
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Unit 7: Polynomials
Third Grading Period – Week 1- 4 (14 Days)
Big Idea
Unit Rationale
All numerical operations with polynomials – adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing – including factoring and problem-solving applications.
The geometric property of similarity for both 2-D and 3-D figures and the related
concept of proportionality.
Graphical representations of transformations – translations, reflections and dilations.
Polynomial expressions easily lend themselves to modeling real-world situations and
processes from ticket sales at a football game to energy levels in the nucleus of an atom.
Students must learn to be comfortable working with these algebraic expressions to reveal
many of the world’s secrets.
Scale factors and the associated concept of similarity have wide usage in engineering,
architecture and art.
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
8.3 Patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking. The student identifies
proportional or non-proportional linear relationships in problem situations and
solves problems. The student is expected to:
8.3B estimate and find solutions to application problems involving percents and
other proportional relationships such as similarity and rates.
8.6 Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses transformational
geometry to develop spatial sense. The student is expected to:
8.6A generate similar figures using dilations including enlargements and
reductions: and
8.6B graph dilations, reflections, and translations on a coordinate plane.
8.7 Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses geometry to model and
describe the physical world. The student is expected to:
8.7B use geometric concepts and properties to solve problems in fields such as
art and architecture: and
8.7D locate and name points on a coordinate plane using ordered pairs of
rational numbers.
8.9 Measurement. The student uses indirect measurement to solve problems.
The student is expected to:
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
I can:
 estimate and find solutions to real-life problems involving percents and proportional
relationships such as similarity and rates. (8.3B)
 generate similar figures through dilations which either enlarge or reduce the original
shape (8.6A)
 graph dilations, reflections, and translations on a coordinate plane (8.6B)
 use geometric concepts and properties to solve real-world problems (8.7B)
 locate and name points on a coordinate plane using ordered pairs of rational
numbers (8.7D)
 use proportionality to find the missing measurements in two-dimensional or threedimensional figures. (8.9B)
 describe the changes on perimeter and area when the dimensions of a shape are
altered proportionally (8.10A)
 evaluate polynomial expressions for a given value of the variable (A.4A)
 identify monomials, binomials, and trinomials (A.4A)
 add polynomials(A.4A)
 subtract polynomials (A.4A)
 multiply monomials (A.4A)
 use the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to simplify algebraic
expressions (A.4B)
 multiply binomials using the F.O.I.L method (A.4A)
 multiply polynomials using laws of exponents (A.11A)
 divide polynomials using the laws of exponents (A.11A)
 understand the properties of exponents(A.11A)
 solve a polynomial equation using factoring (A.10A)
8.9B use proportional relationships in similar two-dimensional figures or similar
three-dimensional figures to find missing measurements.
8.10 Measurement. The student describes how changes in dimensions affect
linear, area, and volume measures. The student is expected to:
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Mathematics – Algebra 1
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
8.10A describe the resulting effects on perimeter and area when dimensions of
a shape are changed proportionally.
A.4 Foundations for Functions. The student understands the importance of the
skills to manipulate symbols in order to solve problems and uses the necessary
algebraic skills required to simplify algebraic expressions and solve equations and
inequalities in problem situations. The student is expected to:
A.4A. find specific function values, simplify polynomial expressions, transform
and solve equations, and factor as necessary in problem situations; and
A.4B. use the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to simplify
algebraic expressions.
A.10 Quadratic and other nonlinear functions. The student understands there
is more than one way to solve a quadratic equation and solves them using
appropriate methods. The student is expected to:
A.10A solve quadratic equations using concrete models, tables, graphs, and
algebraic methods.
A.11 Quadratic and other nonlinear functions: The student understands there
are situations modeled by functions that are neither linear nor quadratic and models
the situation. The student is expected to:
A.11A use patterns to generate the laws of exponents and apply them to
problem-solving situations.
Evidence of Learning
At least 80% of the time, students will demonstrate on paper or use models to show they can
 estimate and solve application problems involving percents and other proportional relationships
 generate similar figures using dilations
 graph dilations, reflections, and translations on a coordinate plane
 solve problems using geometric concepts and properties
 locate and name points on a coordinate plane using ordered pairs of rational numbers
 use proportional relationships in similar two-dimensional figures or similar three-dimensional figures to find missing measurements
 describe the resulting effects on perimeter and area when dimensions of a shape are changed proportionally
 simplify a polynomial expression to transform and solve an equation
 use the commutative, associative and distributive properties to simplify a mathematical expression
 solve a polynomial equation by factorization
 express patterns of the variable with exponents for problem applications
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Unit 7: Polynomials
Third Grading Period – Week 1-4 (14 Days)
Essential Questions
How do I add and subtract polynomials?
How do I multiply and divide monomials?
How do I factor multi-termed polynomials?
What are the rules for multiplying and
dividing mathematical expressions that
contain exponents?
How do I order rational numbers when
expressed as integers, percents, decimals
and fractions?
What are the various procedures to
transform a geometric figure on a
coordinate plane?
How do I use geometric properties and
concepts to solve real-world problems?
How do I use proportionality to solve for
missing dimensions or other measures in
geometric figures?
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
7th Grade
 compare and order integers and positive rational numbers (7.1A)
 convert between fractions, decimals, whole numbers, and percents mentally, on paper, or with a calculator (7.1B)
 simplify numerical expressions involving order of operations and exponents (7.2E)
 estimate and find solutions to application problems involving percent (7.3A)
 estimate and find solutions to application problems involving proportional relationships such as similarity, scaling, unit costs,
and related measurement units (7.3B)
 use critical attributes to define similarity (7.6D)
 locate and name points on a coordinate plane using ordered pairs of integers (7.7A)
 graph reflections across the horizontal or vertical axis and graph translations on a coordinate plane (7.7B)
 estimate measurements and solve application problems involving length and area of polygons and other shapes (7.9A)
8th Grade
 find and evaluate an algebraic expression to determine any term in an arithmetic sequence (with a constant rate of change)
 use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve real-life problems (8.9A)
 communicate mathematical ideas using language, efficient tools, appropriate units, and graphical, numerical, physical, or
algebraic mathematical models (8.15A)
 make conjectures from patterns or sets of examples and non-examples (8.16A)
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
Jan 21 – Jan 23, 2009
These days are set aside for any or all of the following objectives:
 Set the stage for a focused approach to significantly improving all students’ TAKS
 Student awareness of the significance of improved scores for the campus
 Student awareness of his/her specific math TAKS scores for the previous three years
and need to develop a plan for improvement
 Review Jan 12-15 Benchmark results with students for teacher and students to know
student’s individual TAKS strengths and weakness
 Review 2008 FMA results with students for teacher and students to know student’s
individual course TEKS strengths and weakness
 Review campus/class 2008 TAKS results for teacher and students to know student’s
individual previous strengths and weakness
 Re-teach any Unit 6 Systems of Equations unfinished lessons or areas needing
 Improve students graphing calculator skills
 Either assign or solicit volunteers (students) to become the class experts in one or two
TAKS student expectations
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
So students can demonstrate competency,
the students will …
Jan 21 – Jan 23, 2009
These days are set aside for any or all of the following objectives:
 Set the stage for a focused approach to significantly improving all students’ TAKS
 Student awareness of the significance of improved scores for the campus
 Student awareness of his/her specific math TAKS scores for the previous three
years and need to develop a plan for improvement
 Review Jan 12-15 Benchmark results with students for teacher and students to
know student’s individual TAKS strengths and weakness
 Review 2008 FMA results with students for teacher and students to know student’s
individual course TEKS strengths and weakness
 Review campus/class 2008 TAKS results for teacher and students to know
student’s individual previous strengths and weakness
 Re-teach any Unit 6 Systems of Equations unfinished lessons or areas needing
 Improve students graphing calculator skills
 Either assign or solicit volunteers (students) to become the class experts in one or
two TAKS student expectations
Mathematics – Algebra 1
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 Ensure that a copy of Margaret Kilgo’s historical TAKS question material is made
available to the student experts
Day 1
TEA TAKS Study Guide Grade 9 Objective 9
SE 8.7B
Engage/Explore (5-10 minutes)
 Ask students in pairs “What is the percent equivalent of ¼? of 7/8? of 4/7?”
 How do I answer these questions using proportionality?
Explain (15 minutes)
 Explain the strategy to solve problems involving proportional relationships from page
168 with the example on page 169
 Have the student pairs complete the Try It on page 170 for guided practice, as well as
Questions 70, 71, and 72 on page 191.
Evaluate (20 minutes)
 Assign problems 38-44 in McDougal Littell Algebra 1 on page 195 for in-class
completion in pairs.
Day 2
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 9.1
Engage/Explore (10 minutes) Collecting Like Objects (Terms)
 Make connections to prior knowledge – collecting like terms.
 From a deck of cards, give a different one to each student as they enter your
 When ready, have the students on their own group themselves by suit.
 Upon completion, then have them group themselves by card value – aces, twos,…,
queens and kings.
 Conduct a discussion on grouping by “labels”
Explain (20 minutes)
 Using Examples 1 and 2, define polynomials (monomial, binomial, and trinomial) and
give examples. Ask the students to give examples.
 Have students take notes and generate the Frayer model for each of the above four
 Explain that the coefficients of like terms (same variables and same degree) are added
and subtracted like integers using Examples 3 and 4
Evaluate (10-15 minutes, as time allows)
 Using problems from the McDougal-Littell, Ch.9.1, pages 557, #17-26 have students
practice how to add and subtract polynomials
 Monitor student activity for understanding throughout the class session.
