Zest-2014 RULES FOR VARIOUS EVENTS 1) ADZAP : 2) (Day 1) You think you can advertise anything from a tooth pick to anything BLOCK AND TACKLE : (Day 2) Do you think that you can contradict yourself in style?? weird out there, your place is here. Think crazy, go berserk, but make Well!! Here is your chance to prove it. Given a topic, the sure you manage to endorse your product. participants will have to speak for and against the same Topic: On the spot in a given span of time. Time : 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Topic: On the spot Rules: * * Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Rules: A team should consist a maximum of five participants. * 2 Participants per school. Prelims: 2.5 minutes on stage, 3minutes * Basis of judgment: humour preparation time and 2 minutes rebuttal. * content, spontaneity and relevance. Finals: 5 minutes on stage, 3 minutes preparation time and 3 minutes rebuttal. . 3) BALL PEN ART : 4) (Day 1) Ballpoint pen enthusiasts here is your chance to be versatile and CHANNEL SURFING : (Day 2) Spontaneity and wit is all it takes. The participants create a unique piece of artwork. should be able to adapt to the change in scene thrown at Theme: General them. Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Rules: 5) * 2 Participants per school. * Drawing material will be provided. WESTERN DANCE: One step can change your world. From Ballroom to the streets, this is your chance to bring the heat!!! Theme: General Time: 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm Rules: * Rules: * Salsa, etc..) Time limit: 4-5 minutes. FOLK DANCE: (Day 1) It’s time to get with the beat - The Desi way!! Theme: Season Celebration Time: 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm Rules: * Genre: Any relevant western style (Hip Hop, A Team should consist a maximum of 5 participants. * 6) (Day 2) Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Genre: Any relevant folk style (Bhangra, Dhandiya, South Indian folk, etc..) * Participants: 10 – 15 * Participants: 10 – 15 * TIME LIMIT: 4-5 MINUTES. * TIME LIMIT: 4-5 MINUTES. * No RELIGIOUS songs or significance will be * No RELIGIOUS songs or significance Songs to be submitted in a cd or a pen drive * allowed. * will be allowed. Songs to be submitted in a cd or a without any other files in it. * pen drive without any other files in it. Inappropriate dancing will lead to instant * disqualification. * * apparels). 7) DUMB CHARADES: If you stand by the saying “Actions speak louder than words.” Then here is your chance to prove it. Topic: On the spot Time: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Rules: * COSTUMES CARRY MARKS (Appropriate dance apparels). 8) (Day 1) Inappropriate dancing will lead to instant disqualification. COSTUMES CARRY MARKS (Appropriate dance HEAD DRESS COMPETITION AND FACE PAINTING: (Day 1) Create a unique makeover that brings out the best in the theme. Theme: FIFA 2014 Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Rules: 1 Team per school of 3 participants. (NO * * PRELIMS : 3 rounds * * Top 6 schools move on to the finals. * FINALS : 4 rounds SUBSTITUTES). A team of 3 Participants per school. Judging Criteria: Originality, Creativity, Difficulty of Design/ Technique, Overall Performance. * Competitors MAY NOT Acrylic Paints and other commercial Paints including tempera Paint, craft paint, textile paint, airbrush paint ( such as Createx Brand and other brands), etc. An airbrush system. Stencils or stamps of any kind. Masks over any part of the face. Prosthetic pieces that are glued or taped to the face(i.e. fake cuts, scars, warts, noses, etc.) False eyelashes, special effects contact lenses, novelty eyeglasses or sunglasses. Regular prescription eye glasses or contact lenses will be allowed on the models and the artists 9) JAM : 10) LEXICON : (Day 2) Have you always been blamed for not making sense? Do you speak at extreme speeds and never allow the opposite person to speak? Well!! You actually have a chance to win for having these skills. The object of the game is for panellists to talk for sixty seconds on a given subject, without hesitation, repetition or deviation. The comedy comes (Day 1) Do you think Your smart and can handle brain teasers under pressure??? Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Rules: * 1 Team per school. from attempts to keep within these rules and the banter among the * A Team should consist a participants. maximum of 4 participants. Topic: On the spot * 3 different competitions – will Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm be known on the spot. Rules: * 2 Participants per school. * Basic rules of JAM will be applicable. * 6 participants will be selected for the finals. * Basis of judgment: time analysis, fastest wins. * No preliminary rounds. * Results will be announced at the end of the day. 11) WESTERN MUSIC: 12) PATRIOTIC/ NATIONAL INTEGRATION MUSIC: (Day 2) Do you think that you can make your listeners get pitch slapped?? This is your chance to stand out and be the next “ZEST IDOL 2014”. Time: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm Rules: (Day 1) If your grove breaks the bonds of language and slips into one of our nations, then this is the chance to showcase the ‘PATRIOTIC’ you. Time: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm * Genre: Any relevant western style * Participants: 8 - 15 * Time limit: 4 minutes + 3 minutes for set * No RELIGIOUS songs will be allowed. * No. of instruments to be used – atleast 2. * Rules: * Genre: Any relevant Indian * Participants: 8 - 15 * Time limit: 4 minutes + 3 Drums kit and a key board stand will be * No RELIGIOUS songs will be Theme: General. * No. of instruments to be used * Drums kit and a key board * Theme: General. Style up. minutes for set up. allowed. provided. * – atleast 2. stand will be provided. 13) PHOTOGRAPHY : 14) SHIP WRECK : (Day 1&2) A picture speaks a thousand words, so be sure to express clearly. Topic: On the spot Time: Whole Day Event (Reporting Time 10:00 am) Rules: * 1 Team of 2 participants per school. * Participants are expected to bring their own required materials. * 6 snaps are to be submitted ( with captions) when it is announced. (Day 1) Think you can handle situations better than the Titanic?? Time: 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Rules: * 2 Participants per school. * Preparation timing: 2 minutes. * 2 minutes on stage and 3 minutes rebuttal. * Snaps are to be saved in a cd or a pen drive. * Editing will not be allowed. 15) ZEST COMEDY CENTRE @ St. JOHNS: (Day 2) Spring the fun up by bringing out the comic in you with 2 real time personalities of your choice of varying fields. Theme: General Time: 12:30 pm -1:30 pm Rules: * Time Duration: 2-3 mins. * 2 Participants per school. * Disqualification based on vulgarity and 16) ZEST PRINCE AND PRINCESS HUNT: (Day 2) Think you are fit?? Here is your chance to prove it. A competition that is purely based on the fitness level of the person, is put to a test by completing a series of tasks which may include both physical and pshycological based. Time: Whole Day Event (Reporting Time 10:00 am) Rules: * degrading the morale of the personality. * Points awarded based on the overall performance of the person in completing the Points awarded to the best comic scene. specified tasks. * * Participants: 2 Fitness Tasks: Sit Ups: Two (2) minute time limit Push Ups: Two (2) minute time limit, a nonstop exercise. Competitors can rest in the up position Pull Ups :Two (2) minute time limit (hands will remain on the bar with no shaking out permitted. Standing Long Jump: Complete three (3) jumps, with best out of three. 300 Yard Shuttle Run: Scored in ration to elapsed time needed to complete. General Knowledge based on healthy habits and fitness. GENERAL RULES: Registration timings from 8:30 am – 9:30 am. Names of the students being registered should be submitted with correct spellings and their initial on the Institution letter head. Bonafide certificate must be submitted along with the registration forms. Participation of students is being restricted from class IX-XII. Participants are to be accompanied with atleast 1 teacher from their respective schools. Students are requested to bring their ID cards for security reasons. Vulgarity of any sort will ensure instant disqualification. No Profanity. Judges decision will be final. Each school should participate in a minimum of 10 competitions in order to qualify for the rolling shield.