Novenber 3, 2013 - Northeastern Presbyterian Church

Northeastern Presbyterian Church
2112 Varnum Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018
Telephone: (202) 526-1730 Fax: (202) 526-5900
Email: Website:
November 3, , 2013
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
The Rev. Nancy E. Thornton, Pastor
24th Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome to Northeastern Presbyterian Church. You are welcome here. Whatever motivation
propelled you through our doors this morning . . . you belong here because you are here, and all that
you have and all that you are is welcome here. We come together to meet with God, to express our
fellowship in the Lord Jesus, and to take our part in the building of Christ’s church. We praise and thank
God for goodness towards us, hear from God’s Holy Word, and pray for the world, and for ourselves.
**We stand with our hearts or our postures
۩ Do Not Enter
SOZ refers to the “Songs of Zion” hymnal
"Let Heavenly Music Fill This Place" - Gordon Young
The Chancel Choir and Congregation
One: Sometimes we feel too small and insignificant to be of any notice to Jesus.
Many: Yet the Lord provides a tree for us to climb so that we can see Jesus.
One: That tree is faithfulness, compassion, love, hope, joy.
Many: We are given the opportunity to witness to the Savior’s presence in our lives.
One: Lord, help us when we forget how much we are loved by Christ.
Many: Open our hearts to receive His invitation this day. Amen.
Lord of mercy, forgive us when we make excuses for our lack of faith. We let our selfishness and
apathy get in the way of illumination and peace. We find ways to duck out of our opportunities for
service and witness, claiming that we are too small or too ill-equipped to be effective witnesses to
Jesus Christ. How foolish we can be! All of our lives You have been present to us, whether or not
we knew it. Your love is always surrounding us. Yet we have not taken the time to recognize it. We
whine and complain about the misfortunes that have befallen us and wonder where You are. We
want immediate release from our struggles. And when release comes, we again move off in our
own realms of self-centeredness. Help us, O Lord. Stop us from being so faithless. Open our hearts
with Your forgiving spirit that we, having been healed and forgiven, may actually be effective
witnesses to Your love and compassion. For we ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
One: You have always been loved by God. Know that you are healed and forgiven, that God has
placed a special blessing in your life.
Many: We will rejoice for God is with us! We will serve God in all we say, think, and
Elder Shirley Logan
One: May the peace of Christ be with you!
Many: And also with you!
RESPONSE #304, Hymnal
Pastor Nancy
“Jesus Loves Me”
We remember that Zacchaeus, after meeting with Jesus, said, “Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will
give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.” (Luke
"Stayed on Jesus" - arr. Youngblood
**DOXOLOGY #592, Hymnal
The Chancel Choir
“Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Bless every person that is present in the building today. Bless the tithes and offering for the glory
of Your kingdom. Bless everyone who has offered time, talent, and treasure to Your work. We ask
everything in Your mighty name. Amen.
"We Walk By Faith" - Sanborn
The Chancel Choir
By Your Spirit, O God, let us hear Your Word, that we may know Your truth and follow You with
new resolve to work and wait for the coming reign of Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Pages 762-63, Pew Bible
Psalm 119:137-144, Page 496, Pew Bible
Luke 19:1-10, Page 854, Pew Bible
One: This is the Word of the Lord.
Many: Thanks be to God!
Mrs. Monica Johnson
Rev. Nancy Thornton
** AFFIRMATION OF FAITH, p. 14, Hymnal
The Apostles’ Creed
Zacchaeus Was a Tax Man
AURELIA D (The Church's One Foundation)
Zacchaeus was a tax man who one day climbed a tree, For he was short in stature and said he could
not see. And yet he had a problem that mattered even more: He didn't see the suffering his greed
had caused the poor.
O Lord, you saw Zacchaeus — so wealthy, yet alone. You said, "Come down — and hurry! I'm coming
to your home." For you broke bread with sinners and saw within each one A person loved and
treasured — God's daughter or God's son.
It wasn't just the treetop that helped Zacchaeus see;
Your love and welcome showed him how different life could be. He said that he'd start over and
work to make things fair; He'd speak the truth, bring justice, and find new ways to share.
O Christ, you bid us welcome and help us all to see!
May we respond by building a just society.
Then children won't be hungry and all will share your bread. Then those who now must struggle will
live in joy instead.