 Consider the option of collecting the activity for either a grade or a completion check
Alternate lesson: Adding and Subtracting Polynomials Notes and Adding or
Subtracting Polynomials Assignment
Day 3
Exponents, Multiplication/Division
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 8.1/8.2
Engage (5-7 minutes) KWL on Exponents
 KWL with students in groups of 3-4 on their knowledge of exponents with this question
- What is the purpose of an exponent mathematically?
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
 Ensure that a copy of Margaret Kilgo’s historical TAKS question material is made
available to the student experts
Day 1
TEA TAKS Study Guide Grade 9 Objective 9
SE 8.7B
Engage/Explore (5-10 minutes)
 What is the percent equivalent of ¼? of 7/8? of 4/7?
 How do I answer these questions using proportionality?
Explain (15 minutes)
 Take notes on the strategy to solve problems involving proportional relationships
from page 168 with the example on page 169
 Complete with a partner the Try It on page 170 for guided practice, as well as
Questions 70, 71, and 72 on page 191.
Evaluate (20 minutes)
 Assign problems 38-44 in McDougal Littell Algebra 1 on page 195 for in-class
completion in pairs.
Day 2
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 9.1
 Make connections to prior knowledge (collecting like terms) with playing cards
sorted by suit or card value with other students.
 Using the Frayer model, add the terms polynomial, monomial, binomial, and
trinomial to your vocabulary
 Take notes on the teacher’s presentation on adding and subtracting polynomials
(A.4A, A.4B)
 Complete problems 17-26 on page 557 for a check on understanding. (A.4A, A.4B)
Day 3
Exponents, Multiplication/Division
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 8.1/8.2
 Using a KWL activity, review your current knowledge of exponents. Put K’s and L’s
on sticky notes (1 per sticky) and apply to class KWL chart.
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 Have students put there K and W on sticky notes - 1 per sticky note. Put on a
previously prepared KWL chart paper.
Explore (10 minutes) Exponent Rules for Products
 Have students in their groups do Activity 8.1 on page 488, “Product of Powers.”
Explain (10 minutes) Exponent Rules for Products
 Confirm students’ conclusions about exponents by presenting the Key Concepts –
Product of Powers Property on page 489 and Power of a Power Property on page 490.
 For guided practice, assign 9-12 on page 491.
Elaborate (10 minutes) Exponent Rules for Quotients
 Present Key Concepts Quotient of Powers Property on page 495 and Power of a
Quotient Property on page 496.
 For guided practice, assign 5-8 on page 497.
 Monitor the students throughout the class for understanding
 (last 5 minutes of class) Have students add to W column on KWL chart paper
 Assign for homework
Page 492 – 7, 12, 21, 23, 25, 31
Pages 498/499 – 9, 13, 17, 21, 27, 31, 33
Alternate Lesson: Multiplying Monomials Rules Notes, Multiplying Monomials Rules
Assignment, Quotient of Powers Notes, Quotient of Powers Assignment
Day 4
Exponents, Zero & Negative
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 8.3
Engage (10 minutes)
 Review homework assignment
Explore (15 minutes)
 Have students do Activity 8.3, page 502 to gain an understanding and insight into Zero
and Negative Exponents
Explain (15 minutes)
 Present two Key Concepts – Definition of Zero and Negative Exponents on page 503
and Properties of Exponents on page 504.
 Present desired parts of examples 1-3 to model the use of the properties
 Assign for guided practice on pp 503/4/5: 1, 3, 6, 7, 9
 For homework , have students choose one of the following as a notebook entry:
1. make a flip chart for all the Laws of Exponents (page 504) with the rules and
examples to each rule.
2. put all the Laws of Exponents (page 504) into your own words with examples of
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
 Complete “Product of Powers” activity on page 488 to draw conclusions from
patterns recognized (A.11A)
 Take notes on 4 Key Concepts presented by teacher – 2 on multiplying and 2 on
dividing C
 Work guided practice problems to check for understanding (A.4A, A.4B, A.11A)
 As a class learning summary, add “L” sticky notes to class KWL chart.
 Complete homework assignment. (A.4A, A.4B, A.11A)
Day 4
Exponents, Zero & Negative
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 8.3
 Review homework assignment
 Complete Activity 8.3, page 502 to gain an understanding of Zero and Negative
Exponents(A.3.B, A.11.A) by drawing conclusions from recognized patterns
 Take notes on the Key Concepts associated with zero and negative exponents
 Complete guided practice to check for understanding (A.11A)
 For homework either (A.11A)
1. make a flip chart for all the Laws of Exponents with the rules and examples for
each rule, or
2. put all the Laws of Exponents (page 504) into your own words with examples of
Mathematics – Algebra 1
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Days 5 & 6
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 1 – Coordinate Plane
SEs 8.6B, 8.7D
Engage (10 minutes) Ordering Rational Numbers in Different Forms
 Prepare and distribute Cruising the Number Line Cards and begin the activity
 Use the Facilitation Questions on page 4 to ensure depth of understanding
Explore (20 minutes) Plotting and Transforming Ordered Pairs of Rational Numbers
 Distribute Part A and Part B to each student
 Divide students in group of 3-4 and complete activity in these groups
 Actively monitor each group’s progress
 Use the Facilitation Questions on pages 5 and 6 to ensure depth of understanding
Explain (10 minutes) Class presentations (may continue over to Day 6)
 Distribute to each group either transparency of Part A or Part B for class presentation
 Chose 1 group to present Part A and another group to present Part B
 Use the Facilitation Questions on pages 7 and 8 to ensure depth of understanding
Day 6
Elaborate (20 Minutes) Transformation Activity
 Distribute Bobby’s Transformation to each student
 Have students complete in their same groups as before.
 Use the Facilitation Questions on page 9 to ensure depth of understanding
Evaluate (20 Minutes)
 Distribute Evaluate: Coordinate Plane to each student
 Have students complete individually showing all work on the pages
 Have student trade pages for grading
 Have students journal their strengths and weaknesses regarding plotting and
transforming rational ordered pairs.
 Collect assessments for further analysis on need to re-teach.
Day 7
Multiply Polynomials
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 9.2
 Review homework from Day 4 – flip charts or “own words.”
 Have students in pairs review Example 1 on page 562 for multiplying a polynomial by
a monomial using the distributive property.
 Have students in pairs review Example 2 on page 562 for multiplying a binomial by a
binomial with the box or rectangle method.
 Assign for guided practice 1-3 on page 562.
 Have students use the box or rectangle method on the problem from Example 4.
 Walk the students through the FOIL Method using Example #5 in textbook on page
 Also have the students use the box or rectangle method on Example 5 to see the
Assign for guided practice 1-3 on page 563.
 Assign for homework on pages 565/566: 1, 2, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 31, 35
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Days 5 & 6
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 1 – Coordinate Plane
SEs 8.6B, 8.7D
Engage (10 minutes) Ordering Rational Numbers in Different Forms
 Order rational numbers via kinesthetic movement
 Answer questions related to the strategies of numerical ordering
Explore (20 minutes) Plotting and Transforming Ordered Pairs of Rational
 Plot rational pairs on a coordinate plane in small groups (8.7D)
 Reflect and translate geometric figures on a coordinate plane (8.6B)
 Answer questions related to the details of the plotting process
Explain (10 minutes) Class presentations (may continue over to Day 6)
 Present problem results via presentation to rest of class
 Answer questions related to the effects of reflection and translation (8.6B)
 Critique strategies for ordering rational numbers
Day 6
Elaborate (20 Minutes) Transformation Activity
 Process analysis by a small group of how a student generated a reflection of a
given geometric shape (8.6B)
Evaluate (20 Minutes)
 Complete 4-question multiple choice assessment and grading (8.6B, 8.7D)
 Evaluate strengths and weaknesses related to highlighted TEKS SEs
Day 7
Multiply Polynomials
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 9.2
 Review homework from Day 4 – flip charts or “own words.” (A.11A)
 Review with a partner Example 1 on page 562 for multiplying a polynomial by a
monomial using the distributive property. (A.4A, A.4B)
 Review with a partner Example 2 on page 562 for multiplying a binomial by a
binomial with the box or rectangle method. (A.4A, A.4B)
 Complete guided practice 1-3 on page 562 as a check for understanding. (A.4A,
 Use the box or rectangle method on the problem from Example 4. (A.4A, A.4B)
 Take notes on the FOIL Method using Example #5 in textbook on page 563. (A.4A,
 Use the box or rectangle method on Example 5 to see the commonalities. (A.4A,
 Complete guided practice 1-3 on page 563. (A.4A, A.4B)
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Alternate lesson: Multiplying Using FOIL Method Notes , Multiplying Using FOIL
Method Assignment , and Area Problems using FOIL Method
 Complete homework on pages 565/566: 1, 2, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 31, 35 (A.4A,
Day 8
Special Products
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 9.3
Day 8
Special Products
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 9.3
Explain (10 minutes)
 Review homework
Explore (10-15 minutes)
 Have the students individually solve the following problems with either the rectangle or
FOIL methods:
(a + b)(a – b)
(a + b)(a + b)
(x + 5)(x – 5)
(x – 5)(x – 5)
(2w + 3z)(2w – 3z)
(2w + 3z)(2w + 3z)
 Ask students to identify any patterns noticed.
