BT 201 Biotechnology Techniques I Fall 2008 Syllabus BT 201-A001 Tues., Thurs. 9:30-12:20 ACA 111 Instructor: Misty Gish Email: Office Location: 110K Academic Building Office Phone: 686-4554 Office: Mon.:9:30am-11:00 am Tues.: 8:30am-9:30am, 2:30pm-3:30pm Wed.: 8:30am-10:00am, 12:30pm-3:30pm Thurs.: 8:30am-9:30am, 2:30pm-3:30pm Other office hours available by appointment Description: Students will learn theory and techniques applicable in the field of biotechnology. Lab safety, media and solution preparation, and use of laboratory equipment will be covered. Various RNA and DNA techniques, gene expression and purification, and bioinformatics will be included. Prerequisites: One semester of college biology with lab and one semester of college chemistry with lab. Supplies needed: Calculator, laboratory notebook, ink pens. Course objectives: To become familiar with methods used in the biotechnology laboratory. Students should be able to perform various RNA and DNA techniques, follow protocols, and be familiar with laboratory safety, record keeping, and solution preparation. Required text: Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology 1st ed. by Seidman & Moore, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (2000). Bring book to class. Other Course References: Biotechnology Laboratory Methods in the Regulated Work Place Laboratory Manual by Lisa Seidman, Madison Area Technical College. Available online at the following URL: BITC 1311 Introduction to Biotechnology Laboratory Manual 6th ed. By Fletcher, Goss, Phelps, and Wheeler. Available online at the following URL: Course requirements: Assignments are to be read prior to beginning of class period. Homework assignments, papers, and reports are due at beginning of class period. Students are expected to participate in all activities. All material covered in assigned chapters and in class lectures as well as oral assignments, handouts, homework, and quizzes is subject to being on an exam. Evaluation/Grading Procedures: The course grade will be based on assignments and exams given throughout the semester, including the following: Lab Assignments/Homework/Quizzes: These will make up 40% of your grade. Quizzes will not necessarily be announced prior to the class period in which they will be given. Keeping a proper laboratory notebook will be included in this grade. Exams: There will be one midterm, worth 100 points and one final exam, worth 200 points. Students are expected to arrive on time to begin the exam, and will not be allowed to leave the exam room and re-enter, to complete the exam, unless is it an emergency. Anyone attempting to do so will be given a grade of zero for the exam. Exams count for 50% of your grade Attendance: Attendance of all class sessions is expected and necessary to succeed in the course. In-class participation and behavior contribute to this grade as well. Attendance is recorded daily, and you will be unable to make up missed lab work. Forgetting to sign the attendance sheet will count as an absence, even if student was actually present. Missing three or more labs during the semester will result in an attendance grade of zero. Missing five or more lab sessions will result in a reduction by one letter grade for each absence over five. Attendance will count for 10% of your total grade. Leaving class before the material has been covered (early) will result in a tardy. Two tardies count as one absence. Habitual tardiness will result in reduction of participation/attendance grade to zero. Absences will only be excused in the event of documented and verifiable circumstances. Your final course grade will be determined as follows 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = E Withdrawal: Friday, August 22: Last day to drop a class without a grade Monday, October 20: Last day to withdraw with a “W” (without instructor approval) Friday, December 5: Last day to withdraw (by 12 noon), and receive a “W” (with instructor approval) Any student who wishes to withdraw from the course after October 20 will only be granted a withdraw if the student has routinely attended class, and put forth a diligent effort in the course, unless a situation arises justifying the need to withdraw. Justification of such a situation will be at the discretion of the instructor. Expectations: Expectations for this course are in direct support of OCTC’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), which can be found at the following web address: It is expected that all students will follow OCTC Standards of Professional Conduct during class time. Disruptions will not be tolerated and disrespectful behavior toward other students or the instructor will result in dismissal of the student for the remainder of the class period, resulting in a drop in attendance and participation points. Repeated disruptions will result in lowering entire grade by one letter at semester’s end. Cell phones are to be turned off during class time. If your cell phone rings during class time, you will be dismissed from the class for the rest of the period, and may return the next class period. This is to ensure that other students are not disturbed by your phone ringing. Repeated offenses will result in formal complaint. If someone needs to reach you in an emergency, they may call the switchboard at 686-4400 and leave a message to contact you. Any material written in this course will be required to be at level 3 of OCTC expectations. Excessive grammatical, typographical, or spelling errors will considerably lower the student’s grade on that particular assignment. Proper use of the English language is expected, avoiding the use of “I” or “you” in writing assignments. This is a web-enhanced course. Blackboard software will be utilized in the course for posting assignments, as well as discussion board and other activities. Web access outside of class will be required in order to be successful in this course. There are computer labs located on campus for use by students who do not have internet access at home. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. Assignments that are suspected of being anything other than the student’s own work will be given a grade of zero. Cheating on any quiz or exam will result in a grade of zero with no chance for makeup of the failing grade. Makeup/Late Work: Exams may only be made up in documented cases of emergency and at the instructor’s discretion. Written documentation of justification for absence is required before makeup will be considered. Barring extreme circumstances (hospitalization, etc.), notice of absence from an exam must be received no later than the day in which the exam is missed (by email, phone message, etc.) or a zero will automatically be given. Any missed exam must be made up within one week of the absence, unless circumstances (hospitalization, etc.) prevent the exam being made up within this time frame. Due to the nature of the lab class, missed quizzes may not be made up. Missed laboratory material must be made up on the student’s own time and only with prior arrangement and permission of the instructor. Assignments are expected to be handed in at the beginning of the class period in which they are due. Any work turned in after the due date will have points deducted accordingly, and assignments will only be accepted 1 class period after the due date, unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. Important Dates: October 13-18: Fall Break (no classes) November 4: Election Day (no classes) November 27-29: Thanksgiving Holiday (no classes) December 9: Final Exam Course Specific Competency: This course focuses on techniques used in a biotechnology laboratory. Students should become familiar with aspects of laboratory safety, cleanliness, and record maintenance. Upon course completion, students should be able to prepare solutions, keep scientific notebooks, understand and utilize laboratory equipment and apparatus, follow written procedures, and perform various molecular and basic scientific methodologies geared toward RNA and DNA technology. General Education Across the Curriculum Competencies: I: Communicate effectively 1. Students will be expected to communicate clearly using correct standard English. 2. Students will interact with other group members in a cooperative manner. 3. Students will exhibit basic computer usage skills. 4. Students will read and listen with comprehension. II: Think Critically 1. Understand and make connections across disciplines. 2. Implement logical steps to solution of problems through analysis, interpretation, and summary. 3. Use mathematics to model solutions to problems. III: Learn Independently 1. Use appropriate avenues to obtain, validate, and use source information. 2. Demonstrate awareness of influence of ethics and perspective on decision making. 3. Apply knowledge gained to situations outside the classroom. 4. Demonstrate creative thinking to formulate new ideas or processes. IV: Examine Relationships in Diverse and Complex Environments 1. Understand impact of self on biological and physical environment. 2. Recognize self as individual member of complex global community. Topic Schedule Tentative -subject to change Week 1: Introduction and notebooks, laboratory safety Week 2: GMPs and SOPs, lab calculations Week 3: Lab calculations, pipetting exercises Week 4: Media and solutions preparation, aseptic techniques Week 5: Media and solutions continued, bacterial cultures Week 6: DNA isolation, agarose gel electrophoresis Week 7: Spectrophotometry Week 8: Restriction enzymes Week 9: DNA transformation, plasmid minipreps Week 10: PCR Week 11: DNA sequence theory Week 12: Bioinformatics Week 13: Projects/presentations Week 14: Catch up/ Finish up Week 15: Review Final Exam: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, at 9:30 am. Syllabus Acknowledgement Statement: I, ________________________________________, acknowledge that I have received a copy of the syllabus for the course _________________________________________________________________. I have reviewed the syllabus and understand what is expected for me to be successful in this course. Any questions that I have regarding those expectations or this course in general, will be directed to the instructor, Misty Gish, for prompt resolution. Any unresolved issues will be carried further for resolution, if necessary. Student Signature_____________________________________________________Date______________ Instructor Signature____________________________________________________ Date____________