Expectation and Rubrics for Scene Performances of Oedipus Rex

Expectation and Rubrics for Scene Performances of Oedipus Rex
1. Read the scene and write a paragraph summarizing the action.
10 pts. –
7 pts. –
4 pts, –
0 pts. –
clear, correct, and inclusive summary
clear, but not correct OR not inclusive summary
clear, but not correct NOR inclusive summary
no attempt made
2. Decide on a modern setting, modern characters, and background.
 Describe the setting (location and time) in which the modern version of the play will
take place.
 Describe (physical, mental, motive) of all characters included in the scene.
 Briefly describe the background. Why are the characters in the situation they are in?
15 pts – all three aspects are completely and originally described
10 pts – all three aspects are completely described
5 pts – not all three aspects are described
0 pts. – no attempt made
3. Translate dialogue.
 Each line in the original script should have a matching line in the modernized version.
 Language should be changed to fit new version, but basic idea should remain the
20 pts. – lines are successfully translated with originality
15 pts. – most lines are successfully translated with originality
10 pts. – lines are translated
5 pts. – not all lines are translated
0 pts. – no attempt made
4. Performance
 Students may use scripts, but should focus on performing not reading.
 Performance must include action/movement along with dialogue.
 Not all students must participate in performance. The students who do not have roles,
will write an essay explaining how they contributed to the performance.
5 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.
– use of action/movement
– ability to convey meaning
– knowledge of lines
-–willingness to perform
–originality of performance
10 pts. – knowledge of performance
10 pts. – evidence of participation
5 pts. – personal evaluation
5. Participation
20 pts. – consistently on-task; evident cooperation with group
10 pts. – asked to return to task; lack of group cooperation
5 pts. – little evidence of participation on project or with group
0 pts. – no attempt made
Total Points Possible: 90