Vocabulary Quiz: Unit 2

Name ___________________________Vocabulary Quiz: 2nd Grade Unit 2
A. Match the words on the left by drawing a line to its definition on the right.
1. ____neighbor
a. moves because of a current of air or water
2. ____young
b. moved or flew with quick, light, flapping movements
3. ____serious
c. a person, place, or thing that is near another
4. ____fluttered
d. a person who trains people who play sports
5. ____coach
e. not old
6. ____drifts
f. dangerous
B. Fill-in the correct word from the word bank that completes the sentence.
7. Please do not ask me __________________ questions.
8. We __________________ my dog from the SPCA.
9. My teacher __________________ me of what my homework is each day.
10. I _____________________ when I saw my sister make a silly face.
11. Be careful when you swim so that you do not ___________________.
12. My mom __________________ in my room to make sure I was sleeping.
Name ___________________________Vocabulary Quiz: 2nd Grade Unit 2
C. Look the following words up in the glossary. Write only the definition of the
13. desert - _________________________________________________
14. mammal - ________________________________________________
15. coach - __________________________________________________
D. Write a synonym for each word.
16. vanished - ___________________
17. snuggled - ___________________
18. informs - ___________________
19. gently - __________________
20. burst - __________________