Unit five

Unit five
Business report
Reading I
Business report
When giving a business report, you should follow certain guidelines to ensure you
get your points across effectively. First, acknowledge who your audience is. For
instance, their educational backgrounds, age group, gender, socio-economical status,
and even their political affiliations are aspects the presenters need to bear in mind
when preparing for the report.
Second, “KISSER”, which stands for Keep it short, simple, engaging and relevant,
is the key to a successful and impressive report. No one is interested in long and
tedious speeches consisting of more than 30 slides of PowerPoint presentation due to
the fact that human concentration span at a given time is limited to 20 minutes at the
longest. Therefore, it is recommended to cut out 30% of your original speech, and a
rule of thumb is to limit your slides to one per minute.
The easiest way to lose your audience is to read the content of your presentation
word by word. Your audience can read for themselves so your report needs to be
concise by outlining the most important message in one single sentence. Organizing
your presentation is also crucial for delivering your ideas clearly. To engage your
audience with a powerful delivery style, maintaining eye contact and employing
eye-catching audio-visual displays are essential. Finally, get rid of irrelevant
information. Remember, the audience has only one thing in mind; that is, “What is in
it for me?” So, next time you give an annual report to your supervisor, follow these
aforementioned principles, and you will be amazed how effective they are.
Comprehension check
1. What best describes the main idea of this article?
(A) The techniques to give a professional report.
(B) The ways to impress your employer when doing business.
(C) The cross-communication principles of reports.
(D) How to know what your audience wants when reporting.
2. What does the expression ‘a rule of thumb’ mean?
(A) A strict rule that must be followed.
(B) A law that should not be broken.
(C) A rule that is wise to follow.
(D) A regulation that is unwise.
3. What is the meaning of the word ‘tedious’?
(A) complex
(B) difficult
(C) boring
(D) technical
4. According to this article, what is NOT recommended when giving a report?
(A) Organize your main points.
(B) Memorize all the words.
(C) Keep your presentation simple.
(D) Know who you are talking to.
5. What is implied in the passage?
(A) Most audiences are self-centered.
(B) Giving a professional report is easy.
(C) Most presenters tend to prepare too few slides.
(D) More educated audiences are difficult to please.
Key: 1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (A)
1. guideline n. 準則
The guidelines on the government’s future policies are not clear.
2. audience n.
The audience was not impressed by the speaker’s talk.
3. acknowledge v. 了解; 意識
The student did not acknowledge the mistakes he had made.
4. effectively adv. 有效率地
Sarah always gets her work done effectively.
5. presenter n. 報告者
The presenters of this conference are very prominent figures.
6. engaging adj. 有吸引力的
It is important to make an engaging presentation if you want to win your audience.
7. relevant
Make sure that the topic and the content of your speech are relevant.
8. impressive adj. 令人深刻印象的
The sales representative gave an impressive presentation.
9. recommend
I recommend you start preparing for your report as soon as possible.
10. concentration
Concentration is essential when you are doing research.
11. original adj. 原本的
Your original suggestions are not practical at all.
12. concise adj.
Make sure your report is concise and organized.
13. eye-catching adj. 引人注目的
Your new hat is very eye-catching.
14. annual adj. 年度的
The CEO is giving an annual report this coming Friday.
Idiom and phrase
1. socio-economical status
The residents in the neighborhood have a high socio-economical status.
2. get one’s points across
Kevin tries to get his points across but fails.
3. stand for 代表
UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object.
4. bear in mind
You should bear in mind that she is not a reliable person.
5. consist of
My report consists of five sections.
6. a rule of thumb
When traveling, the rule of thumb is to stop for gas every 100 miles.
Vocabulary Test
Fill in each blank with an appropriate word or phrase from the box.
guidelines annual
stand for concise
bear in mind
consist of
Steve Jobs’ presentation skills were pretty _____________.
A marketing team has to ___________ the needs of the potential customers.
The politician’s ideas were not _____________; he borrowed them from others.
