Expectation and Rubrics for Scene Performances of Oedipus Rex 1. Read the scene and write a paragraph summarizing the action. 10 pts. – 7 pts. – 4 pts, – 0 pts. – clear, correct, and inclusive summary clear, but not correct OR not inclusive summary clear, but not correct NOR inclusive summary no attempt made 2. Decide on a modern setting, modern characters, and background. Describe the setting (location and time) in which the modern version of the play will take place. Describe (physical, mental, motive) of all characters included in the scene. Briefly describe the background. Why are the characters in the situation they are in? 15 pts – all three aspects are completely and originally described 10 pts – all three aspects are completely described 5 pts – not all three aspects are described 0 pts. – no attempt made 3. Translate dialogue. Each line in the original script should have a matching line in the modernized version. Language should be changed to fit new version, but basic idea should remain the same. 20 pts. – lines are successfully translated with originality 15 pts. – most lines are successfully translated with originality 10 pts. – lines are translated 5 pts. – not all lines are translated 0 pts. – no attempt made 4. Performance Students may use scripts, but should focus on performing not reading. Performance must include action/movement along with dialogue. Not all students must participate in performance. The students who do not have roles, will write an essay explaining how they contributed to the performance. 5 pts. 5 pts. 5 pts. 5 pts. 5 pts. Performance – use of action/movement – ability to convey meaning – knowledge of lines -–willingness to perform –originality of performance Essay 10 pts. – knowledge of performance 10 pts. – evidence of participation 5 pts. – personal evaluation 5. Participation 20 pts. – consistently on-task; evident cooperation with group 10 pts. – asked to return to task; lack of group cooperation 5 pts. – little evidence of participation on project or with group 0 pts. – no attempt made Total Points Possible: 90