

Name: ________________________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ____________________


DIRECTIONS: Choose any ____ of the following activities. Attached you will find a detailed explanation of what will be expected of you for each activity. Any questions be sure to ask the teacher.

DUE DATE: __________________________

1. Choose a retired hurricane and become an expert on it. Create a poster that includes pictures, facts and more to present.

2. Create a timeline of hurricanes that have hit a specific area of our country.

3. Pick a year! Choose a year in history and create a diagram of all named storms that year.

4. Games! Create a board game complete with rules and pieces about hurricanes, or a specific hurricane or hurricane safety.

7. Make a hurricane safety wheel with 8 safety tips that can be viewed via turning the wheel.

5. Create a Flip Book about hurricanes – starting with how they are formed. Details attached to this project.

8. Make a 3-D model of the 4 stages and label the parts of a hurricane.

6. Write and perform a song about hurricanes – 2 verses and a chorus. Topics include, formation, naming, categories, and historical records.

9. Create a slideshow or video clip set to music about hurricanes.

Hurricane Tic Tac Toe Details


From the list provided choose a retired hurricane name. Research the hurricane as it happened in that year of retiring. Create an 11 x 18 or larger poster about the hurricane. Be sure to include the dates, the locations strength, the death toll, cost, and any related information.


Timeline – create a timeline for the past 150 years for a specific state or area of the country. Timeline should include any hurricanes, their category, death toll and related info.


Pick a year in history and create a detailed list of all named storms that year in order. Your details need to include strength of storm, landfall, destruction, death and interesting details.


Create a board game that is fully functional that is about either hurricanes in general, specific hurricanes or hurricane safety. Must be able to be played.


Using the printed directions, create a flipbook about hurricanes. This book will include how hurricanes are formed (includes the 4 stages), the different categories, safety tips and interesting facts.


Write and perform a song about either hurricanes in general or a specific hurricane. Topics can include formation, naming, categories or history. The song must have at least 2 verses and a chorus.

It will be easier to use a familiar tune. Songs will need to be presented to the class.


Using the given template create a Hurricane Safety wheel. This wheel will have 8 individual safety tips. This wheel needs to be colored, labeled and informative.


Make a 3-D model of the 4 stages of a hurricane and label the parts.


Create a slideshow (15 or more slides) or a video clip (3 or more minutes) about hurricanes, categories, historical ones or teacher approved.

Hurricane Tic Tac Tie Rubric

You will be scored on each individual activity:

4 – (93-100) Activity is done above and beyond expectations listed with all information correct and done neatly. Presentation is done with confidence.

3 – (85-92) Activity is done as described with all expectations complete. May have 1-2 errors and mostly neat. Presentation was done correctly.

2 – (77-84) Activity is done with parts missing or incomplete. Has more than 2 errors and is not neat.

Presentation was done OK.

1 – (76-70) Activity is done with numerous parts mssing or incomplete. Has several errors and is not neat.

Presentation was poorly done.

F- Activity is not done or turned in. No presentation.

**Overall Tic Tac Toe project score

4 (95) Worked independently, focused, on task, helpful and no redirection needed.

3 (88) Worked well, mostly focused, mostly on task, little redirection needed.

2 (81) Worked mostly, somewhat focused, not always on task, redirection needed.

1 (74) Hardly worked, not focused, off task, constant redirection.
