MID CHESHIRE COLLEGE AUDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 14 FEBRUARY 2011 Present: Bob Floyd (Chair) Stephen Barnes Jane Williamson Member Member Member In attendance: Wanda Ford Judith Bickerton Keith Rushton Alison Duncalf Vice-Principal: Business Management RSM Tenon (Internal Audit) RSM Tenon (Internal Audit) Clerk to the Corporation The meeting opened at 8.21am. 1. APOLOGIES 1.1 Apologies were received from Sue Harris (Baker Tilly – External Audit). 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST 2.1 There were no declarations of interest. 2.2 Members were reminded of the right of the Committee to go into confidential session and (subject to the rules relating to quoracy) to exclude any, or all, participants and observers, excepting the Clerk to the Committee. 3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 3.1 Resolved: that the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Audit Committee held on 8 November 2010 be approved. 4. MATTERS ARISING 4.1 Item 5.4, page 2 – Framework for Safeguarding – The Vice-Principal: Business Management confirmed that the Internal Audit Report in respect of Framework for Safeguarding had been considered by the Personnel Committee the previous week. 4.2 There were no further matters arising that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda. 5. INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS 5.1 Mr Rushton referred members to the previously circulated Internal Audit Progress Report and the summary of the outcome of internal audit work 1 completed to date against the Internal Audit Plan for 2010-11. It was confirmed that overall the message was good and that the Plan continued to be on target for completion in-year. 5.2 Members noted that since the last meeting of the Committee two reports had been finalised:- Corporate Governance and Risk Management Winsford Learning Zone Capital Project and Learner Number Systems – Enrolments, Registers, Withdrawals and Transfers. Mr Rushton confirmed that no major issues had been identified that would impact on the annual opinion with an assurance level of green having been awarded for both areas. 5.3 Mr Rushton stated that there remained four areas of outstanding work:Financial Controls; Train to Gain; Assurance Stocktake; and Follow Up. It was confirmed these works were planned to commence in May 2011. 5.4 With respect to the Assurance Stocktake, Mr Rushton reported, that it was previously proposed that a thematic review encompassing efficiency and effectiveness take place, but due to the extensive level of change in the sector it was considered to be inappropriate at this time and would now take place in the next academic year. Members noted that following discussions with the College it was proposed that this time now be utilised as part of an assurance review of high level strategic risks. The VicePrincipal: Business Management added that the College was approaching the end of a three year cycle in relation to risk management and that a full review was planned for the latter part of the academic year. 5.5 5.6 Members noted that there had been three Client Briefings issued since the last meeting of the Committee:- Review of Fees and Co-Funding in Further Education - FE General Update 2010 - Bribery Act 2010 Update. Mr Rushton went on to direct members to the appendices attached to the paper and confirmed the following:- the work completed to date in 2010-11 including a summary of assurance levels and recommendations - an overview of work in progress or yet to start - executive summaries. Corporate Governance and Risk Management – Winsford Learning Zone Capital Project 5.7 Mr Rushton reported that the review presented a good clean report with no recommendations arising. Members were directed to page 7 of the report and the identification of good practice during the course of the audit in relation to the risk register review process and the annual reviews of confidential minutes and their declassification. 2 Learner Number Systems – Enrolments, Registers, Withdrawals and Transfers 5.8 It was confirmed that a good clean report and a green level of assurance had been provided for this area. Mr Rushton added that a significant percentage of the College’s funding was reliant on these systems. Members noted that there were two recommendations arising in relation to procedure notes and documentation associated with withdrawals and transfers. 5.9 The Vice-Principal added that a new MIS Manager had been appointed and taken up the post in July 2010. 5.10 Mr Rushton concluded that overall the College was in a good position. 5.11 Resolved: that the Internal Audit Progress Report with respect to Corporate Governance and Risk Management and Learner Number Systems be received and noted. 6. UPDATED STRATEGY FOR INTERNAL AUDIT 2010-11 6.1 Mr Rushton referred members to the previously circulated report and the Updated Strategy for Internal Audit 2010-11. Members noted that the report had been considered at the previous two meetings of the Committee. 6.2 It was confirmed that the report had been updated to reflect the Assurance Stocktake and the new area of work commissioned with respect to high level strategic risks. 6.3 Resolved: that the Updated Strategy for Internal Audit 2010-11 be received and noted. 7. AUDIT PROGRESS REPORTS 7.1 The Vice-Principal: Business Management referred members to the previously circulated report and an update on progress achieved in the implementation of recommendations arising from the audit work previously reported to the Committee in relation to:Capital Projects 2008-09 (Internal Audit – RSM Tenon) Framework for Safeguarding (Internal Audit – RSM Tenon) Review of Employer Responsive Activity (Internal Audit – Tenon) Audit Findings Report (External Audit – Baker Tilly). 7.2 It was reported that all outstanding recommendations had been implemented with the exception of the one recommendation arising from the Review of Employer Responsiveness Activity. The Vice-Principal confirmed that the recommendation related to Employer Responsiveness learners accessing Additional Learner Support. Member noted that this related to students who essentially never came into College. The VicePrincipal stated that the new Sector Manager (Essential Skills) was working with the Employer Services Manager to address this gap. It was 3 confirmed that this impacted on approximately 20 students mainly in the area of Hospitality and Catering. 7.3 The Vice-Principal confirmed that progress in this area was routinely monitored internally via the termly performance monitoring process. 7.4 Resolved: that the report and update on the progress of the implementation of recommendations arising from audit reports previously considered by the Committee, be received and noted. 8. RISK MANAGEMENT 8.1 The Vice-Principal: Business Management referred members to the previously circulated report and information on the progress made and actions identified in the Risk Management Action Plan, together with the current status of the top ten risks and any changes to the risk catalogue. 8.2 The Vice-Principal went on to take members through the top ten risks. 8.3 In respect of Risk 1 “Reduction in public spending/recession/funding” the Vice-Principal stated that the reduction in public spending was of particular concern to the College adding that following the 7% cut in Adult Learner Responsiveness Funding for 2010-11 a detailed review of the College’s adult delivery had been undertaken. 8.4 The Vice-Principal reported that the College was taking a number of steps in planning for the significant cuts in income anticipated in 2011-12. The Vice-Principal added that following the healthy recruitment of 16-18 year olds there had been a higher level of withdrawals than anticipated which would impact on the allocation and funding for the next academic year. 8.5 Members noted that the College was continuing to look at how it would accommodate these cuts to funding in 2011-12. 8.6 The Vice-Principal stated that the relationship between the College and the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) and the Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) was a very different relationship to that with the Learning and Skills Agency (Risk 2 “Machinery of Government Changes”). 8.7 In terms of Risk 3 and “Competition from new and existing educational establishments” the Vice-Principal outlined the College’s response to the new Winsford Academy which included more aggressive marketing campaigns, particularly where there was direct competition for courses. It was noted that the Academy had recently received approval for a £20m new build. 8.8 The Vice-Principal reported that the College had encountered a very challenging process in accessing capital monies to support its new build proposals at the Hartford site. She added that the College had been successful in securing some capital monies to support a window replacement programme in the Hartford main building. 4 8.9 The Vice-Principal added that the College was entering an extremely difficult period and that the College would need to ensure that it delivered savings without impacting on the quality of provision and the morale of staff. 8.10 Discussion followed with respect to the scale of the cuts. The VicePrincipal stated that moving forward it was unclear as to what would emerge. She added that the sector was in a state of flux and there was uncertainty attached to the future of the funding bodies and the funding mechanism. 8.11 Discussion followed with respect to the potential for the reductions in funding and its ability to destabilise the College. The Vice-Principal stated that in the knowledge that there would be a significant fall in income the Senior Management Team were planning a course of action and exploring a number scenarios. It was noted that the College was committed to maintaining the quality of its provision and the morale of its staff. 8.12 Clarification was sought as to whether in its response to the funding cuts the College would be able to deliver annual surpluses capable of funding the capital programme. The Vice-Principal responded that there was confidence that this was achievable. She added that the Corporation had agreed that moving forward staffing costs should retain its current ratio (of 69%) as a proportion of its income. 8.13 The Vice-Principal stated that some reassurance could be gained from the level of planning taking place in response to the impending cuts. Audit of Train to Gain Sub Contractors 8.14 The Vice-Principal reported that the College continued to have to have one sub contract agreement in place with CEL Training Ltd. Members noted that there had been no issues identified with this organisation and the success rates were good. 8.15 There was confirmation that the regular auditing and spot checks had not revealed any issues and the success rates were well above average. 8.16 The Vice-Principal went on to outline two new arrangements due to take effect shortly, the acting as a managing agent for Holiday Break and an franchise arrangement for the delivery of fork lift truck training with a local company. It was noted that these arrangements had been considered by the Finance and General Purposes Committee. 8.17 Resolved: that:(a) the update on the risk catalogue be received and noted; and (b) the report on the Train to Gain audit activity be received and noted. 9. NEW GUIDANCE 9.1 Members noted that there was no new guidance to report. 5 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 10.1 There were no further items of business. 11. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS 11.1 Monday 16 May 2011 The auditors withdrew from the meeting. 12. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDITOR 12.1 The Vice-Principal: Business Management referred members to the previously circulated report and a completed questionnaire in respect of the performance of the External Financial Statements and Regularity Auditors for their work in relation to the 2009-10 academic year. 12.2 It was noted there no significant issues had been identified. The VicePrincipal confirmed that a lower score had been awarded with respect to the recommendations made and whether they were deemed to be significant in nature. She added that there had also been some delays in dealing with queries. 12.3 Members indicated that on the basis of their performance they would be happy to recommend the reappointment of Baker Tilly for a further 12 month period. 12.4 Resolved: that:(a) the performance review of the Financial Statements Auditor be endorsed; (b) based on the past years performance of Baker Tilly they be recommended to the Corporation for re-appointment for a further 12 month period; and (c) the performance indicators as presented be adopted for a further year. The meeting closed at 8.55am. Alison Duncalf Clerk to the Corporation 6