfort Ct. Lexington, KY 40510 Confidential and Proprietary FTSB RFP Page 4 of 4