Explain (10-15 minutes)
 Review the “rules” for special products – i.e., confirm the patterns that the students
should have noticed above using Examples 1 and 2 on pages 569 and 570.
 Assign as guided practice on pages 569-571: 1, 3, 5, 7
 Assign for homework on page 572: 1, 2, 9, 11, 15, 23, 27, 33, 35, 37
Day 9
Factoring Simple Trinomials
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 9.5
Engage/Explore (15 minutes) Factoring as reverse of multiplication
 Ask the students – What are 2 factors of 15? ( 3 and 5) Ask them -Why or how this is
true? (because 3 x 5 = 15)
 Have the students multiply (x + 3)(x + 5) – (to get x2 + 8x + 15). Then ask them what
the factors of x2 + 8x + 15 are. ((x +3) and (x+ 5))
 Develop the concept in the students’ minds that factoring is the reverse of
 Review homework
Explore (10 minutes) Zero-Product Property
 Present Key Concept on page 575 along with the immediately following Examples 1, 3
and 4
Explain (15 minutes)
 Deliver the Key Concept and table method of Example 1 on page 583 for factoring a
simple trinomial.
 Use Examples 2 and 3 to show the impact of the signs on the various terms in a
polynomial to be factored
 Present Example 4 stating as a goal to make one side of the equation zero.
 Assign for guided practice on pages 584 and 585 problems 4-8
 Assign as homework on pages 586 and 587: 1, 2, 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 23, 29, 37
 Review homework (A.4A, A.4B)
 Solve the following problems with either the rectangle or FOIL methods: (A.4A,
(a + b)(a – b)
(a + b)(a + b)
(x + 5)(x – 5)
(x – 5)(x – 5)
(2w + 3z)(2w – 3z)
(2w + 3z)(2w + 3z)
 Identify any patterns noticed.
 Take notes on the “rules” for special products. (A.4A, A.4B)
 Complete for guided practice on pages 569-571: 1, 3, 5, 7 (A.4A, A.4B)
 Complete homework on page 572: 1, 2, 9, 11, 15, 23, 27, 33, 35, 37 (A.4A, A.4B,
Day 9
Factoring Simple Trinomials
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 9.5
Engage/Explore Factoring as reverse of multiplication
 What are 2 factors of 15? Why or how?
 Multiply (x + 3)(x + 5). What the factors of x2 + 8x + 15 are?
 Review homework (A.4A, A.4B, A.11A)
Explore Zero-Product Property
 Take notes on Key Concept on page 575 along with the immediately following
Examples 1, 3 and 4 (A.10A)
 Take notes on: (A.4A, A.4B)
1. Key Concept and table method of Example 1 on page 583 for factoring a
simple trinomial.
2. Examples 2 and 3 to show the impact of the signs on the various terms in a
polynomial to be factored
3. Example 4 stating as a goal to make one side of the equation zero.
 Complete for guided practice on pages 584 and 585 problems 4-8 (A.4A, A.4B,
 Complete homework on pages 586 and 587: 1, 2, 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 23, 29, 37 (A.4A,
A.4B, A.10A)
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Days 10 & 11
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 13 – Scale Factor and Similar Figures
SEs 8.3B, 8.6 A/B, 8.9B, 8.10A
Engage (10 minutes) Similarity of Baseball Diamonds
 Display the transparency of the two baseball diamonds
 Activate prior knowledge of similarity via facilitation questions on page 234
Explore (15 minutes) Scale Factor and Proportional Reasoning
 Distribute to each student What a Trip activity – interpreting a distance scale on a map
 Divide students into groups of 3-4 students for activity completion
 Provide each groups blank transparencies and markers for a class presentation on
one of the four suggested methods used to solve the problem
 Use facilitation questions on pages 235-236 to assist students as needed as they work
Explain (20 minutes) Class Presentations (may extend to Day 11)
 Assign the order of presentations to be given by which groups
 Use the questions and tips on page 237 to guide the students to a deeper
understanding of similarity and proportional reasoning for problem solving
Day 11
Elaborate (20 minutes) Similarity and Dilations
 Distribute the Similarity and Dilations activity to each student
 Complete the activity in original groups
 Use the facilitation questions to stimulate students to a deeper understanding of
similarity and problem solving processes
 Distribute Evaluate: Scale Factor and Similar Figures to each student
 Have students complete individually showing all work on the pages
 Have student trade pages for grading
 Have students journal their strengths and weaknesses regarding scale factors and
similar figures.
 Collect assessments for further analysis on need to re-teach
Day 12
Factoring Trinomials, a ≠ 1
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 9.6
Engage/Explore (15 minutes)
 Ask students to multiply (3x + 1)( 5x + 2) (yields 15x2 + 11x + 2)
 Have the students work backwards from their answer to see if they can figure out how
to uniquely get the original factors
 Go over Day 9 homework
Explain (25 minutes)
 Present Examples 1, 2 and 3 on pages 593 and 594
 Show check with graphing calculator after Example 3
 Assign as guided practice 1-6 on page 594.
 Assign for homework on pages 596 and 597: 1, 2, 5, 19, 25, 31, 39, 43, 49, 57
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Days 10 & 11
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 13 – Scale Factor and Similar Figures
SEs 8.3B, 8.6 A/B, 8.9B, 8.10A
Engage Similarity of Baseball Diamonds
 Answer questions related to two similar baseball diamonds (8.3B)
Explore Scale Factor and Proportional Reasoning
 In groups complete What a Trip activity on scale factors and problem solving
methods (8.3B)
 Prepare with your group the assigned method for a class presentation
Explain Class Presentations (may extend to Day 11)
 Present to class your assigned problem solving method
 Take notes on other three methods of problem solving
Day 11
Elaborate Similarity and Dilations
 Complete in groups the Similarity and Dilations activity (8.3B, 8.6A, 8.6B, 8.9B,
 Answer teachers questions for a deeper understanding of similarity (8.3B, 8.6A,
8.6B, 8.9B, 8.10A)
 Complete 4-question multiple choice assessment and grading (8.3B, 8.6A, 8.6B,
8.9B, 8.10A)
 Evaluate strengths and weaknesses related to highlighted TEKS SEs
Day 12
Factoring Trinomials, a ≠ 1
McDougal Littell, Algebra 1, Section 9.6
 Multiply (3x + 1)( 5x + 2)
 Work backwards from your answer to see if you can figure out how to uniquely get
the original factors
 Review Day 9 homework (A.4A, A.4B, A.10A)
 Present Examples 1, 2 and 3 on pages 593 and 594 ((A.4A, A.4B)
 Show check with graphing calculator after Example 3
 Assign as guided practice 1-6 on page 594. (A.4A, A.4B, A.10A)
 Assign for homework on pages 596 and 597: 1, 2, 5, 19, 25, 31, 39, 43, 49, 57
(A.4A, A.4B, A.10A)
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 8 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Days 13 & 14
Review and Assessment
Days 13 & 14
Review and Assessment
Engage (10 minutes)
 Review homework
 On pages 543 and 544, use the review of Vocabulary and sections 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3.
 On pages 616 through 619, use the review of Vocabulary and sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.3,
9.5 and 9.6. Skim 9.1-9.3 to concentrate on 9.5 and 9.6.
 Highlight the procedures for a vertically thrown object in 9.6.
 McDougall Littell TAKS Review and Practice Grade 9 – pp 68-74, 78-79, 92-95, 102103 for 8th Grade TEKS SEs
 Pick appropriate exercises for review.
 Create a test from McDougal Littell Test Generator or use problems from above
lessons for a Unit Test on Polynomials
 Teacher should include TAKS type problems that cover the TEKS from this unit
 Test questions should be aligned with the verbs and nouns in the unit TEKS student
 Student will review concepts and then test on Unit 7-Polynomials (A.4A, A.4B,
A.10A, A.11A, 8.3B, 8.6 A, 8.6B, 8.7B, 8.7D, 8.9B, 8.10A))
Math Content Specific
 Polynomial
 Monomial
 Binomial
 Trinomial
 Exponent
 Product
 FOIL method
 Degree of polynomial
 Leading coefficient
 Constant
 Rational number
 Reflection
 Translation
 Dilation
 Scale factor
 Similarity
McDougal Littell Algebra 1
Chapter 8
8.1 Apply Exponent Properties Involving Products
8.2 Apply Exponent Properties Involving Quotients
8.3 Define and Use Zero and Negative Exponents
Chapter 9
9.1 Add and Subtract Polynomials
9.2 Multiply Polynomials
9.3 Find Special Products of polynomials
9.5 Factor x2 + bx + c
9.6 Factor ax2 + bx + c
TEKS Student Expectation Verbs
(refer to Margaret Kilgo’s TEKS verb
 simplify
 transform
 solve
 factor
 apply
 estimate
 generate
 graph
 locate
 name
Closing the Distance A Flexible Tutorial for TAKS Grade 9 Math (Region 4)
Lesson 1 Coordinate Plane
Lesson 13 Scale Factor and Similar Figures
Problem Solving Checklist
Frayer model
Alternate Lessons
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials Notes
Adding or Subtracting Polynomials Assignment
Multiplying Monomials Rules Notes
Multiplying Monomials Rules Assignment
Quotient of Powers Notes
Quotient of Powers Assignment
Multiplying Using FOIL Method Notes
Multiplying Using FOIL Method Assignment
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 9 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Area Problems using FOIL Method
TEA TAKS Study Guide Grade 9 Math
Objective 9
Evidence of Learning
McDougal Littell Algebra 1
TE Section Annotations (page bottom)
Day 2 Section 9.1 pp 555-557
Day 3 Section 8.1 pg 490
Section 8.2 pp 496-498
Day 4 Section 8.3 pg 504
Day 7 Section 9.2 pg 563
Day 8 Section 9.3 pg 570
Day 9 Section 9.5 pp 584-585
Day 12 Section 9.6 pg 594
McDougal Littell Algebra 1 Best Practices Toolkit
Differentiated Instruction Notes
Day 2 Sections 9.1 pg 73
Day 3 Sections 8.1/8.2 pp 69/70
Day 4 Sections 8.3 pg 70
Day 7 Sections 9.2 pg 73
Day 8 Sections 9.3 pg 74
Day 9 Sections 9.5 pg 75
Day 12 Section 9.6 pg 75
TAKS 2005 Grade 9 (8.3B)
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/AP/Career/Life
SAT Prep
x m , what is the value of m?
