College of Biological Sciences Executive Committee Annual Report - May 2010 – May 2011 Executive Committee Members: R. K. Grosberg, Chair Valley Stewart, Vice Chair Michael Turelli, Member At-Large Ted Powers, Member At-Large Martin Privalsky, Member for Microbiology Sebastian Schreiber, Member for Evolution and Ecology Fred Chedin, Member for Molecular and Cellular Biology John Wingfield, Member for Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior Neelima Sinha, Member for Plant Biology Kenneth C. Burtis, Dean, College of Biological Sciences (ex officio) Carol A. Erickson, Executive Associate Dean, College of Biological Sciences (ex officio) Diana G. Myles, Associate Dean, College of Biological Sciences (ex officio) (Invited) Jim MacDonald, Executive Associate Dean, College of Agriculture& Environmental Sciences Summary: The Executive Committee (EC) convened six meetings and one Faculty forum between May 2009 and May 2010 to review, discuss, and resolve issues related to administration, development, and delivery of the highest quality science education possible to students in the College of Biological Sciences. The EC provided consultation on proposals and reports from other CBS committees, the Davis Division of the Academic Senate, UCD administration, UCOP, the Systemwide Academic Senate and other campus committees and councils and made recommendations on issues pertaining to the College and the University. Budget constraints are a recurring theme as we move forward and explore ways to streamline operations and conserve resources while maintaining excellence in our teaching and research missions. Chair Grosberg and Vice Chair Valley Stewart propose that CBS establish a blue ribbon committee to define a vision for the future of biology in general and at UC Davis and to define the role of the College in achieving that vision internally, nationally, and internationally. The following report highlights Committee discussion topics, decisions, responses and actions for the period May 2009 through May 2010. Actions and Topics of Discussion Curriculum Topics 1. Undergraduate Curriculum – The Executive Committee (EC) reviewed and endorsed several major changes in the Undergraduate Curriculum as recommended and approved by the Undergraduate Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee (CUCEP). Significant changes include changes to the math and statistics requirements for all CBS majors, and the proposed addition of literacy and topical breadth components to appropriate courses as determined by Department curriculum committees. Math 17 & Statistics 100 - Based on recommendations to the Dean by CUCEP and the Review Committee on the Preparatory Core Curriculum in Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics, chaired by Brian Mulloney, the EC approved changes to the math and statistics requirements for CBS Majors. CUCEP recommended the establishment of a committee to work with the Department of Mathematics to further adjust the MAT 17 curriculum to fit the needs of CBS students. Modification to General Education Courses – In response to the GE Task Force recommendations for modifications to the General Education requirements, CBS Departments evaluated courses to determine which courses should be assigned topical breadth and literacy components. Revisions to specified courses were submitted to the GE Task Force for approval for the fall 2011 catalog. The complete report of CUCEP’s work is appended below. 2. Textbook for BIS2 ABC – The Lower Division Core Curriculum Committee (LDCCC) in consultation with instructors who are teaching the lower division core curriculum, BIS2 series, agreed to adopt the new (9th) edition of Life: The Science of Biology, published by Sadava. Sadava is able to provide the 8th Edition for the duration of 2010 academic year. Availability beyond this summer is uncertain. The 9th Edition will be recommended for BIS2A students starting this fall and phased into 2B and 2C as students move through the series. 3. Proposal to require a grade of C─ or better to continue in the BIS2 Series –– from Diana G. Myles, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs Professor Susan Keen, Coordinator of BIS2 Series, presented data based on 40 students showing that 72% of students who received a grade of D in BIS2A and went on to BIS2B, were unsuccessful. Some students petition the Dean’s office asking to repeat BIS2 series courses for a third time in the hope of getting a grade that will allow them to apply to professional school Professor Keen pointed out that this repetition takes up considerable resources at a time when resources are scarce. The EC voted unanimously to support the proposal requiring a C─ or better grade to continue in the BIS2 series. Assoc. Dean Myles will submit the proposal to the deans in the other colleges for review. Campus issues 1. Postponement of Library Reorganization – 10/12/2009 - Upon the recommendation of JaRue Manning, Chair, CBS Library Committee, the EC and Professor Manning met with Gail Yokote, Acting Co-University Librarian, and Keir Reavie, from the Biological-Agricultural and the Health Sciences Libraries to discuss the ORMP recommendations to relocate and consolidate library collections to achieve budget reductions. Professor Manning and several CBS faculty members felt that there had been insufficient consultation with faculty about the relocation of the biological and ag sciences collections. The EC brought CBS faculty concerns to the attention of Chancellor Katehi and the Executive Council of the Academic Senate. Chancellor Katehi agreed that further consultation with Faculty was necessary before final decisions were made about reorganization of the Library. 