PAUP PAUP (Phylogentic analysis using parsimony…and other methods) is one of the most highly used phylogenetic software programs. The new version does distance, parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. This sheet will give you an a rough idea of how to use the program, but a little knowledge can be dangerous. If you don’t understand what you are doing, ask someone in the lab who does. We often use PAUP in conjunction with MODELTEST, a program that evaluates the best molecular model of evolution for your data 1. Open your file in PAUP and select Edit. 2. Next, OPEN then file PAUP4 Modelblock, and hit EDIT. 3. Highlight and copy the text of this file and paste THE ENTIRE TEXT at the very bottom of your file file. 4. Save the file under a new file name. 5. Under FILE, select OPEN, select this new file, and EXECUTE. A screen should come up with a bunch of text that will change frequently. It may take 5-10 minutes (or longer) to complete. You will know when it’s done because it will say “processing of file completed”. 6. When run is complete, a file called MODEL.SCORES will be created in the same folder that the original file was in. 7. Close PAUP 8. Open MODELTEST 9. Click INPUT FROM FILE and specify the MODEL.SCORES file that was just created. 10. Click OUTPUT TO FILE and specify a name and location for the file. 11. The program will run in a fraction of a second and the output file will be created. 12. In PAUP, open your file and the output file that you created from ModelTest. The later will have a block of likelihood scores and a list of hierarchical of likelihood ratio test results. At the base of this file is “Model Selected is:” This is your best model and is followed by all of the model parameters that best fit your data. 13. COPY the model block from “[!Likelihood settings…” to “end;” (be sure to include [ ] and ;) 14. PASTE the modelblock to the very bottom of your original PAUP file (the one without the modelblock), then save. 15. EXECUTE your file in PAUP. 16. In DATA, go to DEFINE OUTGROUP. Select the sequences from your outgroup. Often you can get outgroup senquences from Genbank. 17. In OPTIONS, go to ROOTING 18. Select MAKE INGROUP MONOPHYLETIC, hit OK DISTANCE METHODS 19. Under ANALYSIS, go to DISTANCE 20. Next under ANALYSIS, go to DISTANCE SETTINGS 21. Under DNA/RNA distances, select the distance metric that you’d like to use. 22. In ANALYSIS, go to NEIGHBORJOINING/UPGMA. Select Neighborjoining and hit OK. 23. Under TREES, go to TREE SCORES. Select Distance and write down the tree score. 24. In TREES, go to PRINT NJ TREE 25. In PLOT TYPE, Select PHYLOGRAM 26. Hit PREVIEW 27. Save tree as PICT file. Also, print the tree. PARSIMONY ANALYSIS 28. Next, in ANALYSIS, change to PARSIMONY 29. In ANALYSIS go to HEURISTIC SEARCH 30. Press SEARCH 31. If there is more than one most parsimonious tree, in TREES, go to COMPUTE CONSENSUS. 32. Select STRICT 33. In TREES select PRINT CONSENSUS 34. In PLOT TYPE, Select PHYLOGRAM 35. Hit PREVIEW 36. Save tree as PICT file. Also, print the tree. LIKELIHOOD ANALYSIS 37. In ANALYSIS, change optimality criterion to LIKELIHOOD. 38. In ANALYSIS go to LIKELIHOOD SETTINGS. 39. In ANALYSIS, go to HEURISTIC SEARCH. 40. The model parameters of your data should be entered automatically if you put the PAUP block in appropriately from ModelTest. 41. Hit SEARCH. This may take a very long time, be prepared to wait. 42. Again, print the tree and save it as a pict file, as done before. Like parsimony there may be multiple trees and you may need to compute a consensus. BOOTSTRAPPING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. EXECUTE your data file Define your outgroup, as done before. Set optimality criterion to PARSIMONY Under ANALYSIS, go to BOOTSTRAP/JACKKNIFE Select BOOTSTRAP, and set it for 100 Replicates. Retain all groups will Frequencies greater than 60%. Hit Continue and Search When finished, in TREES, go to PRINT BOOTSTRAP CONSENSUS Select Rectangular Cladogram. Select Show Group Frequencies Print the bootstrap consensus tree KISHINO HASEGAWA TEST 1. 2. 3. 4. In MacClade, open your data file. In DISPLAY, go to GO TO TREE WINDOW Select DISPLAY RANDOM BUSH Dragging individual branches, create two groups of sequences for each population (hypothesis: populations are monophyletic groups) 5. In the TOOLS menu, find the collapse clade tool and collapse each population clade into monophyletic polytomies, one for each population 6. In TREE menu, go to STORE TREE and save as MONOPHYLY CONTRAINT 7. Save the MacClade file 8. Under TREE save tree file as Monophyly constraint. Close file 9. Open Allsilversides in PAUP and EXECUTE 10. Define your outgroup 11. Set optimality criterion to PARSIMONY 12. In ANALYSIS, go to LOAD CONSTRAINT 13. Open MONOPHYLY CONTRAINT 14. In ANAYLSIS, go to HEURISTIC SEARCH 15. In GENERAL SEARCH OPTIONS, click ENFORCE TOPOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS, keeping trees that ARE COMPATIBLE with constraints 16. Hit SEARCH 17. Save tree to file HK TEST 18. In ANAYLSIS, go to HEURISTIC SEARCH 19. In GENERAL SEARCH OPTIONS, unclick ENFORCE TOPOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS, so that the heuristic search will no longer enforce the constraint tree. 20. Hit SEARCH 21. Save trees to the same file HK TEST. When asked, say APPEND FILE. You should now have three trees in the HK TEST treefile 22. Open the HK TEST treefile 23. Rather than adding all the trees together in one tree block, APPENDING the tree file merges two independent files together. You must now edit the file to create a single tree block. First, label the tree(s) that you got with the monophyly constraint so that you know what is what. Then, copy one tree block (e.g. “tree PAUP_1 = …..) into the other so that there is only one treeblock 24. In TREES go to GET TREES FROM FILE 25. Open HK TEST treefile and press GET TREES. Multiple trees should be imported into PAUP. 26. Go to TREES, TREES SCORES, and click LIKELIHOOD 27. Click TOPOLOGY TESTS 28. Click Kishino-Hasegawa Test, Normal distribution, and one-tailed and hit OK