TAKS 2005 Grade 9 (8.6A)
English Language Learner Notes
Day 2 Sections 9.1 pg 113
Day 3 Sections 8.1/8.2 pg 111
Day 4 Sections 8.3 pp 111/112
Day 7 Sections 9.2 pg 113
Day 8 Sections 9.3 pg 113
Day 9 Sections 9.5 pg 114
Day 12 Section 9.6 pg 114
Inclusion Lesson Notes
Day 2 Sections 9.1 pg 145
Day 3 Sections 8.1/8.2 pg 143
Day 4 Sections 8.3 pg 143
Day 7 Sections 9.2 pg 145
Day 8 Sections 9.3 pg 145
Day 9 Sections 9.5 pg 146
Day 12 Section 9.6 pg 146
PreAP Pacing and Assignment Guide
Day 2 Sections 9.1 pg 268
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 10 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Day 3 Sections 8.1/8.2 pg 266
Day 4 Sections 8.3 pg 266
Day 7 Sections 9.2 pg 268
Day 8 Sections 9.3 pg 268
Day 9 Sections 9.5 pg 268
Day 12 Section 9.6 pg 268
TAKS 2004 Grade 9 (A.4A)
TAKS 2004 Grade 9 (A.4B)
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 11 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
TAKS 2004 Grade 9 (A.11A)
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 12 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Unit 8: Quadratics
Third Grading Period - Weeks 4- 10 (27 days)
Big Idea
The graph of a quadratic function is the first to be studied that has a continually changing slope or
rate of change.
There are many methods or strategies for solving a quadratic equation.
8th grade review:
 two dimensional representations and two-dimensional measures of three-dimensional figures.
 probability of dependent events and experimental probabilities
 appropriate representation and display of data
 application of appropriate models and strategies to solve everyday problems
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
8.7 Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses geometry to model and describe
the physical world. The student is expected to:
8.7A draw three-dimensional figures from different perspectives: and
8.7C use pictures or models to demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem.
8.8 Measurement. The student uses procedures to determine measures of threedimensional figures. The student is expected to:
8.8A find lateral and total surface area of prisms, pyramids, and cylinders using concrete
models and nets (two-dimensional models);
8.8B connect models of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, spheres, and cones to formulas for
volume of these objects: and
8.8C estimate measurements and use formulas to solve application problems involving
lateral and total surface area and volume.
8.9 Measurement. The student uses indirect measurement to solve problems. The student
is expected to:
8.9A use proportional relationships in similar two-dimensional figures or similar threedimensional figures to find missing measurements.
8.11 Probability and statistics. The student applies concepts of theoretical and
experimental probability to make predictions. The student is expected to:
8.11A find the probabilities of dependent and independent events: and
8.11B use theoretical probabilities and experimental results to make predictions and
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Unit Rationale
The student should understand:
 when given a quadratic function y = ax2 + bx + c, a¹ 0, the emphasis is
placed on certain attributes of the graphs - vertex, intercepts and the
 how to find the roots, the maximum value and minimum value, where the
functions are increasing/decreasing.
 various motion problems are chosen so students see relationships to the
real world in the area of physical and social science.
Mathematics – Algebra 1
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for
I can:
 draw all the perspectives of a three dimensional object (8.7A)
 demonstrate the meaning and usage of the Pythagorean Theorem with
pictures or models (8.7C)
 calculate the total surface area and lateral surface area of prisms,
pyramids, and cylinders using concrete models and nets (two-dimensional
models) (8.8A)
 relate the physical attributes of concrete models of prisms, cylinders,
pyramids, spheres, and cones to the variables in the abstract formulas
 solve real-world problems involving lateral and total surface area by
estimating measurements and using formulas (8.8C)
 determine the values of missing measurements of similar two-dimensional
and three-dimensional figures by using proportional relationships (8.9A)
 determine the probability of events happening, whether the events are
either dependent or independent (8.11A)
 make decisions and predictions based on either theoretical or
experimental probabilities (8.11B)
 justify a choice of decision for a particular decision by selecting an
appropriate measure of central tendency or range fr the related set of data
 present and display relationships among collected data by selecting and
appropriately using one of several listed representations (8.12C)
 recognize misuses of graphical or numerical information (8.13B)
 evaluate predictions and conclusions based on data analysis (8.13B)
Page 13 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
8.12 Probability and statistics. The student uses statistical procedures to describe data.
The student is expected to:
8.12A select the appropriate measure of central tendency or range to describe a set of
data and justify the choice for a particular situation: and
8.12C select and use an
appropriate representation for presenting and displaying relationships among collected data,
including line plots, stem and leaf plots, circle graphs, bar graphs, box and whisker plots,
histograms, and Venn diagrams, with and without the use of technology.
8.13 Probability and statistics. The student evaluates predictions and conclusions based
on statistical data. The student is expected to:
8.13B recognize misuses of graphical or numerical information and evaluate predictions
and conclusions based on data analysis.
8.14 Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student applies Grade 8
mathematics to solve problems connected to everyday experiences, investigations in other
disciplines, and activities in and outside of school. The student is expected to:
8.14A identify and apply mathematics to everyday experiences, to activities in and
outside of school, with other disciplines, and with other mathematical topics:
 apply mathematical procedures and concepts to everyday experiences
 use a problem solving model that at a minimum includes the following 4
steps – understanding the problem, making a plan to solve it, executing
the plan, and checking the solution for reasonability (8.14B)
 select or develop an appropriate problem solving strategy from a given list
 communicate mathematical ideas or concepts using language, efficient
tools, appropriate units and mathematical models – graphical, numerical,
physical or algebraic (8.15A)
 make conjectures or draw conclusions from patterns or sets of examples
or non-examples (8.16A)
 validate conclusions sing mathematical properties and relationships
 identify and sketch the general form of quadratic parent functions (A.2A)
 determine domain and range for quadratic functions (A.9A)
 investigate, describe and predict the effects of changes in “a” on the
graph of y = ax2 + c (A.9B)
 investigate, describe, and predict the effects of changes in “c” on the
 graph of y = ax2 + c (A.9C)
 analyze graphs of quadratic functions an draw conclusion (A.9D)
 solve quadratic equations using concrete models, tables, graphs and
algebraic methods (A.10A)
 make connections among the solutions (roots) of quadratic equations, the
zeros of their related functions, and horizontal intercepts (x-intercepts) of
the graph of the function. (A.10B)
8.14B use a problem-solving model that incorporates understanding the problem,
making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness; and
8.14C select or develop an appropriate problem-solving strategy from a variety of
different types, including drawing a picture, looking for a pattern, systematic guessing and
checking, acting it out, making a table, working a simpler problem, or working backwards to
solve a problem.
8.15 Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student communicates about
Grade 8 mathematics through informal and mathematical language, representations, and
models. The student is expected to:
8.15A communicate mathematical ideas using language, efficient tools, appropriate
units, and graphical, numerical, physical, or algebraic mathematical models.
8.16 Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student uses logical reasoning
to make conjectures and verify conclusions. The student is expected to:
8.16A make conjectures from patterns or sets of examples and non-examples; and
8.16B validate his/her conclusions using mathematical properties and relationships.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 14 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
A.2 Foundations for functions. The student uses the properties and attributes of
functions. The student is expected to:
A.2A identify and sketch the general forms of linear (y = x) and quadratic (y = x2 ) parent
A.9 Quadratic and other nonlinear functions. The student understands that the graphs
of quadratic functions are affected by the parameters of the function and can interpret and
describe the effects of changes in the parameters of quadratic functions. The student is
expected to:
A.9A determine the domain and range for quadratic functions in given situations;
A.9B investigate, describe, and predict the effects of changes in a on the graph of y =
ax2 + c;
A.9C investigate, describe, and predict the effects of changes in c on the graph of y =
ax2 + c; and
A.9D analyze graphs of quadratic functions and draw conclusions.
A.10 Quadratic and other nonlinear functions. The student understands there is more
than one way to solve a quadratic equation and solves them using appropriate methods.