"Three-Fold Amen"
LECTIONARY: HABAKKUK 1:1-4; PSALM 119: 137-144; 2THESSALONIANS 4:1-4, 11-12; LUKE 198:1-10
Today’s Worship Leadership
Liturgist: Elder Angela Hemphill
Greeters: Mrs. Josephine C. Glenn and Mrs. Gloria F. Harris
As we rely on God’s guidance, the vision of Northeastern Presbyterian Church is
to fulfill the command of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to promote Christian
faith and practice through evangelism, outreach, compassion and fellowship to
our congregation and the wider Community.
We commit to:
3-Thelma Jones; 4-Iris Burnell, Mozella Harris; 9-Katrin Jones, 14-Elizabeth
Fleming; 23-Faye Waters; 28-Harold Henderson;
30-Wyman Jones, Kenyatta McKenzie
Our Thoughts & Prayers are with Northeastern Members
Dr. Clarence Wade – Washington Hospital Center – Room 3C-22B – (202) 877-3306
Mr. Clarence Shaw is recuperating at home. 1115 Raydale Road – Hyattsville, MD 20783 – (240) 770-8571
Mr. Edmund Annor - 4029 – 22nd Street, NE, - Washington, DC 20018 - (202) 832-5049
Ms. Arline Chisholm – 1313 Queen Street, NE, – Washington, DC 20002 – (202) 398-5362
Mrs. Ethel Farrior – The Specialty Hospital of Washington – 700 Constitution Ave., NE, DC 20002
Ms. Jacqueline Hamlin – 1709 Otis Place, NE, – Washington, DC 20018 – (202) 526-1612
Mrs. Harriette Hemby – Morningside Assistant Living, 7700 Cherry Lane, Laurel, MD 20707
Mrs. Mary Hinton – P.O. Box 178, Marianna, PA 15345
Elder Phyllis Hobson – 4016 – 21st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018 – (202) 529-9168
Mrs. Rutha Hodges – 119 Quincy Place, NE, Washington, DC 20002 (202) 635-1640
Mrs. Beatrice Hyatt – 6100 Sargent Road, #112 – Hyattsville, MD 20782 – (301) 559-8831
Elder Judine Johnson - 205 Rittenhouse St., NE - Washington, DC 20011 - (202) 726-3219
Mrs. Doris Keating – Fox Chase Rehab Ctr – 2015 East West Hghy – Silver Spring, MD, 20910 – (301) 585-1373
Mrs. Mary Lockard – 1432 Trinidad Avenue, NE - Washington, DC 20002 – (202) 397-1837
Ms. Claudia Mallory - 4306 Russell Avenue, #7 - Mount Rainier, Md. 20712-1449 - 301-779-1746
Mrs. Mary Minor – 16810 Dorchester Place - Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Mrs. Mertina Monk – 2100 Gatewood Place – Silver Spring, MD 20903 – (301) 439-8889
Mrs. Beatrice O’Bryant – 5339 42nd Street, NW - Washington, DC 20015 – (202) 966-2212
Mr. James Page, Jr. – 6639 – 24th Place, Hyattsville, MD 20782 – (301) 853-3229
Mrs. Helen Price – 55 Trialor Lane - Sicklerville, New Jersey 08081
Mr. Nathan Price - 6532 Parkway Court – Hyattsville, MD 20782 – (301) 559-0723
Mrs. Iris Rogers – 776 Oglethorpe St., NE – Washington, DC 20011 – (202) 635-2047
Mrs. Ida Robinson 325 Anacostia Avenue, NE - Washington, DC 20019 – (202) 399-0093
Mrs. Isabella Sims – The Residence on Greenbelt – 9885 Greenbelt Rd – Lanham, MD 20706
Mr. Randall Timbers - 4306 34th Street, #3, Mt. Rainier, MD 20712
Mrs. Verelle Webster – 5000 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, NE - #531 – Wash., DC 20019– (202) 399-7504
Mrs. Minnie White – 4251 Colorado Avenue, NW – Washington, DC 20011 – (202) 829-8523
Mrs. Ethelyne Wilkes – 1217 Tuckerman Street, NW – Washington, DC 20011 – (202) 726-6119
Mrs. Eleanor Wood -1712 Buchanan Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017 – (202) 529-7515
Ms. Helen Brown – 4025 19th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018 – (202) 248-7027 (Sister of Rose Wheeler)
Mr. John H. Darden – 4207 Eastern Ave., #A1, Mt Rainier, MD 20712 (Husband of Mrs. B. Ross-Darden)
Mrs. Maggie E. Dodson – 5858 Eastern Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20011 – (202) 526-8144
(Mother of Shirley Dodson and Doretha Elmore)
Mr. Tecumseh Harris – 5432 Shirley Jean Court, Winston Salem, NC 27105 (Nephew of Charlotte Smoot)