I _______________ you sharpen your English-speaking skills.
Her report is to the point and __________.
The popular term LOL ____________ laugh out loud.
The ___________ is made up of college students.
New York City _____________ five boroughs.
You must follow the _____________ when doing the report.
Every employee has to attend the ___________ meeting.
1. impressive
bear in mind
stands for
consists of
10. annual
Reading II
One of the guiding principles in Starbucks’ mission statement is that the company
will “contribute positively to our communities and our environment.” Starbucks
initiated a ground-breaking rule in the fast-food industry by improving the well-being
through offering medical benefits and stock for its staff--part-time workers included.
As a pioneer in the area of corporate responsibility, it is increasingly establishing
partnerships with coffee growers around the globe. Through purchasing fair trade
coffee, it provides third world coffee growers in the developing countries a fair chance
to make a living and to promote sound environmental practices.
"They are innovative, distinctive, and unfortunately not imitated by many other
companies," says David Vogel, who teaches at Berkeley's Haas School of Business,
and is the author of The Market for Virtue: The Potential and Limits of Corporate
Social Responsibility.
Starbucks is also committed to forming alliances with nonprofit international
relief and development organization such as CARE. Its long-term investment in
environmental causes includes energy savings, water conservation, and lightingefficiency improvement. In addition, it’s also involved in disaster relief and employee
community service, both of which are making a huge impact in society.
Comprehension check
1. What best describes the main idea of this article?
(A) Starbucks’ efforts in improving people’s quality of life in developed countries.
(B) Starbucks’ coffee-making processes in the third world countries.
(C) Starbucks’ annual report of the profits and predicted budget.
(D) Starbucks’ corporate dedication and commitment to social responsibility.
2. What is the meaning of the word ‘innovative’ in the second paragraph?
(A) brave
(B) ambitious
(C) inventive
(D) smart
3. According to this article, what is NOT what Starbucks has achieved?
(A) Helped the coffee-growing communities.
(B) Dealt with social and environmental issues.
(C) Fundraised to help those who are underprivileged.
(D) Worked with government to build schools.
4. According to the article, what is NOT true?
(A) The scholar, David Vogel, is not impressed by Starbucks.
(B) Starbucks’ employee welfare plan is sound.
(C) Starbucks is a company with a vision.
(D) Starbucks is an environmentally conscious company.
5. What is implied in the passage?
(A) Starbucks’ employees are overpaid.
(B) Few companies are devoted to social causes like Starbucks.
(C) The fair trade price is too expensive.
(D) Starbucks aims at expanding its business by opening more stores.
Key: 1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (B)
1. principle n. 原則
John is a boss with principles.
2. contribute v. 貢獻
Sarah contributes a lot to her company.
3. committed adj. 忠誠的
Good employees should be committed to their work.
4. potential n.
Paul has the potential to become a manager, but he needs to work harder.
5. environmental
adj. 環境的
Environmental issues have been the focus of politicians these past few years.
6. partnership n. 合夥關係
Sony works in partnerships with other companies to create new products.
7. distinctive adj.
The local food in Tainan is tasty and distinctive.
n. 投資
8. investment
All investments involve risks.
9. well-being n. 福祉
The government should promote the well-being of its people.
10. community n. 社區
People in the community help each other when in need.
11. nonprofit
adj. 非營利的
Many college graduates want to work for nonprofit organizations in the future.
12. conservation
Conservation means saving for the future generations.
13. relief n. 救濟
American Red Cross provides needed relief in the devastated areas.
14. fundraiser n. 募款
Celebrity fundraisers help to raise a lot of money for charity events.
15. fiscal
adj. 會計的
People are unhappy with the fiscal policy.
16. corporate adj. 公司的
Corporate social responsibility has become an issue addressed by most companies.
Idiom and phrase
1. mission statement
Each company has its own mission statement.
2. fair trade 公平交易
Mr. Lin often purchases fair trade products even if they are more expensive.
Vocabulary Test
Fill in each blank with an appropriate word or phrase from the box.
