Marketing your Business Training Programme

Marketing your Business Training Programme
(for client businesses)
Overall Aim:
 Understand the ‘Marketing Process’, which provides a strategic framework for the steps
involved in marketing your business.
 Be able to identify the best target markets for your product or service.
 Develop a Marketing Plan for your business.
 Undertake pro-active marketing of your business.
 Be focused and innovative in marketing your products and services.
At the end of this training programme, your business will be able to –
 Evaluate the marketplace, including competition, customers, trends and opportunities.
 Target the market segments that present the greatest opportunity for success.
 Write a Marketing Plan.
 Put into practice ongoing pro-active marketing actions, both online and offline.
Course Content:
The Marketing Process
1. Situation analysis
Understanding the marketplace in which we operate,
how the marketing environment affects our business
and spotting market trends.
Carrying out a S.W.O.T. analysis
2. Marketing research
Knowing the competition and their offer.
Using research to identify new market opportunities
3. Target market identification 4. The marketing mix
Understanding market segmentation.
Choosing and focusing on clear target markets
Introducing “The Four P’s”:
Product (including branding and packaging).
Place (Distribution).
Profiling our Customers
1. Who are our customers ? End consumers, intermediaries, or both ?
2. Building a profile of who our end customer is.
3. Building a profile of who our trade partners (distributors, importers, agents, wholesalers,
retailers, etc.) are.
Offline Promotional Tools
Brochures, business cards & flyers,
Consumer and trade promotional offers,
PR and press,
Running competitions,
Attending trade and consumer shows,
The Sales Process.
Online Promotional Tools
Digital marketing & social media, concentrating on :
Blog-based websites,
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO),
Linked In,
Online advertising through Google Ads, the Google Display Network and Facebook,
E-mail campaigns & E-Newsletters (database permission marketing).
Google Analytics, to get the best out of the web for business.
The Marketing Plan
The role of a marketing plan, why and how to write one.
Provision of a template and walking through the process of completion.
Planning specific pro-active marketing actions.
For further enquires please call 071-9622504 or email us on
ROLE Skillnet is funded by member companies and the Training Networks Programme, an initiative of
Skillnets Ltd. funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills.