DIRECTIONS: Please mark the letter of the correct answer on your scantron answer sheet.
NOTE: All dates on this test are BCE.
1. The Sacred Wars all involved Delphi and
A. Corinth
C. Sparta
B. Phocis
D. Locria
2. A crucial and decisive naval battle of the Persian War took place at
A. Thermopylae
C. Pydna
B. Miletus
D. Salamis
3. The Greek admiral of the above battle was
A. Eurybiades
C. Peisistratus
B. Lysander
D. Cleon
4. The Battle of _____ ended 75 years of Persian domination in Ionia.
A. Sardis
C. Mycale
B. Naxos
D. Plataea
5. The ____ League formed as a mutual defense pact against the Persians in 478.
A. Delian
C. Amphictyonic
B. Piraean
D. Nemean
6. The Helot Revolt took place in Sparta in the year
A. 479
C. 453
B. 488
D. 464
7. The foremost politician in Athens after the death of Pericles was
A. Cleon
C. Epialtes
B. Theron
D. Aristides
8. Two of the most important Dorian cities in ______ were Cnidus and Halicarnassus.
A. Thessaly
C. Ionia
B. Asia Minor
D. Pontus
9. The only Athenian naval commander to get his squadron safely away from the defeat at
Aegospotami was
A. Leonidas
C. Conon
B. Cimon
D. Hipparinus
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10. ____ served alongside Socrates at the Battle of Potidaea.
A. Alcibiades
C. Pericles
B. Charmides
D. Lycurgus
11. The Athenian oligarch _______ ruled as leader of the Thirty Tyrants from 404-403.
A. Draco
C. Solon
B. Critias
D. Periander
12. The Peloponnesian War lasted ____ years.
A. 20
C. 27
B. 23
D. 34
13. The first Persian king to cross into Europe was
A. Cambyses
C. Xerxes
B. Darius I
D. Cyrus I
14. After receiving the Athenian surrender, _____ occupied the city and installed the Thirty
A. Theramenes
C. Pausanius
B. Lysander
D. Thrasybulus
15. Agesilaus defeated an army of Thebans, Argives, Athenians, and Corinthians at the Battle of
A. Megara
C. Pylos
B. Delium
D. Coronea
16. In the summer of 371, Sparta was defeated by the Thebans under the leadership of
A. Epaminondas
C. Nicias
B. Polycrates
D. Tyrtaeus
17. Free-born natives with basic legal protection and obligations but without the right to
participate in the government were called
A. kouroi
C. perioikoi
B. hetairoi
D. boiotoi
18. The Corinthian dictator who seized power from the aristocratic Bacchiads in 657 was
A. Cypselus
C. Agesilaus
B. Aratus
D. Periander
19. In 474 the ____ were defeated in a sea battle off the coast of Cumae by the Syracusan tyrant
Hieron I.
A. Lydians
C. Persians
B. Etruscans
D. Athenians
20. The Parthenon was constructed as part of the building program of
A. Pericles
C. Themistocles
B. Cimon
D. Phormio
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21. The Parthenon’s construction was overseen by the sculptor
A. Polyclitus
C. Praxiteles
B. Myron
D. Phidias
22. The Greek philosopher who founded the Eleatic School was
A. Parmenides C. Protagoras
B. Plato
D. Pythagoras
23. Which Greek historian, known as the Father of History, wrote a surviving account of the
Persian Wars which ended when he was a child?
