November 2012

Nebraska College Career Services Association
Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2012
Colleges in Attendance:
Bellevue University, Central Community College, Concordia University, Creighton University, Doane
College, Hastings College, Midland University, Northeast Community College, Peru State College,
Southeast Community College, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Wayne
State College
10:05 am Jeremy Fisher opened the meeting. Introductions were made and a welcome to new
members, Katie Wessel of UNO and Lindsey Adams of Midland University. A welcome was also
extended to new graduate assistants.
NEworks website:
Presenter: Buffy Cranford, Nebraska Department of Labor
NEworks website coverage – jobs are posted for every level of educational background and a
variety of jobs are available
Site searches several databases -20,000 jobs appear daily
Free service for job seekers and employers
NEworks – labor exchange
 – high wage – high demand – high skill = All 3 factors must be present
Shows HOT jobs = Truck drivers, RNs, Sales Reps, First line supervisors of retail, Insurance sales,
computer support, HVAC, sales managers
Presenters: Ryan Mead & April Kelly
Presentation of an upcoming new technology that will benefit job seekers.
Vitru technology makes connections between the job seeker and the employer through a matching
o Build a portfolio – understand who they are
o Continue to build portfolio
o Assessment was bought from Monster – an interest assessment
Assessments for students
o Workstyle 5 – connects to O*Net
6 minute survey to determine values and culture
Goal is to have 10,000 students by March 1, 2013
$39.00-$99.00 fee for employers to post jobs
100 businesses are registered online now
Free to users (job seekers)
Ryan suggested that staff and students register at
Business Meeting:
Old Business:
 May 2012 minutes were approved.
Colleges are posting to LinkedIn during their assigned months. We are currently at 161
members for the NCCSA group.
*Please remember to make posts during your assigned month!
Treasurer’s report was approved and passed around. Balance on hand is $4,196.41. Certificate
of Deposit at F & M Bank, Wayne is $5,180.51
NCCSA annual membership fee - $50.00
o Membership year will be Nov. 2013 to Nov. 2014
New Business:
 Directory of NCCSA members, as well as Career Fair/Event calendar was distributed for updates.
Reviewed and approved NCCSA Membership fee and invoice (attached).
Reviewed NCCSA listserv: The following institutions are not on the listserv: CCC-Columbus, CCCHastings, College of St. Mary, Kaplan, Metro CC-South, Metro CC-Fort Omaha, Midland
University and Union College.
The group discussed implementation of an NCCSA annual membership fee. The group voted in
favor of an annual membership fee, with the following details:
o Institutions with 3 or fewer members--$50.00 per year
o Institutions with 4 or more members--$100.00 per year
o Multi-campus institutions would pay a membership fee for each campus with career services
o Annual fee would begin in Fall 2013, to account for the budget cycle.
o Non-paying members would not have access to the listserv or other events (eFair, etc.).
o Membership fee will be collected at the November meeting, and invoices will be sent by July
1st each year.
Discussed NCCSA marketing efforts.
o The group agreed to maintain membership in current chamber groups (Omaha, Lincoln).
o Packet of Grand Island Chamber of Commerce benefits was handed out to Jason Davis of
o Jason Davis invited members to come to a Chamber event and/or booth at the Nebraska
State Fair. Jason will coordinate the booth and man it; others are invited to participate as
Virtual Career Fair: Dorothy of Bellevue talked about their virtual fair.
o Had good student response, but only 2 employers registered.
o Concerned that because it was a 1 campus event that the employer participation was low.
Simplicity platform.
One-time fee of $1500.00 and Bellevue will not have to do another set up fee.
$60.00 per employer to register to simplicity – over the amount goes to the colleges.
They charged $85.00, but wonder if they didn’t charge enough.
Would like to try it again.
Discussion held about different vendors. Simplicity was most cost effective and it was easy to
o NCCSA would pay the $1500 set up charge.
o Dorothy recommends that we build relationships and look at a summer time frame to host.
The next NCCSA meeting will be held on Monday, May 20, 2013, at 10 am at Lied Lodge &
Conference Center at Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City.
o This would give interested members the opportunity to make that weekend of May 18 & 19 a
personal vacation/leisure weekend as we have hotel rates booked for $109 per night for
NCCSA members if anyone wanted to stay one or two nights prior to the Monday meeting.
o We will plan a fun social event at the hotel for Sunday evening, May 19 for those who will be
coming early!
o Please contact Terri Heggemeyer at by Nov. 30th if you wish to RSVP.
o Each institution will be responsible for making their reservation.
o To make hotel reservations, call (800) 546-LIED (5433)
The meeting adjourned at 2:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Terri Heggemeyer, Secretary