Home School Fall-Winter 2012-13

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Home School Courses: Fall/Winter 2012-13
Primary Grades (5-7 yrs. & 8-12 yrs.)
Wednesdays: 5-7 year olds 9:00 – 10:00 am, 8-12 year olds 10:30 am – Noon
Thursdays: 5-7 year olds 9:00 – 10:00 am, 8-12 year olds 10:30 am – Noon
When registering for a block of classes you must stick with the same time and day of
the classes.
Marine Biology Block
 Intro. To Marine Biology/
Plankton and Microscopes
September 5th or 6th
 Coral Reefs
September 19th or 20th
 Marine Mammals
October 3rd or 4th
 Marine Debris and Conservation
October 17th or 18th
Dates and
DNA and Genetics Block
 Introduction to DNA and Genetics
November 7th or 8th
 DNA Extraction and Lab
November 28th or 29th
 Inheritance and Mendelian Genetics December 12th or 13th
Dissection Block
 Starfish Biology and Dissection
January 9th or 10th
 Cephalopod Biology and Squid Dissection
January 23rd or 24th
 Sharks and Skates with Skate Dissection
February 13th or 14th
You must register for classes by block:
(Dissection series cost includes sharing with a lab partner 3 organisms)
8-12 year olds:
Cost 5-7 year olds:
Marine Biology (4 classes)
Marine Biology (4 classes)
DNA and Genetics (3 classes) $33
DNA and Genetics (3 classes) $45
Dissection Series (3 classes)
Dissection Series (3 classes)
Students will be respectful of other students and be familiar with the provided
Expectations vocabulary and pre-class materials at http://serchomeschool.wordpress.com/.
and Registration is online only beginning June 29th.
Refunds Refunds are made only under emergency circumstances.
Contact Karen McDonald to discuss special needs, allergies, or other concerns.
Plan to arrive 10 minutes early. Classes are short and late arrivals disrupt the class. We
Arrival close the door 5 minutes after class begins and ask that parents and students do not
enter the room after that time for safety reasons.
Students will invariably be getting dirty and wet.
Please wear old clothes and closed-toed shoes, no sandals or crocs.
Siblings are welcome on the SERC campus, but must be supervised by an adult,
separate from the home school activity.
Inclement Call (443)482.2388 for a voice-mail recording regarding the status of the class or
Weather check the blog at www.serchomeschool.wordpress.com.
Questions Contact Karen McDonald, with any questions at McDonaldK@si.edu.
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Home School Courses: Fall/Winter 2012-13
Primary Grades (5-7 yrs. & 8-12 yrs.)
Home school classes for primary grades are for two different age groups: 5-7 yrs., 8-12 yrs. Registration is
online only starting June 29th.
Class Days
Ages 5-7 yrs.
9-10 am
10:30 am-Noon, 1:30-3 pm
Ages 8-12 yrs.
9-10 am
10:30 am-Noon
Course Descriptions
You must sign up for an entire block of classes. If you cannot make a class you will be asked to make up the material with
the instructor, either in person or through e-mail at McDonaldK@si.edu . Class content builds upon each lesson and it’s
important for students to keep up with the course.
Marine Biology Block
Introduction to Marine Biology/Plankton and Microscopes (September 5th or 6th)
Students will be introduced to the world of Marine Biology, its various branches and facets. Next we’ll
learn about the most important part of the marine biological food web, plankton, by observing them
under microscopes after taking a plankton tow.
Coral Reefs (September 19th or 20th)
Coral reefs are one of the most rapidly disappearing ecosystems in the world, and they are important
bioindicators of ocean health. We’ll explore what a coral really is, its ecological community, and
Marine Mammals (October 3rd or 4th)
We’ll discover the diverse world of cetaceans (whales and dolphins), pinnipeds (seals), otters, and
manatees in this overview of marine mammal life, including their diverse array of adaptations to being
air breathers living in water.
Marine Debris and Conservation (October 17th or 18th)
There is a floating island of plastic trash Pacific Ocean, roughly 2x the size of Texas! We’ll discuss
plastics and oceans and marine conservation strategies.
DNA and Genetics Block
Introduction to DNA and Genetics (November 7th or 8th)
We’ll learn about the basic structures of DNA, the backbones of the genetic code, and create some fun
hands-on models to help us remember.
DNA Extraction and Lab (November 28th or 29th)
In this lab we’ll learn to extract DNA from a variety of sources, from strawberries to cheek cells.
Inheritance and Mendelian Genetics (December 12th or 13th)
Discover the world of inherited traits and genetics. For older students we’ll also do some basic Punnett
squares and genetics problem solving.
Dissection Block
For all dissection classes: Students will be working in pairs. For ages 5-7 yrs we ask that parents assist with the
dissection and class. Parents are also encouraged to assist in the 8-12 year old class.
Starfish Biology and Dissection (January 9th or 10th)
We’ll begin by learning about the body and hydraulics of starfish and then dissect one to explore what
we have learned.
Cephalopod Biology and Squid Dissection (January 23rd or 24th)
We’ll start with some basic cephalopod biology and then dissect a squid.
Sharks and Skates with Skate Dissection (February 13th or 14th)
We’ll discuss the different types of sharks and skates, and their characteristics, then we’ll dissect a skate.
Follow the SERC Home School classes online at: http://serchomeschool.wordpress.com/.
Here you will find updates about class vocabulary, materials to bring to class, links to study, and
inclement weather information. You can also sign up for e-mail notifications of new postings.