I am the State! The Rise of Absolutism in Europe Guiding Questions: Big and broad overview of unit themes How do Absolutist governments emerge and how do these governments create states with “One Law, One King, One Faith”? Why does an absolute government rise in some areas, while a strong Constitutional Government is successful in others? Compare and contrast absolutism in Western and Eastern Europe – how do geographic and cultural differences impact style of government? What are the social, political, and economic changes that come to Europe as a result of absolutism? **Homework is due the day after it is assigned. Questions are collected on the day of the test.** Date Topic Homework- Reading Questions 9/23 Reformation MC 1. Finish documents from class today and be prepared to discuss the prompt provided for class on BLOCK Turn this in with your HW for the unit 9/24- Intro to Absolutism Read pp. 516-522 25 2. Define the Fronde and explain how the Fronde challenged the absolutism of Louis XIV 3. Absolutist rulers believe in One Law, One King, One Faith” – Explain how Louis XIV controlled the government (bureaucracy), the economy, the nobility and religion in France. (try making a four column chart and list specifics) 9/26 Louis XIV: The model of p. 522-524 absolutism 4. This section covers four of Louis XIV’s wars – take notes on the wars using a 4 column chart with the headings: “Name of War” “Players in War” “Why? Causes of War” and “The Outcome” 9/29 How to DBQ: Nobility in France 5. This is a chart. Use the reading “English Civil War” to fill in the handout: Absolutism vs. Constitutionalism” If you need more information for clarity, this topic can be found on pgs. 524-531 in your textbook. The chart will be collected with your reading questions. 6. For POV practice, write a POV statement about the print on p. 525. You get some clues as to the author’s POV from the print and from the caption. You can write this on the back of your chart 9/30 France vs. England Continue filling in Absolutism vs. Constitutionalism Chart 10/12 10/3 DBQ JUST READ p. 532-535 to understand Constitutionalism in the Dutch Republic England contd. Constitutionalism in the Dutch Republic JUST READ the inset on p. 508 about Rubens and Rembrandt and JUST READ the “Varieties of Artistic Style” section on p. 540 in order to learn about Baroque Art 10/6 Baroque Art: Art of the Age of Absolutism 10/7 Back to absolutism: Russia case study 10/89 Absolutism in Austria and Prussia 10/1 0 Wrap up Activity: How has the monarchy changed? How will it change in future p. 539-540 JUST READ to introduce yourself to Russian Absolutism, serfdom and Tsar Alexei p. 571-575 7. a) Give detail on Peter the Great’s policies and explain in what ways they affected Russia b) Write a POV statement for the painting on p. 573 p.535-538 8. Describe the differences between Absolutism in Austria, Prussia and the Ottoman Empire. Keep in mind the monarch’s relationship with the nobility Study for MC Test 10/1 3 units? Test: MC only Key Terms – know what these are and their significance to the time period. Absolutism constitutionalism Louis XIV Versailles Bureaucracy Wars of Louis XIV Levellers English Civil War Charles II Glorious Revolution English Bill of Rights Social Contract Theory Dutch Republic Spinoza Cossack Frederick William Serfdom Absolutism in Russia Modernization of Russia Mercantilism Edict of Nantes Charles I Oliver Cromwell James II Hobbes rise of slave trade Leopold I Absolutism in Austria In this unit you will have your first DBQ. More information to come. Fronde Revocation of Edict of Nantes Puritans Restoration of Monarchy William and Mary Locke free veto Peter the Great Absolutism in Prussia NOTES AND COPY FOR ME **Homework is due the day after it is assigned. Questions are collected on the day of the test.** Date Topic 9/25 Intro to Absolutism – overarching question on is the king above the law etc. – how is power maintained. What is an absolute monarch? Use DBQ docs (Charles I, Peter the G, Louis XIV) 9/26 FRQ - Reformation Lecture on Louis XIV – mini “tour” of Versailles 9/28 Sub day: England/France chart – use McKay 10/1 Debrief on France. Continue England – Start Cromwell clips 10/2 Debrief on Hobbes/Locke HW question – tie in with France and England Dutch – use comic and discuss HW Introduce FRQ guidelines (??? or do this closer to test) 10/3 Art Activity Start Eastern Absolutism - CHART 10/5 Review Prussia, Austria Russia – Peter the Great clips 10/8 Compare/Contrast E v. W – warm up Continue with “Wanted/Hero” poster/commercial activity Continue poster/commercial wrap up activity Test: MC and FRQ 10/9 10/1 0