2. Library Committee Representation – The EC agreed that CBS should have active representation on the Health Sciences Library Committee and the Biological / Agricultural Sciences Library Committee. 3. ARM Budget Subcommittee Recommendations: Implementation of recommendation to increase the overhead charge for gifts that support research – The EC responded to recommendations to increase fees from 6% to 10% for administration of gifts used to support research and a recommendation for a revised method for distribution of the fees i.e. dividing them equally between central development, the Office of Research, and the administering department, center, or dean’s office with discretion as to how the funds are used. (Currently the gift fee is divided by 4% going to the dean of the department receiving the gift to support development effort and 2% going to support central campus development efforts.) In a letter dated March 10, 2010 to Professor Robert Powell, Chair of the Davis Division Academic Senate the EC responded, in part, that most gifts that support research are not generated by development offices and unless it can be shown that the gift was generated by a development office, the monies recovered should go to the administering department, center, or dean’s office to support the cost of doing business. 4. Proposed conversion of campus e-mail to Google’s Gmail – On April 22, 2010 the EC hosted a brown bag forum for CBS Faculty, IT Specialists, and Management Service Officers, to ask questions and voice concerns regarding privacy and security issues surrounding campus Information Technology’s proposal to convert the campus email system to Google’s Gmail. Chair Grosberg invited Peter Siegel, Vice Provost, Information Technology, and Niels Gronbech Jensen, Chair, Davis Division Academic Senate Information Technology committee to answer questions. On April 29th, due to growing concerns expressed by faculty campuswide and the possibility that outsourcing email may not be in compliance with the UC-wide Electronic Communications Policy, IET-Data Center and Client Services announced that a decision was made jointly by the Senate Committee on IT and the Campus Council for IT to discontinue consideration of ‘outsourcing’ campus email services to outside vendors pending further consultation and review. Budget Severe cuts to campus funding by the State of California propose serious challenges to the teaching and research missions of the College. Systemwide furloughs and pay cuts were implemented on September 1, 2009. On June 1, 2010UCD Human Resources announced that furloughs are scheduled to end on August 31, 2010. Currently, College wide reductions in teaching resources are under consideration and review. Dean Burtis and Executive Assistant Dean Donna Olsson are working with Department faculty and staff to analyze and develop a revised budget framework wherein we can continue to deliver a quality product with fewer resources. 1. Dean Burtis and Ex. Assistant Dean Donna Olsson presented comprehensive budget plans, and updates to CBS Chairs, Directors, and the EC upon request throughout the year. 2. Dean Burtis appointed a CBS ad hoc Faculty committee to examine and advise on budget issues within the college. Committee members: Davis Begun (EVE), Barbara Chapman (NPB), JoAnne Engebrecht (MCB), Aldrin Gomes (NPB), John Harada (PLB), Stacey Harmer (PLB), Wolf Heyer (MIC), Michele Igo (MIC), Brian Mulloney (NPB), Gail Patricelli (EVE), Ted Powers (MCB), Dan Starr (MCB), At the October 12, 2009 EC meeting, Brian Mulloney presented the faculty budget committee’s report as submitted to Dean Burtis. 3. In Winter 2010 Dean Burtis conducted a Teaching Study to examine the resources available to meet the teaching needs in the College. Dean Burtis presented the goals, guiding principles, and methodology, used to compare total teaching resources available in the College with the teaching needs for BIS core courses, lecture and lab courses for upper-division department majors and BIS majors, service courses, and miscellaneous courses. The result of the comparison showed for each department in the College the deficit or surplus of teaching availability to meet CBS teaching needs. 3. In response to resource constraints, EC Chair Grosberg suggested possible changes to curriculum for EC and Faculty consideration: Faculty teaching loads: number of courses and enrollment per course Roles for teaching assistants and non-tenure-track instructors Lower-division core courses Upper-division core courses Lecture courses required for majors Laboratory courses required for majors Graduate-level courses Elective courses Service courses GE courses Total number of units required for graduation Class size in relation to available lecture halls Number of students in CBS Other CBS Topics 1. BIS Major Program Review – Due to anticipated changes in the curriculum of the Biological Sciences Major, Associate Dean Myles requested a delay of the program review originally scheduled to begin in January 2010. The request was approved by UIPC and the review is rescheduled to begin in January 2012. 