The student is expected to:
A.10A solve quadratic equations using concrete models, tables, graphs, and algebraic
methods; and
A.10B make connections among the solutions (roots) of quadratic equations, the zeros
of their related functions, and the horizontal intercepts (x-intercepts) of the graph of the
Evidence of Learning
At least 80% of the time students will demonstrate on paper or use models to show they can
 draw three-dimensional figures from different perspectives
 use pictures or models to demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem
 find the lateral or total surface area or prisms, pyramids and cylinders using concrete models and nets
 connect models of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, spheres, and cones to the formulas for their volumes
 estimate measurements and use formulas to solve application problems involving lateral and total surface area and volume
 use proportional relationships to determine the missing measurements of similar two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures
 find the probabilities of dependent and independent events occurring
 use theoretical probabilities and experimental results to make decisions and predictions
 select and use an appropriate representation for presenting and displaying relationships among collected data
 recognize the misuses of graphical or numerical information
 evaluate predictions and conclusions based on data analyses
 identify and apply mathematics to everyday experiences
 use a problem solving model that incorporates understanding the problem, devising and then executing a plan and checking the results for reasonability
 select or develop an appropriate problem solving strategy from a supplied variety of types
 communicate mathematical ideas using language, efficient tools, appropriate units and mathematical models – graphical, numerical, physical or algebraic
 make conjectures from patterns or sets of examples or non-examples
 validate conclusions drawn using mathematical properties and relationships
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 15 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
identify and sketch the general forms of the quadratic parent function
determine domain and range values to fit a given situation
investigate, describe and predict the effects of changes in “a” on the graph of y = ax2 + c
investigate, describe, and predict the effects of changes in “c” on the graph of y = ax2 + c
draw conclusions from analyzing graphs of quadratic functions
solve quadratic equations using concrete models, tables, graphs, and algebraic methods
make connections among the zeros, roots and horizontal intercepts of a quadratic function
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 16 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Unit 8: Quadratics
Third Grading Period - Weeks 4- 10 (27 days)
Essential Questions
 How do you graph a quadratic function?
 What determines which way a parabola
 How can you tell how much a parabola’s
vertex is shifted from the origin?
 How can you locate the maximum and
minimum value of a quadratic function?
 Does every quadratic function have two
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
7th Grade
 represent squares and square roots using geometric models (7.1C)
 estimate and find solutions to application problems involving proportional relationships such as similarity, scaling, unit costs, and
related measurement units (7.3B)
 generate formulas involving unit conversions, perimeter, area, circumference, volume, and scaling (7.4A)
 use properties to classify three-dimensional figures, including pyramids, cones, prisms, and cylinders (7.6C)
 use critical attributes to define similarity (7.6D)
 sketch three-dimensional figures when given the top, side, and front views (7.8A)
 make a net (two-dimensional model) of the surface area of a three-dimensional figure (7.8B)
 estimate measurements and solve application problems involving length and area of polygons and other shapes (7.9A)
 connect models for volumes of prisms (triangular and rectangular) and cylinders to formulas of prisms (triangular and
rectangular) and cylinders (7.9B)
 estimate measurements and solve application problems involving volume of prisms (triangular and rectangular) and cylinders
 find the probability of independent events (7.10B)
 select and use an appropriate representation for presenting and displaying relationships among collected data, including line
plot, line graph, stem and leaf plot, circle graph, bar graph, and Venn diagrams, and justify the selection (7.11A)
 make inferences and convincing arguments based on an analysis of given or collected data (7.11B)
 describe a set of data using mean, median, mode, and range (7.12A)
 choose among mean, median, mode, or range to describe a set of data and justify the choice for a particular situation (7.12B)
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
So students can …
Days 1 and 2
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 10 – Modeling and Applying the
Pythagorean Theorem SEs 8.7C, 8.9A
Day 1
Engage (10 minutes)
 Divide students into groups of 3-4.
 Distribute the MacArthur Park activity to the students.
 Provide scissors to each student or student group.
 Display the transparency of MacArthur Park.
 Ask the students to read the problem and answer the questions in their small
 Use the facilitation questions on p 182 to assist students as needed.
Explore (15 Minutes)
 Distribute the Side, Side and the Problem Solving Checklist everywhere a side
activity to the students.
 Ask the students to read the problems and answer the questions in their small
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Days 1 and 2
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 10 – Modeling and Applying the Pythagorean
Theorem SEs 8.7C, 8.9A
Day 1
Engage (10 minutes)
 Cut out the towers as instructed.
 Arrange the tower pieces so that there are no gaps or overlaps.
 Answer the question.
Explore (15 Minutes)
 Read and solve the problems presented. (8.7C,8.9A)
 Use the Problem Solving Checklist to help solve the problem.
Explain (15 Minutes)
 Present the problem solutions to the class.
 Fill in the “This is what I need to do” boxes on the summarizing the Pythagorean
Theorem page. (8.7C,8.9A)
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 17 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 Use the facilitation questions on p 183 to assist students as needed.
Explain (15 Minutes)
 Have each student group share their responses to the class.
 Display the transparency: Summarizing the Pythagorean Theorem and distribute
this page to the students. Have the students fill in the missing boxes on their own
activity sheet.
 Use the facilitation questions on p 185 to guide a discussion with the students.
Day 2
Elaborate (20 Minutes)
 Distribute Fences and Pastures and the Problem Solving Checklist to each
student. Ask the students to work on the two problems in their groups.
 Use the facilitation questions on page 186 to assist students as needed.
Evaluate (20 Minutes)
 Distribute Evaluate: Modeling and Applying the Pythagorean Theorem to each
 Have students complete individually showing all work on the pages
 Have student trade pages for grading
 Have students journal a summary of solving Pythagorean Theorem problems
(Use the Summarizing the Pythagorean Theorem page).
 Collect assessments for further analysis on need to re-teach.
Days 3 and 4 – Introduction to Quadratic Functions
Engage: (15-20 minutes)
 Create a foldable using the vocabulary for Quadratics. See p. 628, 629, 630 of
text for assistance. Note: the foldable should be interactive and include the word,
the definition and graphic illustrations.
Explore: (10 minutes)
 Direct the students in pairs to read the excerpt about a rare and precious metal
from Quadratics - Day 1 Notes.
 Emphasize the domain (length of a side) and the range (area) as a table is
developed from the different size rectangles.
Explain: (15-20 minutes)
 Have students work through the notes as a class analyzing and drawing
conclusions regarding the curve generated by plotting the different lengths versus
the areas of the rectangles.
 Discuss the equation of the line of symmetry and its purpose.
 Point out the x-intercepts as they relate to the area of the rectangles and the
length of a side.
 Identify the significant graphical points of the generated quadratic function.
Elaborate: (20-30 minutes)
 Allow students to work in pairs to complete the Quadratics – Day 1 Assignment
 Study examples 1 and 2 pp 628-629 in the text, emphasizing the quadratic parent
 Facilitate and monitor the students as they work
 Have the students complete both handouts for submission at the beginning on the
next class period
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Day 2
Elaborate (20 Minutes)
 Read and answer the Fences and Pastures handout. (8.7C,8.9A)
 Use the Problem Solving Checklist to help solve the problem
 Discuss your problem solving technique with the rest of the group
Evaluate (20 Minutes)
 Complete 4-question multiple choice assessment and grading (8.7C, 8.9A)
 Discuss in your journal a summary of solving Pythagorean Theorem problems (Use the
Summarizing the Pythagorean Theorem page if needed)
 Discuss how using the problem solving checklist helped you solve the problems.
Days 3 and 4 - Intro to Quadratic Functions
 create a foldable using the vocabulary for Quadratics. The foldable should be
interactive. It should include the word, the definition and a graphic illustration.
 read along with teacher on the Quadratics - Day 1 Notes about a rare and precious
 develop a table and determine the domain (length of a side) and the range (area of the
rectangle) for the quadratic function.(A.9A)
 analyze the graph of the quadratic function and draw conclusions about the length
and width of the rectangles (A.9D)
 find an equation for the line of symmetry.
 make connections between the horizontal intercepts (x-intercepts) of the graph of the
function and the physical reality of what the coordinates represent. (A.10B)
 identify the significant graphical points of the quadratic function and their interpretation
related to the problem situation. (A.10B)
 work in pairs to complete the Quadratics – Day 1 Assignment (A.9A, A.9D, A.10B)
 study examples 1 and 2 on p. 628-629 in the text, emphasizing quadratic parent
functions (A.2A)
 ask appropriate questions for understanding
 complete both handouts for homework
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 18 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Alternative Textual Resources for the Quadratics Unit are listed in the Resource
Section of this Curriculum Guide. This is not a day for day replacement, but a
different complete unit for the specific Algebra 1 material.
Days 5 and 6
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 12 – Surface Area and Volume
SEs 8.8A,B,C & 8.15A
Day 5
Days 5 and 6
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 12 – Surface Area and Volume
SEs 8.8A,B,C & 8.15A
Day 5
Engage (10 Minutes)
 Divide students into groups of 3-4.
 Distribute a TAKS Mathematics Chart and a “What’s my formula?” card set to
each student.
 Ask students to match each card with a formula, using the Mathematics chart as a
 After students have completed the card match, have a brief discussion with the
students using the facilitation questions on p. 214.
Explore (15 Minutes)
 Distribute the Prism Net Activity, a TAKS Mathematics Chart, colored pencils and
a graphing calculator to the students.
 Have the students complete the activity in their groups requested using the
formula chart as a guide.
 Use the facilitation questions on p 215 to assist the student groups as needed.
Explain (15 Minutes)
 Have the student groups discuss and display their work from the Prism Net
activity to the rest of the class. Use one of the following methods: make a poster,
make a transparency or fill in a copy of the teacher’s transparency.