1. There is no __________________ without risks.
2. The _____________ statement of Google is "We organize the world’s information,
and make it universally accessible and useful".
3. India reached 66 percent of its full-year _____________ deficit target just five
months into the financial year.
_________________ organizations are a crucial part in every society.
Justin ______________ himself to this project.
People in the same _________________ need to help each other.
The organization tries to __________ money to support the homeless.
Money is needed in Haiti __________ work.
Teachers, schools and local authorities should work in __________ with parents.
10. Educators make a lot of _____________ to the society.
1. investment
2. mission
3. fiscal
4. nonprofit
5. commits
6. community
7. fundraise
8. relief
9. alliance
10. contributions
Extended Vocabulary
account 帳戶
investor 投資人
shares 股票
savings 存款
fluctuate 變動
predict 預測
recession 經濟蕭條
auction 拍賣
accumulate 累積
cut down 減少
risk 風險
anticipate 預期
impact 影響
sluggish 遲緩的
stable 穩定的
stockholder 股東
stimulate 刺激
stock market 股市
speculate 預測
inflation 通貨膨脹
optimism 樂觀
pessimistic 悲觀的
stockbroker 股票經紀人
deposit 存款
transfer 轉帳
financial year 會計年度
balance sheet 資產負債表
checkbook 支票簿
slump 不景氣
statistical 統計的
yearly 年度的
bookkeeper 記帳員
forecast 預測
status quo 現狀
deficit 赤字
economy 經濟
financial 金融的
38. capital 資本
dividend 股利
bonus 紅利
bull market 牛市(市況佳)
bear market 熊市(市況不佳)
analyze 分析
boom 繁榮
mutual fund 共同基金
Sentence Patterns
1. It is said / believed (that) …. S + V
 It is said that that Apple will open retail stores in Russia soon.
 It is believed that humans acquire language through instinctive knowledge.
 It is expected that the strike will end soon.
Practice A: Use it is said/believed (that) to complete the following sentences.
1. Mr. Wu has a secret lover.
It is believed that Mr. Wu has a secret lover .
2. Red envelopes will bring you good luck.
3. Exercise is good for health.
4. Music brings people joy.
5. Scooter riders who fail to wear helmets should be severely fined.
2. It is believed that red envelopes will bring you good luck.
3. It is believed that exercise is good for health.
4. It is said that music brings people joy.
5. It is said that scooter riders who fail to wear helmets should be severely fined.
2. Ving…, S + V
When/While + Ving…, S + V
 Participial structure 分詞結構句型
 He looks at his children. He is full of happiness.
 Looking at his children, he is full of happiness.
 He does not know what to do. He goes home.
 Not knowing what to do, he goes home.
 She walks on the street. She sees a famous actor.
 Walking on the street, she sees a famous actor.
 When/While walking on the street, she sees a famous actor.
Practice B: Combine the following sentences beginning with “Ving or
When/While + Ving”
1. Joe is lying on his back. He sees a falling star.
Lying on his back, Joe sees a falling star.
2 He was caught in the rain. He got a cold.
3. Mary was taking a shower. She heard a knock on the door.
4. I was shopping this afternoon. I bought this jacket.
5. He has nothing to do. He feels bored.
6. As I came in, I saw Steve singing.
2. Caught in the rain, he got a cold.
3. While taking a show, Mary heard a knock on the door.
4. When shopping this afternoon, I bought this jacket.
5. Having nothing to do, he feels bored.
6. While I was coming in, I saw Steve singing.
3. Enjoy / Avoid / Consider + V-ing
 I enjoy doing all kinds of outdoor activities in my leisure time, such as wind
surfing, scuba diving, and water skiing. .
 You should avoid spending too much time playing computer games.
 Have you considered looking for another job?
Practice C: Rewrite the sentences using enjoy/avoid/consider + V-ing
1. I like to shop on the weekends. (enjoy)
I enjoy shopping on the weekends.