2. Course Materials Fees – there were no revisions to course materials fees for the 2010-2011 academic years. 3. Update - CBS Research Honors Program – due to diminishing resources and constraints on faculty time, the EC advised that implementation of the CBS Research Honors Program developed by the DBS Honors Committee should be delayed until resources to support the program become available. Dean Burtis pointed out that both the University Honors Program and the UCD Honors Challenge provide excellent opportunities for motivated students. CBS will re-visit plans for implementation of the honors program at a later time. 4. Ammendment to CBS Bylaws – EC voted to bring a proposal to amend the bylaws to the Faculty at the 2010 Spring Faculty meeting in accordance with Bylaw 84. The proposal would allow initial standing committee appointments to be for up to three years and allow for staggered membership to ensure continuity of experience on the committees. 5. Replacement members for Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC) – the EC will forward recommendations to the Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP) for replacements on FPC for Professors David Furlow and Anne Britt Proposals, Letters & Reports Reviewed by the Executive Committee Systemwide Review of Proposed Statement of Principles to Append APM-010 – Academic Freedom – from UCOP – distributed to EC June, 2009 — Proposal to govern student academic freedom of scholarly inquiry. Systemwide Review of Proposed Revisions to APM 240(Deans) – from UCOP distributed to EC June, 2009 — Proposal to revise police regarding balance in matters of accountability, performance standards, compensation and benefits for Deans. Proposed Revision of Davis Division Bylaws – Change in Membership and Duties of Library Committee – distributed to EC June, 2009 — The proposal is in response to the Academic Senate task force report, The Library in Crisis, Payroll Certifications – A Proposed Alternative to Effort Reporting - DRAFT – from UCD Office of Planning and Budget – distributed to EC November 9, 2009 — Payroll Certification System is a more efficient alternative to effort reporting developed by the Federal Demonstration Partnership – a consortium of nine federal agencies and ~ 120 research institutions sponsored by the GovernmentUniversity-Industry Research Round Table of the National Academies. There is a possibility that UCD may be used as a trial site for the system. Paper on differential fees and non-resident tuition – from the UC Academic Senate – from UCPB – distributed to EC March 1, 2010 — a framework to address proposals and issues regarding differential fees, non-resident tuition, and other initiatives and a request for comments. Faculty Personnel Committee Nomination Process – from Robert Powell, Chair, Davis Division of the Academic Senate Executive Committee Agendas, Minutes and discussion documents from May,, 2006 to present are available to all Faculty on the web at College of Biological Sciences Standing Committee Reports Awards and Honors Committee Annual Report - May 2009 – May 2010 Date: June 16, 2010 Committee members: Bo Liu, Chair (PLB), Scott Dawson (MIC) and Dave Hawkins (NPB) The CBS Awards and Honors Committee selected recipients of the following three awards. Undergraduate Student of the Year – Four nominees were submitted: Ernest Maningding, Jerome Atputhasingam, Hannah Bechtold, and Angeliki Budros. The committee members unanimously chose Ernest Maningding to be the Undergraduate Student of the Year. Ronald and Lydia Baskin Research Award – Two outstanding undergraduate students were nominated: Wenhui Zhou, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Sciences in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Ernest Maningding, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Sciences in Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior. The committee decided to chose Mr. Zhou to receive the 2010 Ronald and Lydia Baskin Research Award. Faculty Teaching Award – Five outstanding CBS faculty members were nominated for the 2008-09 Faculty teaching award. A&H Committee Chair, Bo Liu, stated that after considerable deliberation the committee made a difficult decision. Professor Peter Wainwright (EVE) was selected to receive the 2008-2009 Faculty Teaching Award. Undergraduate Program Review Committee May 2009 – May 2010 Committee Members: Michele Igo (Chair) (MIC), Julin Maloof (PLB), Mark F. Sanders (MCB), Craig Warden (NPB), Art Shapiro (EVE), Diana G. Myles (Associate Dean-Undergraduate Programs, ex-officio) There were no program reviews conducted in the College of Biological Science during the 2009-2010 academic year and the Undergraduate Program Review Committee did not meet during this time. A review of the Biological Sciences Major is scheduled for 2012. Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum & Educational Policy (CUCEP) Annual Report - May 2009 – May 2010 Date: June 9. 