21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education Medical Terminology Health Science Education Cluster Medical Emergency Preparation Concentration Pharmaceutical/Medical Professional Sales and Marketing Concentration Medical Transcription and Information Specialist Concentration Title: Medical Terminology (0721) Standard Number: HSE.S.MT.1 Essential Questions: Objectives: HSE.O.MT.1.1 Basic Elements of Medical Words Students will effectively use basic medical elements to build and interpret medical terms. How does the use of medical terminology inhibit understanding in the communication process? HSE.O.MT.1.2 interpret medical words by identifying their component elements. Students will examine the four basic elements and interpret their role in forming medical terms. Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: basic elements used to build and interpret medical terms suffixes prefixes word roots combining form (sometimes identified as construct flash cards or word list to enhance learning Suggestions: Discuss rules for interpreting medical terms. Utilize audiovisuals or software programs designed to deliver instructional content in medical terminology. Damon Dean-Vaughn Medical Terminology 350 is one such program. position and role of the suffix when used in a medical term surgical suffixes diagnostic suffixes 1 HSE.O.MT.1.3 HSE.O.MT.1.4 HSE.O.MT.1.5 HSE.O.MT.1.6 HSE.O.MT.1.7 symptomatic suffixes determination of the part of speech diminutive suffixes position and role of prefixes used in building medical terms position number measurement negation direction word roots aritculate the basic rules for building medical basic rules for building medical terms terms. a word root links a suffix that begins with a vowel a combining form links a suffix that begins with a consonant use a combining form to link a root to another root to form a compound word. Suggestion: Utilize pronunciation guides. utilize basic steps to pronounce and define Dean Vaughn Medical Terminology 350 is a basic medical terms. medical terminology program. analyze the position and role of suffixes when position and role of suffixes used in building medical terms. surgical suffixes diagnostic suffixes symptomatic suffixes determination of the part of speech diminutive suffixes See text for lists of suffixes. compare surgical, diagnostic, and symptomatic Student Learning Activity: have students compare suffixes using graphic organizers. suffixes. analyze suffixes to determine their part of suffixes speech. are attached to word roots to form a part of speech, such as adjectives and nouns, or a singular or plural form of a medical word 2 HSE.O.MT.1.8 HSE.O.MT.1.9 HSE.O.MT.1.10 Standard Number: HSE.S.MT.2 Essential Questions: Objectives: HSE.O.MT.2.1 examine the role of diminutive suffixes. role of a diminutive diminutive form of a word designates a smaller version of the object indicated by the root analyze the position and role of prefixes used position and role in building medical terms. prefixes are located at the beginning of a word and alter the meaning of the word See text for lists of prefixes. compare prefixes indicating position, number, Student Learning Activity: have students compare measurement, negation, and direction. prefixes using a graphic organizer. Medical Terminology Associated With the Body As A Whole Students will demonstrate use of medical terminology associated with the body as a whole. What impact does medical terminology have in the field of health care? Students will examine medical terms associated with the levels of organization of structure and function within the human body. HSE.O.MT.2.2 demonstrate an understanding of the disease process by defining medical terms used in pathology. HSE.O.MT.2.3 define and pronounce medical terms used in conjunction with anatomical body planes, cavities, and regions. HSE.O.MT.2.4 compare diagnostic and therapeutic procedures associated with body structure. analyze medical terms indicating direction and position of the body. HSE.O.MT.2.5 Learning Plan and Notes to Instructor: structural and functional organization cell tissue organ system organism See text for medical terms used in pathology. Student Learning Activity: have students interpret medical terms found in a pathology report. anatomical position body planes body cavities abdominal quadrants abdominal regions Suggestion: See text for procedures associated with body structure. Suggestion: See directional/position terms in text. Student Learning Activity: have students interpret terms found in medical records. 3 HSE.O.MT.2.6 Standard Number: HSE.S.MT.3 Essential Questions: Objectives: HSE.O.MT.3.1 HSE.O.MT.3.2 Suggestions: See text for abbreviations and their meanings related to body structure. Generate documents using medical abbreviations and terminology. Create health care scenarios using medical terms. Utilize HOSA Competitive Event(s) as teaching/learning strategies (i.e. Medical Spelling, Medical Terminology). Invite a health care professional who works as a health care provider to the class to talk about how the use of medical terminology enables them to carry out their career responsibilities. Medical Terminology Associated with Body Systems Students will effectively use medical terminology associated with the following body systems: Integumentary Gastrointestinal Respiratory Cardiovascular Blood and Lymphatic Musculoskeletal Genitourinary Reproductive Endocrine Nervous Special Senses In today’s world, there are a variety of methods to share information. How do the principles and techniques used by those in the healthcare professions differ from those used in other industries? Students will Learning Plan and Notes to Instructor: Suggestions: See the text for specific medical define and pronounce medical terms used to terminology associated with each body systems. identify the basic structure and function of Generate documents using medical abbreviations each body system. and terminology. interpret the meaning of combining Create health care scenarios using medical terms. forms,suffixes, and prefixes. interpret abbreviations related to body structure. 