Week 2: On board the Titanic Recalling the previous drama lesson Inside Margaret’s Cabin- creating the drama space Margaret’s Special Items Exploring the cabin through the senses Still images exploring Margaret’s dreams Reflective Diary entry in role Week 1: Getting to know Margaret Introduction to Margaret Developing the Story TIR –as Margaret CIR- Still images exploring dramatic moments before Margaret sets off on the Titanic Children reflect on the performance carousel Drama Scheme 5th Class Week 3: The Collision Recapping on the story so far Children will listen and respond to a teacher led narration Still images of the collision in groups Group improvisation- The lifeboat Margaret on the Carpathia- TIR and CIRThought tracking circle Reflection on Margaret’s feelings Reflection on the drama Subject Name: Drama Class: 5th Class Strand: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge and ideas, leading to understanding Strand Units: Exploring and making drama Reflecting on drama Co-operating and communicating in making drama Number and duration of lessons: 3 lessons 45 minutes duration Aims: To develop the child’s ability to enter physically, emotionally and intellectually into the drama world. To enable the child to co-operate and communicate with others through the drama. To enable the child to acquire this knowledge of drama through the active exploration of theme of the Titanic through empathising with characters and reflecting on the drama. To develop the child’s confidence and self-esteem through valuing self-expression. Previous Related Knowledge: The children have actively participated in drama in the classroom and have an understanding of the subject. Their drama lessons take place in their classroom and these lessons have previously involved mimed narration, improvisation in groups or pairs and creating still images. The children have been studying the Titanic in history lessons and have some knowledge of what life was like on board the Titanic, particularly for steerage (Third class) passengers. This background information will be helpful throughout this drama. Content Objective(s) Week One: The child should be enabled to…… -learn, through drama, the relationship between story, theme and life experience Content in sequence Methodologies and Teaching Approaches T&D-The children look at images of the titanic and we will discuss what we have learnt about the event from our history lessons. Introducing the stimulus: Setting the scene Building the context: Preparing to meet Margaret -develop, out of role, the ability to co-operate and to communicate with others in helping to shape the drama DT and T&D- I will display a picture of the Carpathia. I will explain to the children that there was a woman in the background of the picture who we cannot see. I will ask the class to think of questions that they can ask if they meet her. We will write the questions on a large sheet of paper. This will be done as a whole class. Teacher in Role: Meeting Margaret -develop, in role, the ability to co-operate and communicate with others in helping to shape the drama TIR- The children will be seated in a large circle. Using a scarf I will engage in teacher-in-role and become the character of Margaret. AL & CL- The children will ask questions to Margaret. I will answer their questions and read out a letter which will reveal some more information about Margaret. Teacher out of role: Reflection on Margaret’s character AL- T&D- CL The children will work in groups and discuss three new pieces of information about Margaret that they learnt from the letter. I will record a profile of Margaret on a large sheet of paper -develop fictional relationships through interaction with the other characters in small-group or whole-class scenes as the drama text is being made -enact spontaneously for others in the group a scene from the drama, or Children in role: Still images performed through Performance Carousel AL & CL- The children will explore Margaret’s last days before she boarded the Titanic through still images. (GW) I will play music during the performance Each group will depict one of the moments from the days she boarded the Titanic share with the rest of the class a scene that has already been made in simultaneous small-group work Reflection on still images T&D Children will orally reflect on how they felt during the performance carousel. Recalling the previous drama lesson DT- I will reintroduce the children to the story T&D- The children will recap on what they know so far about Margaret and her story. We will discuss where we are now in her life. Building on the context- Inside Margaret’s cabin T&D CL- UE- I will use masking tape to mark the outline of the cabin that Margaret shared with Mary and Kate on the classroom floor. I will elicit responses from the children about what furniture could be in the cabin. Creating the dramatic space-children decide how best to represent the cabin setting AL and CL- Some of the children will place some small drawings of furniture into the cabin. They will decide which bed belongs to Margaret Margaret’s special items- Children respond to the knowledge they have of Margaret and her family Teacher led discussion on what items Margaret may have packed that were important to her – Family photograph- letter from her mother- gift from her brother. (WC) In groups the children will draw some items that may have been of significance to Margaret and they will say where in the cabin she might have kept them e.g Photo of her family under her pillow.(GW) One child from each group then places the item in the cabin stating what it is and where it is kept (IW) Exploring the cabin through the senses- DT- I will model how to explore the cabin using my senses. I will then invite the children to step into the cabin and look and respond to what can be seen in the cabin? What can be heard from inside the cabin? What does the Cabin sound like? Week Two: The child should be enabled to…… - discover how the use of space and objects helps in building the context and in signifying the drama theme -learn, through drama, the relationship between story, theme and life experience -develop, out of role, the ability to co-operate and to communicate with others in helping to shape the drama -develop, in role, the ability to co-operate and communicate with others in helping to shape the drama AL and CL- The children explore the cabin using their senses, to what they see using the following sentences “I can see…I can hear…I can smell” (IW) -develop fictional relationships through interaction with the other characters in small-group or whole-class scenes as the drama text is being made -enact spontaneously for others in the group a scene from the drama, or share with the rest of the class a scene that has already been made in simultaneous smallgroup work Dream sequence- Children create still images of Margaret’ dream I will play music during the performance T&D- The children will reflect and respond to Margaret’s first night in the cabin. We will speculate and discuss what she may have dreamt about so the children have some ideas to work with. AL and CL The children (GW) will then create two images of her dream and they will perform this dream sequence moving between images. They will show these images in a performance carousel so they can watch each other’s work Reflection on dreams- Diary entry in role SC and AL The children will write the diary entry in role as Margaret on her first night on the Titanic. Some children may be willing to share their work. I will play music as the children write to allow them to be fully immersed in the experience. Week Three: The child should be enabled to…… -learn, through drama, the relationship between story, theme and life experience -develop, out of role, the ability to co-operate and to communicate with others in helping to shape the drama Recapping on the story so far T&D- I will reintroduce the children to Margaret’s story and we will discuss what happened in the last lesson Narration- Children will listen and respond to the narration TD- I will narrate a piece to the whole class. We will discuss how Margaret might have felt when the ship collided. Creating still images to depict a dramatic scene Each group will share their images with the whole Class AL – CL and T&D I will then divide the class into groups and we will discuss 5 possible scenes on board the ship as it collided. (GW)I will give each group a different scenario and they will create three images of their scene from the moment the ship is hit to when the ship starts to go down. -develop, in role, the ability to co-operate and communicate with others in helping to shape the drama -develop fictional relationships through interaction with the other characters in small-group or whole-class scenes as the drama text is being made -enact spontaneously for others in the group a scene from the drama, or share with the rest of the class a scene that has already been made in simultaneous smallgroup work Setting the roles- I will brief each of the groups about DT-I will give each group role on board the ship(Crewmembers on deck, Margaret, other passengers, crew on the situation they are in before we begin the board lifeboat) (GW) improvisation. Creating the dramatic space-children decide how best to depict the lifeboat and the decking AL and CL- UE- Some of the children will create the lifeboat and decking while I brief the other children about the dramatic tension that is about to occur (Margaret frees the boat with a penknife in her pocket) (GW) Setting the scene- Building on the context of what we T&D We will discuss what the mood would have been life as people were scrambling onto lifeboats, what people would have know felt and what kind of voices they used (WC) Group improvisation- The lifeboat Margaret on the Carpathia- TIR and CIR- Thought tracking Out of role – The children will write a reflective sentence on how Margaret is feeling on board the ship Reflection AL- CL and PS The children will improvise the scene. They will share their improvisations with one another. (I will make the link of the penknife that was used to cut the ropes of the lifeboat and the present she got from her brother) DT- I will narrate a passage as the children listen. (Nobody has seen Margarets friends Kate and Mary) AL- CL- SC- We will then create a circle of people on board the Carpathia. Each child will create a still image of someone who is on board the ship. CIR I will touch each child on the shoulder and they will give one sentence on their thoughts. TIR as Margaret going around the group asking if they have seen her friends. She eventually sits on a chair and holds still. Out of role- I will leave my scarf on the chair AL CL T&D- The children will place Margaret’s thoughts beside her chair as music is played in the background T&D Children will orally reflect on how they felt during the drama lesson. Integration: History- The Titanic- Freeze frame key moments to create dramatic action and improvisation Gaeilge- Rólimirt sa bhialann, ar saoire PE- Dance, balance, body shapes used in drama Music- Sound scapes, vocal sounds body percussion, composing Visual Arts- Exploring human elements presented in paintings of artists, responding to artist’s work Religion- Stories and Songs interpreted through drama Differentiation: I will keep instructions short and precise to aid children who find it difficult to focus in class. I will also use English which isn’t too difficult and visuals to include EAL learners. There are also some resource and learning-support children who may need more visual resources. Differentiation by task/skill level Some children will give verbal explanations instead of written explanations to the class. I will ask two children to model a paired activity before the rest of the children complete it. I will accommodate for a variety of learning styles – i.e. auditory, visual and kinaesthetic. Differentiation by process: The children will be grouped according to mixed ability to scaffold learning. If there is anyone who is not willing to speak out I will talk to the child and encourage them to get involved even if it is only to say a couple of words. If they are still unwilling I will give them a different task such as miming etc. I will use a selection of lower and higher order questions as well as open and closed questions to suit each child’s ability. In a general context I will consider also: Paired/group activities Multi-sensory approaches (Music) Facilitate a variety of different learning styles abilities and ages Support through questioning, prompts, teaching strategies, grouping Different learning objectives will be set specific to class levels and individual levels Differentiation of teaching style to cater for different learning styles, multiple intelligences and independent learners Provide opportunities for collaborative learning and peer tutoring in both mixed ability and same ability grouping Providing adequate supply of resources, materials and activities to support needs of individuals Assessment: Teacher observation- I will monitor how well the children enter the fictional lens, maintain in role, work with a brief, and understand the drama elements. Can they engage with the teacher in role, can they explore key moments from the drama? Can they go into role themselves? Teacher designated tasks- I will monitor and asses to the extent which the child enters the drama content and makes dramatic action. I will also assess their ability to co-operate in the dramatic action when in role, in still images and reflecting on the drama. Can the children self- assess- can they reflect on drama and gain insights from the drama. Have they gained the ability to communicate, express opinions and feelings and relate to real life experiences? Resources: Images of the Titanic Picture of the Carpathia Scarf Letter, ticket, iron emblem flag Large A3 pieces of paper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7maJOI3QMu0 music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2-1u8xvk54 music Masking tape Coloured card for furniture Chairs for lifeboat Pieces of paper for each child This Scheme and lessons were adapted from http://www.adei.ie/drama-resource-for-upper-primary--margaret-s-gift-.html (Accessed on 24th of February 2015)