SQL-Take Home Test—100 Points Instructions: You are to create a database and enter the following information into MS Access. Additionally, you will be required to create scripts of your database for create, populate, and drop. You are to design the database to the specifications provided given the tables provided below. You are also asked to answer the sql questions provided within the test. Tables: Name: Salesperson1 Sal_ID Sal_LName 1124 Abel 1547 Baker 1254 Jones 3259 Murphy 1457 Zenith 5248 Kabad Sal_Age 63 38 26 42 59 27 Sal_Sal 120000 42000 36000 50000 47000 63000 Sal_CommRate .07 .06 .03 .04 .08 .09 Name: Customer1 Cus_ID Cus_Name 966854 Abernathy 542154 Manchester 524157 Tri-City 635215 Borint 448795 Corrigan Cus_City Willowton Aelxandria Memphis Willowton Memphis Cus_IndType B D F D G Name: Orders1 Ord_ID 12-585 13-854 16-857 21-836 27-854 11-522 16-625 Cus_ID 524157 635215 448795 542154 966854 542154 966854 Sal_ID 1254 1457 1254 1124 3259 1124 1124 Part_Cost G4 12.52 8.52 14.58 63.52 22.25 33.63 Part_Location Ord_Date 09-12-99 10-11-98 11-13-98 07-25-94 06-18-94 09-22-96 11-12-99 Name: Order_Line1 Ord_ID Part_ID 16-625 411 12-585 522 27-854 411 16-625 522 13-854 365 16-857 112 16-857 365 16-625 112 13-854 633 Name: Part1 Part_ID 112 365 632 411 522 966 633 Part_Desc Baseball 5.52 Boxing Gloves Slide Pants Football Racquet Helmet Judo Suit H7 B8 P9 P5 G8 K7 SQL Questions: Single Table Queries 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Display the salespeople’s last names that have salaries above the average salary. Display the part id’s that begin with 6. Display all the attributes from the orders placed in month 11. Display the salesperson’s id that is associated with the minimum age. Display the part descriptions that are from a part location that has a 7 in it. Display the salesperson’s last name that is the oldest. Multi-Table Join Queries—You are to perform the following queries using the multi-table joins 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Display distinct salesperson’s last name associated with orders placed in month 09 or 11. Display distinct customer’s names that have a current order for a product that costs over 9 dollars. Display distinct salesperson’s id, and last name that have sold any products that cost over 12 dollars and have a part location beginning with G or P. Display the customer name and city that have a product on order that has a cost greater than the average. Display the customer id that is from a city beginning with W, and has a Racquet on order. Display order id, part id, and retail price of the part (defined as part_cost * 1.45) for each order. Display the order id, and the sum (retail price) as defined in the previous problem grouped by order id, order by order id in descending order. Multi-Table Sub Queries—You are to perform the following queries using Sub Queries—NO JOINS! *Please note, the first five of the six queries required below are taken from the section above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Display distinct salesperson’s last name associated with orders placed in month 09 or 11. Display distinct customer’s names that have a current order for a product that costs over 9 dollars. Display distinct salesperson’s id, and last name that have sold any products that cost over 12 dollars and have a part location beginning with G or P. Display the customer name and city that have a product on order that has a cost greater than the average. Display the customer id that is from a city beginning with W, and has a Racquet on order. Display the average salesperson age and average salesperson salary for all salespeople associated with a customer. Additional requirements for those doing this on the MS Access platform for the extra credit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Insert a new row in customer with the following values: 524879, Hardon, Benton, H. Change the age for the salesperson 1254 to: 33. Create a new table from salesperson1 for sales peopole that make over 50,000. Include all columns in the new table call the table EliteSales. (**Hint, this will take two SQL commands to complete.) Delete the part_id 633 record from the part table. Change the salary for Jones to 76,000. Increase the price charged for all part by an additional 10% in the parts table. Change sales person Abel’s name to Mandon.