2. Students love to sing in their classes. (enjoy)
3. John is thinking about buying a house. (consider)
4. Gina is thinking about studying abroad for further studies. (consider)
5. Children should not drink too much coke or soda. (avoid)
Students enjoy singing in their classes.
John considered buying a house.
Gina considered studying abroad for further studies.
Children should avoid drinking too much coke or soda.
4. I + want/like/plan + to V
 I want to join a nonprofit international relief and development organizations
after graduating from college.
 The mayor plans to build roads and bridges, health clinics, and schools to
benefit local residents.
 Miss Chang likes to do yoga to relax her body and soul.
Practice D: Rewrite the following sentences using want/like/plan + to V
1. Linda (plan) have a baby this fall.
Linda plans to have a baby this fall.
2. Kevin (like) goes swimming in his spare time.
3. The government (want) implement tax-cutting policies.
4. The multinational company (plan) open a branch in Asia.
2. Kevin likes to go swimming in this spare time.
3. The government wants to implement tax-cutting policies.
4. The multinational company plans to open a branch in Asia.
A: If I can draw your attention to this graph, our survey results shows that the
market share of our newly-developed smart phones has increased from 45% in
the second quarter to 56% in the third quarter.
B: That’s impressive! How are these new products different from those from our
A: Well, looking at this chart we can see that our clients are most satisfied with our
products for three reasons: ultra thin design, massive storage capacity and the
highest resolution screen on a phone.
B: I see. But according to the findings of our latest market investigation, gaming has
become increasingly important to meet our customers’ needs. Are we working on
expanding this area?
A: I agree with you totally. Actually, we have forged alliances with leading gaming
software developers to offer more gaming alternatives for our potential buyers.
B: Our fiscal report suggests that the total expenditure is beyond our budget by 20%.
How are we going to maximize returns?
A: According to our research, we need to raise our retail prices in order to make
B: Sounds reasonable. Are there any other ways that we can cut our spending?
A: We can limit our distribution channels to only the biggest retail stores in town.
B: Ok. Let’s do it your way.
1. Where does this conversation most likely take place?
(A) At company presentation.
(B) At product launch.
(C) At press conference.
(D) At trade show.
2. What may be the current relation between these two people?
(A) The CEO and the client.
(B) The sales manager and the client.
(C) The CEO and the sales manager.
(D) The journalist and the sales manager.
3. How is the company’s doing financially?
(A) It is making a profit.
(B) It is in the red.
(C) It earns and spends equal amounts of money.
(D) It is not mentioned in the conversation.
4. How has market share of the smart phones changed?
(A) The market share has skyrocketed.
(B) The market share has remained the same.
(C) The market share has dropped dramatically.
(D) The market share has increased steadily.
5. What is NOT the feature of this company’s smart phones?
(A) It is lightweight.
(B) It comes in a variety of colors.
(C) It can store lots of information.
(D) It shows more image detail.
Key: 1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (B)
Listening Comprehension
Question and responses : Choose the most appropriate response for each
1. You will attend the meeting, won’t you?
(A) No, I have no choice but to join it.
(B) I think Tom will.
(C) Of course, I will need to give a presentation.
(D) Yes, I won’t be able to attend the meeting.
2. Let’s hear from the sales department. Anna, you have the floor.
(A) Which floor?
(B) We are on the 2nd floor.
(C) Ok, our floor works out fine.
(D) Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
3. Paul, can you fill us in on our advertising plans?
(A) We will spend more on print media.
(B) I am afraid I can’t.
(C) The advertising company is filling me in.
(D) You should fill in more questionnaires.
4. James, will you give a debriefing on the annual budget plan?
(A) I don’t think my presentation is very brief.
(B) Sure, as you can see from this chart…
(C) Well, do you know our expected budget?
(D) I am not sure how big our budget is.
5. Our sales totals have surged for six consecutive months.
(A) That’s great news!
(B) How unfortunate!
(C) But other companies’ sales are lagging.
(D) I know. Our sales team has not been productive.
Key: 1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (A)