Chemistry Newsletter 2010-2011 For the 2010

Chemistry Newsletter 2010-2011
For the 2010-11 academic year, Dr. Lisa Zuraw returns from leave to resume
department head duties. Dr. Randy Blanton returns to the faculty after serving the past two
years as department head. In total Dr. Blanton has led the department for sixteen of the past 18
years. He is looking forward to spending his “free” time in the research lab. Dr. Paul Simone
resigned to assume a position at the University of Memphis in Tennessee. The department will
be conducting a faculty search for his replacement this academic year. Mr. Jim Wilkerson has
joined the department as the laboratory coordinator.
The Chemistry Department continues to emphasize undergraduate research. The faculty
are involved in initiatives to improve student learning and experience the excitement (and
sometimes frustration) of research. All chemistry major students complete a senior research
project. The faculty are trying to have students exposed to research as early as possible.
Joseph Collins (Chemistry ’10) worked with Dr. Mike Dorko on hydrogen fuel cells for his
senior research project. Their work was presented at the April Meeting of the American
Chemical Society in San Francisco. The presentation was titled” Theoretical
Investigation of BeS and MGS as alternative hydrogen storage materials”.
This past summer two students conducted research with Dr. Holly Bevsek at The
Citadel. John W. Jordan (Chemistry ’12) investigated the reaction of NO with gammaFe2O3 and L. Ashley Washington (Chemistry ’11) started her senior research project on
the “effect of the purity of carbon nanotubes on its reaction with NOx compounds”.
Cadet Washington will continue this project during the academic year. Cadet Jordan
received partial funding for his summer research from the Star of the West Foundation.
Dr. Ron Hemingway is developing a unique method for constructing ultramicro ion
selective electrodes that will aid in investigating the eflux and influx of ions thru cell
walls. The sensing area for these electrodes is as small as ~3 square micrometers,
about the size of medium sized bacteria.
Dr. Randy Blanton’s research focuses on designing chiral reagents and catalysts to
effect asymmetric syntheses commonly found in the preparation of pharmaceutical
products. Strategies include using microenvironmental effects of crosslinked polymers
synergistically with chiral reagents and developing chiral crown ethers for use as phase
transfer catalysts.
Dr. Lisa Zuraw’s research interest is in investigating protein-nucleic acid interactions.
She has recently had a paper accepted to the Journal of Biological Chemistry on the
interactions between nucleolin, AUF1 and bcl-2 m-RNA.
Chemistry Newsletter 2010-2011
Dr. Bevsek and L. Ashley Washington are doing research on the reaction of NO with single, double and
multiwall carbon nanotubes.
In the academic laboratory, small equipment is being updated. An upgrade of pH meters
and spectrometers in the first year laboratory was accomplished during the past year. Dr.
Smokey McAfee is working on updating the General Chemistry Laboratory Curriculum. In the
academic classroom, many faculty are incorporating POGIL (Process Orientated Guided Inquiry
Learning) into their classes and laboratories. In Quantitative Analysis, Dr. Hemingway has the
junior students exploring several different ways to measure the volume of titrant delivered and
then designing and constructing their own method that can interface with a computer for
evaluation as an auto titrator. They will learn many of the components of automation, data
acquisition, and chemometrics.
Chemistry Newsletter 2010-2011
The curriculum for the B.A. Chemistry major with Teaching Specialization in Chemistry and
Comprehensive Broad Field Science has been added. It was recently approved by the South
Carolina Commission of Higher Education (CHE). This program allows our students to graduate
with certification to teach chemistry. Chemistry is a critical need area for teachers in South
The student affiliate of the American Chemical Society continues to be active. The officers
for 2009-2010 were Joseph Collins - President, L. Ashley Washington - Vice President, Anna
Fuzy - Treasurer, and John Jordan - Secretary. Dr. Dorko is the faculty advisor. The group met
throughout the semester investigating different aspects of chemistry, including food chemistry.
They prepared fudge candy. It was sold on Corps Day to raise funds. This year they are
planning on using these funds to take a tour of chemical industry workplace(s).
Students received awards and fellowships. Joseph Collins (Chemistry ‘10) received the
Outstanding Senior Award from the American Chemical Society at their April meeting.
Additionally, Mr. Collins received the first place award for his research presentation with Dr.
Dorko at the Citadel Undergraduate Research Conference in March. John Jordan (Chemistry
’12) has the Wideman Scholarship. Thomas Canipe (Chemistry ’13) was awarded a Star of the
West International Summer Scholarship to study in England this past summer.
Award Recipients for Chemistry Majors at the School of Science and Math Recognition
Dr. Blanton, Joshua Edwards - Sophomore Award, John Jordan - Wideman Scholar, John
Roberts - Freshman Award, Joseph Collins - Senior Award. (not pictured Ashley Washington
- Junior Award)
Chemistry Newsletter 2010-2011
Faculty are also involved in projects in the educational community.
Dr. Bevsek is the external evaluator on the NSF-funded project “Building Bridges:
Integrating Math, Science, and Engineering Education on the South Plains” at Texas
Tech University. This STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) grant is to
improve the abilities of graduate students to communicate their research to the public.
Dr. Zuraw is a faculty consultant for the Advanced Placement Chemistry Examination.
She is involved in item writing and scoring of the Examination.
For Corps Day, the 14th issue of The Gold Star Journal was
published. Dr. Suzanne T. Mabrouk continues to serve as
the faculty advisor. The editors were Cadets Charles
(Trey) J. Williams III (2010 Biology Major), Thomas J.
Sullivan III (2010 Biology Major), Taylor D. Gilliam (2011
Business Administration Major), and Mark G. Shaw (2012
Civil and Environmental Engineering Major). The journal
featured papers written by Brice L. Mann (2010 History
Major), Abraham J. Raymond (2011 Political Science
Major), Joseph A. Trippi (2011 History Major), Noah J.
Koubenec (2011 Double Major in Political Science and
Spanish), George H. Martin III (2011 History Major), and
Marttin E. Periola (2011 English Major). Congratulations
authors and editors on a job well done!