A. Thucydides C. Herodotus
B. Polybius
D. Xenophon
24. Athenians could use a vote for ostracism to banish any citizen for _____ years.
A. 6
C. 3
B. 20
D. 10
25. Athenians selected ___ archons annually by lot.
A. 2
C. 5
B. 9
D. 12
26. The Senior Archon who served as the ______ gave his name to the calendar year.
A. basileus
C. polemarchos
B. eponumos
D. areopagos
27. The Pythian, Isthmian, Olympian, and _____ games were four major sports contests.
A. Nemean
C. Corinthian
B. Delphian
D. Delian
28. The semilegendary lawgiver who founded the government and social organization of Sparta
A. Lycurgus I
C. Agesilaus
B. Cleomenes
D. Agis I
29. Kings of Lydia repeatedly attacked the Ionian city of ____ because it was an outlet to the sea.
A. Phocaea
C. Miletus
B. Ephesus
D. Mytelene
30. Linear B was first revealed to the modern world by ____ during his excavation of Knossus.
A. Heinrich Schliemann
C. Howard Carter
B. Michael Ventris
D. Sir Arthur Evans
31. Anaximander and Anaximenes were followers of the philosopher
A. Aristotle
C. Empedocles
B. Thales
D. Plato
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32. The philosopher who was a tutor to Alexander the Great was
A. Aristotle
C. Democritus
B. Leucippus
D. Zeno
33. The statesman who in the early 500s laid the foundations of Athenian democracy and
alleviated the burdens of poor farmers was
A. Cylon
C. Solon
B. Cimon
D. Timoleon
34. The Isthmian Games took place every _____ years at Corinth.
A. 5
C. 4
B. 2
D. 3
35. The poet who is considered to be the greatest choral poet of ancient Greece and whose odes
are divided into categories that reflect the four major sports festivals was
A. Pindar
C. Callimachus
B. Heraclitus
D. Terpander
36. The philosopher ____ recounts his exploits as he led Greek mercenaries out of Persia to
Greece after the death of Cyrus at the Battle of Cunaxa.
A. Diogenes
C. Heraclitus
B. Anaxagoras D. Xenophon
37. King Darius I sent Persian forces to punish Eretria and Athens for their role in the Ionian
Revolt against Persia. The major battle that ensued was the Battle of
A. Salamis
C. Mycale
B. Marathon
D. Sestos
38. Gaugamela, the location of a battle between Alexander the Great and King Darius, is in
A. Iran
C. Iraq
B. Afghanistan
D. Pakistan
39. The Athenian soldier and politician who was the father of Pericles was
A. Anacreon
C. Cleanthes
B. Xanthippus D. Nicias
40. Despite the warning to the Athenians of his kinsman Solon, ____ was able to seize the
Acropolis and become tyrant in 561.
A. Pisistratus
C. Draco
B. Megacles
D. Solon
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41. The successes of ______ against the Athenian holdings on the northern Aegean coast during
the Peloponnesian War brought about a mood of stalemate which led to the Peace of Nicias.
A. Brasidas
C. Archidamus I
B. Phormio
D. Leonidas
42. Which of the following was NOT one of the Seven Sages?
A. Thales
C. Chilon
B. Pittacus
D. Cleon
43. Alexander the Great commanded the Macedonian cavalry at the Battle of ____ in which King
Philip II won control of all of Greece.
A. Chaeronea
C. Delium
B. Issus
D. Mantinea
44. Which statesman gave the Athenians the first written code of law in 621?
A. Solon
C. Draco
B. Cleon
D. none of the above
45. Who was the mastermind of the Battle of Marathon? This man also ruled as the tyrant of the
Thracian Chersonese.
A. Demosthenes
C. Acibiades
B. Militiades
D. Callicratides
46. Who served as regent in Macedonia while Alexander the Great was campaigning in the east?
A. Antigonus II
C. Gyges
B. Pella
D. Antipater
47. Where did Alexander the Great fight his first battle against the Persians that opened up Asia
Minor for conquest?
A. Granicus River
C. Hydaspes River
B. Tigris River
D. Hyphasis River
48. When the volcano on Thera erupted in 1480, which of the following civilizations was
flourishing there?
A. Knossan
C. Minoan
B. Doric
D. Cycladic
49. Which is the closest to the original meaning of the word tyrant?
A. abuser of power
C. hereditary aristocrat
B. elected representative
D. usurper with supreme power
50. Greeks from what city founded Byzantium?
A. Miletus
C. Megara
B. Pherae
D. Elis
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51. The Alcmaeonids were active in the politics of the city of ____.
A. Athens
C. Corinth
B. Thebes
D. Sparta
52. Which of the following was the site of the final battle of the Peloponnesian War?
A. Piraeus
C. Miletus
B. Aegospotami
D. Thermopylae
53. Which of the following was not an ally of the others in the Corinthian War of 395?
A. Athens
C. Sparta
B. Corinth
D. Argos
54. Which of the following is NOT an accomplishment of Philip II of Macedon?
A. an invasion of Persia
C. creation of the phalanx formation
B. the extension of the Macedonian frontiers D. the foundation of the Corinthian League
55. While the Spartans were defending the pass at Thermopylae, what other battle was taking
place at almost exactly the same time?
A. Halieis
C. Artemisium
B. Cecryphalea
D. Himera
56. What is the name of the social class added by Solon?
A. thetes
C. hippes
B. zeugitae
D. heliaea
57. Which of the following is responsible for introducing the first truly Attic coinage?
A. Cleon
C. Draco
B. Solon
D. Dionysus I
58. Who divided the Attic demes into groups called trittyes?
A. Cleomenes
C. Cleisthenes
B. Isagoras
D. Solon
59. This woman became regent of the Carian kingdom after the death of her father Lygdamis.
She accompanied Xerxes in the Persian Wars and showed resourcefulness at the Battle of
A. Artemisia
C. Roxane
B. Barsine
D. Laodice
60. Which of the following happened first?
A. Battle of Salamis
B. Draco issues code of laws.
C. Socrates is condemned to death.
D. Pisistratus takes power for the first time.
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61. The Second Athenian League was formed as a defense of freedom against
A. Thebes
C. Persia
B. Corinth
D. Sparta
62. The Long Walls of Athens were built during the
A. Sacred Wars
C. Ionian Revolt
B. Peloponnesian War
D. Persian Wars
63. Which tyrant was responsible for building the Diolkos by which ships could be carried across
the Isthmus?
A. Cypselus
C. Hipparinus
B. Periander
D. Thrasybulus
64. Which of the following is NOT correct about Messenia?
A. There were three Messenian Wars.
B. Aristodemus and Aristomenes failed in their defense of the area.
C. The Messenian people were helots of Sparta.
D. Messenia was liberated in 431 by the Theban Epaminondes.
65. What was the name of the revolutionary group that overthrew democracy at Athens in 411
and held power for four months?
A. The Three Hundred
C. The Five Thousand
B. The Two ThousandD. The Four Hundred
66. Which of the following is NOT true about Parmenion?
A. He was Philip of Macedon’s finest general.
B. He was Alexander the Great’s second in command.
C. He was left at Ecbatana in 331 to guard the royal treasury.
D. He murdered his own son Philotas.
67. Which of the following is NOT one of the means of governing used by Sparta?
A. krypteia
C. apella
B. probouloi
D. kosmoi
68. The polemarchos was replaced by ___ as the chief magistrate of Athens.
A. gerousia
C. boule
B. hetairoi
D. 10 generals
69. In 480 Gelon of Syracuse defeated Hamilcar and the Carthaginians at
A. Himera
C. Sestos
B. Gela
D. Agrigentum
70. Who was the mother of Alexander the Great?
A. Olympias
C. Methusa
B. Corrina
D. Aspasia
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TIE BREAKERS: Answer these questions on #96-100 on your answer sheet.
96. The first archon of Athens was
A. Creon
C. Perdiccas I
B. Cypselus
D. Solon
97. What was the name of Alexander the Great’s wife?
A. Sappho
C. Xanthippe
B. Roxane
D. Penelope
98. Which of the following was NOT voted into ostracism?
A. Aristides
C. Themistocles
B. Cimon
D. Pericles
99. What caused the Spartans to arrive late and miss the Battle of Marathon?
A. the death of the king
C. a festival to Apollo
B. the plague
D. a helot uprising
100. What was the name of the Spartan Council of Elders?
A. periocei
C. gerusia
B. ephorate
D. krypteia
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