Revised by: L. Person Original Effective Date: 8/96 USC/Kenneth Norris Jr. Cancer Hospital Division of Patient Care Services Policies and Procedures CHEMOTHERAPY RELATED PRACTICES Last Revised/Reviewed Date: 8/96, 1/97, 7/99, 5/00; 2/02; 5/02; 10/03, 1/05 DIVISIONAL MANUAL 3.19.11 Page 1 or 3 Reviewed by: J. Hibbs, P. Newbon; A. Sy, R. Poquette Associate Administrator, Patient Care Services: Date: SUBJECT: Bladder Instillation: BCG, DMSO, or Chemotherapy Administration PURPOSE: To instill medications into the bladder for treatment of bladder cancer or interstitial cystitis. POLICY: 1.0 Bladder instillation of any agents may be performed by a registered nurse or physician. 2.0 If chemotherapy is used during the instillation, the policies for chemotherapy administration and handling will be followed. 2.1 The only exception to these policies is that the Urology Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant may administer chemotherapeutic agents after demonstrating competence. SUPPORTIVE DATA: 1.0 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), is a inactive form of the tuberculosis bacteria that is used to treat cancer of the bladder. 2.0 Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) is used for the symptomatic relief of interstitial cystitis. 3.0 Xylocaine jelly may be used to decrease discomfort and/or pain from the insertion of the catheter. EQUIPMENT: -16 fr. or 14 fr. Red Robinson catheter, Straight Cath Kit -Sterile Gloves -Xylocaine jelly -Povidone-iodine swab stick-Medication as ordered from pharmacy -Chemotherapy gown (if chemotherapy is to be instilled) PROCEDURE: 1.0 Verify order for bladder instillation. 2.0 Gather equipment. 3.0 Complete double check of medication with chemotherapy qualified RN, pharmacist, physician, or D:\106755875.doc Urology NP if chemotherapeutic agents are used. 4.0 Identify patient. 5.0 For Outpatient, escort patient to exam room and have them change into a gown. 6.0 Ensure patient understands procedure. 7.0 Set up equipment on sterile field. Don chemotherapy gown if administering chemotherapy. 8.0 Place patient in the appropriate position. 9.0 Don sterile gloves. 10.0 Cleanse urethra and insert catheter into bladder using sterile technique and drain the bladder. 11.0 Instill medication into the bladder via catheter. 12.0 11.1 If a foley catheter is in place, clamp for at least 1 hour, then unclamp and allow it to drain. 11.2. If instilling DMSO, clamp the catheter for 20 minutes and then drain. Instruct the patient to retain the medication for at least 1 hour if possible for chemotherapy. 12.1 For DMSO, instruct the patient to retain for 20 minutes. 13.0 Remove catheter after medication is instilled. 14.0 Utilize chemotherapy precautions, as appropriate, when handling urine. 15.0 Discard supplies in appropriate biohazard and/or chemotherapy waste hamper and chemotherapy waste container. OUTPATIENT 16.0 Discharge the patient home following the procedure. Assess patient prior to discharge regarding and pain and/or discomfort following the procedure. 17.0 Instruct patient on signs and symptoms of adverse reaction and when to contact the clinic or physician. 18.0 Enter the charges for the procedure and supplies used into the computerized system. DOCUMENTATION: 1.0 In the Outpatient area on the Encounter Form document: 1.1 Pre- procedure assessment 1.2 Patient’s response to procedure preformed 1.3 Double checking of any chemotherapy agent 1.4 Medication administered 2.0 In the Inpatient area, on the Interdisciplinary Progress Note document: D:\106755875.doc 2.1 2.2 Pre-procedure assessment Patient’s response to the treatment 3.0 On the Chemotherapy MAR document: 3.1 Agent, dose, route, time, double checking, name 4.0 On the Patient/Family Education Form, document: 4.1 Explanation of the procedure to the patient and or family 4.2 Level of understanding of the treatment and follow-up care including skin protection and handling urine when discharged. RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Division of Patient Care Services: Ambulatory Care Services Manual Charge Input: Ambulatory Care Documentation Instructions: Encounter Form Division of Patient Care Services: Divisional Manual Chemotherapy Administration Chemotherapy Handling and Disposal Patient Care Process Documentation Patient Education POLICY AND PROCEDURE DISTRIBUTION: Division of Patient Care Services: Divisional Manual D:\106755875.doc Vallidation of Intravesicular Chemotherapy Administration Date Verify order for bladder instillation, chemo agent. Complete double check of medication with chemotherapy qualified RN, Urology NP, or pharmacist Set up equipment on sterile field. Don chemotherapy gown if splash is anticipated. Don sterile gloves. Cleanse urethra and insert catheter into bladder using sterile technique and drain the bladder. Instill medication into the bladder via catheter. If a foley catheter is in place, clamp for at least 1 hour, Then unclamp, and allow catheter to drain. Remove catheter after medication is instilled and retained for the ordered time. Instruct the patient to retain the medication for at least 1 hour if possible for chemotherapy. Utilize chemotherapy precautions, as appropriate, when handling urine. Discard supplies in appropriate biohazard and/or chemotherapy waste hamper and chemotherapy waste container. Instruct nurses caring for patient who has received chemotherapy. Documentation: On the Patient/Family Education Form, document: Explanation of the procedure to the patient and/or family On the Interdisciplinary Progress Note document: Pre-procedure assessment Patient=s response to the treatment On the Chemotherapy MAR document: Agent, dose, route, double checked or family Level of understanding of the treatment and follow-up care. 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