 Use the facilitation questions on page 217 to check the students’ conceptual
understanding. Make sure and connect the procedures to their understanding as
they present their work.
Engage (10 Minutes)
 Match each formula card to its drawing using the provided formula charts.
 Participate in a classroom discussion on formulas.
Explore (15 Minutes)
 Complete the provided activity.
 Color the parts of the shape.
 Find the areas and volumes requested using the formula chart as a guide. (8.8A,B,C &
 Answer question related to finding area and volume of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
(8.8A,B,C & 8.15A)
Explain (15 Minutes)
 Make a group presentation on the prism net activity using one of the following methods:
make a poster, make a transparency or fill in a copy of the teacher’s transparency.
(8.8A,B,C & 8.15A)
 Answer question related to finding area and volume of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
(8.8A,B,C & 8.15A)
Day 6
Elaborate (20 Minutes)
 Complete the provided activity.
 Color the parts of the shape.
 Find the areas and volumes requested using the formula chart as a guide. (8.8A,B,C &
 Answer question related to finding area and volume of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
(8.8A,B,C & 8.15A)
Evaluate (20 Minutes)
 Complete 4-question multiple choice assessment and grading (8.8A,B,C & 8.15A)
 Discuss in your journal probability and central tendency especially the difference
between theoretical and experimental probability.
Day 6
Elaborate (20 Minutes)
 Distribute the Cylinder Net activity, a TAKS Mathematics Chart, colored pencils
and a graphing calculator to each student.
 Have the students complete the activity in their groups.
 Use the facilitation questions on p 218 to assist the student groups as needed.
Evaluate (20 Minutes)
 Distribute Evaluate: Surface Area and Volume to each student
 Have students complete the questions individually showing all work on the pages
 Have student trade pages for grading
 Have the students write a summary of how to find surface area and volume in
their journals. Make sure they know the importance of the formula chart.
 Collect assessments for further analysis on need to re-teach.
 Use the error analysis on page 220 to analyze the results for effective reteaching.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 19 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Day 7- Interpreting the Maximum or Minimum of a Quadratic Function
Engage: (5 minutes)
 Ask students if they have ever seen a long fly ball in a baseball game. Show a clip
of a baseball game (if readily available) to aid a discussion between partners of
the flight of the fly ball off the bat. Have the students in pairs write down the main
points of their discussion.
Explore: (15-20 minutes)
 Have the students in pairs complete the Quadratics – Day 2 Notes
Explain: (10 minutes)
 Have the students analyze the
1. maximum height of the path of the soccer ball; and
2. domain and range as Leslie kicked the soccer ball
 Discuss with the students the equation d = -16 t 2 + h as the stone is dropped
Elaborate: (As time allows)
 Facilitate and monitor student as they work in groups to complete the 3 scenarios
on Quadratics – Day 2 Assignment about Engineer Erik, Studious Stanley and
Athletic Adam.
 Study the key concepts on pg 630 of text and describe the changes
 Direct the students to complete the handouts for homework
Day 7- Interpreting the Maximum or Minimum of a Quadratic Function
 Discuss with a partner the flight of a long fly ball during a baseball game. Write down
the major points of your discussion.
 complete with a partner the Quadratics – Day 2 Notes (A.9A, A.9D, A.10B)
 analyze the graph of the maximum height as Leslie kicks the ball. (A.9D)
 determine and make connections among the domain and range of the quadratic.
 investigate, describe and predict the effects of changes on “a” and “c” the equation d
= -16 t 2 + h as the stone is dropped (A.9B) (A.9C)
 ask questions for understanding as they work in groups to complete the 3 scenarios on
Quadratics – Day 2 Assignment about Engineer Erik, Studious Stanley and Athletic
 Study the key concepts on page 630 of text and explain their observations (A.9B, A.9C)
Alternative Textual Resources for the Quadratics Unit are listed in the Resource
Section of this Curriculum Guide. This is not a day for day replacement, but a
different complete unit for the specific Algebra 1 material.
Day 8- Writing Quadratic Functions
Engage: (5 minutes)
 Have the students study examples 3, 4 and 5 pp 629-631 focusing on the change
in the coordinates of the vertex
Explore: (10-15 minutes)
 Distribute Quadratics – Day 3 Notes and investigate the equation
h=16t2 +vt + s to discuss height, time in motion, initial height, and initial velocity as
they relates to the table and the graph.
Explain: (10-15 minutes)
 Have students solve for the maximum height, total time in motion, initial height,
and initial velocity using the table and graph
Elaborate: (As time allows)
 Have students answer the questions about the 3 different scenarios on
Quadratics – Day 3 Assignment
 Facilitate and monitor student work
 Have the students complete the handouts for homework
Day 8- Writing Quadratic Functions
 study example 3, 4 and 5 p. 629-631 investigate, describe, and predict the effects of
changes in “c” on the quadratic graph (A.9B, A.9C)
 work on Quadratics – Day 3 Notes (A.10B)
 investigate, describe the equation h = -16t2 +vt + s (A.9B, A.9C)
 solve for the maximum height, total time in motion, initial height, and initial velocity
using the table and graph (A.10A)
 work through the notes as a class engaging in discussion (A.9D, A.10A, A.10B)
 answer the questions about the 3 different scenarios on Quadratics – Day 3
Assignment (A.9A, A.9D, A.10A, A.10B)
 ask questions for understanding
 complete the handouts for homework
Alternative Textual Resources for the Quadratics Unit are listed in the Resource
Section of this Curriculum Guide. This is not a day for day replacement, but a
different complete unit for the specific Algebra 1 material.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 20 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Day 9- Quadratics Quiz
 Have student complete the Quadratics – Day 4 Fireworks Assessment
 Have students read and work through example #6 pg 631
 Facilitate and monitor student work
Days 10 and 11
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 14 – Probability and Central Tendency
SEs 8.11A & B, 8.12A & C & 8.13B\
Day 10
Day 5- Quadratics Quiz
 complete the Quadratics – Day 4 Fireworks Assessment (A.9A, A.9D)
 read and work through example #6 pg 631(A.9A)
 ask questions for understanding
Days 10 and 11
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 14 – Probability and Central Tendency
SEs 8.11A & B, 8.12A & C & 8.13B
Day 10
Engage (10 Minutes)
 Display the Transparency: Movie Survey
 Have a student act as scribe to record the answers to the problems.
 Use the facilitation questions on p 252 to guide a brief discussion.
Explore (15 Minutes)
 Distribute The Show Must Go On activity to each student.
 Distribute 1 set of Movie survey response slips to each group.
 Have the students read and complete the activity in their groups.
 Use the facilitation questions on p 253 to assist the student groups as needed.
Explain (20 Minutes)
 Have the student groups display and present their work from the The Show Must
Go On activity.
 Use the facilitation questions on page 255 to check the students’ conceptual
understanding. Make sure and connect the procedures to their understanding as
they present their work.
Day 11
Elaborate (20 Minutes)
 Distribute the Displaying Data activity.
 Provide each student with a graphing calculator.
 Have the students complete the activity in their groups.
 Use the facilitation questions on p 256 to assist the student groups as needed.
Evaluate (20 Minutes)
 Distribute Evaluate: Probability and Central Tendency to each student
 Have students complete the questions individually showing all work on the pages.
 Have student trade pages for grading
 Have the students write a summary of what they learned about probability and
central tendency in their journals.
 Collect assessments for further analysis on need to re-teach.
 Use the error analysis on page 257 to analyze the results for effective reteaching.
Day 12 - Exploring the Quadratic Parent Function-Changes in “a” and “c”
Have the students in pairs study problem #23 p.632 to determine the error
Distribute Quadratics – Day 5 Notes on graphing the quadratic parent
function y = x2
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Engage (10 Minutes)
 Discuss the Movie Survey activity.
 Discuss the question “How can probability be simulated?”
Explore (15 Minutes)
 Complete The Show Must Go On activity.
 Find the experimental and theoretical probabilities. (8.11A,B; 8.12A,C; 8.13B)
 Answer questions as needed. (8.11A,B; 8.12A,C; 8.13B)
Explain (20 Minutes)
 Make a group presentation on The Show Must Go On to the class. (8.11A,B; 8.12A,C;
 Answer question related to probability and central tendency. (8.11A,B; 8.12A,C; 8.13B)
Day 11
Elaborate (20 Minutes)
 Complete the Displaying data activity using a graphing calculator. (8.11A,B; 8.12A,C;
 Answer questions related to probability and central tendency. (8.11A,B; 8.12A,C;
Evaluate (20 Minutes)
 Complete 4-question multiple choice assessment and grading (8.11A,B; 8.12A,C;
 Discuss in your journal a summary of how to find areas and volumes using a formula
chart. (8.11A,B; 8.12A,C; 8.13B)
Day 12 - Exploring the Quadratic Parent Function-Changes in “a” and “c”
 study problem #23 p.632 to determine the error (A.2A)
 complete Quadratics – Day 5 Notes on the quadratic parent functions y = x2 (A.2A,
A.9B, A.9C, A.9D)
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 21 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 Discuss how to input the quadratic equations into the graphing calculator, observe
the graph and find the values.