Ms. Sylvia Matthews – Signature Health Care – Memphis, TN (Aunt to Amanda Sargent)
Mr. Wilbert Samuel – Winston Salem, NC (Brother of Hasker Samuel)
Mrs. Dorothy Samuel Smith – Tabaccoville, NC (Sister of Hasker Samuel)
Church Officers
Frank Enty
Cynthia Gervais
Angela Hemphill
Cynthia Hodges
Nachee Miller
Freddie Peaco
Lisa Slade
Ann Thomas
Shawn Thomas
Clarence Wade
James Wilson
Rhonda Winston
Jacqueline Cook
Willie Jean Cook
Karen Cooper-Geathers
Carol Fleming
James Haggins
Katrin Jones
Valerie McCray
Robin Miller
Amanda Sargent
Randall Timbers
Lillian Berry
Ernest Harris
Estrelda Henderson
Chris Jenkins
Eliot Johnson
Felicia Lightfoot
Shirley Logan
Arthur Slade, II
Helena Slade
Shirley Wilson
Cherie Young
Patricia Young
Church Music Staff
Director, Chancel Choir/Interim Organist
Assistant Organist
Director/Pianist, Celestial Choir
Director, Youth/Cherub Choir
Pianist, Youth/Cherub Choir
Dr. Laddie Bell
Ms. Lillian Berry
Rev. Rosemarie Jones
Mrs. Michelle Williams
Ms. Jennifer Allen
Pastor’s Information
Cell Phone: 845-518-1683
Home Phone: 202-832-1467
Address: 3617 28th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018
Office Phone: 202-526-1814
Northeastern Presbyterian Church
THE FLOWERS are donated by the Wylie Whisonant Friends of Music in loving memory of
deceased members.
THE FOOD PANTRY AND BOARD OF DEACONS will be distributing Thanksgiving baskets on
Saturday, November 23rd between 10:00a.m. – 11:30a.m. in the undercroft. If you know a
member of our church family who is in need of a basket, please call the church office at 202526-1730 no later than Friday, November 15th.
THANKSGIVING BASKETS: The Thanksgiving season is fast approaching and the Board of Deacons
will again be distributing Thanksgiving baskets. WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH DONATIONS! We are
asking the congregation for donations of can goods and non-perishable foods. Boxes are located in
the Narthex and Breezeway. The deadline for donations is Sunday, November 17th. Your assistance
and cooperation is greatly appreciated. For additional information, please contact Valerie McCray at
NORTHEASTERN SAINTS BOWLING LEAGUE will meet today after service in the Jamison Lounge to
form teams and give out league information. There are a few open spots for new league members. If
you would like to bowl, please meet with us after the service.
STEWARDSHIP CORNER: In 2 Corinthians 9:8, “God is able to provide you with every blessing in
abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good
work.” As Stewards in God’s Kingdom, we open our minds to plenty and receive with gratitude. We
prepare to make our pledges and dedicate our TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE to help Northeastern
reach its goal/s for 2014. On dedication Sunday the Stewardship Campaign will be collecting pledge
cards. Please be present to turn in your pledge and share your blessings for the mission of
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Session has authorized the Board of Trustees to sell the
following property owned by Northeastern Presbyterian Church: two burial plots and one
crypt located at Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Before we put these properties on the local market, we
would like to give "first offer" to the church membership. If you are interested in purchasing any of
these properties, please express your interest in writing to the President, Board of Trustees and
place in the Trustees box located in the breezeway. The deadline for doing so is November 4, 2013.
Please direct any
questions you might have about the sale to the Clerk of Session. Thank you.
THE PRESBYTERIAN MEN will meet Tuesday, November 5, 2013, in the Livingston Room, at 7:00 p.m.
All men are encouraged to attend.
THE PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN COORDINATING TEAM is looking for women to serve in the following
positions for the period beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2015: Moderator, Vice
Moderator, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Together in Service Team; Amenities and Search
Committee Chairs, Key Woman, Church Women United and Newsletter Layout Chair. Please contact
Ernestine Brown if you are willing to serve and align with the first purpose of Presbyterian Women:
prayer and Bible study. Please respond no later than November 17, 2014 in order that we may have
ample time to prepare for the installation service in December. "And the work of righteousness shall
be peace: and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever." Isaiah 32:17
OPERATION SHOEBOX COLLECTION WEEK: The dates for shoebox drop-offs are fast approaching.
Kindly read and take action on the information enclosed in today's bulletin with reference to
Operation Christmas Child. Please give your shoebox to any member of the Presbyterian Women
Coordinating Team.
THE SESSION is hosting the Congregational Forum following worship today. Please stay and share
your ideas and concerns so that together we might become more of what God desires for us.
On behalf of Michael, Kimberly and Grace Lewis thank you everyone for your prayers, cards and
phone calls during the bereavement of our loving mother and grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis.
1. What was God’s reply when Habakkuk asked him “How long,
Oh Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to
you, ‘Violence!’ but you do not save.”
2. Paul taught the church in Colossians to be thankful. True or
3. In the Old Testament there were specific offerings for
thanksgiving. What were the offerings?
Nov. 3
Nov. 4
Nov. 5
Nov. 6
Nov. 7
Nov. 9
Nov. 10
Nov. 11
Nov. 12
Nov. 13
Nov. 14
Nov. 16
Nov. 17
Sunday Morning Worship Service, 10:00 a.m.
Adult Church School, 9:00a, Jamison Lounge
Young Folk Church School, 9:00a.m., Auditorium
Congregational Forum, following worship service - Sanctuary
AARP Board Meeting, 10:00a, Jamison Lounge
Prayer Conference Call, 9p.m.
Prayer Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7300, Access Code: 190784#
Tuesday Morning Bible Study: 11:00 a.m., Jamison Lounge
Noon Day Prayer Service, Sanctuary
Nominating Committee, 7:00 p.m., Jamison Lounge
Presbyterian Men’s meeting: 7:00 p.m., Livingston Room
Session & Vision Team meeting, 7:00 p.m., Jamison Lounge
Hand Dancing Class, 6:30p, Auditorium
Chancel Choir: 7:30 p.m., Choir Room
Nominating Committee Mtg., 6:30p, Jamison Lounge
Delta Sorority Meeting: 12:00 – 4:00 p.m., Auditorium
AKA choir rehearsal - Undercroft
Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study: 10:00 a.m., Third floor – PW’s Room
Sunday Morning Worship Service, 10:00 a.m.
Adult Church School, 9:00a, Jamison Lounge
Young Folk Church School, 9:00a.m., Auditorium
Session meets following worship, Henderson Parlor
CIC Meeting, Livingston Room
Social Concerns Meeting, Jamison Lounge
Veteran’s Day – Holiday
Prayer Conference Call, 9p.m.
Prayer Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7300, Access Code: 190784#
Tuesday Morning Bible Study: 11:00 a.m., Jamison Lounge
Noon Day Prayer Service, Sanctuary
Cherub Choir: 6:30 p.m., Choir Room
Boy Scout’s meeting: 6:30 p.m., Auditorium
Worship & Music Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Jamison
Nominating Committee Mtg., 6:30p, Library
Celestial Choir: 7:30 p.m., Choir Room
Personnel Committee, 7:00 p.m., Jamison Lounge
Hand Dancing Class, 6:30p, Auditorium
Chancel Choir: 7:30 p.m., Choir Room
Buildings & Grounds Meeting: 10:00 a.m., Jamison Lounge
Self-Denial Meeting: 11:00 a.m., Henderson Parlor
Sunday Morning Worship Service, 10:00 a.m.
Adult Church School, 9:00a, Jamison Lounge
Young Folk Church School, 9:00a.m., Auditorium
Deacon Board Meeting: 11:30 a.m., Jamison Lounge
Nov. 18
Nov. 19
Nov. 20
Nov. 21
Nov. 23
Nov. 24
Nov. 25
Nov. 28
Trustee Meeting: 11:30 a.m.
AARP General Meeting: 10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Auditorium
Prayer Conference Call, 9p.m.
