Developing a Student Administrative Leave Policy


Handout #4



The Process for a Voluntary Leave or Withdraw of a Student ............................. 2

When to Invoke an Interim Emergency Leave ...................................................... 5

The Process for Placing Students on an Involuntary Leave or Withdrawal ......... 7

The Conditions for a Student’s Readmission or Reinstatement ......................... 10

Resources ........................................................................................................... 13

2007 Bringing UE to You: Between a Rock and A Hard Place

Handout #4

Mentally distressed students can present challenges to themselves and the institutions they attend. However, institutions have options in how they choose to respond to students who are experiencing severe mental distress. The following resources can provide guidance for institutions on how to create an administrative leave policy that provides sound choices for managing students with serious mental health problems. Key components of a student administrative leave policy include:


The process for a voluntary leave or withdrawal of a student


When to invoke an interim emergency leave


The process for placing students on an involuntary leave or withdrawal


The conditions for a student’s readmission or reinstatement following a leave or withdrawal

Sample approaches for each component are provided below.


The Process for a Voluntary Leave or Withdrawal of a Student

A voluntary leave policy should accomplish a number of goals. ACA provides the acronym for the goals UE recommends – a policy should be

A ttractive,

C lear, and

A ccessible.

A ttractive because voluntary leave must be seen as a positive viable option by students with mental health problems and their parents. A policy should make the process less intimidating and make the consequences of a leave less severe for the student than the institution’s withdrawal policies under normal circumstances.

C lear because the policy should clarify the conditions under which a leave would be approved, who at the institution must approve a voluntary leave (such as the

Dean of Students, etc.), whether a health professional must recommend the leave, and those persons or department who will be consulted in approving the leave.

Additionally, the policy should also explain how such a leave or withdrawal will appear on a student’s transcript, the effect on tuition and expenses paid, and the impact on status or scholarships. Some of the more important issues (tuition refunds, paying for medical treatment) can be spelled out in the policy or appropriate administrators can be given discretion to make exceptions to normal institutional policies.

A ccessible because students and their parents should have easy access through student handbooks or websites. Also, it’s important that residence life staff, counseling staff and others be aware of the voluntary withdrawal option when they discuss alternatives with students experiencing mental health problems.

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Cornell University

“Medical Leaves of Absence (MLOA)

As a student, you may experience life situations, medical conditions, or psychological conditions that significantly impair your ability to function successfully or safely in your role as a student. In these instances, time away from the university for treatment and recovery can restore your functioning to a level that will enable you to return to the university.”

* * *

Potential advantages for a student to take a MLOA rather than some other form of leave of absence

For students with tuition reimbursement insurance, a MLOA generally qualifies a student for benefits under any tuition insurance plan they may carry.

For international students, a MLOA may provide a way to remain in the US while maintaining legal status.

 For graduate students, a MLOA typically does not disrupt the student’s guarantee of funding.

A MLOA sometimes qualifies a student to initiate a leave of absence later in the semester than might normally be permitted with other forms of leave.

The number of MLOAs a student takes is currently unlimited, whereas a student often is limited by the college in the number of personal leaves they may take during their tenure at the University.

With a MLOA, the grades a student received during the semester for which the leave was initially granted are usually not calculated in the student’s GPA.

 A MLOA sometimes eliminates a semester’s courses completely from the student’s transcript.

University of Oregon

“Voluntary Leave

A student who wishes to be placed on medical leave from the University shall present a recommendation to that effect from a physician or psychologist to the Vice President for

Student Affairs. The Vice President will request the Director of the University Health Center

(if the request for leave is based on a medical condition) or Director of the University

Counseling Center (if the request for leave is based a mental health conditions) or both (if the Vice President believes information from both Directors would be useful) evaluate the information provided. Upon the affirmative written recommendation of the Director conducting the evaluation, the Vice President shall immediately grant the student's request.”

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Handout #4

University of Michigan

“Voluntary Withdrawal

If the student is eligible for and wishes to pursue voluntary withdrawal, the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee will:

* consult with the Health Advisory Team

* counsel the student regarding voluntary withdrawal;

* consult with the student

’ s academic unit and other units as appropriate;

* discuss the circumstances with the student

’ s family, as appropriate;

* refer the student to appropriate resources for evaluation or treatment and initiate voluntary withdrawal.”

Colgate University

“Policy on Medical Leave of Absence

When a student experiences serious medical or psychological problems while enrolled as a student in a Colgate program, he or she may request to take a voluntary medical leave-ofabsence. If approved by the administrative advisor, the student will leave campus (or study group) immediately, be granted grades of “W” in all enrolled courses (even if the normal deadline for withdrawal without academic penalty have passed), and the student will be obligated to adhere to the readmission requirements outlined below if he or she desires to return to Colgate after the problem has been treated and resolved.”

Hamilton College

“Leaves of Absence

Students may occasionally need to arrange a leave of absence after the spring or fall deadlines for reasons beyond their control. These students should apply to the dean of students, who may allow financial and other regulations to be waived. When a leave is granted, the dean of students may also specify special conditions for the student’s readmission to Hamilton.”

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When to Invoke an Interim Emergency Leave

An emergency interim leave occurs prior to the completion of a full investigation and the full due process for an involuntary administrative leave. When there is an immediate concern of safety, an institution may take interim steps to remove a student from campus. This section of the policy should include a statement that such an emergency leave will only be imposed when a student’s behavior poses an immediate threat of harm to themselves or others. It should also identify the campus official in charge of deciding whether to impose such a leave. Also, except in exigent circumstances, before invoking the leave the policy should make every attempt to provide students with minimal due process, defined as notice and an initial opportunity to address the evidence.

University of Michigan:

“ Emergency Interim Withdrawal

1. If, for reasons pertaining to mental or physical health, a student

’ s behavior poses an immediate and direct threat to themselves or others, the Vice President or designee may withdraw the student or restrict the student's access to the university campus, university housing, services, and activities, as appropriate, for an interim period before a final determination of the matter.

2. Every attempt will be made by the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee to meet with the student before deciding on an interim withdrawal of the student. If the student is to be withdrawn the decision will be communicated in writing to the student, the Dean of the student

’ s academic unit, and other units as appropriate

3. The emergency withdrawal or restricted access will remain in effect until a final decision has been made pursuant to the procedures below, unless, before a final decision is made, the

Vice President or designee determines that the reasons for imposing the interim withdrawal no longer exist.”

University of Oregon:

Emergency Interventions

(1) Transfer to Institutional Care. If a physician or psychologist on the staff of the University

Health Center or University Counseling and Testing Center, after conferring with the Vice

President, determines that a student's medical or mental health condition poses an immediate emergency warranting institutional care, such physician or psychologist shall act as the representative of the University in emergency cases requiring immediate action to transfer a student pursuant to Oregon Laws, to an appropriate community or state health agency. Upon transfer to institutional care, the student shall be placed on medical leave from the

University. If, within seven days of taking action to initiate such a transfer, the emergency has abated and the Director of the University Health Center or University Counseling and

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University of Oregon (cont.):

Testing Center so recommends to the Vice President, the Vice President may cancel the medical leave, require a mandatory medical assessment or, if the student elects and the Vice

President concurs, place the student on voluntary medical leave for the remainder of the current term.

(2) Refusal to Participate. If, after requested by the Suicide Assessment Team, a student fails to attend any mandatory professional assessment appointment, the student will not meet the

University's standards of responsibility and self care and will be subject to emergency procedures.

(3) Involvement of Family Members. The Vice President may seek the cooperation and involvement of family members of students who are experiencing medical or mental health emergencies. Involvement may include requesting family members to assist in persuading the student to seek appropriate professional assistance, such as an evaluation from a psychologists or other appropriate mental health professional. The decision to notify a student's family members in the case of a medical or mental health emergency will be weighed carefully against the student's privacy rights.”

Luther College:

“Interim Withdrawal

F. The dean, or staff person designated by the dean, may implement an interim withdrawal if the student fails to complete a requested evaluation. Also, an interim withdrawal may be implemented immediately if the dean determines that because of the student’s psychological state, the student’s behavior poses an imminent danger of:

1. causing significant property damage, or directly and substantially impeding the lawful and rightful activities of others, or

2. causing serious physical harm to the student or others.

G. The dean or designee shall be responsible for advising the student regarding terms of the interim withdrawal, and the processes for an upcoming informal hearing to resolve the student’s status. When feasible, the student shall be afforded the opportunity to review with the dean the rationale for the interim withdrawal. The student may have support persons present, such as parents or therapist.

H. Following an interim withdrawal an informal hearing to determine student status shall be set by the dean. The time of this hearing shall be set to permit ample time for information gathering related to the student’s behavior and psychological state, enabling the college to make a sound decision. This may include an indefinite period of interim withdrawal. The student is required to request an informal hearing at such time when the student desires to return to college .”

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The Process for Placing Students on an Involuntary Leave or


Generally, an involuntary should be reserved for exceptional circumstances; as a last resort when a student cannot be persuaded to take a voluntary withdrawal and all reasonable efforts to help the student stay in school and get treatment have failed. This policy should require a determination that the student presents a significant risk to the health or safety of the student or others. Such a determination should be based upon reasonable medical judgment and the best available objective evidence. Also, the institution must provide the student with due process, defined as a hearing and a right to appeal the outcome of the hearing.