 Determine whether a quadratic opens up or down depending on the sign of a. Go
over the Properties of the Graph of a Quadratic Function pg. 635
 Plot the points on the graphs on the Quadratic Notes worksheets and describe
the affects of “a” and “c”
 Facilitate and monitor students
 Have the students complete the handout for homework
Alternative Textual Resources for the Quadratics Unit are listed in the Resource
Section of this Curriculum Guide. This is not a day for day replacement, but a
different complete unit for the specific Algebra 1 material.
Day 13 - Exploring the Quadratic Parent Function-Changes in “a” and “c”
 Have the students read and analyze example 4 pg 637 Suspension Bridges and
discuss the lowest point of the cable above the water.
 Continue with problem #41 p.639 the Dallas Convention Center
 Pass out the Quadratics – Day 5 Assignment on Parent functions y = x2
 Facilitate and monitor students
 Assign completion of the handout for homework
 input the quadratic equations into the graphing calculator, observe the graph and find
solutions (A.10A)
 determine whether a quadratic opens up or down. Go over the properties of the graph
of a quadratic function on pg.635.(A.9B)
 Plot the points on the graphs on the Quadratic Notes worksheets and describe the
affects of “a” and “c” (A.9B, A.9C)
 ask questions for understanding
 complete the handout for homework
Day 13 - Exploring the Quadratic Parent Function-Changes in “a” and “c”
 read example 4 p.637 Suspension Bridges and discuss the lowest point of the cable
above the water.(A.9D, A.10B)
 Continue with problem #41 p.639 The Dallas Convention Center (A.9D)(A.10B)
work on the Quadratics – Day 5 Assignment on Parent functions y = x2 (A.9B, A.9C,
 ask questions for understanding
 complete the handout for homework
Alternative Textual Resources for the Quadratics Unit are listed in the Resource
Section of this Curriculum Guide. This is not a day for day replacement, but a
different complete unit for the specific Algebra 1 material.
Days 14 and 15
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 15 – Discovering Patterns
SEs 8.14C, 8.16A,B
Day 14
Engage (15 minutes)
 Distribute the Toothpick Windows activity to each student.
 Distribute 50 toothpicks per group.
 Display the toothpick windows transparency.
 Ask the students to read and complete the activity.
 Use the facilitation questions on p 270 to assist the student groups as needed.
Explore (15 minutes)
 Distribute one of the problem transparencies, either problem 1, problem 2 or
problem 3 to each group.
 Also distribute to each group the activity debriefing questions for the problem the
group was assigned.
 Ask each group to complete the activity and debriefing questions.
 Ask the groups to record their responses, so that the explain part of the lesson will
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Days 14 and 15
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 15 – Discovering Patterns
SEs 8.14C, 8.16A,B
Day 14
Engage (15 minutes)
 Complete the Toothpick Windows activity with the aid of the provided toothpicks.
 Answer the questions and participate in the teacher led discussion.
Explore (15minutes)
 Complete the problem transparency and the activity debriefing questions. (8.14C,
 Make sure and record my responses for future use.
Explain (15 minutes)
 Present our problem transparency to the class. (8.14C, 8.16A,B)
 Answer questions about our problem from the four debriefing questions. (8.14C,
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Day 15
Page 22 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
go smoothly.
 Use the facilitation questions on p 271-3 to assist the student groups as needed.
Explain (15 minutes)
 Make sure each group has completed their activity debrief questions.
 Ask a group that explored problem 1 to display and present their transparency.
 Ask the group the 4 questions that correspond to their problem.
 Repeat this process for the other groups.
 Ask the students who are not presenting to complete the debriefing questions
recording sheet for the other problems.
Elaborate (20 minutes)
 Complete the analyzing error activity. (8.14C, 8.16A,B)
 Answer the questions about the pattern activity. (8.14C, 8.16A,B)
Evaluate (20 minutes)
 Complete 4-question multiple choice assessment and grading (8.14C, 8.16A,B)
 Discuss in your journal a summary of finding patterns. (8.14C, 8.16A,B)
Day 15
Elaborate (20 minutes)
 Distribute the analyzing errors activity to each student.
 Ask the students to complete the activity.
 Use the facilitation questions on p 276-8 to assist the student groups as needed.
Evaluate (20 minutes)
 Distribute Evaluate: Discovering Patterns to each student
 Have students complete the questions individually showing all work on the pages.
 Have student trade pages for grading
 Have the students write a summary of what they learned about discovering
patterns in their journals.
 Collect assessments for further analysis on need to re-teach.
 Use the error analysis on page 279 to analyze the results for effective reteaching.
Day 16- Finding Solutions to a Quadratic Equation Using a Table
 Have the students analyze the table that models the function f(x) = 2x2 – 2x – 12
on the Quadratics – Day 6 Notes to determine the solutions to the equation.
 Have students complete the tables in problems 1-5 finding the solutions and the
appropriate domain
 Have the students describe the zeros, or the roots as solutions
 Have students complete the tables with and without a calculator
 Continue by practicing on Quadratics – Day 6 Assignment problems 1-7
 Facilitate and monitor student work
 Complete the handouts for homework
Alternative Textual Resources for the Quadratics Unit are listed in the Resource
Section of this Curriculum Guide. This is not a day for day replacement, but a
different complete unit for the specific Algebra 1 material.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Day 16- Finding Solutions to a Quadratic Equation Using a Table
 go over the table that models the function f(x) = 2x2 – 2x -12 on the Quadratics – Day
6 Notes to determine the solutions to the equation using tables and graphs (A.10A,
 complete the tables making connections in problems 1-5 finding the solutions and
determining the appropriate domain( A.9A, A.10A, A.10B)
 describe the zeros, or the roots as solutions (A.10A, A.10B)
 complete the table with and without a calculator
 practice on Quadratics – Day 6 Assignment problems 1-7 (A.9A, A.10A, A.10B)
 ask questions for understanding
 complete the handouts for homework
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 23 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Day 17- Solving Quadratics in Factor Form
 Answer the question, Does every quadratic function have two zeros? Post the
rules for the Number of Solutions of a Quadratic Equation found at the bottom of
pg 644
 Work out examples 1-4 p. 643-645
 Distribute the Quadratics – Day 7 Notes and explain the steps to finding the
roots of a quadratic function by factoring
 Have students practice factoring problems 1-6 on the Quadratic Notes
 Facilitate and monitor student work
 Assign completion of the handout as homework
Day 17- Solving Quadratics in Factor Form
 answer the question, Does every quadratic function have two zeros?
 take notes on the rules for the Number of Solutions of a Quadratic Equation found at
the bottom of pg 644 (A.10A, A.10B)
 Work out examples 1-4 pp 643-645 (A.10A, A.10B)
 Take notes on the Quadratics – Day 7 Notes which explains the steps to finding the
roots of a quadratic function by factoring (A.10A, A.10B)
 Practice factoring problems 1-6 on the Quadratic Notes (A.10A, A.10B)
 ask questions for better understanding
 complete the handout for homework
Alternative Textual Resources for the Quadratics Unit are listed in the Resource
Section of this Curriculum Guide. This is not a day for day replacement, but a
different complete unit for the specific Algebra 1 material.
Day 18 - Solving Quadratics in Factor Form
 Have students read and discuss Example 6 pg 646 on Sports - When an athlete
throws a shot put.
 Have students find the equation and use the equation to find the time that the shot
put is in the air.
 Have the students draw the situation on a poster and summarize their
 Have students continue practicing factoring skills using the Quadratics – Day 7
Assignment-, work problems 1-12
 Facilitate and monitor student work
 Assign completion of handouts for homework
Day 18 - Solving Quadratics in Factor Form
 read and discuss with a partner Example 6 p. 646 on Sports - When an athlete throws a
shot put.
 find the equation and use it to find the time that the shot put is in the air. (A.10A, A.10B)
 draw the situation on a poster and write a short summary on observations (A.9D,
A.10A, A.10B)
 continue practicing factoring skills using the Quadratics – Day 7 Assignment, work
problems 1-12 (A.10A, A.10B)
 ask questions for better understanding
 Complete the handouts for homework
Alternative Textual Resources for the Quadratics Unit are listed in the Resource
Section of this Curriculum Guide. This is not a day for day replacement, but a
different complete unit for the specific Algebra 1 material.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 24 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Days 19 and 20
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 9 – Solids and Planar Figures
SEs 8.7A, 8.15A,8.16A,B
Day 19
Engage (10 minutes)
 Display the John Hancock Transparency
 Show the students the preconstructed frustum of a rectangular pyramid model
with the net on a transparency.
 Use the facilitation questions on p. 164 to lead a class discussion.
Explore (15 minutes)
 Distribute the activity Angles Everywhere to each student.
 Provide each student with a ruler or a TAKS Mathematics Chart
 Ask the students to read and complete the activity in their groups.
 Use the facilitation questions on p. 165 to assist the students as necessary.
Explain (15 minutes)
 Display the transparency Triangles Tree diagram
 Distribute a paper version of the above transparency to each student.
 Ask the students to complete the tree diagram graphic organizer to represent the
relationships among the types of triangles.
 Ask a student volunteer to record the class’s responses on the teacher
 Use the facilitation questions on p. 166 to guide a class discussion.
 Display the transparency How Do You Know?
 Ask the students to use their graphic organizers to answer the questions. Allow a
few minutes for class discussion.
 Use the facilitation questions on p. 167 to debrief student responses.