2010 Committee members: Jeanette Natzle (Chair, MCB), Frank McNally (MCB), Scott Dawson (MIC), Jack Goldberg (NPB), Samantha Harris (NPB), Steve Theg (PLB), Gail Patricelli (EVE), Mary Aften (CBS, staff support), Diana Myles, Assoc. Dean (CBS, ex-officio) Educational Policy Issues: Proposal to require MAT 17 calculus series rather than MAT 16 and STA 100 rather than STA13. Proposed changes to upgrade the calculus and statistics requirements for majors in the college were discussed. CUCEP approved motions to recommend that major curricula in CBS be revised to replace the STA 13 requirement with STA 100 or 130AB, and to replace the MAT 16ABC requirement with MAT 17ABC or MAT 21AB. Although most community colleges do not have a course that articulates with MAT17, most transfer students would have completed a calculus course that would articulate with MAT 21AB. Proposals for major changes in the Statistics and Calculus requirements were considered and approved. CUCEP will help facilitate establishment of a joint CBS/Math committee to ensure that the MAT17 series will meet all the needs of our students. Approval of General Education literacy designations for existing and new courses. CUCEP prepared summary material for departments to guide review and assignment of current and planned courses to the new campus GE literacy areas, and submission of courses to the GETS (GE Tracking System). Departments submitted course proposals during Fall 2009/Winter 2010. Review by the GE task force and resubmission of revised course proposals occurred during Winter/Spring 2010. CUCEP review of courses submitted by CBS is now underway. The Academic Senate Committee on Courses of Instruction will review courses during Spring/Summer 2010. New GE requirements would take effect for students entering Fall 2011. Approved updates to College writing requirement. New UWP courses were added to the list accepted to fulfill the requirement BIS 2B, 2C prerequisite changes. CUCEP approved a requirement for students to pass the previous course in the series with at least a grade of C- in order to enroll in the next course in the series (2B or 2C). This will reduce the ongoing failure rate in students moving through the series, direct those students that are in academic trouble after 2A to resources that will help them to improve their study skills and academic performance, and reduce the enrollment bottleneck to enter the lab courses. Respectfully submitted on behalf of members of CUCEP Jeanette Natzle, Chair Summary of CBS major requirements in Math and Statistics Changes made in March 2010. Approved by CUCEP, CBS Executive Committee, and submitted to the catalog. Major program New Math requirement New Statistics requirement BIS A.B. Recommended: Chemistry 2C and Mathematics 17A-17B Statistics 13, 32, 100, or 102 BIS B.S. Mathematics 17A-17B-17C or 21A-21B (21C recommended) STA 100 BMB B.S. Mathematics 17A-17B-17C or 21A-21B (21C recommended) STA 100 or STA 130A/130B CBI B.S. Mathematics 17A-17B-17C or 21A-21B (21C recommended) STA 100 or STA 130A/130B EEB A.B. Mathematics 17A-17B (17C recommended) or 21A-21B (21C recommended) or Statistics 100 or 102 EEB B.S. Mathematics 17A-17B-17C or 21A-21B (21C recommended) Statistics 100, 102 or 130A-130B (no change) EXB A.B. None Statistics 13, 32, 100 or 102 EXB B.S. Mathematics 17A-17B-17C or 21A-21B (21C recommended) Statistics 100 or 102 GEN B.S.Mathematics 17A-17B-17C or 21A-21B (21C recommended) STA 100 or STA 130A/130B MIC A.B. Mathematics 17A-17B or 21A-21B MIC B.S. Mathematics 17A-17B-17C or 21A-21B (21C recommended) Statistics 100 or 102 NPB B.S. Mathematics 17A-17B-17C or 21A-21B (21C recommended) Statistics 100 PLB B.S. Mathematics 17A-17B-17C or 21A-21B (21C recommended) Statistics 100 or 102 Committee on Nominations, Elections, and Rules (CNER) Annual Report - May 2008 – May 2009 Date: May 19, 2010 Committee members: Terence Murphy, (Chair) (PLB), Lesilee Rose (MCB) Jeff Weidner (NPB) The Committee on Nominations, Elections, and Rules nominated Professor Ted Powers, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, for the position of vice-chair/secretary for the 2010-2011 academic year. Professor Powers agreed to serve as vice-chair/secretary and, as specified by Bylaw 22, as chair in the 2011-2012 academic year. No additional nominations were received and Professor Powers was declared elected on May 25, 2010. CNER nominated Professor John Harada, (PLB), for the position of Member At-large of the Executive Committee. Professor Harada agreed to serve. The continuing Member At-large was Professor Ted Powers (MCB). CNER nominated Professor Daniel Starr, (MCB), to complete the second year of Professor Power's term as specified by Bylaw 92C. A call for additional nominations was sent to CBS Faculty on May 11, 2010 with a request to respond by May 25, 2010. No further nominations were received and Professors Powers, Harada, and Starr were declared to be elected to their respective positions. Undergraduate Student Petition Committee Committee members: Diana G. Myles, Associate Dean-Undergraduate Programs, (Chair), Ted Powers (MCB), Gail Patricelli (EVE), Jeff Weidner (NPB) The Undergraduate Student Petition Committee did not meet during the 2009-2010 academic year. This report is available on the web at: 10