University of Oregon

“Mandatory Leave Procedure

(1) If the Director of the University Health Center or the Director of the University

Counseling and Testing Center believes a student's medical or mental health condition meets the standard for mandatory leave, the Director will recommend to the Vice President that the

Vice President initiate mandatory leave. The Director may confer with any individuals the

Director believes can assist in making a recommendation.

(2) Prior to placing a student on mandatory leave, the Vice President will request the

Director prepare a report containing a summary of the steps already taken to respond to the student's medical or mental health condition, a list of individuals who have relevant information regarding the student's medical or mental condition, and the basis for recommending mandatory leave.

(3) The Director will set a date and time for a meeting with the student prior to making a final recommendation regarding mandatory leave and provide the student written notice. The notice shall include:

(a) The date, time and place of the meeting;

(b) That the purpose of the meeting is to consider if the student should be placed on mandatory leave;

(c) That the standards for making the final decision are whether the student's medical or mental health condition substantially threatens the welfare of self or others, significantly disrupts the functioning of university operations or significantly interferes with a student's ability to complete their educational goals.

(d) That the student has the opportunity to attend, to participate in the meeting, and to be accompanied by a personally-selected representative.

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University of Oregon (cont.)

(4) The Director shall conduct the meeting in an informal manner that provides the Director with an opportunity to gather information relevant to the final decision and provides the student with an opportunity, if the student wishes, to provide information the Director believes will be useful in making a final recommendation. The student's opportunity to participate in the meeting shall include the opportunity to provide information from others who may have knowledge regarding whether the student's medical or mental health condition substantially threatens the welfare of self or others, significantly disrupts the functioning of university operations or significantly interferes with a student's ability to complete their educational goals.

(5) If, following the meeting with the student, the Director concludes that the student's medical or mental health condition does not substantially threaten the welfare of self or others, significantly disrupt the functioning of university operations or significantly interfere with the student's ability to complete their educational goals, the Director will so inform the student and the Vice President in writing, and no further action will be taken.

(e) If, following the meeting with the student, the Director concludes that the student's medical or mental health condition substantially threatens the welfare of self or others, significantly disrupts the functioning of university operations or significantly interferes with the student's ability to complete their educational goals, the Director will so inform the student and advise the Vice President in writing, and may recommend the student be placed on mandatory leave.

(f) The Vice President will review the Director's recommendation and will notify the

University General Counsel or designee or successor, prior to placing the student on mandatory leave. The Vice President shall notify the student of the Vice President's decision and of the requirements for resumption of student status contained in this rule. The Vice

President's decision is final.”

University of Michigan


A withdrawal may be considered when the University has substantial evidence that:

* a student's behavior demonstrates a direct threat of harm to self or others;

* or the student

’ s behavior significantly disrupts the ability of other students, faculty or staff to participate in the educational programs or employment opportunities offered by the University.

An individual wishing to explore the appropriateness of a withdrawal or wanting to initiate a withdrawal should contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. When circumstances merit, the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee will:

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University of Michigan (cont.)

* arrange for an appropriate review process to include receiving, investigating, and examining appropriate records and documentation;

* provide an opportunity for the student to meet with the Vice President or designee to discuss the withdrawal;


* document the findings of the review process and any relevant recommendations.

The student may be restricted from campus and/or University services and activities during a voluntary or involuntary withdrawal period. The student will receive written notice of the withdrawal as well as the conditions for readmission…

2. Involuntary Withdrawal

If the student does not voluntarily withdraw, the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee will:

* consult with the Health Advisory Team. Members of the team will often include representatives from the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel, Office of the Dean of the students academic unit, University Housing, Health Services,

Counseling and Psychological Services, Dean of Students and Public Safety. Other members can be added at the discretion of the Vice President;

* contact the students parents, if appropriate;

* if appropriate, initiate the involuntary withdrawal process and advise policy adjudicators in the University community with regard to the students capacity to participate in academic or nonacademic reviews of the students conduct.”

Luther College

“Involuntary Administrative Withdrawal

Standards for Withdrawal

A. The following standards do not preclude removal from the college or college housing, in accordance with other college contracts or regulations. All references contained herein may be applied to college housing, as well as withdrawal from the college.

B. A student will be subject to involuntary administrative withdrawal from college housing, or from the college, if there is convincing evidence, that the student:

1. engages, or threatens to engage, in behavior which could cause significant property damage, or directly and substantially impedes the lawful and rightful activities of others, or

2. engages, or threatens to engage, in behavior which poses a danger of causing physical harm to self or others.”