Prayer Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7300, Access Code: 190784#
Tuesday Morning Bible Study: 11:00 a.m., Jamison Lounge
Noon Day Prayer Service, Sanctuary
Cherub Choir: 6:30 p.m., Choir Room
Nominating Committee Mtg., 6:30p, Jamison Lounge
Celestial Choir: 7:30 p.m., Choir Room
Session Meeting: 7:00 p.m., Jamison Lounge
Self-Denial Meeting: 11:00 a.m., Henderson Parlor
Chancel Choir: 7:30 p.m., Choir Room
Hand Dancing Class, 6:30p, Auditorium
Food Pantry, 10:00 a.m., Undercroft
Adult Council: 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., Auditorium
Sunday Morning Worship Service, 10:00 a.m.
Adult Church School, 9:00a, Jamison Lounge
Young Folk Church School, 9:00a.m., Auditorium
Prayer Conference Call, 9p.m.
Prayer Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7300, Access Code: 190784#
Holiday - Thanksgiving
We gather at this table, God’s table
The table has been set long before we were born
There are places for all who have gone before us
We take their hands as we approach to be received
You are welcome at this table, Christ’s table
The faithful ones are gathered with us from all generations
We lift up the memories of loved ones we no longer see
We open our hearts to the presence of loved ones who are with God, for God is present
with us
This is the table of reconciliation, of forgiveness, of restoration
This is the table for all the saints of God. Come, for all things are ready.
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the God of all hope be with you.
And also with you.
Lift your hearts to the One who comes to feast with you.
We offer our hearts to God who is in our midst.
Children of God, sing praises to the One
who feeds you with goodness and hope.
Our hearts and voices resound with joy.
In your heart, God of wonder, you wrote the vision of creation, and the Word shaped the
mountains from the rich
loam of the valleys, your Spirit breathed life into every which sprang forth from your
imagination. Welcomed into your garden with hope, we forgot your words of hospitality,
running to catch a glimpse of the parade of seductions sin and death brought to town.
Prophets came, your vision written on their hearts,
your voice standing behind their words which sought to bring us back to you, but we took
no delight in their invitations. So you sent your Beloved, Jesus the Christ,
to be the guest of sinners in every time and place, that we might receive the gift of salvation.
So, with reformers and saints who have gone before us,
with friends and neighbors sitting around us, we lift our songs of praise to you:
Holy, holy, holy, God of justice and righteousness.
All creation keeps watch for your justice.
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is the One who comes to call us home.
Hosanna in the highest.
In your heart, Forgiving God, you wrote the vision of redemption, and sent Jesus, your
Servant of righteousness,
to your people at the appointed time. When our zeal for sin
consumed us, he came to feed us with the bread of life;
when our souls were emptied out by the corruption of
death, he came to grow abundant faith in us;
when we saw only destruction on the horizon,
he came to stand at his watchpost, defeating sin and
death so they could never harm us again, and inviting
us to find life and peace in your heart's home for all eternity.
As we remember his life, his teachings, his words,
as we celebrate the good news of his resurrection,
we speak of our faith, which often seems a mystery:
Christ died, faithful to the end;
Christ is risen, your righteousness come true;
Christ will return, our hope and peace.
In your heart, Blessing God, you wrote the vision of a community which would live out your
kingdom here on earth, pouring out your Spirit of life and grace upon the
gifts of the Bread and Cup, and on your people gathered
for your Feast. As we are fed by your Word become life,
give us understanding so we might hear those who are crying out for hope; as we are
nourished by your Spirit of peace, may we go to all who live surrounded by oppression,
bringing justice to every place where it has never prevailed.
And when we are gathered in that vision of life forever which is written in your heart, we will
join our sisters and brothers from every time and place, forever praising you,
God in Community, Holy in One. Amen.
Spiritual #513, Hymnal
“Let Us Break Bread Together”
Spiritual #167, SOZ
“Over My Head”
Gospel Song #192, SOZ
“We’ve Come This Far By Faith”
Loving and awesome God, you care for us and love us no matter who we are. We thank
you for the bread and the cup you generously provided. Grant that they will help us to
open our ears to the cries of those who are bowed down and oppressed. May they renew
in us love and compassion for the stranger. Let us leave this table proclaiming your
kingdom of peace and justice for all. Amen.