Biosketch of Nicholas G. Hall

Biosketch of Nicholas G. Hall
Nicholas G. Hall is Professor of Management Sciences in the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University. He holds B.A., M.A. degrees in economics from the
University of Cambridge, a professional qualification in accounting, and a Ph.D. (1986)
from the University of California at Berkeley. His research interests are in operational
supply chain issues, especially scheduling and pricing, project management, and in applications of operations research to public policy problems. He is the author of over 70
refereed publications, and has given over 260 academic presentations, including 88 invited presentations in 20 countries, 6 conference keynote presentations and 6 INFORMS
tutorials. A 2008 citation study ranked him 13th among 1,376 scholars in the operations
management field. He is a Fellow of the Institute for Decision Making Under Uncertainty
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He won the Faculty Outstanding Research Award of
the Fisher College of Business in 1998 and 2005. His research has been funded by grants
from the National Science Foundation, the Education Ministry of Japan, and EPSRC
(the national scientific funding agency of the U.K.), and several industrial companies.
His 1991 research project funded by The National Institutes of Health is credited with
saving 43,000 lives. He is currently serving as Treasurer of INFORMS (2011-2012). He
previously served as President of Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Society (1999-2000), and Vice President for Membership and Professional Recognition
of INFORMS (2001-2003). He has also served on several INFORMS Committees, including the Nicholson Prize (1997-1999), Practitioner and Practice Activities (2000) and
Expository Writing (2007-2009), and organized nine topical clusters including 99 invited
sessions at national and international conferences. He has served on the editorial boards
of the journals Operations Research (1991-) and Management Science (1993-2008). He
has held visiting positions at Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), Kellogg
School (Northwestern University) and National University of Singapore. He teaches
operations management and decision modeling courses, and developed and teaches a
project management course that is the most popular elective at Fisher College. He is
the owner and founder of a consulting company, CDOR, that serves the Ohio business
and government communities.