Simulator of a PPM radio communication system with a mobile terminal Student: Firas Ismael. I.D. : 066569260. E-mail : Advisor: Dr. Dana Porrat. E-mail: School of Engineering and Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Project Abstract Software program that will be able to modulate information signal which will be randomly generated using PPM modulation scheme, the signal generated will use second derivation of Gaussian function to modulate the transmitted signal, The program will plot the transmitted signal for the user and print the data to show the modulated message. Then the software will demonstrate transmitting this signal throw channel to show the effect of noise by adding AWG noise to the signal, after calculating the effects of AWGN on transmitted signal the user will be able to plot the noisy signal and examine the effects on transmitted signal. Then receiving and filtering the signal by using matched filter, the signal will be sampled to retrieve the data that was modulated in our simulator, the user will be able to plot the filtered signal and examine the results, the data retrieved will be printed to compare with the sent data. The user will be able to change the pulse specifications, transmitted message length, number of messages to be transmitted and to plot graphs in deferent Eb/No values. In addition the user will be able to plot BER to Eb/No graph for different message length to compare the differences between simulation and theory. Introduction Pulse position modulation (PPM) is a pulse modulation technique that uses pulses that are of uniform height and width but displaced in time from some base position according to the amplitude of the signal at the instant of sampling. Pulse position modulation is also sometimes known as pulse-phase modulation. Pulse position modulation has the advantage over pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and pulse duration modulation (PDM) in that it has a higher noise immunity since all the receiver needs to do is detect the presence of a pulse at the correct time; the duration and amplitude of the pulse are not important. M message bits are encoded by transmitting a single pulse in one of 2M possible timeshifts. This is repeated every T seconds, such that the transmitted bit rate is M/T bits per second. It is primarily useful for optical communications systems, where there tends to be little or no multipath interference. One of the key difficulties of implementing this technique is that the receiver must be properly synchronized to align the local clock with the beginning of each symbol. Therefore, it is often implemented differentially as differential pulse-position modulation, where by each pulse position is encoded relative to the previous, such that the receiver must only measure the difference in the arrival time of successive pulses. It is possible to limit the propagation of errors to adjacent symbols, so that an error in measuring the differential delay of one pulse will affect only two symbols, instead of affecting all successive measurements. The software goal was to develop software that can help examining the effects of AWGS on information signal and give the engineers an instrument to measure the error probability in transmitting signals using PPM scheme on deferent noise ratios. Also, in case engineers know the noise range and environment that the device will work with they can check for BER using the last test in the program and try to figure which message length is appropriate for the device to use in order to save energy. References: • Wireless Communication, Andreas F. Molisch. • Fundamentals of wireless communications, D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Cambridge University Press, 2005. • Wireless Communications, Andrea Goldsmith, Stanford University, California. Materials and Methods The software is constructed from three connected parts: Modulator: in this part the information signal is created and passed to the next part Noise channel: in this part the information signal is being transmitted through the AWGN channel. Demodulator: in this part the noisy signal is being received and filtered in order to be sampled Using the Pulse Position Modulation scheme to Create transmitted signal. Signal will pass through location Dependent channel and will add Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). Recover the information content, improving the signal using matched filter. Then sample the recovered waveform to retrieve the information sent. The modulated signal presents random messages created by the simulator, a signal pulse is transmitted in one of 2M possibilities. In our modulator we use green dots to highlight and separate different messages and red dots to highlight the position of the pulse that indicates the data being modulated. The modulator builds a signal array that contains the modulated signal, after reading all the data required for initialization. The signal will pass through location dependent channel and will add Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). The simulated noisy signal at receiver shows the effects of AWGN on transmitted signal. The effects of the channel are calculated in noisy channel arrays for each one of Eb/No values that the user decided. The user will be able to plot a specific noise ratio calculation to the graph or plotting more than one noisy signal and clear the axes for new plots. The demodulator to recover the information content, improving the signal using matched filter. The received signal is filtered by matched filter to improve the signal power to noise power and reduce error probability. Then sample the recovered waveform to retrieve the information sent. The filtered two definitional array will be calculated from the noise signal two definitional array for the noise ratios chosen for the simulation. The user will be able to plot a specific filtered signal from the two definitional array to the graph or plotting more than one filtered signal and clear the axes for new plots. Results The project implemented in Matlab environment. The interface of the software easy to use and organized in order, first the user will need to initialize the parameters needed for the simulator to work: Sampling frequency, Pulse width, Number of messages, Message length, Period, Eb/No After initializing the parameters the user can start using the software. First the user may check the pulse used, and plot a graph of the used pulse, the pulse used can be modified or even changed to another pulse. Then the user can hit the run simulator button that will calculate all the data and restore all the results. After running the simulator the modulated signal wil appear on the plot area and user will be able to check the simulation with the data printed, that was randomly chosen. Now the user may start examining the results and plot the noise signals and filtered signals, depending on the Eb/No value needed for examining. The user can plot deferent graphs of noisy signal or filtered signal on the same plot area and examine the differences and then clean the axes and plot again. And for last test the user can plot BER to Eb/No graph for different message length to compare the differences between simulation and theory. Figure toolbar to control plots Initialize the simulator parameters needed for running tests. Examine used pulse, run the simulator, choose an Eb/No value for plotting noisy signal and filtered signal. Run Eb/No test for specific message length Conclusions The software presents the theory of transmitting information signals clearly using PPM scheme, the effects of environment on the signal, and shows how the receiver deals with received signal and retrieves sent data. The software implemented gives the engineers a strong instrument for examining transmitting information signal using PPM scheme but needs to be developed and extended to be more useful for industry. Future work that can make the program very useful for industry: Extend the pulse used to be able to modulate using any other pulse the engineer needs. The receiver needs to be properly synchronized to align the local clock with the beginning of each symbol. Transmitted signal needs a carrier wave. Improving Statistical and Physical modeling in the simulator by adding more realistic effects like fading model. Adding more tests to calculate the energy being used for transmitting data.