4 HSE.O.MT.3.3 HSE.O.MT.3.4 HSE.O.MT.3.5 HSE.O.MT.3.6 HSE.O.MT.3.7 HSE.O.MT.3.8 HSE.O.MT.3.9 Standard Number: HSE.S.HCF.11 Essential Questions: Objectives: define and integrate medical terms associated Utilize HOSA Competitive Event(s) as teaching/learning strategies (i.e. Medical Spelling, with basic pathology. Medical Terminology). compare commonly used diagnostic and symptomatic medical terms. identify and interpret medical terms related to surgery, diagnostic imaging, and therapeutic and laboratory procedures. examine medical terms associated with clinical procedures used in the process of examination and evaluation of structure and function. analyze medical terms related to oncology. examine medical terms used in pharmacology to treat common disorders. Interpret the meaning of common medical abbreviations related to body systems. Information Technology Applications Students will use information technology applications. demonstrate use as appropriate to healthcare applications. How has the application of information technology impacted healthcare careers? HSE.O.HCF.11.1 Students will Information Technology Application implement the use of software and hardware. HSE.O.HCF.11.2 utilize the Internet as a resource/research tool. 21st Century Skills Learning Skills & Technology Tools Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: Use software, hardware, and Internet throughout delivery of CSOs. Use Internet for resource/research for projects and assignments. Teaching Strategies Evidence of Culminating Activity Success 5 Information and Communication Skills: 21C.O.912.1.LS3 21C.O.912.1.TT2 21C.O.912.1.TT10 Thinking and Reasoning Skills: 21C.O.912.2.LS1 Student creates information using advanced skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation and shares this information through a variety of oral, written and multimedia communications that target academic, professional and technical audiences and purposes. Student routinely applies keyboarding skills, keyboard shortcut techniques, and mouse skills with facility, speed and accuracy. Student implements various Internet search techniques (e.g., Boolean searches, metasearches, web bots) to gather information; student evaluates the information for validity, appropriateness, content, bias, currency, and usefulness. Student engages in a critical thinking process that supports synthesis and conducts evaluation using complex criteria. Students use the Internet and selected software to create and interpret medical terms and medical records. Students identify basic medical elements; and accurately build and interpret medical terms. Students use interactive software to master course standards and objectives. Students use medical terminology associated with the human body by examining medical terms associated with structure and function of the human Students apply acquired knowledge to accurately interpret medical terms used by medical 6 21C.O.912.2.LS2 Student draws conclusions from a variety of data sources to analyze and interpret systems. 21C.O.912.2.TT2 Student collaborates with peers, experts and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works. body; demonstrate an understanding of disease pathology; and utilize medical terms related to anatomical body planes, cavities, regions, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, direction and position of the body, and abbreviations related to body structure. professionals to understand a patient’s medical information. Students are provided with medical data to analyze and interpret patient information. Students use electronic medical records to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate patient information. Personal and Workplace Skills: 21C.O.912.3.LS3 Student demonstrates ownership of his/her learning by setting goals, monitoring and adjusting performance, extending learning, using what he/she has learned to adapt to new situations, and displaying perseverance and commitment to continued learning. Students will develop an awareness of course concepts in relationship to real-world applications, adapting to a variety of clinical settings. Within this course, students follow Students apply course concepts to patient/clinical experiences. Students follow established protocols and HIPPA 7 21C.O.912.3.LS4 21C.O.912.3.TT1 Student demonstrates ethical established protocols in behavior and works responsibly the use of technology and collaboratively with others (HIPPA). in the context of the school and the larger community, and he/she demonstrates civic responsibility through engagement in public discourse and participation in service learning. Student protects software, hardware and network resources from viruses, vandalism, and unauthorized use and employs proper techniques to access, use and shut down technology equipment. regulations. (i.e. educational settings/healthcare facilities) 8 21C.O.912.3.TT4 21C.O.912.3.TT5 Student adheres to acceptable use policy and displays ethical behaviors related to acceptable use of information and communication technology (e.g., privacy, security, copyright, file-sharing, plagiarism); student predicts the possible cost and effects of unethical use of technology (e.g., consumer fraud, intrusion, spamming, virus setting, hacking) on culture and society; student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems. Student models ethical behavior relating to security, privacy, computer etiquette, passwords and personal information and demonstrates an understanding of copyright by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multi-media presentations. Student advocates for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology and information. 9 21C.O.912.3.TT7 Entrepreneurship Skills: Culminating Assessment: Student protects his/her identity online and in email and/or websites, limits the distribution of personal information/pictures, and evaluates the authenticity of emails that solicit personal information. Student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems. Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity Students will utilize accurate medical terminology in collaborative work, decision-making processes, and identify entrepreneurial opportunities. Evidence of Success Students display appropriate leadership, communication, and interpersonal traits/behaviors in personal applications and collaboration with others. Students successfully use medical terminology accurately to draw conclusions regarding medical information. Culminating Assessment You work in a local doctor’s office and must accurately interpret the basic elements of medical words used in a patient’s history. You will be judged on the accuracy of your interpretation. 10 Industry Accreditation/ Certification You are a medical assistant and must accurately interpret a patient’s medical x-ray report by defining the medical terms used in the patient’s medical record. You will be judged on the accuracy of your interpretation. Industry Accreditation/Certification Dean Vaughn Certification (when applicable) EDGE credit Links and Other Resources Links and Other Resources Related Websites: Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) http://www.hosa.org West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE) http://www.wvtechprep.wvnet.edu/edge.htm West Virginia Career and Technical Education http://careertech.k12.wv.us/ Contacts: Contacts HSE Teachers: See HSE Directory HSE Coordinators: Rebecca Davis rdavis@access.k12.wv.us Cyndy Sundstrom csundstr@access.k12.wv.us OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson 11