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The Conditions for a Student’s Readmission or Reinstatement

Whether a student’s leave is voluntary or involuntary, the policy should explain the terms and conditions that must be met to gain readmission or reinstatement following a leave of absence. In the case of an involuntary leave, a student is usually required to present proof that they no longer present a threat to themselves or others. Moreover, the policy should clarify which personnel at the institution will be responsible for reviewing the student’s request for readmission.

Cornell University

“Various schools, colleges and graduate fields have different policies regarding leaves of absence, including specific restrictions on or requirements for the amount of time a student is to be away on leave and distinct requirements or criteria for re-enrollment following a leave of absence. It is your responsibility to contact the advising office (NOT your faculty advisor) of your school or college, or for graduate students, the dean of the Graduate School, regarding the specific academic requirements or criteria for re-enrollment that will apply to you . . . “

University of Oregon

“Resumption of Student Status

(1) Prior to returning to the University or enrolling at the University, a student who has been placed on leave as a result of emergency procedures must produce a plan in writing that delineates how the student will resume their status at the University.

(2) The plan must respond to the condition that gave rise to the need for the student's leave

(i.e., need for ongoing psychological or medical care; ability to maintain a standard of responsibility and self care; ability to assume class participation.) If the student will reside in the residence halls, the plan must also state how the student will transition back into this community.

(3) The Suicide Assessment Team will review the student's plan. After the Suicide Assessment

Team has reviewed the student's plan, the Director of the Health Center (for behavior based on medical conditions or emergencies) or the Director of the Counseling and Testing Center

(for behavior based on mental health conditions or emergencies) or both (if the Vice

President believes information from both Directors would be useful) will make a recommendation to the Vice President who will decide if the student's request to re-enroll at that time shall be granted or denied. The Vice President's decision is final.

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University of Michigan


1. A student removed from the University under this policy may be considered for readmission if eligible, based on the student's academic record, in accord with the readmission policies and practices of the student's academic unit.

2. A student wishing to be considered for readmission should contact the Vice President for

Student Affairs or designee according to the written conditions for readmission and provide appropriate documentation of behavioral change, and resolution of the initial problem, including compliance with the conditions of readmission.

3. The Vice President for Student Affairs or designee will:

* consult with the Mental and Physical Health Advisory Team;

* consult with the students academic unit;

* contact the students parents, if appropriate;

* receive, investigate, and examine relevant documentation;

* provide an opportunity for the student to meet with the Vice President or designee to discuss readmission;

* if appropriate, initiate the readmission process, provide the student with written conditions for continued attendance and inform any relevant policy adjudicators of the students readmission; or

* deny the students request for readmission and specify when and if the next request for readmission will be considered and notify the students academic unit and other units as appropriate of the decision regarding readmission.”

Colgate University

“Required Treatment

During a medical leave of absence, the University expects the student to undergo professional heal-care treatment as the primary method of resolving the initial problem.

Failure to seek ongoing treatment will raise serious doubt as to the student’s readiness to return, and in such cases the University may withhold readmission until appropriate treatment has been received. Colgate expects that ill health which results in a medical leave must be treated satisfactorily in order for the student to return to the intellectual and emotional demands of a university campus.

Colgate also requires that the student’s off-campus primary health care provider make contact with his/her counterpart at Colgate and discuss the nature of the problem that led to the student taking medical leave. To facilitate this communication, the student must provide written releases to both parties to communicate freely with each other. This communication must occur prior to the beginning of the student’s treatment to ensure that there is clarity regarding the medical and/or psychological problems that need to be addressed in treatment.”

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Hobart and William Smith Colleges

“Returning from a Medical Leave

At times the HWS deans require students who take a medical leave from the Colleges to secure mental health treatment at home before returning to school. In such instances, deans may require students to arrange for their home treatment providers to endorse students’ readiness to resume their studies before allowing students to return to HWS. Further, deans may require that the home treatment providers communicate their endorsement to the staff at the Counseling Center, who then forward a recommendation relating to readmission to the deans.”

Luther College


K. Reinstatement after involuntary withdrawal would be processed by petition to the Dean for Student Life, or designee. The dean may act individually, or in conjunction with college counseling staff, to reinstate the student or deny the request. The written response shall include rationale for denial, or any specific conditions which might be included as part of reinstatement.

Deviations from Established Procedures

L. Reasonable deviations from these procedures will not invalidate a decision or proceeding unless significant prejudice to a student may result.”

2007 Bringing UE to You: Between a Rock and A Hard Place 12


Cornell University

Medical Leave of Absence

University of Michigan

Emergency Mental Health Withdrawal and Readmission Policies and Procedures

University of Oregon

Student Medical Leave

University of Massachusetts at Amherst

General Regulations: 12. Leave of Absence: Health

Colgate University

Student Handbook

Luther College

Involuntary Administrative Withdrawal

Hamilton College

Academic Regulations http://\

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Handout #4

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