Medical Terminology Study Guide Focus on the terms you don’t know. You already know a lot of these terms. Spend your time wisely and don’t go over the entire list if you already know the terms. Flash cards work well to help memorize these terms. Put aside the cards you already know and focus on the difficult terms. Know the following Word roots for Organs Stomato dento Gingiva encephalo Entero colo Hepato nephron / rene Oophoro hysteron / metro Dermo masto / mammo Cardio cysto Phlebo / veno pneumo / pulmo Regions / directional terms Abdomino adipo Bolo cerico Chromo coccygo Cyto disto Histo ilio Karyo latero Medio nucleo Postero proximo Sarco spino Thoraco tracheo Ventro` vertebro parietal glosso / linguo gastro procto orchiso salpingo osteo rhino hemo / emia antero chondro cranio dorso inguino lumbo pelvi sacro thelo umbilico viscera Combining Forms Prefixes and Suffixes Eal iac ior Ism ose plasm Somes type meter Oma osis plasty Sclerosis stenosis tomy Ana cata epi Hypo hyper inter Intra meta a / an Itis osis ectomy otomy ostomy micro macro graphy / graph brady dys peri tetra lytic poiesis phobia oid retro ase rrhage ab mega / megaly gram tachy endo bi poly cyte penia ana stitial algia ectasia blast ad scopy / scopic ology / ologist de epi tri iso stasis philia pathy auto ose genesis clast poly Cardiovascular System Terms Angio aorto Arterio athero Brachio cardio Corono cyano Oxo pericardio Sphygmo stetho Valvulo vaso Veno / veni ventriculo Dilation coagulo Erythro leuko Hemato morpho Phago thrombo artero atrio cholesterol myxo phlebo thrombo vasculo constriction eosino hemo neutron Lymphatic / Immune System Immuno lympho Thymo toxo Suppression spleno phylaxis Integumentary System Adipo albino Dermo dermato Hidro kerato Lipo melano Pilo sebo cutaneo erythema leuko myco Respiratory System Adenoids alveolus Cilia epiglottis Inspiration glottis Lobe mediastinum bronchioles expiration larynx pleura Pharynx Phreno Spiro trachea pneumo osmia rhino pulmono pnea Digestive System Bucco Esophago Phagia Glosso Hepato Ileo Oro Procto Recto celio prandial ptosis duodeno gastro jejuno linguo litho spleno denti emesis stasis entero gingiva labio pancreato lipo Ureters detrusor nephro / reno bowman’s capsule collecting duct renal pelvis renal pyramids Urinary Bladder urethral sphincter renal corpuscle renal tubule minor calyx cortex renal columns adreno thyro crino tropin gonado andro homeo Urinary System Kidneys Urethra Nephron Glomerulus Loop of henle Major calyx Medulla lobule Endocrine System Adeno pituitaro estro hormone Musculoskeletal System Bones Kypho lordo Myelo ortho Spondylo vertebra Malacia physis Costo Joints Ankylo arthro Burso chondro Teno / tendino Muscles Fascio fibro Myocardio rhabdomyo Asthenia trophy scolio osteo listhesis porosis articulo synovo myo leiomyo