Days 19 and 20
Closing the Distance Grade 9 Lesson 9 – Solids and Planar Figures
SEs 8.7A, 8.15A,8.16A,B
Day 19
Engage (10 minutes)
 Participate in the class discussion.
Explore (15 minutes)
 Complete the activity by measuring the side lengths of the triangles.
 Find the measures of the angles not labeled. (8.7A, 8.15A,8.16A,B)
 Name the types of triangles seen in your diagram. Justify the answer. (8.7A,
Explain (15 minutes)
 Complete your own tree diagram graphic organizer. (8.7A, 8.15A,8.16A,B)
 Participate in the class discussion the types of triangles. (8.7A, 8.15A,8.16A,B)
 Answer the How do you know questions. Be able to justify your answer.
Day 20
Elaborate (20 minutes)
 Complete the Quads, Quads Everywhere activity. (8.7A, 8.15A,8.16A,B)
 Create a Venn diagram representing the relationships among quadrilaterals. (8.7A,
 Present the Venn diagram to the rest of the class. (8.7A, 8.15A,8.16A,B)
Evaluate (20 minutes)
 Complete 4-question multiple choice assessment and grading (8.7A, 8.15A,8.16A,B)
 Discuss in your journal a summary of the properties of solid and planar figures. (8.7A,
Day 20
Elaborate (20 minutes)
 Distribute the activity Quads, Quads Everywhere to each student. Be sure each
student still has a ruler or a TAKS Mathematics Chart.
 Ask the students to complete the activity.
 Use the facilitation questions on p. 168 to assist students as necessary.
 Distribute a sheet of chart paper and markers (or a blank transparency and
transparency pens) to each student group.
 Ask the students to create a Venn diagram representing the relationships among
types of quadrilaterals.
 Use the facilitation questions on page 169 to assist struggling students.
Evaluate (20 minutes)
 Distribute Evaluate: Solids and Planar Figures to each student
 Have students complete the questions individually showing all work on the pages.
 Have student trade pages for grading
 Have the students write a summary of what they learned about properties of solid
and planar figures in their journals.
 Collect assessments for further analysis on need to re-teach.
 Use the error analysis on page 170 to analyze the results for effective reteaching.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 25 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Day 21- Writing and Solving Quadratics
 Have students complete the Challenge problem 55 on pg 649
 Have students take notes on Quadratics – Day 8 Notes to define variables,
write equations and solve using any method 1-8
 Describe each of the problems by drawing a geometric sketch
 Have students practice what they have learned on the Quadratics – Day 8
Assignment by defining variables, writing equations and solving them using any
 Facilitate and monitor student work
 Assign handout completion for homework
Day 21- Writing and Solving Quadratics
 complete the Challenge problem 55 on pg 649 to make connections among the
solutions of a quadratic equation (A.10A, A.10B)
 take notes on the worksheet Quadratics – Day 8 Notes to define variables, write
equations and solve using any method 1-8 (A.10A, A.10B)
 describe each of the problems by drawing a geometric sketch (A.10A, A.10B)
 Practice lessons learned on the Quadratics – Day 8 Assignment (A.10A, A.10B)
 ask questions for better understanding
 complete handouts for homework
Alternative Textual Resources for the Quadratics Unit are listed in the Resource
Section of this Curriculum Guide. This is not a day for day replacement, but a
different complete unit for the specific Algebra 1 material.
Day 22- Poster Project of Quadratics
 Have students demonstrate understanding of quadratics by solving selected
problems on page 647 – see Quadratic Function Poster
 Have students create a table, graph, identify the zeros, and maximum and
minimum values
 Answer the question: How can you use a graphing calculator to find models for
data? Perform Regressions p. 692-693
 Facilitate and monitor student work
Day 22- Poster Project of Quadratics
 demonstrate understanding of quadratics by solving selected problems on page 647
and create a table, graph, identify the zeros, and maximum and minimum values
 answer the question: How can you use a graphing calculator to find models for data?
Perform Regressions p. 692-693
 Facilitate and monitor student work
Day 23- Review Unit 8 Quadratics
Day 23- Review Unit 8 Quadratics
 Review p. 696-701
 Review p. 696-701
Day 24 – Unit 8 Exam
 Ensure assessment question alignment with TEKS verbs and nouns
Day 24 – Unit 8 Exam
 Take assessment
Day 25
SE 8.14A
Day 25
SE 8.14A
 Use the McDougal Littell TAKS Objectives Review and Practice Grade 9 TAKS
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
 Study the types of problems in this TEK.
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 26 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Test pp. 116-7.
 Read TEK 8.14A
 Explain to the students that many different items can be tested including
Formulas, Central Tendency and the Pythagorean Theorem.
 Distribute the graphing calculators, TAKS Mathematics Charts and the Problem
Solving Checklist and p 117 to the students.
 With student input go over the example and the You Do It on p 116. with the
 Have the students complete p 117 in their groups.
 Have each group present at least 1 of the problems to the rest of the class.
 Have each students write their own problems for this TEK.
 Have the students work other student problems.
 Help the teacher solve the problems on p 116.
 Complete p 117 in your groups using the provided materials for guidance. (8.14A)
 Write at least 2 problems for TEK 8.14A. (8.14A)
 Solve the problems from one of the other groups. (8.14A)
Day 26
SE 8.14B
 Use the McDougal Littell TAKS Objectives Review and Practice Grade 9 TAKS
Test pp. 118-9.
 Read TEK 8.14B
 Explain to the students that many different items can be tested that use a plan to
solve them.
 Distribute the graphing calculators, TAKS Mathematics Charts and the Problem
Solving Checklist and p 119 to the students.
 With student input go over the example and the You Do It on p 118. with the
 Have the students complete p 119 in their groups.
 Have each group present at least 1 of the problems to the rest of the class.
 Have each student write at least two of their own problems for this TEK.
 Have the students work other student problems.
Day 26
SE 8.14B
 Study the types of problems in this TEK.
 Help the teacher solve the problems on p 118.
 Complete p 119 in your groups using the provided materials for guidance. (8.14B)
 Write at least 2 problems for TEK 8.14B. (8.14B)
 Solve the problems from one of the other groups. (8.14B)
Day 27
Unit 8 Reteach/ Review
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Day 27
Unit 8 Reteach/ Review
Mathematics – Algebra 1
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Math Content
 Quadratic Function
 Roots
 Solution
 Maximum Value
 Minimum value
 Vertex
 Quadratic Equation
 Domain
 Range
 Height
 Time in motion
 Initial height
 Initial velocity
 x-intercepts
 y-intercept
 Axis of Symmetry
 Parabola
 Parent Quadratic Function
 locate
 determine
 identify
 describe
 investigate
 estimate
 validate
 evaluate
Quadratics - Day 1 Notes
Quadratics – Day 1 Assignment
Quadratics – Day 2 Notes
Quadratics – Day 2 Assignment
Quadratics – Day 3 Notes
Quadratics – Day 3 Assignment
Quadratics – Day 4 Fireworks Assessment
Quadratics – Day 5 Notes
Quadratics – Day 5 Assignment
Quadratics – Day 6 Notes
Quadratics – Day 6 Assignment
Quadratics – Day 7 Notes
Quadratics – Day 7 Assignment
Quadratics – Day 8 Notes
Quadratics – Day 8 Assignment
Quadratic Function Poster
Problem Solving Checklist
McDougal Littell TAKS Objectives Review and Practice
Grade 9 TAKS Test
McDougal Littell Algebra 1 (MDL)
Alternative Text Resources for Quadratics Unit:
Day 3 – MDL 10.1 Graph y = ax2 + c
Day 4 – MDL 10.2 Graph y = ax2 + bx + c
Day 7 – Core 1A pp 142-144, Investigation 1 What Goes Up … Must Come Down
Day 8–MDL 10.2 Extension pp 641-642, Graph
Quadratic Functions in Intercept Form
Day 12 – MDL 10.3 Solve Quadratic Equations
by Graphing
Day 13 – MDL 10.8 Compare Linear,
Exponential and Quadratic Models
Day 16 – Core 1A pp 144-147, Investigation 2 The Shape of Rules
Day 17 – MDL 9.4 Solve Polynomial Equations
in Factored Form
Day 18 - Review MDL 9.5-9.6
Day 21 - MDL 9.7 Factor Special Products
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 28 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need
additional support?
 Look over the Teaching Tips on p.203 Best
Practice Tool Kit
 Use the Idea Map and Concept Map p. 158159 for Vocabulary Strategies Best Practice
Tool Kit
 Use Substitute Teacher Activities p. 573 Best
Practice Toolkit.
April 2006 TAKS Test, TEKS A.2A, #28
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for
is 5, what is the other root?
2. f(x) = -x3 - 3x2 + 70x
Is x + 10 a factor?
What do you do for students who master the
learning quickly?
 Choose from a variety of advanced activities
on p. 425-452 in the Best Practice Tool Kit.
Teacher Edition Page Notes:
Section 10.1 pg 629
Section 10.2 pg 636
Section 10.3 pp 645/6
April 2003TAKS Test, TEKS A.9B, #49
Best Practices Toolkit
(For Chapter 10)
Differentiated Instruction pp 77-80
ELL pp115-116
Inclusion pp147-148
PreAP pp 269-271
Academic Mentoring:
Grade 9 TAKS Study Guide:
Interactive TEA website
April 2004TAKS Test, TEKS A.9C, #8
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 29 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Third Grading Period
Mathematics – Algebra 1
Page 30 of 30
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.